path: root/libc/src/redox/net.rs
diff options
authorDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2019-05-24 18:07:22 -0700
committerDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2019-05-24 18:07:22 -0700
commit82cf43dd887801b8b22b8aae8c02854d921915d5 (patch)
treeb1bf3710bd07fe83e396a5db8563f3e6c5e85689 /libc/src/redox/net.rs
parent06722702ea35434189d7de2b13a00209b2ebbd6d (diff)
Update libc crate to 0.2.55
This change updates the libc crate to version 0.2.55. Import subrepo libc/:libc at caf17a0641d29dc624621177f5756804dd180c13
Diffstat (limited to 'libc/src/redox/net.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/libc/src/redox/net.rs b/libc/src/redox/net.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index fcbb181..0000000
--- a/libc/src/redox/net.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-pub type in_addr_t = u32;
-pub type in_port_t = u16;
-pub type socklen_t = u32;
-pub type sa_family_t = u16;
-s! {
- pub struct in_addr {
- pub s_addr: in_addr_t,
- }
- #[cfg_attr(feature = "align", repr(align(4)))]
- pub struct in6_addr {
- pub s6_addr: [u8; 16],
- #[cfg(not(feature = "align"))]
- __align: [u32; 0],
- }
- pub struct ip_mreq {
- pub imr_multiaddr: in_addr,
- pub imr_interface: in_addr,
- }
- pub struct ipv6_mreq {
- pub ipv6mr_multiaddr: in6_addr,
- pub ipv6mr_interface: ::c_uint,
- }
- pub struct linger {
- pub l_onoff: ::c_int,
- pub l_linger: ::c_int,
- }
- pub struct sockaddr {
- pub sa_family: sa_family_t,
- pub sa_data: [::c_char; 14],
- }
- pub struct sockaddr_in {
- pub sin_family: sa_family_t,
- pub sin_port: ::in_port_t,
- pub sin_addr: ::in_addr,
- pub sin_zero: [u8; 8],
- }
- pub struct sockaddr_in6 {
- pub sin6_family: sa_family_t,
- pub sin6_port: in_port_t,
- pub sin6_flowinfo: u32,
- pub sin6_addr: ::in6_addr,
- pub sin6_scope_id: u32,
- }
- pub struct sockaddr_storage {
- pub ss_family: sa_family_t,
- pub __ss_padding: [u8; 26],
- }
-pub const AF_INET: ::c_int = 2;
-pub const AF_INET6: ::c_int = 23;
-pub const SOCK_STREAM: ::c_int = 1;
-pub const SOCK_DGRAM: ::c_int = 2;
-pub const IPPROTO_TCP: ::c_int = 6;
-pub const IPPROTO_IP: ::c_int = 0;
-pub const IPPROTO_IPV6: ::c_int = 41;
-pub const TCP_KEEPIDLE: ::c_int = 4;
-pub const TCP_NODELAY: ::c_int = 8193;
-pub const IP_TTL: ::c_int = 8;
-pub const IP_MULTICAST_LOOP: ::c_int = 9;
-pub const IP_MULTICAST_TTL: ::c_int = 10;
-pub const IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 11;
-pub const IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 12;
-pub const IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP: ::c_int = 19;
-pub const IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 20;
-pub const IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP: ::c_int = 21;
-pub const IPV6_V6ONLY: ::c_int = 26;
-pub const SOL_SOCKET: ::c_int = 65535;
-pub const SO_REUSEADDR: ::c_int = 4;
-pub const SO_BROADCAST: ::c_int = 6;
-pub const SO_KEEPALIVE: ::c_int = 8;
-pub const SO_RCVTIMEO: ::c_int = 20;
-pub const SO_SNDTIMEO: ::c_int = 21;
-pub const SO_LINGER: ::c_int = 128;
-pub const SO_SNDBUF: ::c_int = 4097;
-pub const SO_RCVBUF: ::c_int = 4098;
-pub const SO_ERROR: ::c_int = 4105;
-extern {
- pub fn socket(domain: ::c_int, ty: ::c_int, protocol: ::c_int) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn bind(fd: ::c_int, addr: *const sockaddr, len: socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn connect(socket: ::c_int, address: *const sockaddr,
- len: socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn listen(socket: ::c_int, backlog: ::c_int) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn getsockname(socket: ::c_int, address: *mut sockaddr,
- address_len: *mut socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn getsockopt(sockfd: ::c_int,
- level: ::c_int,
- optname: ::c_int,
- optval: *mut ::c_void,
- optlen: *mut ::socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn setsockopt(socket: ::c_int, level: ::c_int, name: ::c_int,
- value: *const ::c_void,
- option_len: socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn getpeername(socket: ::c_int, address: *mut sockaddr,
- address_len: *mut socklen_t) -> ::c_int;
- pub fn sendto(socket: ::c_int, buf: *const ::c_void, len: ::size_t,
- flags: ::c_int, addr: *const sockaddr,
- addrlen: socklen_t) -> ::ssize_t;
- pub fn send(socket: ::c_int, buf: *const ::c_void, len: ::size_t,
- flags: ::c_int) -> ::ssize_t;
- pub fn recvfrom(socket: ::c_int, buf: *mut ::c_void, len: ::size_t,
- flags: ::c_int, addr: *mut ::sockaddr,
- addrlen: *mut ::socklen_t) -> ::ssize_t;
- pub fn recv(socket: ::c_int, buf: *mut ::c_void, len: ::size_t,
- flags: ::c_int) -> ::ssize_t;