path: root/syn/src/stmt.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'syn/src/stmt.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 333 deletions
diff --git a/syn/src/stmt.rs b/syn/src/stmt.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index acee5a3..0000000
--- a/syn/src/stmt.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-use super::*;
-ast_struct! {
- /// A braced block containing Rust statements.
- ///
- /// *This type is available if Syn is built with the `"full"` feature.*
- pub struct Block {
- pub brace_token: token::Brace,
- /// Statements in a block
- pub stmts: Vec<Stmt>,
- }
-ast_enum! {
- /// A statement, usually ending in a semicolon.
- ///
- /// *This type is available if Syn is built with the `"full"` feature.*
- pub enum Stmt {
- /// A local (let) binding.
- Local(Local),
- /// An item definition.
- Item(Item),
- /// Expr without trailing semicolon.
- Expr(Expr),
- /// Expression with trailing semicolon.
- Semi(Expr, Token![;]),
- }
-ast_struct! {
- /// A local `let` binding: `let x: u64 = s.parse()?`.
- ///
- /// *This type is available if Syn is built with the `"full"` feature.*
- pub struct Local {
- pub attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
- pub let_token: Token![let],
- pub pat: Pat,
- pub init: Option<(Token![=], Box<Expr>)>,
- pub semi_token: Token![;],
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "parsing")]
-pub mod parsing {
- use super::*;
- use crate::parse::discouraged::Speculative;
- use crate::parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result};
- use crate::punctuated::Punctuated;
- use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
- impl Block {
- /// Parse the body of a block as zero or more statements, possibly
- /// including one trailing expression.
- ///
- /// *This function is available if Syn is built with the `"parsing"`
- /// feature.*
- ///
- /// # Example
- ///
- /// ```
- /// use syn::{braced, token, Attribute, Block, Ident, Result, Stmt, Token};
- /// use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
- ///
- /// // Parse a function with no generics or parameter list.
- /// //
- /// // fn playground {
- /// // let mut x = 1;
- /// // x += 1;
- /// // println!("{}", x);
- /// // }
- /// struct MiniFunction {
- /// attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
- /// fn_token: Token![fn],
- /// name: Ident,
- /// brace_token: token::Brace,
- /// stmts: Vec<Stmt>,
- /// }
- ///
- /// impl Parse for MiniFunction {
- /// fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- /// let outer_attrs = input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- /// let fn_token: Token![fn] = input.parse()?;
- /// let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
- ///
- /// let content;
- /// let brace_token = braced!(content in input);
- /// let inner_attrs = content.call(Attribute::parse_inner)?;
- /// let stmts = content.call(Block::parse_within)?;
- ///
- /// Ok(MiniFunction {
- /// attrs: {
- /// let mut attrs = outer_attrs;
- /// attrs.extend(inner_attrs);
- /// attrs
- /// },
- /// fn_token,
- /// name,
- /// brace_token,
- /// stmts,
- /// })
- /// }
- /// }
- /// ```
- pub fn parse_within(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Vec<Stmt>> {
- let mut stmts = Vec::new();
- loop {
- while let Some(semi) = input.parse::<Option<Token![;]>>()? {
- stmts.push(Stmt::Semi(Expr::Verbatim(TokenStream::new()), semi));
- }
- if input.is_empty() {
- break;
- }
- let s = parse_stmt(input, true)?;
- let requires_semicolon = if let Stmt::Expr(s) = &s {
- expr::requires_terminator(s)
- } else {
- false
- };
- stmts.push(s);
- if input.is_empty() {
- break;
- } else if requires_semicolon {
- return Err(input.error("unexpected token"));
- }
- }
- Ok(stmts)
- }
- }
- impl Parse for Block {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- let content;
- Ok(Block {
- brace_token: braced!(content in input),
- stmts: content.call(Block::parse_within)?,
- })
- }
- }
- impl Parse for Stmt {
- fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
- parse_stmt(input, false)
- }
- }
- fn parse_stmt(input: ParseStream, allow_nosemi: bool) -> Result<Stmt> {
- let mut attrs = input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- // brace-style macros; paren and bracket macros get parsed as
- // expression statements.
- let ahead = input.fork();
- if let Ok(path) = ahead.call(Path::parse_mod_style) {
- if ahead.peek(Token![!]) && (ahead.peek2(token::Brace) || ahead.peek2(Ident)) {
- input.advance_to(&ahead);
- return stmt_mac(input, attrs, path);
- }
- }
- if input.peek(Token![let]) {
- stmt_local(input, attrs).map(Stmt::Local)
- } else if input.peek(Token![pub])
- || input.peek(Token![crate]) && !input.peek2(Token![::])
- || input.peek(Token![extern]) && !input.peek2(Token![::])
- || input.peek(Token![use])
- || input.peek(Token![static]) && (input.peek2(Token![mut]) || input.peek2(Ident))
- || input.peek(Token![const])
- || input.peek(Token![unsafe]) && !input.peek2(token::Brace)
- || input.peek(Token![async])
- && (input.peek2(Token![unsafe])
- || input.peek2(Token![extern])
- || input.peek2(Token![fn]))
- || input.peek(Token![fn])
- || input.peek(Token![mod])
- || input.peek(Token![type])
- || input.peek(item::parsing::existential) && input.peek2(Token![type])
- || input.peek(Token![struct])
- || input.peek(Token![enum])
- || input.peek(Token![union]) && input.peek2(Ident)
- || input.peek(Token![auto]) && input.peek2(Token![trait])
- || input.peek(Token![trait])
- || input.peek(Token![default])
- && (input.peek2(Token![unsafe]) || input.peek2(Token![impl]))
- || input.peek(Token![impl])
- || input.peek(Token![macro])
- {
- let mut item: Item = input.parse()?;
- attrs.extend(item.replace_attrs(Vec::new()));
- item.replace_attrs(attrs);
- Ok(Stmt::Item(item))
- } else {
- stmt_expr(input, allow_nosemi, attrs)
- }
- }
- fn stmt_mac(input: ParseStream, attrs: Vec<Attribute>, path: Path) -> Result<Stmt> {
- let bang_token: Token![!] = input.parse()?;
- let ident: Option<Ident> = input.parse()?;
- let (delimiter, tokens) = mac::parse_delimiter(input)?;
- let semi_token: Option<Token![;]> = input.parse()?;
- Ok(Stmt::Item(Item::Macro(ItemMacro {
- attrs,
- ident,
- mac: Macro {
- path,
- bang_token,
- delimiter,
- tokens,
- },
- semi_token,
- })))
- }
- fn stmt_local(input: ParseStream, attrs: Vec<Attribute>) -> Result<Local> {
- Ok(Local {
- attrs,
- let_token: input.parse()?,
- pat: {
- let leading_vert: Option<Token![|]> = input.parse()?;
- let mut pat: Pat = input.parse()?;
- if leading_vert.is_some()
- || input.peek(Token![|]) && !input.peek(Token![||]) && !input.peek(Token![|=])
- {
- let mut cases = Punctuated::new();
- cases.push_value(pat);
- while input.peek(Token![|])
- && !input.peek(Token![||])
- && !input.peek(Token![|=])
- {
- let punct = input.parse()?;
- cases.push_punct(punct);
- let pat: Pat = input.parse()?;
- cases.push_value(pat);
- }
- pat = Pat::Or(PatOr {
- attrs: Vec::new(),
- leading_vert,
- cases,
- });
- }
- if input.peek(Token![:]) {
- let colon_token: Token![:] = input.parse()?;
- let ty: Type = input.parse()?;
- pat = Pat::Type(PatType {
- attrs: Vec::new(),
- pat: Box::new(pat),
- colon_token,
- ty: Box::new(ty),
- });
- }
- pat
- },
- init: {
- if input.peek(Token![=]) {
- let eq_token: Token![=] = input.parse()?;
- let init: Expr = input.parse()?;
- Some((eq_token, Box::new(init)))
- } else {
- None
- }
- },
- semi_token: input.parse()?,
- })
- }
- fn stmt_expr(
- input: ParseStream,
- allow_nosemi: bool,
- mut attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
- ) -> Result<Stmt> {
- let mut e = expr::parsing::expr_early(input)?;
- attrs.extend(e.replace_attrs(Vec::new()));
- e.replace_attrs(attrs);
- if input.peek(Token![;]) {
- return Ok(Stmt::Semi(e, input.parse()?));
- }
- if allow_nosemi || !expr::requires_terminator(&e) {
- Ok(Stmt::Expr(e))
- } else {
- Err(input.error("expected semicolon"))
- }
- }
-#[cfg(feature = "printing")]
-mod printing {
- use super::*;
- use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
- use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
- impl ToTokens for Block {
- fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
- self.brace_token.surround(tokens, |tokens| {
- tokens.append_all(&self.stmts);
- });
- }
- }
- impl ToTokens for Stmt {
- fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
- match self {
- Stmt::Local(local) => local.to_tokens(tokens),
- Stmt::Item(item) => item.to_tokens(tokens),
- Stmt::Expr(expr) => expr.to_tokens(tokens),
- Stmt::Semi(expr, semi) => {
- expr.to_tokens(tokens);
- semi.to_tokens(tokens);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- impl ToTokens for Local {
- fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
- expr::printing::outer_attrs_to_tokens(&self.attrs, tokens);
- self.let_token.to_tokens(tokens);
- self.pat.to_tokens(tokens);
- if let Some((eq_token, init)) = &self.init {
- eq_token.to_tokens(tokens);
- init.to_tokens(tokens);
- }
- self.semi_token.to_tokens(tokens);
- }
- }