path: root/syn/codegen/src/parse.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'syn/codegen/src/parse.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/syn/codegen/src/parse.rs b/syn/codegen/src/parse.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index cdd6085..0000000
--- a/syn/codegen/src/parse.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-use crate::version;
-use anyhow::{bail, Result};
-use indexmap::IndexMap;
-use quote::quote;
-use syn::parse::Parser;
-use syn::{parse_quote, Data, DataStruct, DeriveInput, Ident, Item};
-use syn_codegen as types;
-use thiserror::Error;
-use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use std::fs;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-const SYN_CRATE_ROOT: &str = "../src/lib.rs";
-const TOKEN_SRC: &str = "../src/token.rs";
-const IGNORED_MODS: &[&str] = &["fold", "visit", "visit_mut"];
-const EXTRA_TYPES: &[&str] = &["Lifetime"];
-const NONEXHAUSTIVE: &str = "__Nonexhaustive";
-// NOTE: BTreeMap is used here instead of HashMap to have deterministic output.
-type ItemLookup = BTreeMap<Ident, AstItem>;
-type TokenLookup = BTreeMap<String, String>;
-/// Parse the contents of `src` and return a list of AST types.
-pub fn parse() -> Result<types::Definitions> {
- let mut item_lookup = BTreeMap::new();
- load_file(SYN_CRATE_ROOT, &[], &mut item_lookup)?;
- let token_lookup = load_token_file(TOKEN_SRC)?;
- let version = version::get()?;
- let types = item_lookup
- .values()
- .map(|item| introspect_item(item, &item_lookup, &token_lookup))
- .collect();
- let tokens = token_lookup
- .into_iter()
- .map(|(name, ty)| (ty, name))
- .collect();
- Ok(types::Definitions {
- version,
- types,
- tokens,
- })
-/// Data extracted from syn source
-pub struct AstItem {
- ast: DeriveInput,
- features: Vec<syn::Attribute>,
-fn introspect_item(item: &AstItem, items: &ItemLookup, tokens: &TokenLookup) -> types::Node {
- let features = introspect_features(&item.features);
- match &item.ast.data {
- Data::Enum(ref data) => types::Node {
- ident: item.ast.ident.to_string(),
- features,
- data: types::Data::Enum(introspect_enum(data, items, tokens)),
- exhaustive: data.variants.iter().all(|v| v.ident != NONEXHAUSTIVE),
- },
- Data::Struct(ref data) => types::Node {
- ident: item.ast.ident.to_string(),
- features,
- data: {
- if data.fields.iter().all(|f| is_pub(&f.vis)) {
- types::Data::Struct(introspect_struct(data, items, tokens))
- } else {
- types::Data::Private
- }
- },
- exhaustive: true,
- },
- Data::Union(..) => panic!("Union not supported"),
- }
-fn introspect_enum(
- item: &syn::DataEnum,
- items: &ItemLookup,
- tokens: &TokenLookup,
-) -> types::Variants {
- item.variants
- .iter()
- .filter_map(|variant| {
- if variant.ident == NONEXHAUSTIVE {
- return None;
- }
- let fields = match &variant.fields {
- syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => fields
- .unnamed
- .iter()
- .map(|field| introspect_type(&field.ty, items, tokens))
- .collect(),
- syn::Fields::Unit => vec![],
- _ => panic!("Enum representation not supported"),
- };
- Some((variant.ident.to_string(), fields))
- })
- .collect()
-fn introspect_struct(
- item: &syn::DataStruct,
- items: &ItemLookup,
- tokens: &TokenLookup,
-) -> types::Fields {
- match &item.fields {
- syn::Fields::Named(fields) => fields
- .named
- .iter()
- .map(|field| {
- (
- field.ident.as_ref().unwrap().to_string(),
- introspect_type(&field.ty, items, tokens),
- )
- })
- .collect(),
- syn::Fields::Unit => IndexMap::new(),
- _ => panic!("Struct representation not supported"),
- }
-fn introspect_type(item: &syn::Type, items: &ItemLookup, tokens: &TokenLookup) -> types::Type {
- match item {
- syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath {
- qself: None,
- ref path,
- }) => {
- let last = path.segments.last().unwrap();
- let string = last.ident.to_string();
- match string.as_str() {
- "Option" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Option(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Punctuated" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- let punct = match introspect_type(last_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens) {
- types::Type::Token(s) => s,
- _ => panic!(),
- };
- types::Type::Punctuated(types::Punctuated {
- element: Box::new(nested),
- punct,
- })
- }
- "Vec" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Vec(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Box" => {
- let nested = introspect_type(first_arg(&last.arguments), items, tokens);
- types::Type::Box(Box::new(nested))
- }
- "Brace" | "Bracket" | "Paren" | "Group" => types::Type::Group(string),
- "TokenStream" | "Literal" | "Ident" | "Span" => types::Type::Ext(string),
- "String" | "u32" | "usize" | "bool" => types::Type::Std(string),
- "Await" => types::Type::Token("Await".to_string()),
- _ => {
- if items.get(&last.ident).is_some() || last.ident == "Reserved" {
- types::Type::Syn(string)
- } else {
- unimplemented!("{}", string);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- syn::Type::Tuple(syn::TypeTuple { ref elems, .. }) => {
- let tys = elems
- .iter()
- .map(|ty| introspect_type(&ty, items, tokens))
- .collect();
- types::Type::Tuple(tys)
- }
- syn::Type::Macro(syn::TypeMacro { ref mac })
- if mac.path.segments.last().unwrap().ident == "Token" =>
- {
- let content = mac.tokens.to_string();
- let ty = tokens.get(&content).unwrap().to_string();
- types::Type::Token(ty)
- }
- _ => panic!("{}", quote!(#item).to_string()),
- }
-fn introspect_features(attrs: &[syn::Attribute]) -> types::Features {
- let mut ret = types::Features::default();
- for attr in attrs {
- if !attr.path.is_ident("cfg") {
- continue;
- }
- let features = parsing::parse_features.parse2(attr.tokens.clone()).unwrap();
- if ret.any.is_empty() {
- ret = features;
- } else if ret.any.len() < features.any.len() {
- assert!(ret.any.iter().all(|f| features.any.contains(f)));
- } else {
- assert!(features.any.iter().all(|f| ret.any.contains(f)));
- ret = features;
- }
- }
- ret
-fn is_pub(vis: &syn::Visibility) -> bool {
- match vis {
- syn::Visibility::Public(_) => true,
- _ => false,
- }
-fn first_arg(params: &syn::PathArguments) -> &syn::Type {
- let data = match *params {
- syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => data,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- };
- match *data
- .args
- .first()
- .expect("Expected at least 1 type argument here")
- {
- syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => ty,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- }
-fn last_arg(params: &syn::PathArguments) -> &syn::Type {
- let data = match *params {
- syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => data,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- };
- match *data
- .args
- .last()
- .expect("Expected at least 1 type argument here")
- {
- syn::GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) => ty,
- _ => panic!("Expected at least 1 type argument here"),
- }
-mod parsing {
- use super::{AstItem, TokenLookup};
- use proc_macro2::{TokenStream, TokenTree};
- use quote::quote;
- use syn;
- use syn::parse::{ParseStream, Result};
- use syn::*;
- use syn_codegen as types;
- use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
- fn peek_tag(input: ParseStream, tag: &str) -> bool {
- let ahead = input.fork();
- ahead.parse::<Token![#]>().is_ok()
- && ahead
- .parse::<Ident>()
- .map(|ident| ident == tag)
- .unwrap_or(false)
- }
- // Parses #full - returns #[cfg(feature = "full")] if it is present, and
- // nothing otherwise.
- fn full(input: ParseStream) -> Vec<syn::Attribute> {
- if peek_tag(input, "full") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- vec![parse_quote!(#[cfg(feature = "full")])]
- } else {
- vec![]
- }
- }
- fn skip_manual_extra_traits(input: ParseStream) {
- if peek_tag(input, "manual_extra_traits") || peek_tag(input, "manual_extra_traits_debug") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- }
- }
- // Parses a simple AstStruct without the `pub struct` prefix.
- fn ast_struct_inner(input: ParseStream) -> Result<AstItem> {
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let features = full(input);
- skip_manual_extra_traits(input);
- let rest: TokenStream = input.parse()?;
- Ok(AstItem {
- ast: syn::parse2(quote! {
- pub struct #ident #rest
- })?,
- features,
- })
- }
- pub fn ast_struct(input: ParseStream) -> Result<AstItem> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![struct]>()?;
- let res = input.call(ast_struct_inner)?;
- Ok(res)
- }
- fn no_visit(input: ParseStream) -> bool {
- if peek_tag(input, "no_visit") {
- input.parse::<Token![#]>().unwrap();
- input.parse::<Ident>().unwrap();
- true
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- pub fn ast_enum(input: ParseStream) -> Result<Option<AstItem>> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![enum]>()?;
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- skip_manual_extra_traits(input);
- let no_visit = no_visit(input);
- let rest: TokenStream = input.parse()?;
- Ok(if no_visit {
- None
- } else {
- Some(AstItem {
- ast: syn::parse2(quote! {
- pub enum #ident #rest
- })?,
- features: vec![],
- })
- })
- }
- // A single variant of an ast_enum_of_structs!
- struct EosVariant {
- name: Ident,
- member: Option<Path>,
- }
- fn eos_variant(input: ParseStream) -> Result<EosVariant> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- let variant: Ident = input.parse()?;
- let member = if input.peek(token::Paren) {
- let content;
- parenthesized!(content in input);
- let path: Path = content.parse()?;
- Some(path)
- } else {
- None
- };
- input.parse::<Token![,]>()?;
- Ok(EosVariant {
- name: variant,
- member,
- })
- }
- pub fn ast_enum_of_structs(input: ParseStream) -> Result<AstItem> {
- input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- input.parse::<Token![pub]>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![enum]>()?;
- let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
- skip_manual_extra_traits(input);
- let content;
- braced!(content in input);
- let mut variants = Vec::new();
- while !content.is_empty() {
- variants.push(content.call(eos_variant)?);
- }
- if let Some(ident) = input.parse::<Option<Ident>>()? {
- assert_eq!(ident, "do_not_generate_to_tokens");
- }
- let enum_item = {
- let variants = variants.iter().map(|v| {
- let name = v.name.clone();
- match v.member {
- Some(ref member) => quote!(#name(#member)),
- None => quote!(#name),
- }
- });
- parse_quote! {
- pub enum #ident {
- #(#variants),*
- }
- }
- };
- Ok(AstItem {
- ast: enum_item,
- features: vec![],
- })
- }
- mod kw {
- syn::custom_keyword!(macro_rules);
- syn::custom_keyword!(Token);
- }
- pub fn parse_token_macro(input: ParseStream) -> Result<TokenLookup> {
- input.parse::<TokenTree>()?;
- input.parse::<Token![=>]>()?;
- let definition;
- braced!(definition in input);
- definition.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
- definition.parse::<kw::macro_rules>()?;
- definition.parse::<Token![!]>()?;
- definition.parse::<kw::Token>()?;
- let rules;
- braced!(rules in definition);
- input.parse::<Token![;]>()?;
- let mut tokens = BTreeMap::new();
- while !rules.is_empty() {
- if rules.peek(Token![$]) {
- rules.parse::<Token![$]>()?;
- rules.parse::<TokenTree>()?;
- rules.parse::<Token![*]>()?;
- tokens.insert("await".to_owned(), "Await".to_owned());
- } else {
- let pattern;
- parenthesized!(pattern in rules);
- let token = pattern.parse::<TokenStream>()?.to_string();
- rules.parse::<Token![=>]>()?;
- let expansion;
- braced!(expansion in rules);
- rules.parse::<Token![;]>()?;
- expansion.parse::<Token![$]>()?;
- let path: Path = expansion.parse()?;
- let ty = path.segments.last().unwrap().ident.to_string();
- tokens.insert(token, ty.to_string());
- }
- }
- Ok(tokens)
- }
- fn parse_feature(input: ParseStream) -> Result<String> {
- let i: syn::Ident = input.parse()?;
- assert_eq!(i, "feature");
- input.parse::<Token![=]>()?;
- let s = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
- Ok(s.value())
- }
- pub fn parse_features(input: ParseStream) -> Result<types::Features> {
- let mut features = BTreeSet::new();
- let level_1;
- parenthesized!(level_1 in input);
- let i: syn::Ident = level_1.fork().parse()?;
- if i == "any" {
- level_1.parse::<syn::Ident>()?;
- let level_2;
- parenthesized!(level_2 in level_1);
- while !level_2.is_empty() {
- features.insert(parse_feature(&level_2)?);
- if !level_2.is_empty() {
- level_2.parse::<Token![,]>()?;
- }
- }
- } else if i == "feature" {
- features.insert(parse_feature(&level_1)?);
- assert!(level_1.is_empty());
- } else {
- panic!("{:?}", i);
- }
- assert!(input.is_empty());
- Ok(types::Features { any: features })
- }
-fn get_features(attrs: &[syn::Attribute], base: &[syn::Attribute]) -> Vec<syn::Attribute> {
- let mut ret = base.to_owned();
- for attr in attrs {
- if attr.path.is_ident("cfg") {
- ret.push(attr.clone());
- }
- }
- ret
-#[derive(Error, Debug)]
-#[error("{path}:{line}:{column}: {error}")]
-struct LoadFileError {
- path: PathBuf,
- line: usize,
- column: usize,
- error: syn::Error,
-fn load_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- name: P,
- features: &[syn::Attribute],
- lookup: &mut ItemLookup,
-) -> Result<()> {
- let error = match do_load_file(&name, features, lookup).err() {
- None => return Ok(()),
- Some(error) => error,
- };
- let error = error.downcast::<syn::Error>()?;
- let span = error.span().start();
- bail!(LoadFileError {
- path: name.as_ref().to_owned(),
- line: span.line,
- column: span.column + 1,
- error,
- })
-fn do_load_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- name: P,
- features: &[syn::Attribute],
- lookup: &mut ItemLookup,
-) -> Result<()> {
- let name = name.as_ref();
- let parent = name.parent().expect("no parent path");
- // Parse the file
- let src = fs::read_to_string(name)?;
- let file = syn::parse_file(&src)?;
- // Collect all of the interesting AstItems declared in this file or submodules.
- 'items: for item in file.items {
- match item {
- Item::Mod(item) => {
- // Don't inspect inline modules.
- if item.content.is_some() {
- continue;
- }
- // We don't want to try to load the generated rust files and
- // parse them, so we ignore them here.
- for name in IGNORED_MODS {
- if item.ident == name {
- continue 'items;
- }
- }
- // Lookup any #[cfg()] attributes on the module and add them to
- // the feature set.
- //
- // The derive module is weird because it is built with either
- // `full` or `derive` but exported only under `derive`.
- let features = if item.ident == "derive" {
- vec![parse_quote!(#[cfg(feature = "derive")])]
- } else {
- get_features(&item.attrs, features)
- };
- // Look up the submodule file, and recursively parse it.
- // Only handles same-directory .rs file submodules for now.
- let path = parent.join(&format!("{}.rs", item.ident));
- load_file(path, &features, lookup)?;
- }
- Item::Macro(item) => {
- // Lookip any #[cfg()] attributes directly on the macro
- // invocation, and add them to the feature set.
- let features = get_features(&item.attrs, features);
- // Try to parse the AstItem declaration out of the item.
- let tts = item.mac.tokens.clone();
- let found = if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_struct") {
- Some(parsing::ast_struct.parse2(tts)?)
- } else if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_enum") {
- parsing::ast_enum.parse2(tts)?
- } else if item.mac.path.is_ident("ast_enum_of_structs") {
- Some(parsing::ast_enum_of_structs.parse2(tts)?)
- } else {
- continue;
- };
- // Record our features on the parsed AstItems.
- for mut item in found {
- if item.ast.ident != "Reserved" {
- item.features.extend(features.clone());
- lookup.insert(item.ast.ident.clone(), item);
- }
- }
- }
- Item::Struct(item) => {
- let ident = item.ident;
- if EXTRA_TYPES.contains(&&ident.to_string()[..]) {
- lookup.insert(
- ident.clone(),
- AstItem {
- ast: DeriveInput {
- ident,
- vis: item.vis,
- attrs: item.attrs,
- generics: item.generics,
- data: Data::Struct(DataStruct {
- fields: item.fields,
- struct_token: item.struct_token,
- semi_token: item.semi_token,
- }),
- },
- features: features.to_owned(),
- },
- );
- }
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- Ok(())
-fn load_token_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(name: P) -> Result<TokenLookup> {
- let name = name.as_ref();
- let src = fs::read_to_string(name)?;
- let file = syn::parse_file(&src)?;
- for item in file.items {
- match item {
- Item::Macro(item) => {
- match item.ident {
- Some(ref i) if i == "export_token_macro" => {}
- _ => continue,
- }
- let tokens = item.mac.parse_body_with(parsing::parse_token_macro)?;
- return Ok(tokens);
- }
- _ => {}
- }
- }
- panic!("failed to parse Token macro")