path: root/mediawiki.lrdevplugin
diff options
authorRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2015-06-27 23:05:52 +0200
committerRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2015-06-27 23:05:52 +0200
commit24875af9d53e3f1a90fa5e6bd4aaef36bb0c3591 (patch)
tree907a6204f1dbfd5ff4e76870bf944f6bf352031b /mediawiki.lrdevplugin
parent717b11ecdf663dbc9e43cbdd6b5aab3a2dbcdafe (diff)
Check for new versions after start.
After LrMediaWiki is loaded, GitHub is checked for new versions if the user enabled that setting. To parse the response of the GitHub API, a third-party library is used for JSON parsing (JSON.lua). As the GitHub API query for the latest release only returns non-pre-release versions, all releases are queried and the first one is considered the latest. - create MediaWikiInit that queries the new version and shows a message (if necessary) - add MediaWikiInit to Info so that it is run after LrMediaWiki is loaded - add ‘Check version’ setting to the configuration - refactor MediaWikiApi and create performHttpRequest as a generic HTTP request method - add MediaWikiApi.getCurrentPluginVersion to query the GitHub API Fix #44.
Diffstat (limited to 'mediawiki.lrdevplugin')
7 files changed, 1171 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua
index cbfa8c6..479385e 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ return {
LrToolkitIdentifier = 'org.ireas.lightroom.mediawiki',
LrPluginName = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/PluginName=MediaWiki for Lightroom',
+ LrInitPlugin = 'MediaWikiInit.lua',
LrExportServiceProvider = {
title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/MediaWiki=MediaWiki',
file = 'MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua',
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/JSON.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/JSON.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f11425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/JSON.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1053 @@
+-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+-- Simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua.
+-- Copyright 2010-2014 Jeffrey Friedl
+-- http://regex.info/blog/
+-- Latest version: http://regex.info/blog/lua/json
+-- This code is released under a Creative Commons CC-BY "Attribution" License:
+-- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US
+-- It can be used for any purpose so long as the copyright notice above,
+-- the web-page links above, and the 'AUTHOR_NOTE' string below are
+-- maintained. Enjoy.
+local VERSION = 20141223.14 -- version history at end of file
+local AUTHOR_NOTE = "-[ JSON.lua package by Jeffrey Friedl (http://regex.info/blog/lua/json) version 20141223.14 ]-"
+-- The 'AUTHOR_NOTE' variable exists so that information about the source
+-- of the package is maintained even in compiled versions. It's also
+-- included in OBJDEF below mostly to quiet warnings about unused variables.
+local OBJDEF = {
+-- Simple JSON encoding and decoding in pure Lua.
+-- http://www.json.org/
+-- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
+-- local lua_value = JSON:decode(raw_json_text)
+-- local raw_json_text = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value)
+-- local pretty_json_text = JSON:encode_pretty(lua_table_or_value) -- "pretty printed" version for human readability
+-- DECODING (from a JSON string to a Lua table)
+-- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
+-- local lua_value = JSON:decode(raw_json_text)
+-- If the JSON text is for an object or an array, e.g.
+-- { "what": "books", "count": 3 }
+-- or
+-- [ "Larry", "Curly", "Moe" ]
+-- the result is a Lua table, e.g.
+-- { what = "books", count = 3 }
+-- or
+-- { "Larry", "Curly", "Moe" }
+-- The encode and decode routines accept an optional second argument,
+-- "etc", which is not used during encoding or decoding, but upon error
+-- is passed along to error handlers. It can be of any type (including nil).
+-- With most errors during decoding, this code calls
+-- JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
+-- with a message about the error, and if known, the JSON text being
+-- parsed and the byte count where the problem was discovered. You can
+-- replace the default JSON:onDecodeError() with your own function.
+-- The default onDecodeError() merely augments the message with data
+-- about the text and the location if known (and if a second 'etc'
+-- argument had been provided to decode(), its value is tacked onto the
+-- message as well), and then calls JSON.assert(), which itself defaults
+-- to Lua's built-in assert(), and can also be overridden.
+-- For example, in an Adobe Lightroom plugin, you might use something like
+-- function JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
+-- LrErrors.throwUserError("Internal Error: invalid JSON data")
+-- end
+-- or even just
+-- function JSON.assert(message)
+-- LrErrors.throwUserError("Internal Error: " .. message)
+-- end
+-- If JSON:decode() is passed a nil, this is called instead:
+-- JSON:onDecodeOfNilError(message, nil, nil, etc)
+-- and if JSON:decode() is passed HTML instead of JSON, this is called:
+-- JSON:onDecodeOfHTMLError(message, text, nil, etc)
+-- The use of the fourth 'etc' argument allows stronger coordination
+-- between decoding and error reporting, especially when you provide your
+-- own error-handling routines. Continuing with the the Adobe Lightroom
+-- plugin example:
+-- function JSON:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
+-- local note = "Internal Error: invalid JSON data"
+-- if type(etc) = 'table' and etc.photo then
+-- note = note .. " while processing for " .. etc.photo:getFormattedMetadata('fileName')
+-- end
+-- LrErrors.throwUserError(note)
+-- end
+-- :
+-- :
+-- for i, photo in ipairs(photosToProcess) do
+-- :
+-- :
+-- local data = JSON:decode(someJsonText, { photo = photo })
+-- :
+-- :
+-- end
+-- Because both JSON objects and JSON arrays are converted to Lua tables,
+-- it's not normally possible to tell which original JSON type a
+-- particular Lua table was derived from, or guarantee decode-encode
+-- round-trip equivalency.
+-- However, if you enable strictTypes, e.g.
+-- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() --load the routines
+-- JSON.strictTypes = true
+-- then the Lua table resulting from the decoding of a JSON object or
+-- JSON array is marked via Lua metatable, so that when re-encoded with
+-- JSON:encode() it ends up as the appropriate JSON type.
+-- (This is not the default because other routines may not work well with
+-- tables that have a metatable set, for example, Lightroom API calls.)
+-- ENCODING (from a lua table to a JSON string)
+-- JSON = assert(loadfile "JSON.lua")() -- one-time load of the routines
+-- local raw_json_text = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value)
+-- local pretty_json_text = JSON:encode_pretty(lua_table_or_value) -- "pretty printed" version for human readability
+-- local custom_pretty = JSON:encode(lua_table_or_value, etc, { pretty = true, indent = "| ", align_keys = false })
+-- On error during encoding, this code calls:
+-- JSON:onEncodeError(message, etc)
+-- which you can override in your local JSON object.
+-- The 'etc' in the error call is the second argument to encode()
+-- and encode_pretty(), or nil if it wasn't provided.
+-- An optional third argument, a table of options, allows a bit of
+-- configuration about how the encoding takes place:
+-- pretty = JSON:encode(val, etc, {
+-- pretty = true, -- if false, no other options matter
+-- indent = " ", -- this provides for a three-space indent per nesting level
+-- align_keys = false, -- see below
+-- })
+-- encode() and encode_pretty() are identical except that encode_pretty()
+-- provides a default options table if none given in the call:
+-- { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " }
+-- For example, if
+-- JSON:encode(data)
+-- produces:
+-- {"city":"Kyoto","climate":{"avg_temp":16,"humidity":"high","snowfall":"minimal"},"country":"Japan","wards":11}
+-- then
+-- JSON:encode_pretty(data)
+-- produces:
+-- {
+-- "city": "Kyoto",
+-- "climate": {
+-- "avg_temp": 16,
+-- "humidity": "high",
+-- "snowfall": "minimal"
+-- },
+-- "country": "Japan",
+-- "wards": 11
+-- }
+-- The following three lines return identical results:
+-- JSON:encode_pretty(data)
+-- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " })
+-- JSON:encode (data, nil, { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = " " })
+-- An example of setting your own indent string:
+-- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, indent = "| " })
+-- produces:
+-- {
+-- | "city": "Kyoto",
+-- | "climate": {
+-- | | "avg_temp": 16,
+-- | | "humidity": "high",
+-- | | "snowfall": "minimal"
+-- | },
+-- | "country": "Japan",
+-- | "wards": 11
+-- }
+-- An example of setting align_keys to true:
+-- JSON:encode_pretty(data, nil, { pretty = true, indent = " ", align_keys = true })
+-- produces:
+-- {
+-- "city": "Kyoto",
+-- "climate": {
+-- "avg_temp": 16,
+-- "humidity": "high",
+-- "snowfall": "minimal"
+-- },
+-- "country": "Japan",
+-- "wards": 11
+-- }
+-- which I must admit is kinda ugly, sorry. This was the default for
+-- encode_pretty() prior to version 20141223.14.
+-- During the encode, if a Lua table being encoded contains both string
+-- and numeric keys, it fits neither JSON's idea of an object, nor its
+-- idea of an array. To get around this, when any string key exists (or
+-- when non-positive numeric keys exist), numeric keys are converted to
+-- strings.
+-- For example,
+-- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three", SOMESTRING = "some string" }))
+-- produces the JSON object
+-- {"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three","SOMESTRING":"some string"}
+-- To prohibit this conversion and instead make it an error condition, set
+-- JSON.noKeyConversion = true
+-- assert
+-- onDecodeError
+-- onDecodeOfNilError
+-- onDecodeOfHTMLError
+-- onEncodeError
+-- If you want to create a separate Lua JSON object with its own error handlers,
+-- you can reload JSON.lua or use the :new() method.
+local default_pretty_indent = " "
+local default_pretty_options = { pretty = true, align_keys = false, indent = default_pretty_indent }
+local isArray = { __tostring = function() return "JSON array" end } isArray.__index = isArray
+local isObject = { __tostring = function() return "JSON object" end } isObject.__index = isObject
+function OBJDEF:newArray(tbl)
+ return setmetatable(tbl or {}, isArray)
+function OBJDEF:newObject(tbl)
+ return setmetatable(tbl or {}, isObject)
+local function unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(codepoint)
+ --
+ -- codepoint is a number
+ --
+ if codepoint <= 127 then
+ return string.char(codepoint)
+ elseif codepoint <= 2047 then
+ --
+ -- 110yyyxx 10xxxxxx <-- useful notation from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utf8
+ --
+ local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x40)
+ local lowpart = codepoint - (0x40 * highpart)
+ return string.char(0xC0 + highpart,
+ 0x80 + lowpart)
+ elseif codepoint <= 65535 then
+ --
+ -- 1110yyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
+ --
+ local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x1000)
+ local remainder = codepoint - 0x1000 * highpart
+ local midpart = math.floor(remainder / 0x40)
+ local lowpart = remainder - 0x40 * midpart
+ highpart = 0xE0 + highpart
+ midpart = 0x80 + midpart
+ lowpart = 0x80 + lowpart
+ --
+ -- Check for an invalid character (thanks Andy R. at Adobe).
+ -- See table 3.7, page 93, in http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.2.0/ch03.pdf#G28070
+ --
+ if ( highpart == 0xE0 and midpart < 0xA0 ) or
+ ( highpart == 0xED and midpart > 0x9F ) or
+ ( highpart == 0xF0 and midpart < 0x90 ) or
+ ( highpart == 0xF4 and midpart > 0x8F )
+ then
+ return "?"
+ else
+ return string.char(highpart,
+ midpart,
+ lowpart)
+ end
+ else
+ --
+ -- 11110zzz 10zzyyyy 10yyyyxx 10xxxxxx
+ --
+ local highpart = math.floor(codepoint / 0x40000)
+ local remainder = codepoint - 0x40000 * highpart
+ local midA = math.floor(remainder / 0x1000)
+ remainder = remainder - 0x1000 * midA
+ local midB = math.floor(remainder / 0x40)
+ local lowpart = remainder - 0x40 * midB
+ return string.char(0xF0 + highpart,
+ 0x80 + midA,
+ 0x80 + midB,
+ 0x80 + lowpart)
+ end
+function OBJDEF:onDecodeError(message, text, location, etc)
+ if text then
+ if location then
+ message = string.format("%s at char %d of: %s", message, location, text)
+ else
+ message = string.format("%s: %s", message, text)
+ end
+ end
+ if etc ~= nil then
+ message = message .. " (" .. OBJDEF:encode(etc) .. ")"
+ end
+ if self.assert then
+ self.assert(false, message)
+ else
+ assert(false, message)
+ end
+OBJDEF.onDecodeOfNilError = OBJDEF.onDecodeError
+OBJDEF.onDecodeOfHTMLError = OBJDEF.onDecodeError
+function OBJDEF:onEncodeError(message, etc)
+ if etc ~= nil then
+ message = message .. " (" .. OBJDEF:encode(etc) .. ")"
+ end
+ if self.assert then
+ self.assert(false, message)
+ else
+ assert(false, message)
+ end
+local function grok_number(self, text, start, etc)
+ --
+ -- Grab the integer part
+ --
+ local integer_part = text:match('^-?[1-9]%d*', start)
+ or text:match("^-?0", start)
+ if not integer_part then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected number", text, start, etc)
+ end
+ local i = start + integer_part:len()
+ --
+ -- Grab an optional decimal part
+ --
+ local decimal_part = text:match('^%.%d+', i) or ""
+ i = i + decimal_part:len()
+ --
+ -- Grab an optional exponential part
+ --
+ local exponent_part = text:match('^[eE][-+]?%d+', i) or ""
+ i = i + exponent_part:len()
+ local full_number_text = integer_part .. decimal_part .. exponent_part
+ local as_number = tonumber(full_number_text)
+ if not as_number then
+ self:onDecodeError("bad number", text, start, etc)
+ end
+ return as_number, i
+local function grok_string(self, text, start, etc)
+ if text:sub(start,start) ~= '"' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected string's opening quote", text, start, etc)
+ end
+ local i = start + 1 -- +1 to bypass the initial quote
+ local text_len = text:len()
+ local VALUE = ""
+ while i <= text_len do
+ local c = text:sub(i,i)
+ if c == '"' then
+ return VALUE, i + 1
+ end
+ if c ~= '\\' then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. c
+ i = i + 1
+ elseif text:match('^\\b', i) then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. "\b"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif text:match('^\\f', i) then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. "\f"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif text:match('^\\n', i) then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. "\n"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif text:match('^\\r', i) then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. "\r"
+ i = i + 2
+ elseif text:match('^\\t', i) then
+ VALUE = VALUE .. "\t"
+ i = i + 2
+ else
+ local hex = text:match('^\\u([0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF])', i)
+ if hex then
+ i = i + 6 -- bypass what we just read
+ -- We have a Unicode codepoint. It could be standalone, or if in the proper range and
+ -- followed by another in a specific range, it'll be a two-code surrogate pair.
+ local codepoint = tonumber(hex, 16)
+ if codepoint >= 0xD800 and codepoint <= 0xDBFF then
+ -- it's a hi surrogate... see whether we have a following low
+ local lo_surrogate = text:match('^\\u([dD][cdefCDEF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF][0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfF])', i)
+ if lo_surrogate then
+ i = i + 6 -- bypass the low surrogate we just read
+ codepoint = 0x2400 + (codepoint - 0xD800) * 0x400 + tonumber(lo_surrogate, 16)
+ else
+ -- not a proper low, so we'll just leave the first codepoint as is and spit it out.
+ end
+ end
+ VALUE = VALUE .. unicode_codepoint_as_utf8(codepoint)
+ else
+ -- just pass through what's escaped
+ VALUE = VALUE .. text:match('^\\(.)', i)
+ i = i + 2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self:onDecodeError("unclosed string", text, start, etc)
+local function skip_whitespace(text, start)
+ local _, match_end = text:find("^[ \n\r\t]+", start) -- [http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt] Section 2
+ if match_end then
+ return match_end + 1
+ else
+ return start
+ end
+local grok_one -- assigned later
+local function grok_object(self, text, start, etc)
+ if text:sub(start,start) ~= '{' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected '{'", text, start, etc)
+ end
+ local i = skip_whitespace(text, start + 1) -- +1 to skip the '{'
+ local VALUE = self.strictTypes and self:newObject { } or { }
+ if text:sub(i,i) == '}' then
+ return VALUE, i + 1
+ end
+ local text_len = text:len()
+ while i <= text_len do
+ local key, new_i = grok_string(self, text, i, etc)
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
+ if text:sub(i, i) ~= ':' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected colon", text, i, etc)
+ end
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
+ local new_val, new_i = grok_one(self, text, i)
+ VALUE[key] = new_val
+ --
+ -- Expect now either '}' to end things, or a ',' to allow us to continue.
+ --
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
+ local c = text:sub(i,i)
+ if c == '}' then
+ return VALUE, i + 1
+ end
+ if text:sub(i, i) ~= ',' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected comma or '}'", text, i, etc)
+ end
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
+ end
+ self:onDecodeError("unclosed '{'", text, start, etc)
+local function grok_array(self, text, start, etc)
+ if text:sub(start,start) ~= '[' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected '['", text, start, etc)
+ end
+ local i = skip_whitespace(text, start + 1) -- +1 to skip the '['
+ local VALUE = self.strictTypes and self:newArray { } or { }
+ if text:sub(i,i) == ']' then
+ return VALUE, i + 1
+ end
+ local VALUE_INDEX = 1
+ local text_len = text:len()
+ while i <= text_len do
+ local val, new_i = grok_one(self, text, i)
+ -- can't table.insert(VALUE, val) here because it's a no-op if val is nil
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, new_i)
+ --
+ -- Expect now either ']' to end things, or a ',' to allow us to continue.
+ --
+ local c = text:sub(i,i)
+ if c == ']' then
+ return VALUE, i + 1
+ end
+ if text:sub(i, i) ~= ',' then
+ self:onDecodeError("expected comma or '['", text, i, etc)
+ end
+ i = skip_whitespace(text, i + 1)
+ end
+ self:onDecodeError("unclosed '['", text, start, etc)
+grok_one = function(self, text, start, etc)
+ -- Skip any whitespace
+ start = skip_whitespace(text, start)
+ if start > text:len() then
+ self:onDecodeError("unexpected end of string", text, nil, etc)
+ end
+ if text:find('^"', start) then
+ return grok_string(self, text, start, etc)
+ elseif text:find('^[-0123456789 ]', start) then
+ return grok_number(self, text, start, etc)
+ elseif text:find('^%{', start) then
+ return grok_object(self, text, start, etc)
+ elseif text:find('^%[', start) then
+ return grok_array(self, text, start, etc)
+ elseif text:find('^true', start) then
+ return true, start + 4
+ elseif text:find('^false', start) then
+ return false, start + 5
+ elseif text:find('^null', start) then
+ return nil, start + 4
+ else
+ self:onDecodeError("can't parse JSON", text, start, etc)
+ end
+function OBJDEF:decode(text, etc)
+ if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
+ OBJDEF:onDecodeError("JSON:decode must be called in method format", nil, nil, etc)
+ end
+ if text == nil then
+ self:onDecodeOfNilError(string.format("nil passed to JSON:decode()"), nil, nil, etc)
+ elseif type(text) ~= 'string' then
+ self:onDecodeError(string.format("expected string argument to JSON:decode(), got %s", type(text)), nil, nil, etc)
+ end
+ if text:match('^%s*$') then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if text:match('^%s*<') then
+ -- Can't be JSON... we'll assume it's HTML
+ self:onDecodeOfHTMLError(string.format("html passed to JSON:decode()"), text, nil, etc)
+ end
+ --
+ -- Ensure that it's not UTF-32 or UTF-16.
+ -- Those are perfectly valid encodings for JSON (as per RFC 4627 section 3),
+ -- but this package can't handle them.
+ --
+ if text:sub(1,1):byte() == 0 or (text:len() >= 2 and text:sub(2,2):byte() == 0) then
+ self:onDecodeError("JSON package groks only UTF-8, sorry", text, nil, etc)
+ end
+ local success, value = pcall(grok_one, self, text, 1, etc)
+ if success then
+ return value
+ else
+ -- if JSON:onDecodeError() didn't abort out of the pcall, we'll have received the error message here as "value", so pass it along as an assert.
+ if self.assert then
+ self.assert(false, value)
+ else
+ assert(false, value)
+ end
+ -- and if we're still here, return a nil and throw the error message on as a second arg
+ return nil, value
+ end
+local function backslash_replacement_function(c)
+ if c == "\n" then
+ return "\\n"
+ elseif c == "\r" then
+ return "\\r"
+ elseif c == "\t" then
+ return "\\t"
+ elseif c == "\b" then
+ return "\\b"
+ elseif c == "\f" then
+ return "\\f"
+ elseif c == '"' then
+ return '\\"'
+ elseif c == '\\' then
+ return '\\\\'
+ else
+ return string.format("\\u%04x", c:byte())
+ end
+local chars_to_be_escaped_in_JSON_string
+ = '['
+ .. '"' -- class sub-pattern to match a double quote
+ .. '%\\' -- class sub-pattern to match a backslash
+ .. '%z' -- class sub-pattern to match a null
+ .. '\001' .. '-' .. '\031' -- class sub-pattern to match control characters
+ .. ']'
+local function json_string_literal(value)
+ local newval = value:gsub(chars_to_be_escaped_in_JSON_string, backslash_replacement_function)
+ return '"' .. newval .. '"'
+local function object_or_array(self, T, etc)
+ --
+ -- We need to inspect all the keys... if there are any strings, we'll convert to a JSON
+ -- object. If there are only numbers, it's a JSON array.
+ --
+ -- If we'll be converting to a JSON object, we'll want to sort the keys so that the
+ -- end result is deterministic.
+ --
+ local string_keys = { }
+ local number_keys = { }
+ local number_keys_must_be_strings = false
+ local maximum_number_key
+ for key in pairs(T) do
+ if type(key) == 'string' then
+ table.insert(string_keys, key)
+ elseif type(key) == 'number' then
+ table.insert(number_keys, key)
+ if key <= 0 or key >= math.huge then
+ number_keys_must_be_strings = true
+ elseif not maximum_number_key or key > maximum_number_key then
+ maximum_number_key = key
+ end
+ else
+ self:onEncodeError("can't encode table with a key of type " .. type(key), etc)
+ end
+ end
+ if #string_keys == 0 and not number_keys_must_be_strings then
+ --
+ -- An empty table, or a numeric-only array
+ --
+ if #number_keys > 0 then
+ return nil, maximum_number_key -- an array
+ elseif tostring(T) == "JSON array" then
+ return nil
+ elseif tostring(T) == "JSON object" then
+ return { }
+ else
+ -- have to guess, so we'll pick array, since empty arrays are likely more common than empty objects
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ table.sort(string_keys)
+ local map
+ if #number_keys > 0 then
+ --
+ -- If we're here then we have either mixed string/number keys, or numbers inappropriate for a JSON array
+ -- It's not ideal, but we'll turn the numbers into strings so that we can at least create a JSON object.
+ --
+ if self.noKeyConversion then
+ self:onEncodeError("a table with both numeric and string keys could be an object or array; aborting", etc)
+ end
+ --
+ -- Have to make a shallow copy of the source table so we can remap the numeric keys to be strings
+ --
+ map = { }
+ for key, val in pairs(T) do
+ map[key] = val
+ end
+ table.sort(number_keys)
+ --
+ -- Throw numeric keys in there as strings
+ --
+ for _, number_key in ipairs(number_keys) do
+ local string_key = tostring(number_key)
+ if map[string_key] == nil then
+ table.insert(string_keys , string_key)
+ map[string_key] = T[number_key]
+ else
+ self:onEncodeError("conflict converting table with mixed-type keys into a JSON object: key " .. number_key .. " exists both as a string and a number.", etc)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return string_keys, nil, map
+-- Encode
+-- 'options' is nil, or a table with possible keys:
+-- pretty -- if true, return a pretty-printed version
+-- indent -- a string (usually of spaces) used to indent each nested level
+-- align_keys -- if true, align all the keys when formatting a table
+local encode_value -- must predeclare because it calls itself
+function encode_value(self, value, parents, etc, options, indent)
+ if value == nil then
+ return 'null'
+ elseif type(value) == 'string' then
+ return json_string_literal(value)
+ elseif type(value) == 'number' then
+ if value ~= value then
+ --
+ -- NaN (Not a Number).
+ -- JSON has no NaN, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should really be a package option.
+ --
+ return "null"
+ elseif value >= math.huge then
+ --
+ -- Positive infinity. JSON has no INF, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should
+ -- really be a package option. Note: at least with some implementations, positive infinity
+ -- is both ">= math.huge" and "<= -math.huge", which makes no sense but that's how it is.
+ -- Negative infinity is properly "<= -math.huge". So, we must be sure to check the ">="
+ -- case first.
+ --
+ return "1e+9999"
+ elseif value <= -math.huge then
+ --
+ -- Negative infinity.
+ -- JSON has no INF, so we have to fudge the best we can. This should really be a package option.
+ --
+ return "-1e+9999"
+ else
+ return tostring(value)
+ end
+ elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then
+ return tostring(value)
+ elseif type(value) ~= 'table' then
+ self:onEncodeError("can't convert " .. type(value) .. " to JSON", etc)
+ else
+ --
+ -- A table to be converted to either a JSON object or array.
+ --
+ local T = value
+ if type(options) ~= 'table' then
+ options = {}
+ end
+ if type(indent) ~= 'string' then
+ indent = ""
+ end
+ if parents[T] then
+ self:onEncodeError("table " .. tostring(T) .. " is a child of itself", etc)
+ else
+ parents[T] = true
+ end
+ local result_value
+ local object_keys, maximum_number_key, map = object_or_array(self, T, etc)
+ if maximum_number_key then
+ --
+ -- An array...
+ --
+ local ITEMS = { }
+ for i = 1, maximum_number_key do
+ table.insert(ITEMS, encode_value(self, T[i], parents, etc, options, indent))
+ end
+ if options.pretty then
+ result_value = "[ " .. table.concat(ITEMS, ", ") .. " ]"
+ else
+ result_value = "[" .. table.concat(ITEMS, ",") .. "]"
+ end
+ elseif object_keys then
+ --
+ -- An object
+ --
+ local TT = map or T
+ if options.pretty then
+ local KEYS = { }
+ local max_key_length = 0
+ for _, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
+ local encoded = encode_value(self, tostring(key), parents, etc, options, indent)
+ if options.align_keys then
+ max_key_length = math.max(max_key_length, #encoded)
+ end
+ table.insert(KEYS, encoded)
+ end
+ local key_indent = indent .. tostring(options.indent or "")
+ local subtable_indent = key_indent .. string.rep(" ", max_key_length) .. (options.align_keys and " " or "")
+ local FORMAT = "%s%" .. string.format("%d", max_key_length) .. "s: %s"
+ local COMBINED_PARTS = { }
+ for i, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
+ local encoded_val = encode_value(self, TT[key], parents, etc, options, subtable_indent)
+ table.insert(COMBINED_PARTS, string.format(FORMAT, key_indent, KEYS[i], encoded_val))
+ end
+ result_value = "{\n" .. table.concat(COMBINED_PARTS, ",\n") .. "\n" .. indent .. "}"
+ else
+ local PARTS = { }
+ for _, key in ipairs(object_keys) do
+ local encoded_val = encode_value(self, TT[key], parents, etc, options, indent)
+ local encoded_key = encode_value(self, tostring(key), parents, etc, options, indent)
+ table.insert(PARTS, string.format("%s:%s", encoded_key, encoded_val))
+ end
+ result_value = "{" .. table.concat(PARTS, ",") .. "}"
+ end
+ else
+ --
+ -- An empty array/object... we'll treat it as an array, though it should really be an option
+ --
+ result_value = "[]"
+ end
+ parents[T] = false
+ return result_value
+ end
+function OBJDEF:encode(value, etc, options)
+ if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
+ OBJDEF:onEncodeError("JSON:encode must be called in method format", etc)
+ end
+ return encode_value(self, value, {}, etc, options or nil)
+function OBJDEF:encode_pretty(value, etc, options)
+ if type(self) ~= 'table' or self.__index ~= OBJDEF then
+ OBJDEF:onEncodeError("JSON:encode_pretty must be called in method format", etc)
+ end
+ return encode_value(self, value, {}, etc, options or default_pretty_options)
+function OBJDEF.__tostring()
+ return "JSON encode/decode package"
+OBJDEF.__index = OBJDEF
+function OBJDEF:new(args)
+ local new = { }
+ if args then
+ for key, val in pairs(args) do
+ new[key] = val
+ end
+ end
+ return setmetatable(new, OBJDEF)
+return OBJDEF:new()
+-- Version history:
+-- 20141223.14 The encode_pretty() routine produced fine results for small datasets, but isn't really
+-- appropriate for anything large, so with help from Alex Aulbach I've made the encode routines
+-- more flexible, and changed the default encode_pretty() to be more generally useful.
+-- Added a third 'options' argument to the encode() and encode_pretty() routines, to control
+-- how the encoding takes place.
+-- Updated docs to add assert() call to the loadfile() line, just as good practice so that
+-- if there is a problem loading JSON.lua, the appropriate error message will percolate up.
+-- 20140920.13 Put back (in a way that doesn't cause warnings about unused variables) the author string,
+-- so that the source of the package, and its version number, are visible in compiled copies.
+-- 20140911.12 Minor lua cleanup.
+-- Fixed internal reference to 'JSON.noKeyConversion' to reference 'self' instead of 'JSON'.
+-- (Thanks to SmugMug's David Parry for these.)
+-- 20140418.11 JSON nulls embedded within an array were being ignored, such that
+-- ["1",null,null,null,null,null,"seven"],
+-- would return
+-- {1,"seven"}
+-- It's now fixed to properly return
+-- {1, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "seven"}
+-- Thanks to "haddock" for catching the error.
+-- 20140116.10 The user's JSON.assert() wasn't always being used. Thanks to "blue" for the heads up.
+-- 20131118.9 Update for Lua 5.3... it seems that tostring(2/1) produces "2.0" instead of "2",
+-- and this caused some problems.
+-- 20131031.8 Unified the code for encode() and encode_pretty(); they had been stupidly separate,
+-- and had of course diverged (encode_pretty didn't get the fixes that encode got, so
+-- sometimes produced incorrect results; thanks to Mattie for the heads up).
+-- Handle encoding tables with non-positive numeric keys (unlikely, but possible).
+-- If a table has both numeric and string keys, or its numeric keys are inappropriate
+-- (such as being non-positive or infinite), the numeric keys are turned into
+-- string keys appropriate for a JSON object. So, as before,
+-- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three" })
+-- produces the array
+-- ["one","two","three"]
+-- but now something with mixed key types like
+-- JSON:encode({ "one", "two", "three", SOMESTRING = "some string" }))
+-- instead of throwing an error produces an object:
+-- {"1":"one","2":"two","3":"three","SOMESTRING":"some string"}
+-- To maintain the prior throw-an-error semantics, set
+-- JSON.noKeyConversion = true
+-- 20131004.7 Release under a Creative Commons CC-BY license, which I should have done from day one, sorry.
+-- 20130120.6 Comment update: added a link to the specific page on my blog where this code can
+-- be found, so that folks who come across the code outside of my blog can find updates
+-- more easily.
+-- 20111207.5 Added support for the 'etc' arguments, for better error reporting.
+-- 20110731.4 More feedback from David Kolf on how to make the tests for Nan/Infinity system independent.
+-- 20110730.3 Incorporated feedback from David Kolf at http://lua-users.org/wiki/JsonModules:
+-- * When encoding lua for JSON, Sparse numeric arrays are now handled by
+-- spitting out full arrays, such that
+-- JSON:encode({"one", "two", [10] = "ten"})
+-- returns
+-- ["one","two",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"ten"]
+-- In 20100810.2 and earlier, only up to the first non-null value would have been retained.
+-- * When encoding lua for JSON, numeric value NaN gets spit out as null, and infinity as "1+e9999".
+-- Version 20100810.2 and earlier created invalid JSON in both cases.
+-- * Unicode surrogate pairs are now detected when decoding JSON.
+-- 20100810.2 added some checking to ensure that an invalid Unicode character couldn't leak in to the UTF-8 encoding
+-- 20100731.1 initial public release
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua
index de432a7..e54e973 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ local LrHttp = import 'LrHttp'
local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils'
local LrXml = import 'LrXml'
+local JSON = require 'JSON'
local Info = require 'Info'
local MediaWikiUtils = require 'MediaWikiUtils'
local MediaWikiApi = {
userAgent = string.format('LrMediaWiki %d.%d', Info.VERSION.major, Info.VERSION.minor),
apiPath = nil,
+ githubApiVersion = 'https://api.github.com/repos/robinkrahl/LrMediaWiki/releases',
--- URL-encode a string according to RFC 3986.
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ function MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments)
body = body .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(key) .. '=' .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(value)
- return body
+ return body or ''
function MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(xmlDomInstance)
@@ -76,30 +78,27 @@ function MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(xmlDomInstance)
return value
-function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
- arguments.format = 'xml'
+function MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(path, arguments, requestHeaders, post)
local requestBody = MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments)
- local requestHeaders = {
- {
- field = 'User-Agent',
- value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent,
- },
- {
- field = 'Content-Type',
- value = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
- },
- }
- MediaWikiUtils.trace('Performing API request');
+ MediaWikiUtils.trace('Performing HTTP request');
+ MediaWikiUtils.trace('Path:')
+ MediaWikiUtils.trace(path)
MediaWikiUtils.trace('Request body:');
- local resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.post(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, requestBody, requestHeaders)
+ local resultBody, resultHeaders
+ if post then
+ resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.post(path, requestBody, requestHeaders)
+ else
+ resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.get(path .. '?' .. requestBody, requestHeaders)
+ end
MediaWikiUtils.trace('Result status:');
if not resultHeaders.status then
- LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/NoConnection=Cannot connect to the MediaWiki API.'))
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/NoConnection=No network connection.'))
elseif resultHeaders.status ~= 200 then
LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=Received HTTP status ^1.', resultHeaders.status))
@@ -107,6 +106,23 @@ function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
MediaWikiUtils.trace('Result body:');
+ return resultBody
+function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
+ arguments.format = 'xml'
+ local requestHeaders = {
+ {
+ field = 'User-Agent',
+ value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent,
+ },
+ {
+ field = 'Content-Type',
+ value = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ },
+ }
+ local resultBody = MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, arguments, requestHeaders, true)
local resultXml = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(LrXml.parseXml(resultBody))
if resultXml.error then
LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=The MediaWiki error ^1 occured: ^2', resultXml.error.code, resultXml.error.info))
@@ -114,6 +130,22 @@ function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
return resultXml
+function MediaWikiApi.getCurrentPluginVersion()
+ local requestHeaders = {
+ {
+ field = 'User-Agent',
+ value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent,
+ },
+ }
+ local resultBody = MediaWikiApi.performHttpRequest(MediaWikiApi.githubApiVersion, {}, requestHeaders, false)
+ local resultJson = JSON:decode(resultBody)
+ local firstKey = MediaWikiUtils.getFirstKey(resultJson)
+ if firstKey ~= nil then
+ return resultJson[firstKey].tag_name
+ end
+ return nil
function MediaWikiApi.login(username, password, token)
local arguments = {
action = 'login',
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInit.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInit.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d775930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInit.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms
+-- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or
+-- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki.
+-- Copyright (C) 2015 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+-- project root directory or [2])
+-- [0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robinkrahl/LrMediaWiki/master/LICENSE.txt>
+-- [1] <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki>
+-- [2] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robinkrahl/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+-- Code status:
+-- doc: missing
+-- i18n: complete
+local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
+local LrTasks = import 'LrTasks'
+local MediaWikiApi = require 'MediaWikiApi'
+local MediaWikiUtils = require 'MediaWikiUtils'
+if MediaWikiUtils.getCheckVersion() then
+ LrTasks.startAsyncTask(function()
+ local currentVersion = MediaWikiApi.getCurrentPluginVersion()
+ if currentVersion ~= nil then
+ MediaWikiUtils.trace('Current version of LrMediaWiki is: ' .. currentVersion)
+ if currentVersion ~= 'v' .. MediaWikiUtils.getVersionString() then
+ -- new version available!
+ LrDialogs.message(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Init/Version/Message=New version available', LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Init/Version/Info=Please update to LrMediaWiki ^1.', currentVersion), 'info')
+ end
+ end
+ end)
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.lua
index ca87904..1f2f66a 100644
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.lua
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ local MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider = {}
MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.startDialog = function(propertyTable)
propertyTable.logging = MediaWikiUtils.getLogging()
propertyTable.create_snapshots = MediaWikiUtils.getCreateSnapshots()
+ propertyTable.check_version = MediaWikiUtils.getCheckVersion()
MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.endDialog = function(propertyTable)
+ MediaWikiUtils.setCheckVersion(propertyTable.check_version)
MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.sectionsForBottomOfDialog = function(viewFactory, propertyTable)
@@ -65,6 +67,20 @@ MediaWikiPluginInfoProvider.sectionsForBottomOfDialog = function(viewFactory, pr
viewFactory:checkbox {
+ value = bind 'check_version',
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Config/Version=Check for new plugin versions after Lightroom starts',
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:label_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ alignment = labelAlignment,
+ width = LrView.share "label_width",
+ },
+ viewFactory:checkbox {
value = bind 'logging',
title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Config/Logging=Enable logging',
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiUtils.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiUtils.lua
index abde828..588121d 100644
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiUtils.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiUtils.lua
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@ MediaWikiUtils.isStringEmpty = function(str)
return str == nil or string.match(str, '^%s*$') ~= nil
+MediaWikiUtils.getFirstKey = function(table)
+ for key, value in pairs(table) do
+ return key
+ end
+ return nil
MediaWikiUtils.getVersionString = function()
local str = Info.VERSION.major .. '.' .. Info.VERSION.minor
if Info.VERSION.revision > 0 then
@@ -52,6 +59,14 @@ MediaWikiUtils.setCreateSnapshots = function(create_snapshot)
prefs.create_snapshot = create_snapshot
+MediaWikiUtils.getCheckVersion = function()
+ return prefs.check_version or false
+MediaWikiUtils.setCheckVersion = function(check_version)
+ prefs.check_version = check_version
MediaWikiUtils.getLogging = function()
return prefs.logging or false
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
index eee73b8..f4b8c33 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=HTTP-Status ^1 erhalten."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=Der MediaWiki-Fehler ^1 ist aufgetreten: ^2"
-"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/NoConnection=Kann keine Verbindung zur MediaWiki-API aufbauen."
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/NoConnection=Kann keine Netzwerkverbindung aufbauen."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/DescriptionError=Fehler beim Lesen der Dateibeschreibung"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoApiPath=Kein API-Pfad angegeben!"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoAuthor=Kein Urheber angegeben!"
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress/One=Exportiere ein Bild in ein MediaWiki"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress=Exportiere ^1 Bilder in ein MediaWiki"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Snapshot=MediaWiki-Export, ^1 ^2, ^3"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Init/Version/Info=Bitte aktualisiere LrMediaWiki auf die neue Version ^1."
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Init/Version/Message=Neue Version verfügbar"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/Internal/NotLoggedIn=Interner Fehler: vor dem Upload nicht angemeldet."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse/Details=Es gibt bereits eine Datei mit dem Namen ^1. Überschreiben? (Die Dateibeschreibung wird nicht verändert.)"
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Config/Snapshots=Beim Export einen Schnappschuss anlegen"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Config/Version=Suche nach neuen Pluginversionen, wenn Lightroom startet"
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories/Details=mit ; trennen"