path: root/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
2 files changed, 491 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/include/sqlitepp.h b/include/sqlitepp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index db932d2..0000000
--- a/include/sqlitepp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * (C) 2014 Robin Krahl
- * MIT license -- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
- */
-#ifndef __SQLITEPP_H
-#define __SQLITEPP_H
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-#include <sqlite3.h>
-namespace sqlitepp {
- class Openable {
- public:
- const bool isOpen() const;
- protected:
- Openable(const bool open, const std::string & name);
- void requireOpen() const;
- void setOpen(const bool open);
- private:
- bool m_open;
- const std::string & m_name;
- };
- class DatabaseError : public std::runtime_error {
- public:
- DatabaseError(const int errorCode);
- DatabaseError(const int errorCode, const std::string & errorMessage);
- const int errorCode() const;
- private:
- const int m_errorCode;
- static const std::string getErrorMessage(const int errorCode, const std::string & errorMessage);
- };
- class Statement;
- class Database : private boost::noncopyable, public Openable {
- friend class Statement;
- public:
- Database();
- Database(const std::string & file);
- ~Database();
- void close();
- void execute(const std::string & sql);
- void open(const std::string & file);
- std::shared_ptr<Statement> prepare(const std::string & sql);
- private:
- sqlite3 * m_handle;
- };
- class Statement : private boost::noncopyable, public Openable {
- public:
- Statement(Database & database, const std::string & statement);
- ~Statement();
- void bindDouble(const int index, const double value);
- void bindDouble(const std::string & name, const double value);
- void bindInt(const int index, const int value);
- void bindInt(const std::string & name, const int value);
- void bindString(const int index, const std::string & value);
- void bindString(const std::string & name, const std::string & value);
- const bool canRead() const;
- const int columnCount() const;
- const double readDouble(const int column) const;
- const int readInt(const int column) const;
- const std::string readString(const int column) const;
- const bool step();
- void finalize();
- const bool reset();
- private:
- sqlite3_stmt * m_handle;
- bool m_canRead;
- int getParameterIndex(const std::string & name) const;
- void handleBindResult(const int index, const int result) const;
- void requireCanRead() const;
- };
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/sqlitepp/sqlitepp.h b/include/sqlitepp/sqlitepp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef3726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sqlitepp/sqlitepp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014--2015 Robin Krahl <robin.krahl@ireas.org>
+// MIT license -- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+/// \file
+/// \brief Defines all classes of the sqlitepp library in the namespace
+/// sqlitepp.
+/// \mainpage sqlitepp -- C++ wrapper for SQLite3
+/// **sqlitepp** is a C++ wrapper for the official SQLite3 C API.
+/// \section compile Compiling sqlitepp
+/// sqlitepp uses CMake as a build tool. To build sqlitepp from source,
+/// download the source from GitHub and then execute these commands:
+/// \code
+/// $ mkdir bin && cd bin
+/// $ cmake .. && make
+/// \endcode
+/// \section using Using sqlitepp
+/// \subsection connect Connecting to a database
+/// To connect to a SQLite database, you just have to create a new
+/// sqlitepp::Database object.
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// sqlitepp::Database database("/path/to/database.sqlite");
+/// \endcode
+/// This snippet is equivalent to:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// sqlitepp::Database database;
+/// database.open("/path/to/database.sqlite");
+/// \endcode
+/// If the database file does not already exist, it is created. If an error
+/// occurs during the creation of the database, a sqlitepp::DatabaseError
+/// is thrown.
+/// \subsection execute Executing a simple statement
+/// To execute a simple statement, use sqlitepp::Database::execute:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// sqlitepp::Database database("/path/to/database.sqlite");
+/// database.execute("CREATE TABLE test (id, value);");
+/// \endcode
+/// \subsection prepare Executing complex statements
+/// If you want to execute more complex statements, for example selection or
+/// insertion, use prepared statements. You can prepare a statement using
+/// sqlitepp::Database::prepare. You can then bind values (if necessary) using
+/// the `bind` methods of sqlitepp::Statement and execute the statement using
+/// sqlitepp::Statement::execute. `execute` returns a sqlitepp::ResultSet that
+/// stores the returned values (if any).
+/// \subsubsection insert Example 1: insert
+/// The recommended way to handle insertions are named bindings:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// sqlitepp::Database database("/path/to/database.sqlite");
+/// std::shared_ptr<sqlitepp::Statement> statement = database.prepare(
+/// "INSERT INTO test (id, value) VALUES (:id, :value);");
+/// // insert (1, "test value")
+/// statement->bind(":id", 1);
+/// statement->bind(":value", "test value");
+/// statement->execute();
+/// statement->reset();
+/// // insert (2, "other value")
+/// statement->bind(":id", 2);
+/// statement->bind(":value", "other value");
+/// statement->execute();
+/// \endcode
+/// \subsubsection select Example 2: select
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// sqlitepp::Database database("/path/to/database.sqlite");
+/// std::shared_ptr<sqlitepp::Statement> statement = database.prepare(
+/// "SELECT id, value FROM test;");
+/// ResultSet resultSet = statement.execute();
+/// while (resultSet.canRead()) {
+/// std::cout << "ID: " << resultSet.readInt(0) << "\tvalue: "
+/// << resultSet.readString(1) << std::endl;
+/// resultSet.next();
+/// }
+/// \endcode
+/// \section concepts Concepts
+/// \subsection error Error handling
+/// If an error occurs during an operation, an exception is thrown. All
+/// SQLite3 database errors are wrapped in sqlitepp::DatabaseError. If a
+/// method returns, it was successful (if not stated otherwise in the method
+/// documentation).
+/// \subsection resources Resources
+/// sqlitepp uses RAII. This means that the destructors of sqlitepp::Database
+/// and sqlitepp::Statement take care of freeing their resources once they
+/// are destroyed. You can force them to free their resources using the
+/// `close` methods.
+/// \brief Contains all classes of the sqlitepp library.
+namespace sqlitepp {
+/// \brief A class that forbids copying and assignments for all subclasses.
+/// This class defines a private, unimplemented copy constructor and assignment
+/// method so that copies and assignments fail at compile-time. This class is
+/// inspired by Scott Meyers, <em>Effective C++</em>, 3rd Edition, Item 6.
+class Uncopyable {
+ protected:
+ Uncopyable() {}
+ ~Uncopyable() {}
+ private:
+ Uncopyable(const Uncopyable&);
+ Uncopyable& operator=(const Uncopyable&);
+/// \brief An element that has the two states *open* and *closed*.
+/// Subclasses of this class may define methods that require the object to be
+/// in a specific state. Refer to the implementing class&rsquo;s documentation
+/// for more information about the methods that require a specific state.
+/// The default state depends on the implementation. You can check the state of
+/// an object using the isOpen() method.
+/// Implementing classes may use setOpen() to change the state and
+/// requireOpen() to throw a std::logic_error if the object is currently not
+/// open.
+class Openable {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Checks whether this object is open.
+ ///
+ /// \returns `true` if this object is open; `false` if it is closed
+ bool isOpen() const;
+ protected:
+ /// \brief Creates a new Openable.
+ ///
+ /// \param open `true` if the objet should be open per default; `false` if
+ /// it shoukd be closed per defaut
+ /// \param name the name of the implementing class used in error messages
+ Openable(const bool open, const std::string& name);
+ /// \brief Requires this object to be open and throws an exception if it is
+ /// not.
+ ///
+ /// This method should be used at the beginning of other subclass methods
+ /// that require this object to be open. The error message of the exception
+ /// will contain the class name passed to the constructor.
+ ///
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if this object is not open
+ void requireOpen() const;
+ /// \brief Changes the state of this object.
+ ///
+ /// \param open the new state of this object (`true` if it should be opened;
+ /// `false` if it should be closed)
+ void setOpen(const bool open);
+ private:
+ bool m_open;
+ const std::string& m_name;
+/// \brief An error that occurred during a database operation.
+/// This error class is only used for errors that occured in the SQLite3
+/// library and that are related to database operations. If there are other
+/// problems, for example wrong states or illegal arguments, appropriate other
+/// exceptions are thrown.
+/// This exception class stores the SQLite3 error code and the error message.
+/// \sa [SQLite Result Codes](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html)
+class DatabaseError : public std::runtime_error {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Creates a new DatabaseError with the given code and the default
+ /// message.
+ ///
+ /// The message is retrieved from the default SQLite3 error messages.
+ ///
+ /// \param errorCode the SQLite3 error code
+ /// \sa [SQLite Result Codes](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html)
+ explicit DatabaseError(const int errorCode);
+ /// \brief Creates a new DatabaseError with the given code and message.
+ ///
+ /// \param errorCode the SQLite3 error code
+ /// \param errorMessage the according error message
+ /// \sa [SQLite Result Codes](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html)
+ DatabaseError(const int errorCode, const std::string& errorMessage);
+ /// \brief Returns the SQLite3 error code for this error.
+ ///
+ /// \sa [SQLite Result Codes](https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/c_abort.html)
+ int errorCode() const;
+ private:
+ const int m_errorCode;
+ static std::string getErrorMessage(const int errorCode,
+ const std::string& errorMessage);
+class Database;
+class ResultSet;
+/// \brief A handle for a SQLite3 statement.
+/// This class stores a reference to a prepared SQLite3 statement and provides
+/// methods to bind parameters to the query, execute it and read the results.
+/// If a database operation fails, a DatabaseError is thrown.
+/// Use Database::prepare to obtain instances of this class.
+class Statement : private Uncopyable, public Openable {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Deconstructs this object and finalizes the statement.
+ ///
+ /// Errors that occur when the statement is finalized are ignored as they
+ /// already occured during the last operation.
+ ~Statement();
+ /// \brief Binds the given double value to the column with the given index.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the index of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::out_of_range if the given index is out of range
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const int index, const double value);
+ /// \brief Binds the given double value to the column with the given name.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the name of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::invalid_argument if there is no column witht the given name
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const std::string& name, const double value);
+ /// \brief Binds the given integer value to the column with the given index.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the index of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::out_of_range if the given index is out of range
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const int index, const int value);
+ /// \brief Binds the given integer value to the column with the given name.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the name of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::invalid_argument if there is no column witht the given name
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const std::string& name, const int value);
+ /// \brief Binds the given string value to the column with the given index.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the index of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::out_of_range if the given index is out of range
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const int index, const std::string& value);
+ /// \brief Binds the given string value to the column with the given name.
+ ///
+ /// \param index the name of the column to bind the value to
+ /// \param value the value to bind to that column
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws std::invalid_argument if there is no column witht the given name
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to bind the
+ /// value
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an database error occured during the binding
+ void bind(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
+ /// \brief Closes this statement.
+ ///
+ /// Once you closed this statement, you may no longer access it. Any errors
+ /// that occur during finalization are ignored as they already occurred
+ /// during the last operation.
+ void close();
+ /// \brief Executes this statement and returns the result (if any).
+ ///
+ /// \returns the result returned from the query (empty if there was no result)
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if a database error occurs during the query
+ /// execution
+ ResultSet execute();
+ /// \brief Resets the statement.
+ ///
+ /// Resets the statement so that it can be re-executed. Bindings are not
+ /// resetted.
+ ///
+ /// \returns `true` if the reset was successful; otherwise `false`
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ bool reset();
+ private:
+ explicit Statement(sqlite3_stmt* handle);
+ int getParameterIndex(const std::string& name) const;
+ void handleBindResult(const int index, const int result) const;
+ void requireCanRead() const;
+ void setInstancePointer(const std::weak_ptr<Statement>& instancePointer);
+ bool step();
+ sqlite3_stmt* m_handle;
+ bool m_canRead;
+ std::weak_ptr<Statement> m_instancePointer;
+ friend class Database;
+ friend class ResultSet;
+/// \brief A handle for a SQLite3 database.
+/// This class stores a reference to a SQLite3 database and provides methods
+/// to open, query and change this database. After you successfully opened a
+/// database (using the constructor Database(const std::string&) or using the
+/// open(const std::string&) method), you can execute and prepare statements.
+/// You can check whether the database is currently open using isOpen().
+/// If you try to call a method that queries or updates the database and the
+/// database is not open, a std::logic_error is thrown. If a database operation
+/// fails, a DatabaseError is thrown.
+class Database : private Uncopyable, public Openable {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Creates a new closed database.
+ ///
+ /// Before you can access this database, you have to open a database file
+ /// using open(std::string&).
+ Database();
+ /// \brief Creates a new database and opens the given file.
+ ///
+ /// The given file must either be a valid SQLite3 database file or may not
+ /// exist yet. This constructor is an abbreviation for:
+ /// \code{.cpp}
+ /// Database database;
+ /// database.open(file);
+ /// \endcode
+ ///
+ /// \param file the name of the database file (not required to exist)
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to create a
+ /// database connection
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if the SQLite3 database could not be opened
+ explicit Database(const std::string& file);
+ /// \brief Destructs this object and closes the database connection.
+ ///
+ /// Errors that occur closing the database are ignored.
+ ~Database();
+ /// \brief Closes the database if it is open.
+ ///
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if the database cannot be closed
+ void close();
+ /// \brief Executes the given SQL string.
+ ///
+ /// You can only call this method if there is an open database connection.
+ /// If you want to access the values returned by a SQL statement, use
+ /// prepare(const std::string&) instead.
+ ///
+ /// \param sql the SQL statement to execute
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the database is not open
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an error occurred during the execution
+ void execute(const std::string& sql);
+ /// \brief Opens the given database file.
+ ///
+ /// The given file must either be a valid SQLite3 database file or may not
+ /// exist yet. You can only open a new connection when the previous
+ /// connection has been closed (if any).
+ ///
+ /// \param file the name of the database file (not required to exist)
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the database is already open
+ /// \throws std::runtime_error if there is not enough memory to create a
+ /// database connection
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if the SQLite3 database could not be opened
+ void open(const std::string& file);
+ /// \brief Prepares a statement and returns a pointer to it.
+ ///
+ /// You can either pass a complete SQL statement or a statement with
+ /// wildcards. If you use wildcards, you can bind them to a value using the
+ /// returned Statement.
+ ///
+ /// \param sql the SQL statement to prepare (may contain wildcards)
+ /// \returns a pointer to the prepared statement
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the database is not open
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if an error occurred during the preparation
+ std::shared_ptr<Statement> prepare(const std::string& sql);
+ private:
+ sqlite3* m_handle;
+/// \brief A result set returned from a SQL query.
+/// As long as there is data (`canRead()`), you can read it using the
+/// `read*Type*` methods. To advance to the next row, use `next()`.
+class ResultSet {
+ public:
+ /// \brief Checks whether there is data to read.
+ ///
+ /// \returns `true` if there is data to read; otherwise `false`
+ bool canRead() const;
+ /// \brief Returns the column count of the result data.
+ ///
+ /// You may only call this method when there is data to read (canRead()).
+ ///
+ /// \returns the column count of the result
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open or there is no
+ /// data to read
+ int columnCount() const;
+ /// \brief Steps to the next row of the result (if there is one).
+ ///
+ /// \returns `true` if there is new data to read or `false` if there are
+ /// no more results
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open
+ /// \throws DatabaseError if a database error occurs during the query
+ /// execution
+ bool next();
+ /// \brief Returns the current double value of the result column with the
+ /// given index.
+ ///
+ /// You may only call this metod when there is data to read (canRead()).
+ ///
+ /// \param column the index of the column to read from
+ /// \returns the current value of the result column with the given index
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open or there is no
+ /// data to read
+ double readDouble(const int column) const;
+ /// \brief Returns the current integer value of the result column with the
+ /// given index.
+ ///
+ /// You may only call this metod when there is data to read (canRead()).
+ ///
+ /// \param column the index of the column to read from
+ /// \returns the current value of the result column with the given index
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open or there is no
+ /// data to read
+ int readInt(const int column) const;
+ /// \brief Returns the current string value of the result column with the
+ /// given index.
+ ///
+ /// You may only call this metod when there is data to read (canRead()).
+ ///
+ /// \param column the index of the column to read from
+ /// \returns the current value of the result column with the given index
+ /// \throws std::logic_error if the statement is not open or there is no
+ /// data to read
+ std::string readString(const int column) const;
+ private:
+ explicit ResultSet(const std::shared_ptr<Statement> statement);
+ const std::shared_ptr<Statement> m_statement;
+ friend class Statement;
+} // namespace sqlitepp