path: root/clap/benches/03_complex.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'clap/benches/03_complex.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/clap/benches/03_complex.rs b/clap/benches/03_complex.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index b00fc4e..0000000
--- a/clap/benches/03_complex.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-extern crate clap;
-extern crate test;
-use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
-use test::Bencher;
-static ARGS: &'static str = "-o --option=[opt]... 'tests options'
- [positional] 'tests positionals'";
-static OPT3_VALS: [&'static str; 2] = ["fast", "slow"];
-static POS3_VALS: [&'static str; 2] = ["vi", "emacs"];
-macro_rules! create_app {
- () => ({
- App::new("claptests")
- .version("0.1")
- .about("tests clap library")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .args_from_usage(ARGS)
- .arg(Arg::from_usage("-f --flag... 'tests flags'")
- .global(true))
- .args(&[
- Arg::from_usage("[flag2] -F 'tests flags with exclusions'").conflicts_with("flag").requires("option2"),
- Arg::from_usage("--long-option-2 [option2] 'tests long options with exclusions'").conflicts_with("option").requires("positional2"),
- Arg::from_usage("[positional2] 'tests positionals with exclusions'"),
- Arg::from_usage("-O --Option [option3] 'tests options with specific value sets'").possible_values(&OPT3_VALS),
- Arg::from_usage("[positional3]... 'tests positionals with specific values'").possible_values(&POS3_VALS),
- Arg::from_usage("--multvals [one] [two] 'Tests multiple values, not mult occs'"),
- Arg::from_usage("--multvalsmo... [one] [two] 'Tests multiple values, not mult occs'"),
- Arg::from_usage("--minvals2 [minvals]... 'Tests 2 min vals'").min_values(2),
- Arg::from_usage("--maxvals3 [maxvals]... 'Tests 3 max vals'").max_values(3)
- ])
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("subcmd")
- .about("tests subcommands")
- .version("0.1")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .arg_from_usage("-o --option [scoption]... 'tests options'")
- .arg_from_usage("[scpositional] 'tests positionals'"))
- })
-fn create_app_from_usage(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!());
-fn create_app_builder(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| {
- App::new("claptests")
- .version("0.1")
- .about("tests clap library")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
- .help("tests options")
- .short("o")
- .long("option")
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("positional")
- .help("tests positionals")
- .index(1))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
- .short("f")
- .help("tests flags")
- .long("flag")
- .multiple(true)
- .global(true))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("flag2")
- .short("F")
- .help("tests flags with exclusions")
- .conflicts_with("flag")
- .requires("option2"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("option2")
- .help("tests long options with exclusions")
- .conflicts_with("option")
- .requires("positional2")
- .takes_value(true)
- .long("long-option-2"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("positional2")
- .index(3)
- .help("tests positionals with exclusions"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("option3")
- .short("O")
- .long("Option")
- .takes_value(true)
- .help("tests options with specific value sets")
- .possible_values(&OPT3_VALS))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("positional3")
- .multiple(true)
- .help("tests positionals with specific values")
- .index(4)
- .possible_values(&POS3_VALS))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("multvals")
- .long("multvals")
- .takes_value(true)
- .help("Tests multiple values, not mult occs")
- .value_names(&["one", "two"]))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("multvalsmo")
- .long("multvalsmo")
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true)
- .help("Tests multiple values, not mult occs")
- .value_names(&["one", "two"]))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("minvals")
- .long("minvals2")
- .multiple(true)
- .takes_value(true)
- .help("Tests 2 min vals")
- .min_values(2))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("maxvals")
- .long("maxvals3")
- .takes_value(true)
- .multiple(true)
- .help("Tests 3 max vals")
- .max_values(3))
- .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("subcmd")
- .about("tests subcommands")
- .version("0.1")
- .author("Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- .arg(Arg::with_name("scoption")
- .short("o")
- .long("option")
- .multiple(true)
- .takes_value(true)
- .help("tests options"))
- .arg(Arg::with_name("scpositional")
- .index(1)
- .help("tests positionals")));
- });
-fn create_app_macros(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| {
- clap_app!(claptests =>
- (version: "0.1")
- (about: "tests clap library")
- (author: "Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- (@arg opt: -o --option +takes_value ... "tests options")
- (@arg positional: index(1) "tests positionals")
- (@arg flag: -f --flag ... +global "tests flags")
- (@arg flag2: -F conflicts_with[flag] requires[option2]
- "tests flags with exclusions")
- (@arg option2: --long_option_2 conflicts_with[option] requires[positional2]
- "tests long options with exclusions")
- (@arg positional2: index(2) "tests positionals with exclusions")
- (@arg option3: -O --Option +takes_value possible_value[fast slow]
- "tests options with specific value sets")
- (@arg positional3: index(3) ... possible_value[vi emacs]
- "tests positionals with specific values")
- (@arg multvals: --multvals +takes_value value_name[one two]
- "Tests multiple values, not mult occs")
- (@arg multvalsmo: --multvalsmo ... +takes_value value_name[one two]
- "Tests multiple values, not mult occs")
- (@arg minvals: --minvals2 min_values(1) ... +takes_value "Tests 2 min vals")
- (@arg maxvals: --maxvals3 ... +takes_value max_values(3) "Tests 3 max vals")
- (@subcommand subcmd =>
- (about: "tests subcommands")
- (version: "0.1")
- (author: "Kevin K. <kbknapp@gmail.com>")
- (@arg scoption: -o --option ... +takes_value "tests options")
- (@arg scpositional: index(1) "tests positionals"))
- );
- });
-fn parse_clean(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec![""]));
-fn parse_flag(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f"]));
-fn parse_option(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-o", "option1"]));
-fn parse_positional(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "arg1"]));
-fn parse_sc_clean(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "subcmd"]));
-fn parse_sc_flag(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "subcmd", "-f"]));
-fn parse_sc_option(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "subcmd", "-o", "option1"]));
-fn parse_sc_positional(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "subcmd", "arg1"]));
-fn parse_complex1(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-ff", "-o", "option1", "arg1", "-O", "fast", "arg2", "--multvals", "one", "two", "emacs"]));
-fn parse_complex2(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "arg1", "-f", "arg2", "--long-option-2", "some", "-O", "slow", "--multvalsmo", "one", "two", "--minvals2", "3", "2", "1"]));
-fn parse_complex2_with_args_negate_scs(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().setting(AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands).get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "arg1", "-f", "arg2", "--long-option-2", "some", "-O", "slow", "--multvalsmo", "one", "two", "--minvals2", "3", "2", "1"]));
-fn parse_sc_complex(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| create_app!().get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "subcmd", "-f", "-o", "option1", "arg1"]));