path: root/clap/src/completions/fish.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clap/src/completions/fish.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/clap/src/completions/fish.rs b/clap/src/completions/fish.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c2c5a5e..0000000
--- a/clap/src/completions/fish.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Std
-use std::io::Write;
-// Internal
-use app::parser::Parser;
-pub struct FishGen<'a, 'b>
- 'a: 'b,
- p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
-impl<'a, 'b> FishGen<'a, 'b> {
- pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { FishGen { p: p } }
- pub fn generate_to<W: Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) {
- let command = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap();
- let mut buffer = String::new();
- gen_fish_inner(command, self, command, &mut buffer);
- w!(buf, buffer.as_bytes());
- }
-// Escape string inside single quotes
-fn escape_string(string: &str) -> String { string.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'") }
-fn gen_fish_inner(root_command: &str, comp_gen: &FishGen, subcommand: &str, buffer: &mut String) {
- debugln!("FishGen::gen_fish_inner;");
- // example :
- //
- // complete
- // -c {command}
- // -d "{description}"
- // -s {short}
- // -l {long}
- // -a "{possible_arguments}"
- // -r # if require parameter
- // -f # don't use file completion
- // -n "__fish_use_subcommand" # complete for command "myprog"
- // -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from subcmd1" # complete for command "myprog subcmd1"
- let mut basic_template = format!("complete -c {} -n ", root_command);
- if root_command == subcommand {
- basic_template.push_str("\"__fish_use_subcommand\"");
- } else {
- basic_template.push_str(format!("\"__fish_seen_subcommand_from {}\"", subcommand).as_str());
- }
- for option in comp_gen.p.opts() {
- let mut template = basic_template.clone();
- if let Some(data) = option.s.short {
- template.push_str(format!(" -s {}", data).as_str());
- }
- if let Some(data) = option.s.long {
- template.push_str(format!(" -l {}", data).as_str());
- }
- if let Some(data) = option.b.help {
- template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str());
- }
- if let Some(ref data) = option.v.possible_vals {
- template.push_str(format!(" -r -f -a \"{}\"", data.join(" ")).as_str());
- }
- buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
- buffer.push_str("\n");
- }
- for flag in comp_gen.p.flags() {
- let mut template = basic_template.clone();
- if let Some(data) = flag.s.short {
- template.push_str(format!(" -s {}", data).as_str());
- }
- if let Some(data) = flag.s.long {
- template.push_str(format!(" -l {}", data).as_str());
- }
- if let Some(data) = flag.b.help {
- template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str());
- }
- buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
- buffer.push_str("\n");
- }
- for subcommand in &comp_gen.p.subcommands {
- let mut template = basic_template.clone();
- template.push_str(" -f");
- template.push_str(format!(" -a \"{}\"", &subcommand.p.meta.name).as_str());
- if let Some(data) = subcommand.p.meta.about {
- template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str())
- }
- buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
- buffer.push_str("\n");
- }
- // generate options of subcommands
- for subcommand in &comp_gen.p.subcommands {
- let sub_comp_gen = FishGen::new(&subcommand.p);
- gen_fish_inner(root_command, &sub_comp_gen, &subcommand.to_string(), buffer);
- }