path: root/clap/clap-test.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'clap/clap-test.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/clap/clap-test.rs b/clap/clap-test.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d57ac4..0000000
--- a/clap/clap-test.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#[allow(unused_imports, dead_code)]
-mod test {
- use std::str;
- use std::io::{Cursor, Write};
- use regex::Regex;
- use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, ArgGroup};
- fn compare<S, S2>(l: S, r: S2) -> bool
- where S: AsRef<str>,
- S2: AsRef<str>
- {
- let re = Regex::new("\x1b[^m]*m").unwrap();
- // Strip out any mismatching \r character on windows that might sneak in on either side
- let ls = l.as_ref().trim().replace("\r", "");
- let rs = r.as_ref().trim().replace("\r", "");
- let left = re.replace_all(&*ls, "");
- let right = re.replace_all(&*rs, "");
- let b = left == right;
- if !b {
- println!();
- println!("--> left");
- println!("{}", left);
- println!("--> right");
- println!("{}", right);
- println!("--")
- }
- b
- }
- pub fn compare_output(l: App, args: &str, right: &str, stderr: bool) -> bool {
- let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50));
- let res = l.get_matches_from_safe(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
- let err = res.unwrap_err();
- err.write_to(&mut buf).unwrap();
- let content = buf.into_inner();
- let left = String::from_utf8(content).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(stderr, err.use_stderr());
- compare(left, right)
- }
- pub fn compare_output2(l: App, args: &str, right1: &str, right2: &str, stderr: bool) -> bool {
- let mut buf = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(50));
- let res = l.get_matches_from_safe(args.split(' ').collect::<Vec<_>>());
- let err = res.unwrap_err();
- err.write_to(&mut buf).unwrap();
- let content = buf.into_inner();
- let left = String::from_utf8(content).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(stderr, err.use_stderr());
- compare(&*left, right1) || compare(&*left, right2)
- }
- // Legacy tests from the Python script days
- pub fn complex_app() -> App<'static, 'static> {
- let args = "-o --option=[opt]... 'tests options'
- [positional] 'tests positionals'";
- let opt3_vals = ["fast", "slow"];
- let pos3_vals = ["vi", "emacs"];
- App::new("clap-test")
- .version("v1.4.8")
- .about("tests clap library")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .args_from_usage(args)
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("-f --flag... 'tests flags'")
- .global(true))
- .args(&[
- Arg::from_usage("[flag2] -F 'tests flags with exclusions'").conflicts_with("flag").requires("long-option-2"),
- Arg::from_usage("--long-option-2 [option2] 'tests long options with exclusions'").conflicts_with("option").requires("positional2"),
- Arg::from_usage("[positional2] 'tests positionals with exclusions'"),
- Arg::from_usage("-O --Option [option3] 'specific vals'").possible_values(&opt3_vals),
- Arg::from_usage("[positional3]... 'tests specific values'").possible_values(&pos3_vals),
- Arg::from_usage("--multvals [one] [two] 'Tests multiple values, not mult occs'"),
- Arg::from_usage("--multvalsmo... [one] [two] 'Tests multiple values, and mult occs'"),
- Arg::from_usage("--minvals2 [minvals]... 'Tests 2 min vals'").min_values(2),
- Arg::from_usage("--maxvals3 [maxvals]... 'Tests 3 max vals'").max_values(3)
- ])
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("subcmd")
- .about("tests subcommands")
- .version("0.1")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .arg_from_usage("-o --option [scoption]... 'tests options'")
- .arg_from_usage("-s --subcmdarg [subcmdarg] 'tests other args'")
- .arg_from_usage("[scpositional] 'tests positionals'"))
- }