path: root/syn-mid/src/lib.rs
diff options
authorRobin Krahl <robin.krahl@ireas.org>2020-01-07 11:18:04 +0000
committerDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-01-08 09:20:25 -0800
commit5e20a29b4fdc8a2d442d1093681b396dcb4b816b (patch)
tree55ab083fa8999d2ccbb5e921c1ffe52560dca152 /syn-mid/src/lib.rs
parent203e691f46d591a2cc8acdfd850fa9f5b0fb8a98 (diff)
Add structopt dependency in version 0.3.7
This patch series replaces argparse with structopt in the argument handling code. As a first step, we need structopt as a dependency. Import subrepo structopt/:structopt at efbdda4753592e27bc430fb01f7b9650b2f3174d Import subrepo bitflags/:bitflags at 30668016aca6bd3b02c766e8347e0b4080d4c296 Import subrepo clap/:clap at 784524f7eb193e35f81082cc69454c8c21b948f7 Import subrepo heck/:heck at 093d56fbf001e1506e56dbfa38631d99b1066df1 Import subrepo proc-macro-error/:proc-macro-error at 6c4cfe79a622c5de8ae68557993542be46eacae2 Import subrepo proc-macro2/:proc-macro2 at d5d48eddca4566e5438e8a2cbed4a74e049544de Import subrepo quote/:quote at 727436c6c137b20f0f34dde5d8fda2679b9747ad Import subrepo rustversion/:rustversion at 0c5663313516263059ce9059ef81fc7a1cf655ca Import subrepo syn-mid/:syn-mid at 5d3d85414a9e6674e1857ec22a87b96e04a6851a Import subrepo syn/:syn at e87c27e87f6f4ef8919d0372bdb056d53ef0d8f3 Import subrepo textwrap/:textwrap at abcd618beae3f74841032aa5b53c1086b0a57ca2 Import subrepo unicode-segmentation/:unicode-segmentation at 637c9874c4fe0c205ff27787faf150a40295c6c3 Import subrepo unicode-width/:unicode-width at 3033826f8bf05e82724140a981d5941e48fce393 Import subrepo unicode-xid/:unicode-xid at 4baae9fffb156ba229665b972a9cd5991787ceb7
Diffstat (limited to 'syn-mid/src/lib.rs')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/syn-mid/src/lib.rs b/syn-mid/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bdec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syn-mid/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+//! Providing the features between "full" and "derive" of syn.
+//! This crate provides the following two unique data structures.
+//! * [`syn_mid::ItemFn`] -- A function whose body is not parsed.
+//! ```text
+//! fn process(n: usize) -> Result<()> { ... }
+//! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^
+//! ```
+//! * [`syn_mid::Block`] -- A block whose body is not parsed.
+//! ```text
+//! { ... }
+//! ^ ^
+//! ```
+//! Other data structures are the same as data structures of [syn]. These are defined in this crate
+//! because they cannot be used in [syn] without "full" feature.
+//! ## Optional features
+//! syn-mid in the default features aims to provide the features between "full"
+//! and "derive" of [syn].
+//! * **`clone-impls`** — Clone impls for all syntax tree types.
+//! [`syn_mid::ItemFn`]: struct.ItemFn.html
+//! [`syn_mid::Block`]: struct.Block.html
+//! [syn]: https://github.com/dtolnay/syn
+#![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/syn-mid/0.4.0")]
+#![doc(test(attr(deny(warnings), allow(dead_code, unused_assignments, unused_variables))))]
+#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unreachable_pub)]
+#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]
+ clippy::eval_order_dependence,
+ clippy::large_enum_variant,
+ clippy::module_name_repetitions,
+ clippy::use_self
+// Many of the code contained in this crate are copies from https://github.com/dtolnay/syn.
+mod macros;
+mod arg;
+mod pat;
+mod path;
+pub use self::arg::*;
+pub use self::pat::*;
+use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
+use syn::{
+ punctuated::Punctuated, token, Abi, Attribute, Generics, Ident, ReturnType, Token, Visibility,
+ast_struct! {
+ /// A braced block containing Rust statements.
+ pub struct Block {
+ pub brace_token: token::Brace,
+ /// Statements in a block
+ pub stmts: TokenStream,
+ }
+ast_struct! {
+ /// A free-standing function: `fn process(n: usize) -> Result<()> { ...
+ /// }`.
+ pub struct ItemFn {
+ pub attrs: Vec<Attribute>,
+ pub vis: Visibility,
+ pub constness: Option<Token![const]>,
+ pub asyncness: Option<Token![async]>,
+ pub unsafety: Option<Token![unsafe]>,
+ pub abi: Option<Abi>,
+ pub fn_token: Token![fn],
+ pub ident: Ident,
+ pub generics: Generics,
+ pub paren_token: token::Paren,
+ pub inputs: Punctuated<FnArg, Token![,]>,
+ pub output: ReturnType,
+ pub block: Block,
+ }
+mod parsing {
+ use syn::{
+ braced, parenthesized,
+ parse::{Parse, ParseStream, Result},
+ Abi, Attribute, Generics, Ident, ReturnType, Token, Visibility, WhereClause,
+ };
+ use super::{Block, FnArg, ItemFn};
+ impl Parse for Block {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
+ let content;
+ Ok(Self {
+ brace_token: braced!(content in input),
+ stmts: content.parse()?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl Parse for ItemFn {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
+ let attrs = input.call(Attribute::parse_outer)?;
+ let vis: Visibility = input.parse()?;
+ let constness: Option<Token![const]> = input.parse()?;
+ let asyncness: Option<Token![async]> = input.parse()?;
+ let unsafety: Option<Token![unsafe]> = input.parse()?;
+ let abi: Option<Abi> = input.parse()?;
+ let fn_token: Token![fn] = input.parse()?;
+ let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
+ let generics: Generics = input.parse()?;
+ let content;
+ let paren_token = parenthesized!(content in input);
+ let inputs = content.parse_terminated(FnArg::parse)?;
+ let output: ReturnType = input.parse()?;
+ let where_clause: Option<WhereClause> = input.parse()?;
+ let block = input.parse()?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ attrs,
+ vis,
+ constness,
+ asyncness,
+ unsafety,
+ abi,
+ fn_token,
+ ident,
+ generics: Generics {
+ where_clause,
+ ..generics
+ },
+ paren_token,
+ inputs,
+ output,
+ block,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+mod printing {
+ use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
+ use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
+ use super::{Block, ItemFn};
+ impl ToTokens for Block {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
+ self.brace_token.surround(tokens, |tokens| {
+ tokens.append_all(self.stmts.clone());
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ impl ToTokens for ItemFn {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
+ tokens.append_all(&self.attrs);
+ self.vis.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.constness.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.asyncness.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.unsafety.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.abi.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.fn_token.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.ident.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.generics.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.paren_token.surround(tokens, |tokens| {
+ self.inputs.to_tokens(tokens);
+ });
+ self.output.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.generics.where_clause.to_tokens(tokens);
+ self.block.brace_token.surround(tokens, |tokens| {
+ tokens.append_all(self.block.stmts.clone());
+ });
+ }
+ }