path: root/TODO.md
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Remove multiple PWS item from todo listRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | | With commit f49e61589e32217f97c94aa86d826f6b65170fba, we changed the GetPasswordSafe::get_password_safe to take a mutable reference to a device. This makes sure that we cannot have two PWS instances for one device at the same time, so we can drop the corresponding item from the todo list.
* Add the fill_sd_card function to StorageRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | | This patch adds support for libnitrokey’s NK_fill_SD_card_with_random_data function. It is executed by the fill_sd_card function of the Storage struct. We also add a new test case that is set to ignore because it takes between 30 and 60 minutes to run.
* Add the get_operation_status function to the Storage structRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | This patch adds support for the NK_get_progress_bar_value function: It adds the OperationStatus enum that stores the return value of this command and adds the get_operation_status function to the Storage struct that executes the command.
* Remove todo notes for Storage tests and refactoringRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | | | | | This patch removes two items from the todo list: - Check timing in Storage tests: Since we introduced the two seconds timeout, no test failed due to timing issues. There is nothing we can do to check it more precisely, so we just have to live with it for now. - Consider restructuring `device::StorageStatus`: We already have structs for the volume status and firmware version. There is no need to extract more fields.
* Add the get_sd_card_usage function to the Storage structRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | This patch adds support for the NK_get_SD_usage_data function. It returns a range of the SD card that has not been accessed during this power cycle.
* Rename Status::get_status to get_storage_statusRobin Krahl2020-01-11
| | | | | | | In the last patch, we added the get_status function to the Device trait. This patch renames the Storage::get_status function to get_storage_status to resolve the name clash – though allowed by the compiler, it is rather confusing for the end user.
* Add support for the GET_STATUS commandRobin Krahl2020-01-11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch adds support for the GET_STATUS command that returns the status information common to all Nitrokey devices. It can be accessed using the Device::get_status function and is stored in a Status struct. Due to a bug in the Storage firmware [0], the GET_STATUS command returns wrong firmware versions and serial numbers. Until this is fixed in libnitrokey [1], we have to manually execute the GET_DEVICE_STATUS command to fix these values for the Nitrokey Storage. Also, this leads to a name clash with the existing Storage::get_status function, which will be renamed in an upcoming patch. [0] https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-storage-firmware/issues/96 [1] https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey/issues/166
* Add the connect_path function to the Manager structRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | This patch adds the connect_path function to the Manager struct that uses NK_connect_with_path to connect to a Nitrokey device at a given USB path.
* Add list_devices functionRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | | This patch adds support for libnitrokey’s NK_list_devices function by introducing the top-level list_devices function. It returns a vector of DeviceInfo structs with information about all connected Nitrokey devices.
* Update the list of unsupported functionsRobin Krahl2020-01-06
| | | | | | | After some more research, I decided not to implement some of the methods provided by libnitrokey. This patch adds them to the list of unsupported functions in the readme, and removes them from the list of unimplemented functions in the todo list.
* Change license for configuration and documentation to CC0-1.0Robin Krahl2019-12-27
* Update list of new and unsupported functionsRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch updates the list of unsupported functions in the README and the TODO and the list of functions changed in the libnitrokey 3.5 release: - List all `*_as_string` functions as unsupported. - List deprecated functions as unsupported. - List `NK_read_HOTP_slot` as unsupported until an equivalent function for TOTP exists. - Ignore the changes to `NK_get_progress_bar_value` as the function is not yet used by `nitrokey-rs`. - Add the new functions from version 3.5 to the list of missing functions.
* Update nitrokey-sys to version 3.5Robin Krahl2019-07-05
| | | | | | | | | As the return type of the NK_get_{major,minor}_firmware_version methods changed with libnitrokey 3.5, we also have to adapt our get_firmware_version function in device.rs. This patch also updates the changelog and the todo list with the changes caused by the new libnitrokey version.
* Revert "Store mutable reference to Device in PasswordSafe"Robin Krahl2019-02-05
| | | | This reverts commit 13006c00dcbd570cf8347d89557834e320427377.
* Store mutable reference to Device in PasswordSafeRobin Krahl2019-02-02
| | | | | | | | | The current implementation of PasswordSafe stored a normal reference to the Device. This patch changes the PasswordSafe struct to use a mutable reference instead. This allows the borrow checker to make sure that there is only one PasswordSafe instance at a time. While this is currently not needed, it will become important once we can lock the PWS on the Nitrokey when dropping the PasswordSafe instance.
* Add tolerance for timing issues to the TOTP testsRobin Krahl2019-01-25
| | | | | | The TOTP test with the timestamp 59 often fails as the Nitrokey’s clock ticks between setting the time and generating the TOTP code. This patch also allows the TOTP code for timestamp 60 for this test case.
* Add license and copyright informationRobin Krahl2019-01-23
| | | | | | | This patch adds license and copyright information to all files to make nitrokey-rs compliant with the REUSE practices [0]. [0] https://reuse.software/practices/2.0/
* Refactor device::config test caseRobin Krahl2019-01-23
* Implement From<(T: Device, Error)> for ErrorRobin Krahl2019-01-23
| | | | | | Not all users of the authenticate methods want to use the device after an error, so implementing From<(T: Device, Error)> for Error makes it easier for them to discard the device.
* Prefer into() over numeric castingRobin Krahl2019-01-23
| | | | | | Numeric casting might truncate an integer, while into() is only implemented for numeric types if the cast is possible without truncation.
* Prevent direct instantiation of Pro and StorageRobin Krahl2019-01-23
| | | | | | The Pro and Storage structs may only be created using the connect functions. This patch adds a private PhantomData field to the structs to ensure that the compiler does not allow direct instantiation.
* Check specific error codes in the testsRobin Krahl2019-01-20
| | | | | | | | | | If possible, check specific error codes instead of `is_err()`. This makes the code more readable and catches bugs resulting in the wrong error code. Also, using the assert_*_err and assert_ok macros yields error messages containing the expected and the actual value. To be able to use these macros with the `get_password_safe` method, we also have to implement `Debug` for `PasswordSafe` and `Device`.
* Document that NK_is_AES_supported is unsupportedRobin Krahl2019-01-16
| | | | | | NK_is_AES_supported is not needed for newer firmware versions of the Pro and Storage, see this discussion for more information: https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey/issues/142
* Fix result_from_string for empty return valuesRobin Krahl2019-01-16
| | | | | | | | | | | An empty string returned from a libnitrokey function can either indicate an error or be a valid return value. Previously, we assumed that it indicates an error. But instead, we should check the last command status and use it to decide whether to return the empty string or an error code. This breaks the unit tests that assume that empty strings cause errors. These will be fixed in the next patches.
* Add the clear_new_sd_card_warning method to StorageRobin Krahl2019-01-14
| | | | | | The clear_new_sd_card_warning method calls the libnitrokey NK_clear_new_sd_card_warning function to reset the corresponding flag in the Storage status.
* Add the get_production_info method to the Storage structRobin Krahl2019-01-14
| | | | | | | | | | | The get_production_info method maps to the NK_get_production_info function of libnitrokey. The Storage firmware supports two query modes: with or without a write test. libnitrokey only performs the query without write test, so the fields that are only set for the write test are ignored in our implementation. This affects: - user and admin retry counts - smart card ID - SD card size
* Add export_firmware method to StorageRobin Krahl2019-01-12
| | | | | | | The export_firmware method writes the firmware of the Nitrokey Storage to the unencrypted storage. We only test that the command succeeds as mounting the unencrypted storage and accessing the file is out of scope for the tests.
* Document unsupported outdated functionsRobin Krahl2019-01-12
| | | | | | | | | | We do not support old firmware versions on the Nitrokey Storage, so we document that these outdated functions are not supported: - NK_set_unencrypted_volume_rorw_pin_type_user - NK_set_unencrypted_read_only - NK_set_unencrypted_read_write - NK_set_encrypted_read_only - NK_set_encrypted_read_write
* Add set_unencrypted_volume_mode to StorageRobin Krahl2019-01-12
| | | | | | | | | | The new set_unencrypted_volume_mode method sets the access mode of the unencrypted volume on the Nitrokey Storage. Depending on the requested access mode, it calls either NK_set_unencrypted_read_only_admin or NK_set_unencrypted_read_write_admin. Note that this function requires firmware version 0.51 or later. (Earlier firmware versions used the user PIN.)
* Update readme and todo for NK_get_device_modelRobin Krahl2019-01-11
* Add the wink method to the Storage structRobin Krahl2019-01-11
| | | | | | This patch adds the wink method to the Storage struct that lets the Nitrokey device blink until reconnected. We do not test this method as it does not change the state that we can observe.
* Add the get_library_version functionRobin Krahl2019-01-11
| | | | | | | This patch adds the get_library_version function to the main library module that queries and returns the libnitrokey version. As the version fields are static values, we fetch them all at the same time and do not provide getters for the individual fields.
* Add support for the hidden volumes on a Nitrokey StorageRobin Krahl2019-01-06
| | | | | | | | | | This patch introduces the methods enable_hidden_volume, disable_hidden_volume and create_hidden_volume for the Storage struct to support the hidden volumes on the Nitrokey Storage. The enable and create methods require that the encrypted storage has been enabled. Contrary to authentication and password safe access, we do not enforce this requirement in the API as file system operations could have unwanted side effects and should not performed implicitly.
* Add Storage::enable_firmware_update methodRobin Krahl2019-01-03
| | | | | | | | This patch adds the enable_firmware_update method to the Storage struct that uses NK_enable_firmware_update to put the Nitrokey Storage into update mode. This method is not tested as external tooling is required to resume normal operation and as it is hard to bail out if an error occurs.
* Add Device::build_aes_key methodRobin Krahl2019-01-03
| | | | | | | | This patch adds the build_aes_key method to the Device trait that uses the NK_build_aes_key function to build new AES keys on the device. This effectively resets the password safe and the encrypted storage. It is unclear whether other data (e. g. the one-time passwords) are affected too.
* Add Device::factory_reset methodRobin Krahl2019-01-03
| | | | | | | This patch adds the factory_reset_method to the Device trait that uses the NK_factory_reset function to perform a factory reset. The tests verify that the user and admin PIN are reset and that the OTP storage and the password safe are deleted.
* Add Storage::change_update_pin methodRobin Krahl2019-01-03
| | | | | | This patch adds the change_update_pin method to the Storage struct that uses the NK_change_update_password function to set the password required for firmware updates.
* Add force argument to ConfigureOtp::set_timeRobin Krahl2019-01-02
| | | | | | | | This patch adds the force argument to the set_time method in the ConfigureOtp trait that allows the user to choose whether jumps to the past are allowed when updating the time. It is implemented by using the NK_totp_set_time_soft function. Previously, jumps where unconditionally allowed.
* Provide access to the status of a Nitrokey StorageRobin Krahl2018-12-10
| | | | | | This patch adds a `get_status` method to the `Storage` structure. The returned structure `StorageStatus` is based on the structure provided by libnitrokey.
* Add a Storage-only example to the DeviceWrapper documentationRobin Krahl2018-12-10
| | | | | | | As connect() now returns DeviceWrappers of the correct type, this patch adds an example to the DeviceWrapper documentation that shows how to use type conditions, i. e. how to execute a command only for Nitrokey Storage devices.
* Fix generic connections (connect()) to return correct deviceRobin Krahl2018-12-10
| | | | | | This patch fixes the generic connect() method to return a DeviceWrapper of the correct type. This is enabled by the NK_get_device_model() method introduced in libnitrokey v3.4.
* Always free string pointers returned by libnitrokeyRobin Krahl2018-12-10
| | | | | | | | Old libnitrokey versions could return pointers to both statically and dynamically allocated strings for functions that return strings. This has been fixed in libnitrokey commit 7a8550d (included in v3.4). This patch removes the old workaround and always frees the return value of functions returning a string pointer.
* Update to nitrokey-sys v3.4.0Robin Krahl2018-12-10
* Remove NK_lock_device call from PasswordSafe::dropRobin Krahl2018-06-07
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | When enabled, the password safe can be used without authentication. The lock device can be used to lock the password safe. Currently, PasswordSafe::drop calls this command to make sure that other applications cannot access the password safe without authentication. On the Nitrokey Storage, locking the device may also disable the encrypted or hidden volume. As using the password safe should not have side effects on the storage volumes, this patch removes the call to the lock device command from the Drop implementation. Instead, the user should call this method after making sure that it does not have side effects. A feature request for a command that only locks the password safe without side effects is submitted to the Nitrokey Storage firmware repository: https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-storage-firmware/issues/65
* Add support for encrypted volumeRobin Krahl2018-06-07
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch adds support for the commands to enable or disable the encrypted volume on the Nitrokey Storage. To test these commands, the output of lsblk is parsed for the device model “Nitrokey Storage”. This is not perfect but seems to be the best solution for automated testing. As the effect of enabling and disabling volumes is not immediate, a delay of two seconds is added to the tests before checking lsblk. This is sufficient on my machine, yet it would be better to have a portable version of this check. This patch also adds a lock method to Device that executes the lock_device command. This command was previously only used to close the password safe. On the Nitrokey Storage, it also disables the encrypted and hidden volume.
* Implement Drop for PasswordSafeRobin Krahl2018-06-05
| | | | | | By calling NK_lock_device when dropping a PasswordSafe instance, we can make sure that the password safe cannot be reused without authentication.
* Add traits for easier error handling to todo listRobin Krahl2018-06-05
| | | | | | Implementing Into<CommandError> for (Device, CommandError) might allow a user to use the ? operator on methods like authenticate_user within a method returning a CommandError.
* Add tests with different TOTP time windowsRobin Krahl2018-06-05
| | | | | | | | While 30 seconds is the default time step for TOTP, arbitrary values are possible. Yet the RFC does only provide test cases for the default time window. This patch adds tests where these test cases are applied for a time window of 60 seconds (if both the current time and the time window double, the resulting TOTP code is the same).
* Add support for unlock_user_password commandRobin Krahl2018-05-31
* Add support for password safesRobin Krahl2018-05-29
| | | | | | | | | A password safe (PWS) stores names, logins and passwords in slots. PWS are supported both by the Nitrokey Pro and the Nitrokey Storage. They are implemented as a struct wrapping a device as the device may not be disconnected while the password safe is alive. The creation of a password safe is handled by the GetPasswordSafe trait, implemented by DeviceWrapper, Pro and Storage.