path: root/libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h
diff options
authorRobin Krahl <>2018-12-10 12:42:48 +0000
committerRobin Krahl <>2018-12-10 13:46:42 +0100
commit4615f5ecf96ef4637d814a4dfeab9c404b4a3667 (patch)
tree5bd65c78c1c913d44e8917c29e91895a9de450f6 /libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h
parentb126c5ba1e5a9f00859868d75900043d02a0031c (diff)
Update to libnitrokey v3.4v3.4.0
Besides the changes listed in the changelog, this patch also changes the build system to be able to generate the file containing the library version.
Diffstat (limited to 'libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h b/libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7efa1b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libnitrokey-v3.4/libnitrokey/stick20_commands.h
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Nitrokey UG
+ *
+ * This file is part of libnitrokey.
+ *
+ * libnitrokey is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * libnitrokey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with libnitrokey. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+ */
+#include <cstdint>
+#include "command.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "device_proto.h"
+#pragma pack (push,1)
+namespace nitrokey {
+ namespace proto {
+* STICK20 protocol command ids
+* a superset (almost) of STICK10
+ namespace stick20 {
+ class ChangeAdminUserPin20Current :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::SEND_PASSWORD, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class ChangeAdminUserPin20New :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::SEND_NEW_PASSWORD, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class UnlockUserPin :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::UNLOCK_USER_PASSWORD, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class EnableEncryptedPartition : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_CRYPTED_PARI> {};
+ class EnableHiddenEncryptedPartition : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_HIDDEN_CRYPTED_PARI> {};
+ class SetUnencryptedVolumeReadOnlyAdmin :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_ADMIN_READONLY_UNCRYPTED_LUN, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class SetUnencryptedVolumeReadWriteAdmin :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_ADMIN_READWRITE_UNCRYPTED_LUN, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class SetEncryptedVolumeReadOnly :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_ADMIN_READONLY_ENCRYPTED_LUN, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ class SetEncryptedVolumeReadWrite :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_ADMIN_READWRITE_ENCRYPTED_LUN, PasswordKind::Admin> {};
+ //FIXME the volume disabling commands do not need password
+ class DisableEncryptedPartition : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::DISABLE_CRYPTED_PARI> {};
+ class DisableHiddenEncryptedPartition : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::DISABLE_HIDDEN_CRYPTED_PARI> {};
+ class EnableFirmwareUpdate : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_FIRMWARE_UPDATE> {};
+ class ChangeUpdatePassword : Command<CommandID::CHANGE_UPDATE_PIN> {
+ public:
+ struct CommandPayload {
+ uint8_t __gap;
+ uint8_t current_update_password[20];
+ uint8_t __gap2;
+ uint8_t new_update_password[20];
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss_volatile( current_update_password );
+ print_to_ss_volatile( new_update_password );
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ };
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct CommandPayload, struct EmptyPayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ class ExportFirmware : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::EXPORT_FIRMWARE_TO_FILE> {};
+ class CreateNewKeys :
+ public PasswordCommand<CommandID::GENERATE_NEW_KEYS, PasswordKind::AdminPrefixed, 30> {};
+ class FillSDCardWithRandomChars : Command<CommandID::FILL_SD_CARD_WITH_RANDOM_CHARS> {
+ public:
+ enum class ChosenVolumes : uint8_t {
+ all_volumes = 0,
+ encrypted_volume = 1
+ };
+ struct CommandPayload {
+ uint8_t volume_flag;
+ uint8_t kind;
+ uint8_t admin_pin[20];
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss( (int) volume_flag );
+ print_to_ss( kind );
+ print_to_ss_volatile(admin_pin);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ void set_kind_user() {
+ kind = (uint8_t) 'P';
+ }
+ void set_defaults(){
+ set_kind_user();
+ volume_flag = static_cast<uint8_t>(ChosenVolumes::encrypted_volume);
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ typedef Transaction<Command<CommandID::FILL_SD_CARD_WITH_RANDOM_CHARS>::command_id(),
+ struct CommandPayload, struct EmptyPayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ namespace StorageCommandResponsePayload{
+ using namespace DeviceResponseConstants;
+ static constexpr auto padding_size =
+ storage_data_absolute_address - header_size;
+ struct TransmissionData{
+ uint8_t _padding[padding_size];
+ uint8_t SendCounter_u8;
+ uint8_t SendDataType_u8;
+ uint8_t FollowBytesFlag_u8;
+ uint8_t SendSize_u8;
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "_padding:" << std::endl
+ << ::nitrokey::misc::hexdump((const uint8_t *) (_padding),
+ sizeof _padding);
+ print_to_ss((int) SendCounter_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) SendDataType_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) FollowBytesFlag_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) SendSize_u8);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ }
+ namespace DeviceConfigurationResponsePacket{
+ struct ResponsePayload {
+ StorageCommandResponsePayload::TransmissionData transmission_data;
+ uint16_t MagicNumber_StickConfig_u16;
+ /**
+ * READ_WRITE_ACTIVE = ReadWriteFlagUncryptedVolume_u8 == 0;
+ */
+ uint8_t ReadWriteFlagUncryptedVolume_u8;
+ uint8_t ReadWriteFlagCryptedVolume_u8;
+ union{
+ uint8_t VersionInfo_au8[4];
+ struct {
+ uint8_t major;
+ uint8_t minor;
+ uint8_t _reserved2;
+ uint8_t build_iteration;
+ } __packed versionInfo;
+ } __packed;
+ uint8_t ReadWriteFlagHiddenVolume_u8;
+ uint8_t FirmwareLocked_u8;
+ union{
+ uint8_t NewSDCardFound_u8;
+ struct {
+ bool NewCard :1;
+ uint8_t Counter :7;
+ } __packed NewSDCardFound_st;
+ } __packed;
+ /**
+ * SD card FILLED with random chars
+ */
+ uint8_t SDFillWithRandomChars_u8;
+ uint32_t ActiveSD_CardID_u32;
+ union{
+ uint8_t VolumeActiceFlag_u8;
+ struct {
+ bool unencrypted :1;
+ bool encrypted :1;
+ bool hidden :1;
+ } __packed VolumeActiceFlag_st;
+ } __packed;
+ uint8_t NewSmartCardFound_u8;
+ uint8_t UserPwRetryCount;
+ uint8_t AdminPwRetryCount;
+ uint32_t ActiveSmartCardID_u32;
+ uint8_t StickKeysNotInitiated;
+ bool isValid() const { return true; }
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss(transmission_data.dissect());
+ print_to_ss( MagicNumber_StickConfig_u16 );
+ print_to_ss((int) ReadWriteFlagUncryptedVolume_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) ReadWriteFlagCryptedVolume_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) ReadWriteFlagHiddenVolume_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) versionInfo.major );
+ print_to_ss((int) versionInfo.minor );
+ print_to_ss((int) versionInfo.build_iteration );
+ print_to_ss((int) FirmwareLocked_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) NewSDCardFound_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) NewSDCardFound_st.NewCard );
+ print_to_ss((int) NewSDCardFound_st.Counter );
+ print_to_ss((int) SDFillWithRandomChars_u8 );
+ print_to_ss( ActiveSD_CardID_u32 );
+ print_to_ss((int) VolumeActiceFlag_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) VolumeActiceFlag_st.unencrypted );
+ print_to_ss((int) VolumeActiceFlag_st.encrypted );
+ print_to_ss((int) VolumeActiceFlag_st.hidden);
+ print_to_ss((int) NewSmartCardFound_u8 );
+ print_to_ss((int) UserPwRetryCount );
+ print_to_ss((int) AdminPwRetryCount );
+ print_to_ss( ActiveSmartCardID_u32 );
+ print_to_ss((int) StickKeysNotInitiated );
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ }
+ class SendStartup : Command<CommandID::SEND_STARTUP> {
+ public:
+ struct CommandPayload {
+ uint64_t localtime; // POSIX seconds from epoch start, supports until year 2106
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss( localtime );
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ void set_defaults(){
+ localtime =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds> (
+ std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
+ }
+ }__packed;
+ using ResponsePayload = DeviceConfigurationResponsePacket::ResponsePayload;
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct CommandPayload, ResponsePayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+// TODO fix original nomenclature
+ class SendSetReadonlyToUncryptedVolume : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_READONLY_UNCRYPTED_LUN> {};
+ class SendSetReadwriteToUncryptedVolume : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::ENABLE_READWRITE_UNCRYPTED_LUN> {};
+ class SendClearNewSdCardFound : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::CLEAR_NEW_SD_CARD_FOUND> {};
+ class GetDeviceStatus : Command<CommandID::GET_DEVICE_STATUS> {
+ public:
+ using ResponsePayload = DeviceConfigurationResponsePacket::ResponsePayload;
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct EmptyPayload, ResponsePayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ class Wink : Command<CommandID::WINK> {
+ public:
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct EmptyPayload, struct EmptyPayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ class CheckSmartcardUsage : Command<CommandID::CHECK_SMARTCARD_USAGE> {
+ public:
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct EmptyPayload, EmptyPayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ class GetSDCardOccupancy : Command<CommandID::SD_CARD_HIGH_WATERMARK> {
+ public:
+ struct ResponsePayload {
+ uint8_t WriteLevelMin;
+ uint8_t WriteLevelMax;
+ uint8_t ReadLevelMin;
+ uint8_t ReadLevelMax;
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss((int) WriteLevelMin);
+ print_to_ss((int) WriteLevelMax);
+ print_to_ss((int) ReadLevelMin);
+ print_to_ss((int) ReadLevelMax);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct EmptyPayload, struct ResponsePayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ class SetupHiddenVolume : Command<CommandID::SEND_HIDDEN_VOLUME_SETUP> {
+ public:
+ constexpr static int MAX_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PASSWORD_SIZE = 20;
+ struct CommandPayload {
+ uint8_t SlotNr_u8;
+ uint8_t StartBlockPercent_u8;
+ uint8_t EndBlockPercent_u8;
+ uint8_t HiddenVolumePassword_au8[MAX_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PASSWORD_SIZE];
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss((int) SlotNr_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) StartBlockPercent_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) EndBlockPercent_u8);
+ print_to_ss_volatile(HiddenVolumePassword_au8);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct CommandPayload, struct EmptyPayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+//disable this command for now
+// class LockFirmware : public PasswordCommand<CommandID::SEND_LOCK_STICK_HARDWARE> {};
+ class ProductionTest : Command<CommandID::PRODUCTION_TEST> {
+ public:
+ struct ResponsePayload {
+ StorageCommandResponsePayload::TransmissionData transmission_data;
+ uint8_t FirmwareVersion_au8[2]; // 2 byte // 2
+ uint8_t FirmwareVersionInternal_u8; // 1 byte // 3
+ uint8_t SD_Card_Size_u8; // 1 byte // 4
+ uint32_t CPU_CardID_u32; // 4 byte // 8
+ uint32_t SmartCardID_u32; // 4 byte // 12
+ uint32_t SD_CardID_u32; // 4 byte // 16
+ uint8_t SC_UserPwRetryCount; // User PIN retry count 1 byte // 17
+ uint8_t SC_AdminPwRetryCount; // Admin PIN retry count 1 byte // 18
+ uint8_t SD_Card_ManufacturingYear_u8; // 1 byte // 19
+ uint8_t SD_Card_ManufacturingMonth_u8; // 1 byte // 20
+ uint16_t SD_Card_OEM_u16; // 2 byte // 22
+ uint16_t SD_WriteSpeed_u16; // in kbyte / sec 2 byte // 24
+ uint8_t SD_Card_Manufacturer_u8; // 1 byte // 25
+ bool isValid() const { return true; }
+ std::string dissect() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ print_to_ss(transmission_data.dissect());
+ print_to_ss((int) FirmwareVersion_au8[0]);
+ print_to_ss((int) FirmwareVersion_au8[1]);
+ print_to_ss((int) FirmwareVersionInternal_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) SD_Card_Size_u8);
+ print_to_ss( CPU_CardID_u32);
+ print_to_ss( SmartCardID_u32);
+ print_to_ss( SD_CardID_u32);
+ print_to_ss((int) SC_UserPwRetryCount);
+ print_to_ss((int) SC_AdminPwRetryCount);
+ print_to_ss((int) SD_Card_ManufacturingYear_u8);
+ print_to_ss((int) SD_Card_ManufacturingMonth_u8);
+ print_to_ss( SD_Card_OEM_u16);
+ print_to_ss( SD_WriteSpeed_u16);
+ print_to_ss((int) SD_Card_Manufacturer_u8);
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ } __packed;
+ typedef Transaction<command_id(), struct EmptyPayload, struct ResponsePayload>
+ CommandTransaction;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+#undef print_to_ss
+#pragma pack (pop)