path: root/rustversion/README.md
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-Compiler version cfg
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-This crate provides macros for conditional compilation according to rustc
-compiler version, analogous to [`#[cfg(...)]`][cfg] and
-[cfg]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#the-cfg-attribute
-[cfg_attr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/conditional-compilation.html#the-cfg_attr-attribute
-rustversion = "1.0"
-## Selectors
-- <b>`#[rustversion::stable]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on any stable compiler.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::stable(1.34)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on exactly the specified stable compiler.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::beta]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on any beta compiler.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::nightly]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on any nightly compiler or dev build.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::nightly(2019-01-01)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on exactly one nightly.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::since(1.34)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on that stable release and any later compiler, including beta and
- nightly.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::since(2019-01-01)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True on that nightly and all newer ones.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::before(`</b><i>version or date</i><b>`)]`</b>
- —<br>
- Negative of *#[rustversion::since(...)]*.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::not(`</b><i>selector</i><b>`)]`</b>
- —<br>
- Negative of any selector; for example *#[rustversion::not(nightly)]*.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::any(`</b><i>selectors...</i><b>`)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True if any of the comma-separated selectors is true; for example
- *#[rustversion::any(stable, beta)]*.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::all(`</b><i>selectors...</i><b>`)]`</b>
- —<br>
- True if all of the comma-separated selectors are true; for example
- *#[rustversion::all(since(1.31), before(1.34))]*.
-- <b>`#[rustversion::attr(`</b><i>selector</i><b>`, `</b><i>attribute</i><b>`)]`</b>
- —<br>
- For conditional inclusion of attributes; analogous to `cfg_attr`.
-## Use cases
-Providing additional trait impls as types are stabilized in the standard library
-without breaking compatibility with older compilers; in this case Pin\<P\>
-stabilized in [Rust 1.33][pin]:
-[pin]: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2019/02/28/Rust-1.33.0.html#pinning
-use std::pin::Pin;
-impl<P: MyTrait> MyTrait for Pin<P> {
- /* ... */
-Similar but for language features; the ability to control alignment greater than
-1 of packed structs was stabilized in [Rust 1.33][packed].
-[packed]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/RELEASES.md#version-1330-2019-02-28
-#[rustversion::attr(before(1.33), repr(packed))]
-#[rustversion::attr(since(1.33), repr(packed(2)))]
-struct Six(i16, i32);
-fn main() {
- println!("{}", std::mem::align_of::<Six>());
-Augmenting code with `const` as const impls are stabilized in the standard
-library. This use of `const` as an attribute is recognized as a special case by
-the rustversion::attr macro.
-use std::time::Duration;
-#[rustversion::attr(since(1.32), const)]
-fn duration_as_days(dur: Duration) -> u64 {
- dur.as_secs() / 60 / 60 / 24
-#### License
-Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
-2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.
-Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
-for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
-be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.