path: root/clap/examples
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Diffstat (limited to 'clap/examples')
26 files changed, 0 insertions, 1550 deletions
diff --git a/clap/examples/01a_quick_example.rs b/clap/examples/01a_quick_example.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c7fa20f..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/01a_quick_example.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, SubCommand};
-fn main() {
- // This example shows how to create an application with several arguments using usage strings, which can be
- // far less verbose that shown in 01b_QuickExample.rs, but is more readable. The downside is you cannot set
- // the more advanced configuration options using this method (well...actually you can, you'll see ;) )
- //
- // The example below is functionally identical to the 01b_quick_example.rs and 01c_quick_example.rs
- //
- // Create an application with 5 possible arguments (2 auto generated) and 2 subcommands (1 auto generated)
- // - A config file
- // + Uses "-c filename" or "--config filename"
- // - An output file
- // + A positional argument (i.e. "$ myapp output_filename")
- // - A debug flag
- // + Uses "-d" or "--debug"
- // + Allows multiple occurrences of such as "-dd" (for vary levels of debugging, as an example)
- // - A help flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-h" or "--help" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-h" or "--help")
- // - A version flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-V" or "--version" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-V" or "--version")
- // - A subcommand "test" (subcommands behave like their own apps, with their own arguments
- // + Used by "$ myapp test" with the following arguments
- // > A list flag
- // = Uses "-l" (usage is "$ myapp test -l"
- // > A help flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-h" or "--help" (full usage "$ myapp test -h" or "$ myapp test --help")
- // > A version flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-V" or "--version" (full usage "$ myapp test -V" or "$ myapp test --version")
- // - A subcommand "help" (automatically generated by clap because we specified a subcommand of our own)
- // + Used by "$ myapp help" (same functionality as "-h" or "--help")
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- .version("1.0")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .about("Does awesome things")
- .args_from_usage("-c, --config=[FILE] 'Sets a custom config file'
- <output> 'Sets an optional output file'
- -d... 'Turn debugging information on'")
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
- .about("does testing things")
- .arg_from_usage("-l, --list 'lists test values'"))
- .get_matches();
- // You can check the value provided by positional arguments, or option arguments
- if let Some(o) = matches.value_of("output") {
- println!("Value for output: {}", o);
- }
- if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("config") {
- println!("Value for config: {}", c);
- }
- // You can see how many times a particular flag or argument occurred
- // Note, only flags can have multiple occurrences
- match matches.occurrences_of("d") {
- 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"),
- 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"),
- 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"),
- 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
- }
- // You can check for the existence of subcommands, and if found use their
- // matches just as you would the top level app
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
- // "$ myapp test" was run
- if matches.is_present("list") {
- // "$ myapp test -l" was run
- println!("Printing testing lists...");
- } else {
- println!("Not printing testing lists...");
- }
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/01b_quick_example.rs b/clap/examples/01b_quick_example.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f455a8..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/01b_quick_example.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
-fn main() {
- // This method shows the traditional, and slightly more configurable way to set up arguments. This method is
- // more verbose, but allows setting more configuration options, and even supports easier dynamic generation.
- //
- // The example below is functionally identical to the 01a_quick_example.rs and 01c_quick_example.rs
- //
- // *NOTE:* You can actually achieve the best of both worlds by using Arg::from_usage() (instead of Arg::with_name())
- // and *then* setting any additional properties.
- //
- // Create an application with 5 possible arguments (2 auto generated) and 2 subcommands (1 auto generated)
- // - A config file
- // + Uses "-c filename" or "--config filename"
- // - An output file
- // + A positional argument (i.e. "$ myapp output_filename")
- // - A debug flag
- // + Uses "-d" or "--debug"
- // + Allows multiple occurrences of such as "-dd" (for vary levels of debugging, as an example)
- // - A help flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-h" or "--help" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-h" or "--help")
- // - A version flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-V" or "--version" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-V" or "--version")
- // - A subcommand "test" (subcommands behave like their own apps, with their own arguments
- // + Used by "$ myapp test" with the following arguments
- // > A list flag
- // = Uses "-l" (usage is "$ myapp test -l"
- // > A help flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-h" or "--help" (full usage "$ myapp test -h" or "$ myapp test --help")
- // > A version flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-V" or "--version" (full usage "$ myapp test -V" or "$ myapp test --version")
- // - A subcommand "help" (automatically generated by clap because we specified a subcommand of our own)
- // + Used by "$ myapp help" (same functionality as "-h" or "--help")
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- .version("1.0")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .about("Does awesome things")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
- .short("c")
- .long("config")
- .value_name("FILE")
- .help("Sets a custom config file")
- .takes_value(true))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
- .help("Sets an optional output file")
- .index(1))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
- .short("d")
- .multiple(true)
- .help("Turn debugging information on"))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
- .about("does testing things")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("list")
- .short("l")
- .help("lists test values")))
- .get_matches();
- // You can check the value provided by positional arguments, or option arguments
- if let Some(o) = matches.value_of("output") {
- println!("Value for output: {}", o);
- }
- if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("config") {
- println!("Value for config: {}", c);
- }
- // You can see how many times a particular flag or argument occurred
- // Note, only flags can have multiple occurrences
- match matches.occurrences_of("debug") {
- 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"),
- 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"),
- 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"),
- 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
- }
- // You can check for the existence of subcommands, and if found use their
- // matches just as you would the top level app
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
- // "$ myapp test" was run
- if matches.is_present("list") {
- // "$ myapp test -l" was run
- println!("Printing testing lists...");
- } else {
- println!("Not printing testing lists...");
- }
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/01c_quick_example.rs b/clap/examples/01c_quick_example.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 071bdc0..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/01c_quick_example.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-fn main() {
- // This example shows how to create an application with several arguments using macro builder.
- // It combines the simplicity of the from_usage methods and the performance of the Builder Pattern.
- //
- // The example below is functionally identical to the one in 01a_quick_example.rs and 01b_quick_example.rs
- //
- // Create an application with 5 possible arguments (2 auto generated) and 2 subcommands (1 auto generated)
- // - A config file
- // + Uses "-c filename" or "--config filename"
- // - An output file
- // + A positional argument (i.e. "$ myapp output_filename")
- // - A debug flag
- // + Uses "-d" or "--debug"
- // + Allows multiple occurrences of such as "-dd" (for vary levels of debugging, as an example)
- // - A help flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-h" or "--help" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-h" or "--help")
- // - A version flag (automatically generated by clap)
- // + Uses "-V" or "--version" (Only autogenerated if you do NOT specify your own "-V" or "--version")
- // - A subcommand "test" (subcommands behave like their own apps, with their own arguments
- // + Used by "$ myapp test" with the following arguments
- // > A list flag
- // = Uses "-l" (usage is "$ myapp test -l"
- // > A help flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-h" or "--help" (full usage "$ myapp test -h" or "$ myapp test --help")
- // > A version flag (automatically generated by clap
- // = Uses "-V" or "--version" (full usage "$ myapp test -V" or "$ myapp test --version")
- // - A subcommand "help" (automatically generated by clap because we specified a subcommand of our own)
- // + Used by "$ myapp help" (same functionality as "-h" or "--help")
- let matches = clap_app!(myapp =>
- (version: "1.0")
- (author: "Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- (about: "Does awesome things")
- (@arg CONFIG: -c --config +takes_value "Sets a custom config file")
- (@arg INPUT: +required "Sets the input file to use")
- (@arg debug: -d ... "Sets the level of debugging information")
- (@subcommand test =>
- (about: "controls testing features")
- (version: "1.3")
- (author: "Someone E. <someone_else@other.com>")
- (@arg verbose: -v --verbose "Print test information verbosely")
- )
- ).get_matches();
- // Calling .unwrap() is safe here because "INPUT" is required (if "INPUT" wasn't
- // required we could have used an 'if let' to conditionally get the value)
- println!("Using input file: {}", matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap());
- // Gets a value for config if supplied by user, or defaults to "default.conf"
- let config = matches.value_of("CONFIG").unwrap_or("default.conf");
- println!("Value for config: {}", config);
- // Vary the output based on how many times the user used the "debug" flag
- // (i.e. 'myapp -d -d -d' or 'myapp -ddd' vs 'myapp -d'
- match matches.occurrences_of("debug") {
- 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"),
- 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"),
- 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"),
- 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
- }
- // You can information about subcommands by requesting their matches by name
- // (as below), requesting just the name used, or both at the same time
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
- if matches.is_present("verbose") {
- println!("Printing verbosely...");
- } else {
- println!("Printing normally...");
- }
- }
- // more program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/02_apps.rs b/clap/examples/02_apps.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e45640..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/02_apps.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::App;
-fn main() {
- // Apps describe the top level application
- //
- // You create an App and set various options on that App using the "builder pattern"
- //
- // The options (version(), author(), about()) aren't mandatory, but recommended. There is
- // another option, usage(), which is an exception to the rule. This should only be used when
- // the default usage string automatically generated by clap doesn't suffice.
- //
- // You also set all the valid arguments your App should accept via the arg(), args(), arg_from_usage()
- // and args_from_usage() (as well as subcommands via the subcommand() and subcommands() methods) which
- // will be covered later.
- //
- // Once all options have been set, call one of the .get_matches* family of methods in order to
- // start the parsing and find all valid command line arguments that supplied by the user at
- // runtime. The name given to new() will be displayed when the version or help flags are used.
- App::new("MyApp")
- .version("1.0")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .about("Does awesome things")
- .get_matches();
- // This example doesn't do much, but it *does* give automatic -h, --help, -V, and --version functionality ;)
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/03_args.rs b/clap/examples/03_args.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index c62d576..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/03_args.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // Args describe a possible valid argument which may be supplied by the user at runtime. There
- // are three different types of arguments (flags, options, and positional) as well as a fourth
- // special type of argument, called SubCommands (which will be discussed separately).
- //
- // Args are described in the same manner as Apps using the "builder pattern" with multiple
- // methods describing various settings for the individual arguments. Or by supplying a "usage"
- // string. Both methods have their pros and cons.
- //
- // Arguments can be added to applications in two manners, one at a time with the arg(), and
- // arg_from_usage() method, or multiple arguments at once via a Vec<Arg> inside the args() method,
- // or a single &str describing multiple Args (one per line) supplied to args_from_usage().
- //
- // There are various options which can be set for a given argument, some apply to any of the
- // three types of arguments, some only apply one or two of the types. *NOTE* if you set
- // incompatible options on a single argument, clap will panic! at runtime. This is by design,
- // so that you know right away an error was made by the developer, not the end user.
- //
- // # Help and Version
- // clap automatically generates a help and version flag for you, unless you specify your
- // own. By default help uses "-h" and "--help", and version uses "-V" and "--version". You can
- // safely override "-V" and "-h" to your own arguments, and "--help" and "--version" will still
- // be automatically generated for you.
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- // All application settings go here...
- // A simple "Flag" argument example (i.e. "-d") using the builder pattern
- .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
- .help("turn on debugging information")
- .short("d"))
- // Two arguments, one "Option" argument (i.e. one that takes a value) such
- // as "-c some", and one positional argument (i.e. "myapp some_file")
- .args(&[
- Arg::with_name("config")
- .help("sets the config file to use")
- .takes_value(true)
- .short("c")
- .long("config"),
- Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the input file to use")
- .index(1)
- .required(true)
- ])
- // *Note* the following two examples are convenience methods, if you wish
- // to still get the full configurability of Arg::with_name() and the readability
- // of arg_from_usage(), you can instantiate a new Arg with Arg::from_usage() and
- // still be able to set all the additional properties, just like Arg::with_name()
- //
- //
- // One "Flag" using a usage string
- .arg_from_usage("--license 'display the license file'")
- // Two args, one "Positional", and one "Option" using a usage string
- .args_from_usage("[output] 'Supply an output file to use'
- -i, --int=[IFACE] 'Set an interface to use'")
- .get_matches();
- // Here are some examples of using the arguments defined above. Keep in mind that this is only
- // an example, and may be somewhat contrived
- //
- // First we check if debugging should be on or not
- println!("Debugging mode is: {}", if matches.is_present("debug") { "ON" } else { "OFF" });
- // Next we print the config file we're using, if any was defined with either -c <file> or
- // --config <file>
- if let Some(config) = matches.value_of("config") {
- println!("A config file was passed in: {}", config);
- }
- // Let's print the <INPUT> file the user passed in. We can use .unwrap() here becase the arg is
- // required, and parsing would have failed if the user forgot it
- println!("Using input file: {}", matches.value_of("input").unwrap());
- // We could continue checking for and using arguments in this manner, such as "license",
- // "output", and "interface". Keep in mind that "output" and "interface" are optional, so you
- // shouldn't call .unwrap(). Instead, prefer using an 'if let' expression as we did with
- // "config"
diff --git a/clap/examples/04_using_matches.rs b/clap/examples/04_using_matches.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a986f..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/04_using_matches.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // Once all App settings (including all arguments) have been set, you call get_matches() which
- // parses the string provided by the user, and returns all the valid matches to the ones you
- // specified.
- //
- // You can then query the matches struct to get information about how the user ran the program
- // at startup.
- //
- // For this example, let's assume you created an App which accepts three arguments (plus two
- // generated by clap), a flag to display debugging information triggered with "-d" or
- // "--debug" as well as an option argument which specifies a custom configuration file to use
- // triggered with "-c file" or "--config file" or "--config=file" and finally a positional
- // argument which is the input file we want to work with, this will be the only required
- // argument.
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- .about("Parses an input file to do awesome things")
- .version("1.0")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
- .help("turn on debugging information")
- .short("d")
- .long("debug"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
- .help("sets the config file to use")
- .short("c")
- .long("config"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the input file to use")
- .index(1)
- .required(true))
- .get_matches();
- // We can find out whether or not debugging was turned on
- if matches.is_present("debug") {
- println!("Debugging is turned on");
- }
- // If we wanted to do some custom initialization based off some configuration file
- // provided by the user, we could get the file (A string of the file)
- if let Some(file) = matches.value_of("config") {
- println!("Using config file: {}", file);
- }
- // Because "input" is required we can safely call unwrap() because had the user NOT
- // specified a value, clap would have explained the error the user, and exited.
- println!("Doing real work with file: {}", matches.value_of("input").unwrap() );
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/05_flag_args.rs b/clap/examples/05_flag_args.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b8945..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/05_flag_args.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // Of the three argument types, flags are the most simple. Flags are simple switches which can
- // be either "on" or "off"
- //
- // clap also supports multiple occurrences of flags, the common example is "verbosity" where a
- // user could want a little information with "-v" or tons of information with "-v -v" or "-vv"
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- // Regular App configuration goes here...
- // We'll add a flag that represents an awesome meter...
- //
- // I'll explain each possible setting that "flags" accept. Keep in mind
- // that you DO NOT need to set each of these for every flag, only the ones
- // you want for your individual case.
- .arg(Arg::with_name("awesome")
- .help("turns up the awesome") // Displayed when showing help info
- .short("a") // Trigger this arg with "-a"
- .long("awesome") // Trigger this arg with "--awesome"
- .multiple(true) // This flag should allow multiple
- // occurrences such as "-aaa" or "-a -a"
- .requires("config") // Says, "If the user uses -a, they MUST
- // also use this other 'config' arg too"
- // Can also specify a list using
- // requires_all(Vec<&str>)
- .conflicts_with("output") // Opposite of requires(), says "if the
- // user uses -a, they CANNOT use 'output'"
- // also has a conflicts_with_all(Vec<&str>)
- )
- // NOTE: In order to compile this example, comment out requires() and
- // conflicts_with() because we have not defined an "output" or "config"
- // argument.
- .get_matches();
- // We can find out whether or not awesome was used
- if matches.is_present("awesome") {
- println!("Awesomeness is turned on");
- }
- // If we set the multiple() option of a flag we can check how many times the user specified
- //
- // Note: if we did not specify the multiple() option, and the user used "awesome" we would get
- // a 1 (no matter how many times they actually used it), or a 0 if they didn't use it at all
- match matches.occurrences_of("awesome") {
- 0 => println!("Nothing is awesome"),
- 1 => println!("Some things are awesome"),
- 2 => println!("Lots of things are awesome"),
- 3 | _ => println!("EVERYTHING is awesome!"),
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/06_positional_args.rs b/clap/examples/06_positional_args.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f29612..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/06_positional_args.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // Positional arguments are those values after the program name which are not preceded by any
- // identifier (such as "myapp some_file"). Positionals support many of the same options as
- // flags, as well as a few additional ones.
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- // Regular App configuration goes here...
- // We'll add two positional arguments, a input file, and a config file.
- //
- // I'll explain each possible setting that "positionals" accept. Keep in
- // mind that you DO NOT need to set each of these for every flag, only the
- // ones that apply to your individual case.
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the input file to use") // Displayed when showing help info
- .index(1) // Set the order in which the user must
- // specify this argument (Starts at 1)
- .requires("config") // Says, "If the user uses "input", they MUST
- // also use this other 'config' arg too"
- // Can also specify a list using
- // requires_all(Vec<&str>)
- .conflicts_with("output") // Opposite of requires(), says "if the
- // user uses -a, they CANNOT use 'output'"
- // also has a conflicts_with_all(Vec<&str>)
- .required(true) // By default this argument MUST be present
- // NOTE: mutual exclusions take precedence over
- // required arguments
- )
- .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
- .help("the config file to use")
- .index(2)) // Note, we do not need to specify required(true)
- // if we don't want to, because "input" already
- // requires "config"
- // Note, we also do not need to specify requires("input")
- // because requires lists are automatically two-way
- // NOTE: In order to compile this example, comment out conflicts_with()
- // because we have not defined an "output" argument.
- .get_matches();
- // We can find out whether or not "input" or "config" were used
- if matches.is_present("input") {
- println!("An input file was specified");
- }
- // We can also get the values for those arguments
- if let Some(in_file) = matches.value_of("input") {
- // It's safe to call unwrap() because of the required options we set above
- println!("Doing work with {} and {}", in_file, matches.value_of("config").unwrap());
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/07_option_args.rs b/clap/examples/07_option_args.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 85ff0e5..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/07_option_args.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // Option arguments are those that take an additional value, such as "-c value". In clap they
- // support three types of specification, those with short() as "-o some", or those with long()
- // as "--option value" or "--option=value"
- //
- // Options also support a multiple setting, which is discussed in the example below.
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- // Regular App configuration goes here...
- // Assume we have an application that accepts an input file via the "-i file"
- // or the "--input file" (as well as "--input=file").
- // Below every setting supported by option arguments is discussed.
- // NOTE: You DO NOT need to specify each setting, only those which apply
- // to your particular case.
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the input file to use") // Displayed when showing help info
- .takes_value(true) // MUST be set to true in order to be an "option" argument
- .short("i") // This argument is triggered with "-i"
- .long("input") // This argument is triggered with "--input"
- .multiple(true) // Set to true if you wish to allow multiple occurrences
- // such as "-i file -i other_file -i third_file"
- .required(true) // By default this argument MUST be present
- // NOTE: mutual exclusions take precedence over
- // required arguments
- .requires("config") // Says, "If the user uses "input", they MUST
- // also use this other 'config' arg too"
- // Can also specify a list using
- // requires_all(Vec<&str>)
- .conflicts_with("output") // Opposite of requires(), says "if the
- // user uses -a, they CANNOT use 'output'"
- // also has a conflicts_with_all(Vec<&str>)
- )
- // NOTE: In order to compile this example, comment out conflicts_with()
- // and requires() because we have not defined an "output" or "config"
- // argument.
- .get_matches();
- // We can find out whether or not "input" was used
- if matches.is_present("input") {
- println!("An input file was specified");
- }
- // We can also get the value for "input"
- //
- // NOTE: If we specified multiple(), this will only return the _FIRST_
- // occurrence
- if let Some(in_file) = matches.value_of("input") {
- println!("An input file: {}", in_file);
- }
- // If we specified the multiple() setting we can get all the values
- if let Some(in_v) = matches.values_of("input") {
- for in_file in in_v {
- println!("An input file: {}", in_file);
- }
- }
- // We can see how many times the option was used with the occurrences_of() method
- //
- // NOTE: Just like with flags, if we did not specify the multiple() setting this will only
- // return 1 no matter how many times the argument was used (unless it wasn't used at all, in
- // in which case 0 is returned)
- println!("The \"input\" argument was used {} times", matches.occurrences_of("input"));
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/08_subcommands.rs b/clap/examples/08_subcommands.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 73bd098..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/08_subcommands.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
-fn main() {
- // SubCommands function exactly like sub-Apps, because that's exactly what they are. Each
- // instance of a SubCommand can have it's own version, author(s), Args, and even it's own
- // subcommands.
- //
- // # Help and Version
- // Just like Apps, each subcommand will get it's own "help" and "version" flags automatically
- // generated. Also, like Apps, you can override "-V" or "-h" safely and still get "--help" and
- // "--version" auto generated.
- //
- // NOTE: If you specify a subcommand for your App, clap will also autogenerate a "help"
- // subcommand along with "-h" and "--help" (applies to sub-subcommands as well).
- //
- // Just like arg() and args(), subcommands can be specified one at a time via subcommand() or
- // multiple ones at once with a Vec<SubCommand> provided to subcommands().
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- // Normal App and Arg configuration goes here...
- // In the following example assume we wanted an application which
- // supported an "add" subcommand, this "add" subcommand also took
- // one positional argument of a file to add:
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("add") // The name we call argument with
- .about("Adds files to myapp") // The message displayed in "myapp -h"
- // or "myapp help"
- .version("0.1") // Subcommands can have independent version
- .author("Kevin K.") // And authors
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input") // And their own arguments
- .help("the file to add")
- .index(1)
- .required(true)))
- .get_matches();
- // You can check if a subcommand was used like normal
- if matches.is_present("add") {
- println!("'myapp add' was run.");
- }
- // You can get the independent subcommand matches (which function exactly like App matches)
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("add") {
- // Safe to use unwrap() because of the required() option
- println!("Adding file: {}", matches.value_of("input").unwrap());
- }
- // You can also match on a subcommand's name
- match matches.subcommand_name() {
- Some("add") => println!("'myapp add' was used"),
- None => println!("No subcommand was used"),
- _ => println!("Some other subcommand was used"),
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
diff --git a/clap/examples/09_auto_version.rs b/clap/examples/09_auto_version.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index dfd221f..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/09_auto_version.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::App;
-fn main() {
- // You can have clap pull the application version directly from your Cargo.toml starting with
- // clap v0.4.14 on crates.io (or master#a81f915 on github). Using Rust's env! macro like this:
- //
- // let version = format!("{}.{}.{}{}",
- // option_env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE").unwrap_or(""));
- //
- // Starting from v0.6.6 on crates.io you can also use the crate_version!() macro instead of
- // manually using the env!() macros. Under the hood, the macro uses this exact method to get
- // the version.
- //
- // Thanks to https://github.com/jhelwig for pointing this out
- App::new("myapp")
- .about("does awesome things")
- // use crate_version! to pull the version number
- .version(crate_version!())
- .get_matches();
- // running this app with the -V or --version will display whatever version is in your
- // Cargo.toml, the default being: myapp 0.0.1
diff --git a/clap/examples/10_default_values.rs b/clap/examples/10_default_values.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca50981..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/10_default_values.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // There are two ways in which to get a default value, one is to use claps Arg::default_value
- // method, and the other is to use Rust's built in Option::unwrap_or method.
- //
- // I'll demo both here.
- //
- // First, we'll use clap's Arg::default_value with an "INPUT" file.
- let matches = App::new("myapp").about("does awesome things")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT")
- .help("The input file to use") // Note, we don't need to specify
- // anything like, "Defaults to..."
- // because clap will automatically
- // generate that for us, and place
- // it in the help text
- .default_value("input.txt")
- .index(1))
- // Next we'll use the Option::unwrap_or method on this "CONFIG" option
- .arg(Arg::with_name("CONFIG")
- // Note that we have to manually include some verbiage to the user
- // telling them what the default will be.
- .help("The config file to use (default is \"config.json\")")
- .short("c")
- .takes_value(true))
- .get_matches();
- // It's safe to call unwrap because the value with either be what the user input at runtime
- // or "input.txt"
- let input = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap();
- // Using Option::unwrap_or we get the same affect, but without the added help text injection
- let config_file = matches.value_of("CONFIG").unwrap_or("config.json");
- println!("The input file is: {}", input);
- println!("The config file is: {}", config_file);
diff --git a/clap/examples/11_only_specific_values.rs b/clap/examples/11_only_specific_values.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3445218..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/11_only_specific_values.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // If you have arguments of specific values you want to test for, you can use the
- // .possible_values() method of Arg
- //
- // This allows you specify the valid values for that argument. If the user does not use one of
- // those specific values, they will receive a graceful exit with error message informing them
- // of the mistake, and what the possible valid values are
- //
- // For this example, assume you want one positional argument of either "fast" or "slow"
- // i.e. the only possible ways to run the program are "myprog fast" or "myprog slow"
- let matches = App::new("myapp").about("does awesome things")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("MODE")
- .help("What mode to run the program in")
- .index(1)
- .possible_values(&["fast", "slow"])
- .required(true))
- .get_matches();
- // Note, it's safe to call unwrap() because the arg is required
- match matches.value_of("MODE").unwrap() {
- "fast" => {
- // Do fast things...
- },
- "slow" => {
- // Do slow things...
- },
- _ => unreachable!()
- }
diff --git a/clap/examples/12_typed_values.rs b/clap/examples/12_typed_values.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d03e4f..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/12_typed_values.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::App;
-fn main() {
- // You can use some convenience macros provided by clap to get typed values, so long as the
- // type you specify implements std::str::FromStr
- //
- // This works for both single, and multiple values (multiple values returns a Vec<T>)
- //
- // There are also two ways in which to get types, those where failures cause the program to exit
- // with an error and usage string, and those which return a Result<T,String> or Result<Vec<T>,String>
- // respectively. Both methods support single and multiple values.
- //
- // The macro which returns a Result allows you decide what to do upon a failure, exit, provide a
- // default value, etc. You have control. But it also means you have to write the code or boiler plate
- // to handle those instances.
- //
- // That is why the second method exists, so you can simply get a T or Vec<T> back, or be sure the
- // program will exit gracefully. The catch is, the second method should *only* be used on required
- // arguments, because if the argument isn't found, it exits. Just FYI ;)
- //
- // The following example shows both methods.
- //
- // **NOTE:** to use the macros, you must include #[macro_use] just above the 'extern crate clap;'
- // declaration in your crate root.
- let matches = App::new("myapp")
- // Create two arguments, a required positional which accepts multiple values
- // and an optional '-l value'
- .args_from_usage(
- "<seq>... 'A sequence of whole positive numbers, i.e. 20 25 30'
- -l [len] 'A length to use, defaults to 10 when omitted'")
- .get_matches();
- // Here we get a value of type u32 from our optional -l argument.
- // If the value provided to len fails to parse, we default to 10
- //
- // Using other methods such as unwrap_or_else(|e| println!("{}",e))
- // are possible too.
- let len = value_t!(matches, "len", u32).unwrap_or(10);
- println!("len ({}) + 2 = {}", len, len + 2);
- // This code loops through all the values provided to "seq" and adds 2
- // If seq fails to parse, the program exits, you don't have an option
- for v in values_t!(matches, "seq", u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit()) {
- println!("Sequence part {} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);
- }
diff --git a/clap/examples/13a_enum_values_automatic.rs b/clap/examples/13a_enum_values_automatic.rs
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index 1abe5cb..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/13a_enum_values_automatic.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// You can use clap's value_t! macro with a custom enum by implementing the std::str::FromStr
-// trait which is very straight forward. There are three ways to do this, for simple enums
-// meaning those that don't require 'pub' or any '#[derive()]' directives you can use clap's
-// simple_enum! macro. For those that require 'pub' or any '#[derive()]'s you can use clap's
-// arg_enum! macro. The third way is to implement std::str::FromStr manually.
-// In most circumstances using either simple_enum! or arg_enum! is fine.
-// In the following example we will create two enums using macros, assign a positional argument
-// that accepts only one of those values, and use clap to parse the argument.
-// Add clap like normal
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-// Using arg_enum! is more like traditional enum declarations
-// **NOTE:** Only bare variants are supported
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub enum Oof {
- Rab,
- Zab,
- Xuq
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- enum Foo {
- Bar,
- Baz,
- Qux
- }
-fn main() {
- // Create the application like normal
- let enum_vals = ["fast", "slow"];
- let m = App::new("myapp")
- // Use a single positional argument that is required
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("<foo> 'The Foo to use'")
- .possible_values(&Foo::variants()))
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("<speed> 'The speed to use'")
- // You can define a list of possible values if you want the values to be
- // displayed in the help information. Whether you use possible_values() or
- // not, the valid values will ALWAYS be displayed on a failed parse.
- .possible_values(&enum_vals))
- // For the second positional, lets not use possible_values() just to show the difference
- .arg_from_usage("<oof> 'The Oof to use'")
- .get_matches();
- let t = value_t!(m.value_of("foo"), Foo).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
- let t2 = value_t!(m.value_of("oof"), Oof).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
- // Now we can use our enum like normal.
- match t {
- Foo::Bar => println!("Found a Bar"),
- Foo::Baz => println!("Found a Baz"),
- Foo::Qux => println!("Found a Qux")
- }
- // Since our Oof derives Debug, we can do this:
- println!("Oof: {:?}", t2);
diff --git a/clap/examples/13b_enum_values_manual.rs b/clap/examples/13b_enum_values_manual.rs
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index 81ffe5e..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/13b_enum_values_manual.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// In the following example we will create an enum with 4 values, assign a positional argument
-// that accepts only one of those values, and use clap to parse the argument.
-// Start with bringing the trait into scope.
-use std::str::FromStr;
-// Add clap like normal
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-// Define your enum
-enum Vals {
- Foo,
- Bar,
- Baz,
- Qux
-// Implement the trait
-impl FromStr for Vals {
- type Err = &'static str;
- fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
- match s {
- "Foo" => Ok(Vals::Foo),
- "Bar" => Ok(Vals::Bar),
- "Baz" => Ok(Vals::Baz),
- "Qux" => Ok(Vals::Qux),
- _ => Err("no match")
- }
- }
-fn main() {
- // Create the application like normal
- let m = App::new("myapp")
- // Use a single positional argument that is required
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("<type> 'The type to use'")
- // Define the list of possible values
- .possible_values(&["Foo", "Bar", "Baz", "Qux"]))
- .get_matches();
- let t = value_t!(m, "type", Vals).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
- // Now we can use our enum like normal.
- match t {
- Vals::Foo => println!("Found a Foo"),
- Vals::Bar => println!("Found a Bar"),
- Vals::Baz => println!("Found a Baz"),
- Vals::Qux => println!("Found a Qux")
- }
diff --git a/clap/examples/14_groups.rs b/clap/examples/14_groups.rs
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index e160464..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/14_groups.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/// `ArgGroup`s are a family of related arguments and way for you to say, "Any of these arguments".
-/// By placing arguments in a logical group, you can make easier requirement and exclusion rules
-/// instead of having to list each individually, or when you want a rule to apply "any but not all"
-/// arguments.
-/// For instance, you can make an entire `ArgGroup` required, this means that one (and *only* one)
-/// argument from that group must be present. Using more than one argument from an `ArgGroup` causes
-/// a failure (graceful exit).
-/// You can also do things such as name an `ArgGroup` as a confliction or requirement, meaning any
-/// of the arguments that belong to that group will cause a failure if present, or must present
-/// respectively.
-/// Perhaps the most common use of `ArgGroup`s is to require one and *only* one argument to be
-/// present out of a given set. Imagine that you had multiple arguments, and you want one of them to
-/// be required, but making all of them required isn't feasible because perhaps they conflict with
-/// each other. For example, lets say that you were building an application where one could set a
-/// given version number by supplying a string with an option argument, i.e. `--set-ver v1.2.3`, you
-/// also wanted to support automatically using a previous version number and simply incrementing one
-/// of the three numbers. So you create three flags `--major`, `--minor`, and `--patch`. All of
-/// these arguments shouldn't be used at one time but you want to specify that *at least one* of
-/// them is used. For this, you can create a group.
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup};
-fn main() {
- // Create application like normal
- let matches = App::new("myapp")
- // Add the version arguments
- .args_from_usage("--set-ver [ver] 'set version manually'
- --major 'auto inc major'
- --minor 'auto inc minor'
- --patch 'auto inc patch'")
- // Create a group, make it required, and add the above arguments
- .group(ArgGroup::with_name("vers")
- .required(true)
- .args(&["ver", "major", "minor", "patch"]))
- // Arguments can also be added to a group individually, these two arguments
- // are part of the "input" group which is not required
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("[INPUT_FILE] 'some regular input'")
- .group("input"))
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("--spec-in [SPEC_IN] 'some special input argument'")
- .group("input"))
- // Now let's assume we have a -c [config] argument which requires one of
- // (but **not** both) the "input" arguments
- .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
- .short("c")
- .takes_value(true)
- .requires("input"))
- .get_matches();
- // Let's assume the old version 1.2.3
- let mut major = 1;
- let mut minor = 2;
- let mut patch = 3;
- // See if --set-ver was used to set the version manually
- let version = if let Some(ver) = matches.value_of("ver") {
- format!("{}", ver)
- } else {
- // Increment the one requested (in a real program, we'd reset the lower numbers)
- let (maj, min, pat) = (matches.is_present("major"),
- matches.is_present("minor"),
- matches.is_present("patch"));
- match (maj, min, pat) {
- (true, _, _) => major += 1,
- (_, true, _) => minor += 1,
- (_, _, true) => patch += 1,
- _ => unreachable!(),
- };
- format!("{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch)
- };
- println!("Version: {}", version);
- // Check for usage of -c
- if matches.is_present("config") {
- let input = matches.value_of("INPUT_FILE").unwrap_or(matches.value_of("SPEC_IN").unwrap());
- println!("Doing work using input {} and config {}",
- input,
- matches.value_of("config").unwrap());
- }
diff --git a/clap/examples/15_custom_validator.rs b/clap/examples/15_custom_validator.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c0d42..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/15_custom_validator.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-fn main() {
- // You can define a function (or a closure) to use as a validator to argument values. The
- // function must accept a String and return Result<(), String> where Err(String) is the message
- // displayed to the user.
- let matches = App::new("myapp")
- // Application logic goes here...
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the input file to use")
- .index(1)
- .required(true)
- // You can pass in a closure, or a function
- .validator(is_png))
- .get_matches();
- // Here we can call .unwrap() because the argument is required.
- println!("The .PNG file is: {}", matches.value_of("input").unwrap());
-fn is_png(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
- // val is the argument value passed in by the user
- // val has type of String.
- if val.ends_with(".png") {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- // clap automatically adds "error: " to the beginning
- // of the message.
- Err(String::from("the file format must be png."))
- }
- // Of course, you can do more complicated validation as
- // well, but for the simplicity, this example only checks
- // if the value passed in ends with ".png" or not.
diff --git a/clap/examples/16_app_settings.rs b/clap/examples/16_app_settings.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1d185..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/16_app_settings.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, AppSettings, SubCommand};
-fn main() {
- // You can use AppSettings to change the application level behavior of clap. .setting() function
- // of App struct takes AppSettings enum as argument. There is also .settings() function which
- // takes slice of AppSettings enum. You can learn more about AppSettings in the documentation,
- // which also has examples on each setting.
- //
- // This example will only show usage of one AppSettings setting. See documentation for more
- // information.
- let matches = App::new("myapp")
- .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs)
- // Negates requirement of parent command.
- .arg_from_usage("<input> 'input file to use'")
- // Required positional argument called input. This
- // will be only required if subcommand is not present.
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
- .about("does some testing"))
- // if program is invoked with subcommand, you do not
- // need to specify the <input> argument anymore due to
- // the AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs setting.
- .get_matches();
- // Calling unwrap() on "input" would not be advised here, because although it's required,
- // if the user uses a subcommand, those requirements are no longer required. Hence, we should
- // use some sort of 'if let' construct
- if let Some(inp) = matches.value_of("input") {
- println!("The input file is: {}", inp);
- }
- match matches.subcommand() {
- ("test", _) => println!("The 'test' subcommand was used"),
- _ => unreachable!()
- }
diff --git a/clap/examples/17_yaml.rs b/clap/examples/17_yaml.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3353d73..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/17_yaml.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// In order to use YAML to define your CLI you must compile clap with the "yaml" feature because
-// it's **not** included by default.
-// In order to do this, ensure your Cargo.toml looks like one of the following:
-// [dependencies.clap]
-// features = ["yaml"]
-// __OR__
-// [dependencies]
-// clap = { features = ["yaml"] }
-// Using yaml requires calling a clap macro `load_yaml!()` so we must use the '#[macro_use]'
-// directive
-extern crate clap;
-#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
-fn main() {
- use clap::App;
- // To load a yaml file containing our CLI definition such as the example '17_yaml.yml' we can
- // use the convenience macro which loads the file at compile relative to the current file
- // similar to how modules are found.
- //
- // Then we pass that yaml object to App to build the CLI.
- //
- // Finally we call get_matches() to start the parsing process. We use the matches just as we
- // normally would
- let yml = load_yaml!("17_yaml.yml");
- let m = App::from_yaml(yml).get_matches();
- // Because the example 17_yaml.yml is rather large we'll just look a single arg so you can
- // see that it works...
- if let Some(mode) = m.value_of("mode") {
- match mode {
- "vi" => println!("You are using vi"),
- "emacs" => println!("You are using emacs..."),
- _ => unreachable!()
- }
- } else {
- println!("--mode <MODE> wasn't used...");
- }
-#[cfg(not(feature = "yaml"))]
-fn main() {
- // As stated above, if clap is not compiled with the YAML feature, it is disabled.
- println!("YAML feature is disabled.");
- println!("Pass --features yaml to cargo when trying this example.");
diff --git a/clap/examples/17_yaml.yml b/clap/examples/17_yaml.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b0d58b3..0000000
--- a/clap/examples/17_yaml.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-name: yml_app
-version: "1.0"
-about: an example using a .yml file to build a CLI
-author: Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>
-# AppSettings can be defined as a list and are **not** ascii case sensitive
- - ArgRequiredElseHelp
-# All Args must be defined in the 'args:' list where the name of the arg, is the
-# key to a Hash object
- # The name of this argument, is 'opt' which will be used to access the value
- # later in your Rust code
- - opt:
- help: example option argument from yaml
- short: o
- long: option
- multiple: true
- takes_value: true
- - pos:
- help: example positional argument from yaml
- index: 1
- # A list of possible values can be defined as a list
- possible_values:
- - fast
- - slow
- - flag:
- help: demo flag argument
- short: F
- multiple: true
- global: true
- # Conflicts, mutual overrides, and requirements can all be defined as a
- # list, where the key is the name of the other argument
- conflicts_with:
- - opt
- requires:
- - pos
- - mode:
- long: mode
- help: shows an option with specific values
- # possible_values can also be defined in this list format
- possible_values: [ vi, emacs ]
- takes_value: true
- - mvals:
- long: mult-vals
- help: demos an option which has two named values
- # value names can be described in a list, where the help will be shown
- # --mult-vals <one> <two>
- value_names:
- - one
- - two
- - minvals:
- long: min-vals
- multiple: true
- help: you must supply at least two values to satisfy me
- min_values: 2
- - maxvals:
- long: max-vals
- multiple: true
- help: you can only supply a max of 3 values for me!
- max_values: 3
-# All subcommands must be listed in the 'subcommand:' object, where the key to
-# the list is the name of the subcommand, and all settings for that command are
-# are part of a Hash object
- # The name of this subcommand will be 'subcmd' which can be accessed in your
- # Rust code later
- - subcmd:
- about: demos subcommands from yaml
- version: "0.1"
- author: Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>
- # Subcommand args are exactly like App args
- args:
- - scopt:
- short: B
- multiple: true
- help: example subcommand option
- takes_value: true
- - scpos1:
- help: example subcommand positional
- index: 1
-# ArgGroups are supported as well, and must be sepcified in the 'groups:'
-# object of this file
- # the name of the ArgGoup is specified here
- - min-max-vals:
- # All args and groups that are a part of this group are set here
- args:
- - minvals
- - maxvals
- # setting conflicts is done the same manner as setting 'args:'
- #
- # to make this group required, you could set 'required: true' but for
- # this example we won't do that.
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-extern crate clap;
-// Note, there isn't a need for "use clap::{ ... };" Because the clap_app! macro uses
-// $crate:: internally
-fn main() {
- // Validation example testing that a file exists
- let file_exists = |path| {
- if std::fs::metadata(path).is_ok() {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(String::from("File doesn't exist"))
- }
- };
- // External module may contain this subcommand. If this exists in another module, a function is
- // required to access it. Recommend `fn clap() -> Clap::SubCommand`.
- let external_sub_command = clap_app!( @subcommand foo =>
- (@arg bar: -b "Bar")
- );
- let matches = clap_app!(MyApp =>
- (@setting SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
- (version: "1.0")
- (author: "Alice")
- (about: "Does awesome things")
- (@arg config: -c --config <conf> #{1, 2} {file_exists} "Sets a custom config file")
- (@arg proxyHostname: --("proxy-hostname") +takes_value "Sets the hostname of the proxy to use")
- (@arg input: * "Input file")
- (@group test =>
- (@attributes +required)
- (@arg output: "Sets an optional output file")
- (@arg debug: -d ... "Turn debugging information on")
- )
- (subcommand: external_sub_command)
- (@subcommand test =>
- (about: "does testing things")
- (version: "2.5")
- (@arg list: -l "Lists test values")
- (@arg test_req: -r requires[list] "Tests requirement for listing")
- (@arg aaaa: --aaaa +takes_value {
- |a| if a.contains('a') {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(String::from("string does not contain at least one a"))
- }
- } "Test if the argument contains an a")
- )
- ).get_matches();
- // You can check the value provided by positional arguments, or option arguments
- if let Some(o) = matches.value_of("output") {
- println!("Value for output: {}", o);
- }
- if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("config") {
- println!("Value for config: {}", c);
- }
- // You can see how many times a particular flag or argument occurred
- // Note, only flags can have multiple occurrences
- match matches.occurrences_of("debug") {
- 0 => println!("Debug mode is off"),
- 1 => println!("Debug mode is kind of on"),
- 2 => println!("Debug mode is on"),
- 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
- }
- // You can check for the existence of subcommands, and if found use their
- // matches just as you would the top level app
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
- // "$ myapp test" was run
- if matches.is_present("list") {
- // "$ myapp test -l" was run
- println!("Printing testing lists...");
- } else {
- println!("Not printing testing lists...");
- }
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
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-extern crate clap;
-use clap::App;
-fn main() {
- App::new("myapp")
- .about("does awesome things")
- // use crate_authors! to pull the author(s) names from the Cargo.toml
- .author(crate_authors!())
- .get_matches();
- // running this app with -h will display whatever author(s) are in your
- // Cargo.toml
diff --git a/clap/examples/20_subcommands.rs b/clap/examples/20_subcommands.rs
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--- a/clap/examples/20_subcommands.rs
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-// Working with subcommands is simple. There are a few key points to remember when working with
-// subcommands in clap. First, SubCommands are really just Apps. This means they can have their own
-// settings, version, authors, args, and even their own subcommands. The next thing to remember is
-// that subcommands are set up in a tree like hierarchy.
-// An ASCII art depiction may help explain this better. Using a fictional version of git as the demo
-// subject. Imagine the following are all subcommands of git (note, the author is aware these aren't
-// actually all subcommands in the real git interface, but it makes explanation easier)
-// Top Level App (git) TOP
-// |
-// -----------------------------------------
-// / | \ \
-// clone push add commit LEVEL 1
-// | / \ / \ |
-// url origin remote ref name message LEVEL 2
-// / /\
-// path remote local LEVEL 3
-// Given the above fictional subcommand hierarchy, valid runtime uses would be (not an all inclusive
-// list):
-// $ git clone url
-// $ git push origin path
-// $ git add ref local
-// $ git commit message
-// Notice only one command per "level" may be used. You could not, for example, do:
-// $ git clone url push origin path
-// It's also important to know that subcommands each have their own set of matches and may have args
-// with the same name as other subcommands in a different part of the tree hierarchy (i.e. the arg
-// names aren't in a flat namespace).
-// In order to use subcommands in clap, you only need to know which subcommand you're at in your
-// tree, and which args are defined on that subcommand.
-// Let's make a quick program to illustrate. We'll be using the same example as above but for
-// brevity sake we won't implement all of the subcommands, only a few.
-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
-fn main() {
- let matches = App::new("git")
- .about("A fictional versioning CLI")
- .version("1.0")
- .author("Me")
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("clone")
- .about("clones repos")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("repo")
- .help("The repo to clone")
- .required(true)))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("push")
- .about("pushes things")
- .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("remote") // Subcommands can have their own subcommands,
- // which in turn have their own subcommands
- .about("pushes remote things")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("repo")
- .required(true)
- .help("The remote repo to push things to")))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("local")
- .about("pushes local things")))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("add")
- .about("adds things")
- .author("Someone Else") // Subcommands can list different authors
- .version("v2.0 (I'm versioned differently") // or different version from their parents
- .setting(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp) // They can even have different settings
- .arg(Arg::with_name("stuff")
- .long("stuff")
- .help("Stuff to add")
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true)))
- .get_matches();
- // At this point, the matches we have point to git. Keep this in mind...
- // You can check if one of git's subcommands was used
- if matches.is_present("clone") {
- println!("'git clone' was run.");
- }
- // You can see which subcommand was used
- if let Some(subcommand) = matches.subcommand_name() {
- println!("'git {}' was used", subcommand);
- // It's important to note, this *only* check's git's DIRECT children, **NOT** it's
- // grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.
- //
- // i.e. if the command `git push remove --stuff foo` was run, the above will only print out,
- // `git push` was used. We'd need to get push's matches to see further into the tree
- }
- // An alternative to checking the name is matching on known names. Again notice that only the
- // direct children are matched here.
- match matches.subcommand_name() {
- Some("clone") => println!("'git clone' was used"),
- Some("push") => println!("'git push' was used"),
- Some("add") => println!("'git add' was used"),
- None => println!("No subcommand was used"),
- _ => unreachable!(), // Assuming you've listed all direct children above, this is unreachable
- }
- // You could get the independent subcommand matches, although this is less common
- if let Some(clone_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("clone") {
- // Now we have a reference to clone's matches
- println!("Cloning repo: {}", clone_matches.value_of("repo").unwrap());
- }
- // The most common way to handle subcommands is via a combined approach using
- // `ArgMatches::subcommand` which returns a tuple of both the name and matches
- match matches.subcommand() {
- ("clone", Some(clone_matches)) =>{
- // Now we have a reference to clone's matches
- println!("Cloning {}", clone_matches.value_of("repo").unwrap());
- },
- ("push", Some(push_matches)) =>{
- // Now we have a reference to push's matches
- match push_matches.subcommand() {
- ("remote", Some(remote_matches)) =>{
- // Now we have a reference to remote's matches
- println!("Pushing to {}", remote_matches.value_of("repo").unwrap());
- },
- ("local", Some(_)) =>{
- println!("'git push local' was used");
- },
- _ => unreachable!(),
- }
- },
- ("add", Some(add_matches)) =>{
- // Now we have a reference to add's matches
- println!("Adding {}", add_matches.values_of("stuff").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", "));
- },
- ("", None) => println!("No subcommand was used"), // If no subcommand was used it'll match the tuple ("", None)
- _ => unreachable!(), // If all subcommands are defined above, anything else is unreachable!()
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
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--- a/clap/examples/21_aliases.rs
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-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
-fn main() {
- let matches = App::new("MyApp")
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("ls")
- .aliases(&["list", "dir"])
- .about("Adds files to myapp")
- .version("0.1")
- .author("Kevin K.")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
- .help("the file to add")
- .index(1)
- .required(true))
- )
- .get_matches();
- // You can check if a subcommand was used like normal
- if matches.is_present("add") {
- println!("'myapp add' was run.");
- }
- // You can get the independent subcommand matches (which function exactly like App matches)
- if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("add") {
- // Safe to use unwrap() because of the required() option
- println!("Adding file: {}", matches.value_of("input").unwrap());
- }
- // You can also match on a subcommand's name
- match matches.subcommand_name() {
- Some("add") => println!("'myapp add' was used"),
- None => println!("No subcommand was used"),
- _ => println!("Some other subcommand was used"),
- }
- // Continued program logic goes here...
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--- a/clap/examples/22_stop_parsing_with_--.rs
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-extern crate clap;
-use clap::{App, Arg};
-/// myprog -f -p=bob -- sloppy slop slop
-fn main() {
- let matches = App::new("myprog")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("eff")
- .short("f"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("pea")
- .short("p")
- .takes_value(true))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("slop")
- .multiple(true)
- .last(true))
- .get_matches();
- println!("-f used: {:?}", matches.is_present("eff"));
- println!("-p's value: {:?}", matches.value_of("pea"));
- println!("'slops' values: {:?}", matches.values_of("slop").map(|vals| vals.collect::<Vec<_>>()));
- // Continued program logic goes here...