path: root/structopt/structopt-derive/src
diff options
authorRobin Krahl <robin.krahl@ireas.org>2020-01-07 11:18:04 +0000
committerDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-01-08 09:20:25 -0800
commit5e20a29b4fdc8a2d442d1093681b396dcb4b816b (patch)
tree55ab083fa8999d2ccbb5e921c1ffe52560dca152 /structopt/structopt-derive/src
parent203e691f46d591a2cc8acdfd850fa9f5b0fb8a98 (diff)
Add structopt dependency in version 0.3.7
This patch series replaces argparse with structopt in the argument handling code. As a first step, we need structopt as a dependency. Import subrepo structopt/:structopt at efbdda4753592e27bc430fb01f7b9650b2f3174d Import subrepo bitflags/:bitflags at 30668016aca6bd3b02c766e8347e0b4080d4c296 Import subrepo clap/:clap at 784524f7eb193e35f81082cc69454c8c21b948f7 Import subrepo heck/:heck at 093d56fbf001e1506e56dbfa38631d99b1066df1 Import subrepo proc-macro-error/:proc-macro-error at 6c4cfe79a622c5de8ae68557993542be46eacae2 Import subrepo proc-macro2/:proc-macro2 at d5d48eddca4566e5438e8a2cbed4a74e049544de Import subrepo quote/:quote at 727436c6c137b20f0f34dde5d8fda2679b9747ad Import subrepo rustversion/:rustversion at 0c5663313516263059ce9059ef81fc7a1cf655ca Import subrepo syn-mid/:syn-mid at 5d3d85414a9e6674e1857ec22a87b96e04a6851a Import subrepo syn/:syn at e87c27e87f6f4ef8919d0372bdb056d53ef0d8f3 Import subrepo textwrap/:textwrap at abcd618beae3f74841032aa5b53c1086b0a57ca2 Import subrepo unicode-segmentation/:unicode-segmentation at 637c9874c4fe0c205ff27787faf150a40295c6c3 Import subrepo unicode-width/:unicode-width at 3033826f8bf05e82724140a981d5941e48fce393 Import subrepo unicode-xid/:unicode-xid at 4baae9fffb156ba229665b972a9cd5991787ceb7
Diffstat (limited to 'structopt/structopt-derive/src')
6 files changed, 1903 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/attrs.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/attrs.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce684a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/attrs.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) <texitoi@texitoi.eu>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use crate::doc_comments::process_doc_comment;
+use crate::{parse::*, spanned::Sp, ty::Ty};
+use std::env;
+use heck::{CamelCase, KebabCase, MixedCase, ShoutySnakeCase, SnakeCase};
+use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
+use proc_macro_error::abort;
+use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens};
+use syn::{self, ext::IdentExt, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Expr, Ident, LitStr, MetaNameValue};
+pub enum Kind {
+ Arg(Sp<Ty>),
+ Subcommand(Sp<Ty>),
+ FlattenStruct,
+ Skip(Option<Expr>),
+pub struct Method {
+ name: Ident,
+ args: TokenStream,
+pub struct Parser {
+ pub kind: Sp<ParserKind>,
+ pub func: TokenStream,
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
+pub enum ParserKind {
+ FromStr,
+ TryFromStr,
+ FromOsStr,
+ TryFromOsStr,
+ FromOccurrences,
+ FromFlag,
+/// Defines the casing for the attributes long representation.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum CasingStyle {
+ /// Indicate word boundaries with uppercase letter, excluding the first word.
+ Camel,
+ /// Keep all letters lowercase and indicate word boundaries with hyphens.
+ Kebab,
+ /// Indicate word boundaries with uppercase letter, including the first word.
+ Pascal,
+ /// Keep all letters uppercase and indicate word boundaries with underscores.
+ ScreamingSnake,
+ /// Keep all letters lowercase and indicate word boundaries with underscores.
+ Snake,
+ /// Use the original attribute name defined in the code.
+ Verbatim,
+pub enum Name {
+ Derived(Ident),
+ Assigned(LitStr),
+pub struct Attrs {
+ name: Name,
+ casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ env_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ doc_comment: Vec<Method>,
+ methods: Vec<Method>,
+ parser: Sp<Parser>,
+ author: Option<Method>,
+ about: Option<Method>,
+ version: Option<Method>,
+ no_version: Option<Ident>,
+ verbatim_doc_comment: Option<Ident>,
+ has_custom_parser: bool,
+ kind: Sp<Kind>,
+impl Method {
+ pub fn new(name: Ident, args: TokenStream) -> Self {
+ Method { name, args }
+ }
+ fn from_lit_or_env(ident: Ident, lit: Option<LitStr>, env_var: &str) -> Option<Self> {
+ let mut lit = match lit {
+ Some(lit) => lit,
+ None => match env::var(env_var) {
+ Ok(val) => LitStr::new(&val, ident.span()),
+ Err(_) => {
+ abort!(ident.span(),
+ "cannot derive `{}` from Cargo.toml", ident;
+ note = "`{}` environment variable is not set", env_var;
+ help = "use `{} = \"...\"` to set {} manually", ident, ident;
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ if ident == "author" {
+ let edited = process_author_str(&lit.value());
+ lit = LitStr::new(&edited, lit.span());
+ }
+ Some(Method::new(ident, quote!(#lit)))
+ }
+impl ToTokens for Method {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) {
+ let Method { ref name, ref args } = self;
+ quote!(.#name(#args)).to_tokens(ts);
+ }
+impl Parser {
+ fn default_spanned(span: Span) -> Sp<Self> {
+ let kind = Sp::new(ParserKind::TryFromStr, span);
+ let func = quote_spanned!(span=> ::std::str::FromStr::from_str);
+ Sp::new(Parser { kind, func }, span)
+ }
+ fn from_spec(parse_ident: Ident, spec: ParserSpec) -> Sp<Self> {
+ use ParserKind::*;
+ let kind = match &*spec.kind.to_string() {
+ "from_str" => FromStr,
+ "try_from_str" => TryFromStr,
+ "from_os_str" => FromOsStr,
+ "try_from_os_str" => TryFromOsStr,
+ "from_occurrences" => FromOccurrences,
+ "from_flag" => FromFlag,
+ s => abort!(spec.kind.span(), "unsupported parser `{}`", s),
+ };
+ let func = match spec.parse_func {
+ None => match kind {
+ FromStr | FromOsStr => {
+ quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::convert::From::from)
+ }
+ TryFromStr => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::str::FromStr::from_str),
+ TryFromOsStr => abort!(
+ spec.kind.span(),
+ "you must set parser for `try_from_os_str` explicitly"
+ ),
+ FromOccurrences => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> { |v| v as _ }),
+ FromFlag => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::convert::From::from),
+ },
+ Some(func) => match func {
+ syn::Expr::Path(_) => quote!(#func),
+ _ => abort!(func.span(), "`parse` argument must be a function path"),
+ },
+ };
+ let kind = Sp::new(kind, spec.kind.span());
+ let parser = Parser { kind, func };
+ Sp::new(parser, parse_ident.span())
+ }
+impl CasingStyle {
+ fn from_lit(name: LitStr) -> Sp<Self> {
+ use CasingStyle::*;
+ let normalized = name.value().to_camel_case().to_lowercase();
+ let cs = |kind| Sp::new(kind, name.span());
+ match normalized.as_ref() {
+ "camel" | "camelcase" => cs(Camel),
+ "kebab" | "kebabcase" => cs(Kebab),
+ "pascal" | "pascalcase" => cs(Pascal),
+ "screamingsnake" | "screamingsnakecase" => cs(ScreamingSnake),
+ "snake" | "snakecase" => cs(Snake),
+ "verbatim" | "verbatimcase" => cs(Verbatim),
+ s => abort!(name.span(), "unsupported casing: `{}`", s),
+ }
+ }
+impl Name {
+ pub fn translate(self, style: CasingStyle) -> LitStr {
+ use CasingStyle::*;
+ match self {
+ Name::Assigned(lit) => lit,
+ Name::Derived(ident) => {
+ let s = ident.unraw().to_string();
+ let s = match style {
+ Pascal => s.to_camel_case(),
+ Kebab => s.to_kebab_case(),
+ Camel => s.to_mixed_case(),
+ ScreamingSnake => s.to_shouty_snake_case(),
+ Snake => s.to_snake_case(),
+ Verbatim => s,
+ };
+ LitStr::new(&s, ident.span())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl Attrs {
+ fn new(
+ default_span: Span,
+ name: Name,
+ casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ env_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ name,
+ casing,
+ env_casing,
+ doc_comment: vec![],
+ methods: vec![],
+ parser: Parser::default_spanned(default_span),
+ about: None,
+ author: None,
+ version: None,
+ no_version: None,
+ verbatim_doc_comment: None,
+ has_custom_parser: false,
+ kind: Sp::new(Kind::Arg(Sp::new(Ty::Other, default_span)), default_span),
+ }
+ }
+ /// push `.method("str literal")`
+ fn push_str_method(&mut self, name: Sp<String>, arg: Sp<String>) {
+ if *name == "name" {
+ self.name = Name::Assigned(arg.as_lit());
+ } else {
+ self.methods
+ .push(Method::new(name.as_ident(), quote!(#arg)))
+ }
+ }
+ fn push_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) {
+ use crate::parse::StructOptAttr::*;
+ for attr in parse_structopt_attributes(attrs) {
+ match attr {
+ Short(ident) | Long(ident) => {
+ self.push_str_method(
+ ident.into(),
+ self.name.clone().translate(*self.casing).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ Env(ident) => {
+ self.push_str_method(
+ ident.into(),
+ self.name.clone().translate(*self.env_casing).into(),
+ );
+ }
+ Subcommand(ident) => {
+ let ty = Sp::call_site(Ty::Other);
+ let kind = Sp::new(Kind::Subcommand(ty), ident.span());
+ self.set_kind(kind);
+ }
+ Flatten(ident) => {
+ let kind = Sp::new(Kind::FlattenStruct, ident.span());
+ self.set_kind(kind);
+ }
+ Skip(ident, expr) => {
+ let kind = Sp::new(Kind::Skip(expr), ident.span());
+ self.set_kind(kind);
+ }
+ NoVersion(ident) => self.no_version = Some(ident),
+ VerbatimDocComment(ident) => self.verbatim_doc_comment = Some(ident),
+ About(ident, about) => {
+ self.about = Method::from_lit_or_env(ident, about, "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION");
+ }
+ Author(ident, author) => {
+ self.author = Method::from_lit_or_env(ident, author, "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS");
+ }
+ Version(ident, version) => {
+ self.version = Some(Method::new(ident, quote!(#version)))
+ }
+ NameLitStr(name, lit) => {
+ self.push_str_method(name.into(), lit.into());
+ }
+ NameExpr(name, expr) => self.methods.push(Method::new(name, quote!(#expr))),
+ MethodCall(name, args) => self.methods.push(Method::new(name, quote!(#(#args),*))),
+ RenameAll(_, casing_lit) => {
+ self.casing = CasingStyle::from_lit(casing_lit);
+ }
+ RenameAllEnv(_, casing_lit) => {
+ self.env_casing = CasingStyle::from_lit(casing_lit);
+ }
+ Parse(ident, spec) => {
+ self.has_custom_parser = true;
+ self.parser = Parser::from_spec(ident, spec);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn push_doc_comment(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str) {
+ use crate::Lit::*;
+ use crate::Meta::*;
+ let comment_parts: Vec<_> = attrs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("doc"))
+ .filter_map(|attr| {
+ if let Ok(NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: Str(s), .. })) = attr.parse_meta() {
+ Some(s.value())
+ } else {
+ // non #[doc = "..."] attributes are not our concern
+ // we leave them for rustc to handle
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ self.doc_comment =
+ process_doc_comment(comment_parts, name, self.verbatim_doc_comment.is_none());
+ }
+ pub fn from_struct(
+ span: Span,
+ attrs: &[Attribute],
+ name: Name,
+ argument_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ env_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let mut res = Self::new(span, name, argument_casing, env_casing);
+ res.push_attrs(attrs);
+ res.push_doc_comment(attrs, "about");
+ if res.has_custom_parser {
+ abort!(
+ res.parser.span(),
+ "`parse` attribute is only allowed on fields"
+ );
+ }
+ match &*res.kind {
+ Kind::Subcommand(_) => abort!(res.kind.span(), "subcommand is only allowed on fields"),
+ Kind::FlattenStruct => abort!(res.kind.span(), "flatten is only allowed on fields"),
+ Kind::Skip(_) => abort!(res.kind.span(), "skip is only allowed on fields"),
+ Kind::Arg(_) => res,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn from_field(
+ field: &syn::Field,
+ struct_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ env_casing: Sp<CasingStyle>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let name = field.ident.clone().unwrap();
+ let mut res = Self::new(
+ field.span(),
+ Name::Derived(name.clone()),
+ struct_casing,
+ env_casing,
+ );
+ res.push_doc_comment(&field.attrs, "help");
+ res.push_attrs(&field.attrs);
+ match &*res.kind {
+ Kind::FlattenStruct => {
+ if res.has_custom_parser {
+ abort!(
+ res.parser.span(),
+ "parse attribute is not allowed for flattened entry"
+ );
+ }
+ if res.has_explicit_methods() || res.has_doc_methods() {
+ abort!(
+ res.kind.span(),
+ "methods and doc comments are not allowed for flattened entry"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Subcommand(_) => {
+ if res.has_custom_parser {
+ abort!(
+ res.parser.span(),
+ "parse attribute is not allowed for subcommand"
+ );
+ }
+ if res.has_explicit_methods() {
+ abort!(
+ res.kind.span(),
+ "methods in attributes are not allowed for subcommand"
+ );
+ }
+ let ty = Ty::from_syn_ty(&field.ty);
+ match *ty {
+ Ty::OptionOption => {
+ abort!(
+ ty.span(),
+ "Option<Option<T>> type is not allowed for subcommand"
+ );
+ }
+ Ty::OptionVec => {
+ abort!(
+ ty.span(),
+ "Option<Vec<T>> type is not allowed for subcommand"
+ );
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ res.kind = Sp::new(Kind::Subcommand(ty), res.kind.span());
+ }
+ Kind::Skip(_) => {
+ if res.has_explicit_methods() {
+ abort!(
+ res.kind.span(),
+ "methods are not allowed for skipped fields"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::Arg(orig_ty) => {
+ let mut ty = Ty::from_syn_ty(&field.ty);
+ if res.has_custom_parser {
+ match *ty {
+ Ty::Option | Ty::Vec | Ty::OptionVec => (),
+ _ => ty = Sp::new(Ty::Other, ty.span()),
+ }
+ }
+ match *ty {
+ Ty::Bool => {
+ if res.is_positional() && !res.has_custom_parser {
+ abort!(ty.span(),
+ "`bool` cannot be used as positional parameter with default parser";
+ help = "if you want to create a flag add `long` or `short`";
+ help = "If you really want a boolean parameter \
+ add an explicit parser, for example `parse(try_from_str)`";
+ note = "see also https://github.com/TeXitoi/structopt/tree/master/examples/true_or_false.rs";
+ )
+ }
+ if let Some(m) = res.find_method("default_value") {
+ abort!(m.name.span(), "default_value is meaningless for bool")
+ }
+ if let Some(m) = res.find_method("required") {
+ abort!(m.name.span(), "required is meaningless for bool")
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::Option => {
+ if let Some(m) = res.find_method("default_value") {
+ abort!(m.name.span(), "default_value is meaningless for Option")
+ }
+ if let Some(m) = res.find_method("required") {
+ abort!(m.name.span(), "required is meaningless for Option")
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::OptionOption => {
+ if res.is_positional() {
+ abort!(
+ ty.span(),
+ "Option<Option<T>> type is meaningless for positional argument"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ Ty::OptionVec => {
+ if res.is_positional() {
+ abort!(
+ ty.span(),
+ "Option<Vec<T>> type is meaningless for positional argument"
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ res.kind = Sp::new(Kind::Arg(ty), orig_ty.span());
+ }
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ fn set_kind(&mut self, kind: Sp<Kind>) {
+ if let Kind::Arg(_) = *self.kind {
+ self.kind = kind;
+ } else {
+ abort!(
+ kind.span(),
+ "subcommand, flatten and skip cannot be used together"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn has_method(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
+ self.find_method(name).is_some()
+ }
+ pub fn find_method(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Method> {
+ self.methods.iter().find(|m| m.name == name)
+ }
+ /// generate methods from attributes on top of struct or enum
+ pub fn top_level_methods(&self) -> TokenStream {
+ let version = match (&self.no_version, &self.version) {
+ (Some(no_version), Some(_)) => abort!(
+ no_version.span(),
+ "`no_version` and `version = \"version\"` can't be used together"
+ ),
+ (None, Some(m)) => m.to_token_stream(),
+ (None, None) => std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")
+ .map(|version| quote!( .version(#version) ))
+ .unwrap_or_default(),
+ (Some(_), None) => quote!(),
+ };
+ let author = &self.author;
+ let about = &self.about;
+ let methods = &self.methods;
+ let doc_comment = &self.doc_comment;
+ quote!( #(#doc_comment)* #author #version #about #(#methods)* )
+ }
+ /// generate methods on top of a field
+ pub fn field_methods(&self) -> TokenStream {
+ let methods = &self.methods;
+ let doc_comment = &self.doc_comment;
+ quote!( #(#doc_comment)* #(#methods)* )
+ }
+ pub fn cased_name(&self) -> LitStr {
+ self.name.clone().translate(*self.casing)
+ }
+ pub fn parser(&self) -> &Sp<Parser> {
+ &self.parser
+ }
+ pub fn kind(&self) -> Sp<Kind> {
+ self.kind.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn casing(&self) -> Sp<CasingStyle> {
+ self.casing.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn env_casing(&self) -> Sp<CasingStyle> {
+ self.env_casing.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn is_positional(&self) -> bool {
+ self.methods
+ .iter()
+ .all(|m| m.name != "long" && m.name != "short")
+ }
+ pub fn has_explicit_methods(&self) -> bool {
+ self.methods
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.name != "help" && m.name != "long_help")
+ }
+ pub fn has_doc_methods(&self) -> bool {
+ !self.doc_comment.is_empty()
+ || self.methods.iter().any(|m| {
+ m.name == "help"
+ || m.name == "long_help"
+ || m.name == "about"
+ || m.name == "long_about"
+ })
+ }
+/// replace all `:` with `, ` when not inside the `<>`
+/// `"author1:author2:author3" => "author1, author2, author3"`
+/// `"author1 <http://website1.com>:author2" => "author1 <http://website1.com>, author2"
+fn process_author_str(author: &str) -> String {
+ let mut res = String::with_capacity(author.len());
+ let mut inside_angle_braces = 0usize;
+ for ch in author.chars() {
+ if inside_angle_braces > 0 && ch == '>' {
+ inside_angle_braces -= 1;
+ res.push(ch);
+ } else if ch == '<' {
+ inside_angle_braces += 1;
+ res.push(ch);
+ } else if inside_angle_braces == 0 && ch == ':' {
+ res.push_str(", ");
+ } else {
+ res.push(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ res
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/doc_comments.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/doc_comments.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e1b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/doc_comments.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+//! The preprocessing we apply to doc comments.
+//! structopt works in terms of "paragraphs". Paragraph is a sequence of
+//! non-empty adjacent lines, delimited by sequences of blank (whitespace only) lines.
+use crate::attrs::Method;
+use quote::{format_ident, quote};
+use std::iter;
+pub fn process_doc_comment(lines: Vec<String>, name: &str, preprocess: bool) -> Vec<Method> {
+ // multiline comments (`/** ... */`) may have LFs (`\n`) in them,
+ // we need to split so we could handle the lines correctly
+ //
+ // we also need to remove leading and trailing blank lines
+ let mut lines: Vec<&str> = lines
+ .iter()
+ .skip_while(|s| is_blank(s))
+ .flat_map(|s| s.split('\n'))
+ .collect();
+ while let Some(true) = lines.last().map(|s| is_blank(s)) {
+ lines.pop();
+ }
+ // remove one leading space no matter what
+ for line in lines.iter_mut() {
+ if line.starts_with(' ') {
+ *line = &line[1..];
+ }
+ }
+ if lines.is_empty() {
+ return vec![];
+ }
+ let short_name = format_ident!("{}", name);
+ let long_name = format_ident!("long_{}", name);
+ if let Some(first_blank) = lines.iter().position(|s| is_blank(s)) {
+ let (short, long) = if preprocess {
+ let paragraphs = split_paragraphs(&lines);
+ let short = paragraphs[0].clone();
+ let long = paragraphs.join("\n\n");
+ (remove_period(short), long)
+ } else {
+ let short = lines[..first_blank].join("\n");
+ let long = lines.join("\n");
+ (short, long)
+ };
+ vec![
+ Method::new(short_name, quote!(#short)),
+ Method::new(long_name, quote!(#long)),
+ ]
+ } else {
+ let short = if preprocess {
+ let s = merge_lines(&lines);
+ remove_period(s)
+ } else {
+ lines.join("\n")
+ };
+ vec![Method::new(short_name, quote!(#short))]
+ }
+fn split_paragraphs(lines: &[&str]) -> Vec<String> {
+ let mut last_line = 0;
+ iter::from_fn(|| {
+ let slice = &lines[last_line..];
+ let start = slice.iter().position(|s| !is_blank(s)).unwrap_or(0);
+ let slice = &slice[start..];
+ let len = slice
+ .iter()
+ .position(|s| is_blank(s))
+ .unwrap_or(slice.len());
+ last_line += start + len;
+ if len != 0 {
+ Some(merge_lines(&slice[..len]))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .collect()
+fn remove_period(mut s: String) -> String {
+ if s.ends_with('.') && !s.ends_with("..") {
+ s.pop();
+ }
+ s
+fn is_blank(s: &str) -> bool {
+ s.trim().is_empty()
+fn merge_lines(lines: &[&str]) -> String {
+ lines.iter().map(|s| s.trim()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join(" ")
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/lib.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87eaf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+// Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) <texitoi@texitoi.eu>
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! This crate is custom derive for `StructOpt`. It should not be used
+//! directly. See [structopt documentation](https://docs.rs/structopt)
+//! for the usage of `#[derive(StructOpt)]`.
+extern crate proc_macro;
+mod attrs;
+mod doc_comments;
+mod parse;
+mod spanned;
+mod ty;
+use crate::{
+ attrs::{Attrs, CasingStyle, Kind, Name, ParserKind},
+ spanned::Sp,
+ ty::{sub_type, Ty},
+use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
+use proc_macro_error::{abort, abort_call_site, proc_macro_error, set_dummy};
+use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
+use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, token::Comma, *};
+/// Default casing style for generated arguments.
+const DEFAULT_CASING: CasingStyle = CasingStyle::Kebab;
+/// Default casing style for environment variables
+const DEFAULT_ENV_CASING: CasingStyle = CasingStyle::ScreamingSnake;
+/// Output for the `gen_xxx()` methods were we need more than a simple stream of tokens.
+/// The output of a generation method is not only the stream of new tokens but also the attribute
+/// information of the current element. These attribute information may contain valuable information
+/// for any kind of child arguments.
+struct GenOutput {
+ tokens: TokenStream,
+ attrs: Attrs,
+/// Generates the `StructOpt` impl.
+#[proc_macro_derive(StructOpt, attributes(structopt))]
+pub fn structopt(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
+ let input: DeriveInput = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
+ let gen = impl_structopt(&input);
+ gen.into()
+/// Generate a block of code to add arguments/subcommands corresponding to
+/// the `fields` to an app.
+fn gen_augmentation(
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ app_var: &Ident,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let mut subcmds = fields.iter().filter_map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ if let Kind::Subcommand(ty) = &*kind {
+ let subcmd_type = match (**ty, sub_type(&field.ty)) {
+ (Ty::Option, Some(sub_type)) => sub_type,
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ let required = if **ty == Ty::Option {
+ quote!()
+ } else {
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ let #app_var = #app_var.setting(
+ ::structopt::clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ let span = field.span();
+ let ts = quote! {
+ let #app_var = <#subcmd_type as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::augment_clap(
+ #app_var
+ );
+ #required
+ };
+ Some((span, ts))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ });
+ let subcmd = subcmds.next().map(|(_, ts)| ts);
+ if let Some((span, _)) = subcmds.next() {
+ abort!(
+ span,
+ "multiple subcommand sets are not allowed, that's the second"
+ );
+ }
+ let args = fields.iter().filter_map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ match &*kind {
+ Kind::Subcommand(_) | Kind::Skip(_) => None,
+ Kind::FlattenStruct => {
+ let ty = &field.ty;
+ Some(quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ let #app_var = <#ty as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::augment_clap(#app_var);
+ let #app_var = if <#ty as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::is_subcommand() {
+ #app_var.setting(::structopt::clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
+ } else {
+ #app_var
+ };
+ })
+ }
+ Kind::Arg(ty) => {
+ let convert_type = match **ty {
+ Ty::Vec | Ty::Option => sub_type(&field.ty).unwrap_or(&field.ty),
+ Ty::OptionOption | Ty::OptionVec => {
+ sub_type(&field.ty).and_then(sub_type).unwrap_or(&field.ty)
+ }
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ let occurrences = *attrs.parser().kind == ParserKind::FromOccurrences;
+ let flag = *attrs.parser().kind == ParserKind::FromFlag;
+ let parser = attrs.parser();
+ let func = &parser.func;
+ let validator = match *parser.kind {
+ ParserKind::TryFromStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ .validator(|s| {
+ #func(s.as_str())
+ .map(|_: #convert_type| ())
+ .map_err(|e| e.to_string())
+ })
+ },
+ ParserKind::TryFromOsStr => quote_spanned! { func.span()=>
+ .validator_os(|s| #func(&s).map(|_: #convert_type| ()))
+ },
+ _ => quote!(),
+ };
+ let modifier = match **ty {
+ Ty::Bool => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(false)
+ .multiple(false)
+ },
+ Ty::Option => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(false)
+ #validator
+ },
+ Ty::OptionOption => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(false)
+ .min_values(0)
+ .max_values(1)
+ #validator
+ },
+ Ty::OptionVec => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(true)
+ .min_values(0)
+ #validator
+ },
+ Ty::Vec => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(true)
+ #validator
+ },
+ Ty::Other if occurrences => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(false)
+ .multiple(true)
+ },
+ Ty::Other if flag => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(false)
+ .multiple(false)
+ },
+ Ty::Other => {
+ let required = !attrs.has_method("default_value");
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .multiple(false)
+ .required(#required)
+ #validator
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let name = attrs.cased_name();
+ let methods = attrs.field_methods();
+ Some(quote_spanned! { field.span()=>
+ let #app_var = #app_var.arg(
+ ::structopt::clap::Arg::with_name(#name)
+ #modifier
+ #methods
+ );
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ let app_methods = parent_attribute.top_level_methods();
+ quote! {{
+ let #app_var = #app_var#app_methods;
+ #( #args )*
+ #subcmd
+ #app_var
+ }}
+fn gen_constructor(fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>, parent_attribute: &Attrs) -> TokenStream {
+ let fields = fields.iter().map(|field| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_field(
+ field,
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let field_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let kind = attrs.kind();
+ match &*kind {
+ Kind::Subcommand(ty) => {
+ let subcmd_type = match (**ty, sub_type(&field.ty)) {
+ (Ty::Option, Some(sub_type)) => sub_type,
+ _ => &field.ty,
+ };
+ let unwrapper = match **ty {
+ Ty::Option => quote!(),
+ _ => quote_spanned!( ty.span()=> .unwrap() ),
+ };
+ quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #field_name: <#subcmd_type as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::from_subcommand(
+ matches.subcommand())
+ #unwrapper
+ }
+ }
+ Kind::FlattenStruct => quote_spanned! { kind.span()=>
+ #field_name: ::structopt::StructOpt::from_clap(matches)
+ },
+ Kind::Skip(val) => match val {
+ None => quote_spanned!(kind.span()=> #field_name: Default::default()),
+ Some(val) => quote_spanned!(kind.span()=> #field_name: (#val).into()),
+ },
+ Kind::Arg(ty) => {
+ use crate::attrs::ParserKind::*;
+ let parser = attrs.parser();
+ let func = &parser.func;
+ let span = parser.kind.span();
+ let (value_of, values_of, parse) = match *parser.kind {
+ FromStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> value_of),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> values_of),
+ func.clone(),
+ ),
+ TryFromStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> value_of),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> values_of),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| #func(s).unwrap()),
+ ),
+ FromOsStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> value_of_os),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> values_of_os),
+ func.clone(),
+ ),
+ TryFromOsStr => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> value_of_os),
+ quote_spanned!(span=> values_of_os),
+ quote_spanned!(func.span()=> |s| #func(s).unwrap()),
+ ),
+ FromOccurrences => (
+ quote_spanned!(span=> occurrences_of),
+ quote!(),
+ func.clone(),
+ ),
+ FromFlag => (quote!(), quote!(), func.clone()),
+ };
+ let flag = *attrs.parser().kind == ParserKind::FromFlag;
+ let occurrences = *attrs.parser().kind == ParserKind::FromOccurrences;
+ let name = attrs.cased_name();
+ let field_value = match **ty {
+ Ty::Bool => quote_spanned!(ty.span()=> matches.is_present(#name)),
+ Ty::Option => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ matches.#value_of(#name)
+ .map(#parse)
+ },
+ Ty::OptionOption => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ if matches.is_present(#name) {
+ Some(matches.#value_of(#name).map(#parse))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ },
+ Ty::OptionVec => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ if matches.is_present(#name) {
+ Some(matches.#values_of(#name)
+ .map_or_else(Vec::new, |v| v.map(#parse).collect()))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ },
+ Ty::Vec => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ matches.#values_of(#name)
+ .map_or_else(Vec::new, |v| v.map(#parse).collect())
+ },
+ Ty::Other if occurrences => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #parse(matches.#value_of(#name))
+ },
+ Ty::Other if flag => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ #parse(matches.is_present(#name))
+ },
+ Ty::Other => quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ matches.#value_of(#name)
+ .map(#parse)
+ .unwrap()
+ },
+ };
+ quote_spanned!(field.span()=> #field_name: #field_value )
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {{
+ #( #fields ),*
+ }}
+fn gen_from_clap(
+ struct_name: &Ident,
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let field_block = gen_constructor(fields, parent_attribute);
+ quote! {
+ fn from_clap(matches: &::structopt::clap::ArgMatches) -> Self {
+ #struct_name #field_block
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_clap(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> GenOutput {
+ let name = std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").ok().unwrap_or_default();
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_struct(
+ Span::call_site(),
+ attrs,
+ Name::Assigned(LitStr::new(&name, Span::call_site())),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_CASING),
+ Sp::call_site(DEFAULT_ENV_CASING),
+ );
+ let tokens = {
+ let name = attrs.cased_name();
+ quote!(::structopt::clap::App::new(#name))
+ };
+ GenOutput { tokens, attrs }
+fn gen_clap_struct(struct_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> GenOutput {
+ let initial_clap_app_gen = gen_clap(struct_attrs);
+ let clap_tokens = initial_clap_app_gen.tokens;
+ let augmented_tokens = quote! {
+ fn clap<'a, 'b>() -> ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b> {
+ let app = #clap_tokens;
+ <Self as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::augment_clap(app)
+ }
+ };
+ GenOutput {
+ tokens: augmented_tokens,
+ attrs: initial_clap_app_gen.attrs,
+ }
+fn gen_augment_clap(fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>, parent_attribute: &Attrs) -> TokenStream {
+ let app_var = Ident::new("app", Span::call_site());
+ let augmentation = gen_augmentation(fields, &app_var, parent_attribute);
+ quote! {
+ fn augment_clap<'a, 'b>(
+ #app_var: ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b>
+ ) -> ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b> {
+ #augmentation
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_clap_enum(enum_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> GenOutput {
+ let initial_clap_app_gen = gen_clap(enum_attrs);
+ let clap_tokens = initial_clap_app_gen.tokens;
+ let tokens = quote! {
+ fn clap<'a, 'b>() -> ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b> {
+ let app = #clap_tokens
+ .setting(::structopt::clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp);
+ <Self as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::augment_clap(app)
+ }
+ };
+ GenOutput {
+ tokens,
+ attrs: initial_clap_app_gen.attrs,
+ }
+fn gen_augment_clap_enum(
+ variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ use syn::Fields::*;
+ let subcommands = variants.iter().map(|variant| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_struct(
+ variant.span(),
+ &variant.attrs,
+ Name::Derived(variant.ident.clone()),
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let app_var = Ident::new("subcommand", Span::call_site());
+ let arg_block = match variant.fields {
+ Named(ref fields) => gen_augmentation(&fields.named, &app_var, &attrs),
+ Unit => quote!( #app_var ),
+ Unnamed(FieldsUnnamed { ref unnamed, .. }) if unnamed.len() == 1 => {
+ let ty = &unnamed[0];
+ quote_spanned! { ty.span()=>
+ {
+ let #app_var = <#ty as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::augment_clap(
+ #app_var
+ );
+ if <#ty as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::is_subcommand() {
+ #app_var.setting(
+ ::structopt::clap::AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp
+ )
+ } else {
+ #app_var
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Unnamed(..) => abort_call_site!("{}: tuple enums are not supported", variant.ident),
+ };
+ let name = attrs.cased_name();
+ let from_attrs = attrs.top_level_methods();
+ quote! {
+ .subcommand({
+ let #app_var = ::structopt::clap::SubCommand::with_name(#name);
+ let #app_var = #arg_block;
+ #app_var#from_attrs
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ let app_methods = parent_attribute.top_level_methods();
+ quote! {
+ fn augment_clap<'a, 'b>(
+ app: ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b>
+ ) -> ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b> {
+ app #app_methods #( #subcommands )*
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_from_clap_enum(name: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {
+ fn from_clap(matches: &::structopt::clap::ArgMatches) -> Self {
+ <#name as ::structopt::StructOptInternal>::from_subcommand(matches.subcommand())
+ .unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+fn gen_from_subcommand(
+ name: &Ident,
+ variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
+ parent_attribute: &Attrs,
+) -> TokenStream {
+ use syn::Fields::*;
+ let match_arms = variants.iter().map(|variant| {
+ let attrs = Attrs::from_struct(
+ variant.span(),
+ &variant.attrs,
+ Name::Derived(variant.ident.clone()),
+ parent_attribute.casing(),
+ parent_attribute.env_casing(),
+ );
+ let sub_name = attrs.cased_name();
+ let variant_name = &variant.ident;
+ let constructor_block = match variant.fields {
+ Named(ref fields) => gen_constructor(&fields.named, &attrs),
+ Unit => quote!(),
+ Unnamed(ref fields) if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 => {
+ let ty = &fields.unnamed[0];
+ quote!( ( <#ty as ::structopt::StructOpt>::from_clap(matches) ) )
+ }
+ Unnamed(..) => abort_call_site!("{}: tuple enums are not supported", variant.ident),
+ };
+ quote! {
+ (#sub_name, Some(matches)) =>
+ Some(#name :: #variant_name #constructor_block)
+ }
+ });
+ quote! {
+ fn from_subcommand<'a, 'b>(
+ sub: (&'b str, Option<&'b ::structopt::clap::ArgMatches<'a>>)
+ ) -> Option<Self> {
+ match sub {
+ #( #match_arms ),*,
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "paw")]
+fn gen_paw_impl(name: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {
+ impl paw::ParseArgs for #name {
+ type Error = std::io::Error;
+ fn parse_args() -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ Ok(<#name as ::structopt::StructOpt>::from_args())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "paw"))]
+fn gen_paw_impl(_: &Ident) -> TokenStream {
+ TokenStream::new()
+fn impl_structopt_for_struct(
+ name: &Ident,
+ fields: &Punctuated<Field, Comma>,
+ attrs: &[Attribute],
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let basic_clap_app_gen = gen_clap_struct(attrs);
+ let augment_clap = gen_augment_clap(fields, &basic_clap_app_gen.attrs);
+ let from_clap = gen_from_clap(name, fields, &basic_clap_app_gen.attrs);
+ let paw_impl = gen_paw_impl(name);
+ let clap_tokens = basic_clap_app_gen.tokens;
+ quote! {
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ #[allow(unknown_lints)]
+ #[allow(clippy::all)]
+ #[allow(dead_code, unreachable_code)]
+ impl ::structopt::StructOpt for #name {
+ #clap_tokens
+ #from_clap
+ }
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ #[allow(unknown_lints)]
+ #[allow(clippy::all)]
+ #[allow(dead_code, unreachable_code)]
+ impl ::structopt::StructOptInternal for #name {
+ #augment_clap
+ fn is_subcommand() -> bool { false }
+ }
+ #paw_impl
+ }
+fn impl_structopt_for_enum(
+ name: &Ident,
+ variants: &Punctuated<Variant, Comma>,
+ attrs: &[Attribute],
+) -> TokenStream {
+ let basic_clap_app_gen = gen_clap_enum(attrs);
+ let augment_clap = gen_augment_clap_enum(variants, &basic_clap_app_gen.attrs);
+ let from_clap = gen_from_clap_enum(name);
+ let from_subcommand = gen_from_subcommand(name, variants, &basic_clap_app_gen.attrs);
+ let paw_impl = gen_paw_impl(name);
+ let clap_tokens = basic_clap_app_gen.tokens;
+ quote! {
+ #[allow(unknown_lints)]
+ #[allow(unused_variables, dead_code, unreachable_code)]
+ #[allow(clippy)]
+ impl ::structopt::StructOpt for #name {
+ #clap_tokens
+ #from_clap
+ }
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ #[allow(unknown_lints)]
+ #[allow(clippy::all)]
+ #[allow(dead_code, unreachable_code)]
+ impl ::structopt::StructOptInternal for #name {
+ #augment_clap
+ #from_subcommand
+ fn is_subcommand() -> bool { true }
+ }
+ #paw_impl
+ }
+fn impl_structopt(input: &DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
+ use syn::Data::*;
+ let struct_name = &input.ident;
+ set_dummy(quote! {
+ impl ::structopt::StructOpt for #struct_name {
+ fn clap<'a, 'b>() -> ::structopt::clap::App<'a, 'b> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ fn from_clap(_matches: &::structopt::clap::ArgMatches) -> Self {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ match input.data {
+ Struct(DataStruct {
+ fields: syn::Fields::Named(ref fields),
+ ..
+ }) => impl_structopt_for_struct(struct_name, &fields.named, &input.attrs),
+ Enum(ref e) => impl_structopt_for_enum(struct_name, &e.variants, &input.attrs),
+ _ => abort_call_site!("structopt only supports non-tuple structs and enums"),
+ }
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/parse.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/parse.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a704742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/parse.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+use std::iter::FromIterator;
+use proc_macro_error::{abort, ResultExt};
+use quote::ToTokens;
+use syn::{
+ self, parenthesized,
+ parse::{Parse, ParseBuffer, ParseStream},
+ parse2,
+ punctuated::Punctuated,
+ spanned::Spanned,
+ Attribute, Expr, ExprLit, Ident, Lit, LitBool, LitStr, Token,
+pub struct StructOptAttributes {
+ pub paren_token: syn::token::Paren,
+ pub attrs: Punctuated<StructOptAttr, Token![,]>,
+impl Parse for StructOptAttributes {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
+ let content;
+ let paren_token = parenthesized!(content in input);
+ let attrs = content.parse_terminated(StructOptAttr::parse)?;
+ Ok(StructOptAttributes { paren_token, attrs })
+ }
+pub enum StructOptAttr {
+ // single-identifier attributes
+ Short(Ident),
+ Long(Ident),
+ Env(Ident),
+ Flatten(Ident),
+ Subcommand(Ident),
+ NoVersion(Ident),
+ VerbatimDocComment(Ident),
+ // ident [= "string literal"]
+ About(Ident, Option<LitStr>),
+ Author(Ident, Option<LitStr>),
+ // ident = "string literal"
+ Version(Ident, LitStr),
+ RenameAllEnv(Ident, LitStr),
+ RenameAll(Ident, LitStr),
+ NameLitStr(Ident, LitStr),
+ // parse(parser_kind [= parser_func])
+ Parse(Ident, ParserSpec),
+ // ident [= arbitrary_expr]
+ Skip(Ident, Option<Expr>),
+ // ident = arbitrary_expr
+ NameExpr(Ident, Expr),
+ // ident(arbitrary_expr,*)
+ MethodCall(Ident, Vec<Expr>),
+impl Parse for StructOptAttr {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
+ use self::StructOptAttr::*;
+ let name: Ident = input.parse()?;
+ let name_str = name.to_string();
+ if input.peek(Token![=]) {
+ // `name = value` attributes.
+ let assign_token = input.parse::<Token![=]>()?; // skip '='
+ if input.peek(LitStr) {
+ let lit: LitStr = input.parse()?;
+ let lit_str = lit.value();
+ let check_empty_lit = |s| {
+ if lit_str.is_empty() {
+ abort!(
+ lit.span(),
+ "`#[structopt({} = \"\")]` is deprecated in structopt 0.3, \
+ now it's default behavior",
+ s
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ match &*name_str.to_string() {
+ "rename_all" => Ok(RenameAll(name, lit)),
+ "rename_all_env" => Ok(RenameAllEnv(name, lit)),
+ "version" => {
+ check_empty_lit("version");
+ Ok(Version(name, lit))
+ }
+ "author" => {
+ check_empty_lit("author");
+ Ok(Author(name, Some(lit)))
+ }
+ "about" => {
+ check_empty_lit("about");
+ Ok(About(name, Some(lit)))
+ }
+ "skip" => {
+ let expr = ExprLit {
+ attrs: vec![],
+ lit: Lit::Str(lit),
+ };
+ let expr = Expr::Lit(expr);
+ Ok(Skip(name, Some(expr)))
+ }
+ _ => Ok(NameLitStr(name, lit)),
+ }
+ } else {
+ match input.parse::<Expr>() {
+ Ok(expr) => {
+ if name_str == "skip" {
+ Ok(Skip(name, Some(expr)))
+ } else {
+ Ok(NameExpr(name, expr))
+ }
+ }
+ Err(_) => abort! {
+ assign_token.span(),
+ "expected `string literal` or `expression` after `=`"
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ } else if input.peek(syn::token::Paren) {
+ // `name(...)` attributes.
+ let nested;
+ parenthesized!(nested in input);
+ match name_str.as_ref() {
+ "parse" => {
+ let parser_specs: Punctuated<ParserSpec, Token![,]> =
+ nested.parse_terminated(ParserSpec::parse)?;
+ if parser_specs.len() == 1 {
+ Ok(Parse(name, parser_specs[0].clone()))
+ } else {
+ abort!(name.span(), "parse must have exactly one argument")
+ }
+ }
+ "raw" => match nested.parse::<LitBool>() {
+ Ok(bool_token) => {
+ let expr = ExprLit {
+ attrs: vec![],
+ lit: Lit::Bool(bool_token),
+ };
+ let expr = Expr::Lit(expr);
+ Ok(MethodCall(name, vec![expr]))
+ }
+ Err(_) => {
+ abort!(name.span(),
+ "`#[structopt(raw(...))` attributes are removed in structopt 0.3, \
+ they are replaced with raw methods";
+ help = "if you meant to call `clap::Arg::raw()` method \
+ you should use bool literal, like `raw(true)` or `raw(false)`";
+ note = raw_method_suggestion(nested);
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ _ => {
+ let method_args: Punctuated<_, Token![,]> =
+ nested.parse_terminated(Expr::parse)?;
+ Ok(MethodCall(name, Vec::from_iter(method_args)))
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Attributes represented with a sole identifier.
+ match name_str.as_ref() {
+ "long" => Ok(Long(name)),
+ "short" => Ok(Short(name)),
+ "env" => Ok(Env(name)),
+ "flatten" => Ok(Flatten(name)),
+ "subcommand" => Ok(Subcommand(name)),
+ "no_version" => Ok(NoVersion(name)),
+ "verbatim_doc_comment" => Ok(VerbatimDocComment(name)),
+ "about" => (Ok(About(name, None))),
+ "author" => (Ok(Author(name, None))),
+ "skip" => Ok(Skip(name, None)),
+ "version" => abort!(
+ name.span(),
+ "#[structopt(version)] is invalid attribute, \
+ structopt 0.3 inherits version from Cargo.toml by default, \
+ no attribute needed"
+ ),
+ _ => abort!(name.span(), "unexpected attribute: {}", name_str),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub struct ParserSpec {
+ pub kind: Ident,
+ pub eq_token: Option<Token![=]>,
+ pub parse_func: Option<Expr>,
+impl Parse for ParserSpec {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
+ let kind = input
+ .parse()
+ .map_err(|_| input.error("parser specification must start with identifier"))?;
+ let eq_token = input.parse()?;
+ let parse_func = match eq_token {
+ None => None,
+ Some(_) => Some(input.parse()?),
+ };
+ Ok(ParserSpec {
+ kind,
+ eq_token,
+ parse_func,
+ })
+ }
+struct CommaSeparated<T>(Punctuated<T, Token![,]>);
+impl<T: Parse> Parse for CommaSeparated<T> {
+ fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<Self> {
+ let res = Punctuated::parse_separated_nonempty(input)?;
+ Ok(CommaSeparated(res))
+ }
+fn raw_method_suggestion(ts: ParseBuffer) -> String {
+ let do_parse = move || -> Result<(Ident, CommaSeparated<Expr>), syn::Error> {
+ let name = ts.parse()?;
+ let _eq: Token![=] = ts.parse()?;
+ let val: LitStr = ts.parse()?;
+ Ok((name, syn::parse_str(&val.value())?))
+ };
+ fn to_string<T: ToTokens>(val: &T) -> String {
+ val.to_token_stream()
+ .to_string()
+ .replace(" ", "")
+ .replace(",", ", ")
+ }
+ if let Ok((name, val)) = do_parse() {
+ let exprs = val.0;
+ let suggestion = if exprs.len() == 1 {
+ let val = to_string(&exprs[0]);
+ format!(" = {}", val)
+ } else {
+ let val = exprs
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|expr| to_string(&expr))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(", ");
+ format!("({})", val)
+ };
+ format!(
+ "if you need to call `clap::Arg/App::{}` method you \
+ can do it like this: #[structopt({}{})]",
+ name, name, suggestion
+ )
+ } else {
+ "if you need to call some method from `clap::Arg/App` \
+ you should use raw method, see \
+ https://docs.rs/structopt/0.3/structopt/#raw-methods"
+ .into()
+ }
+pub fn parse_structopt_attributes(all_attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Vec<StructOptAttr> {
+ all_attrs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("structopt"))
+ .flat_map(|attr| {
+ let attrs: StructOptAttributes = parse2(attr.tokens.clone())
+ .map_err(|e| match &*e.to_string() {
+ // this error message is misleading and points to Span::call_site()
+ // so we patch it with something meaningful
+ "unexpected end of input, expected parentheses" => {
+ let span = attr.path.span();
+ let patch_msg = "expected parentheses after `structopt`";
+ syn::Error::new(span, patch_msg)
+ }
+ _ => e,
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_abort();
+ attrs.attrs
+ })
+ .collect()
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/spanned.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/spanned.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dd595b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/spanned.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::ToTokens;
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use syn::LitStr;
+/// An entity with a span attached.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct Sp<T> {
+ span: Span,
+ val: T,
+impl<T> Sp<T> {
+ pub fn new(val: T, span: Span) -> Self {
+ Sp { val, span }
+ }
+ pub fn call_site(val: T) -> Self {
+ Sp {
+ val,
+ span: Span::call_site(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn span(&self) -> Span {
+ self.span
+ }
+impl<T: ToString> Sp<T> {
+ pub fn as_ident(&self) -> Ident {
+ Ident::new(&self.to_string(), self.span)
+ }
+ pub fn as_lit(&self) -> LitStr {
+ LitStr::new(&self.to_string(), self.span)
+ }
+impl<T> Deref for Sp<T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+ &self.val
+ }
+impl<T> DerefMut for Sp<T> {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
+ &mut self.val
+ }
+impl From<Ident> for Sp<String> {
+ fn from(ident: Ident) -> Self {
+ Sp {
+ val: ident.to_string(),
+ span: ident.span(),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<LitStr> for Sp<String> {
+ fn from(lit: LitStr) -> Self {
+ Sp {
+ val: lit.value(),
+ span: lit.span(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> From<Sp<&'a str>> for Sp<String> {
+ fn from(sp: Sp<&'a str>) -> Self {
+ Sp::new(sp.val.into(), sp.span)
+ }
+impl<U, T: PartialEq<U>> PartialEq<U> for Sp<T> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &U) -> bool {
+ self.val == *other
+ }
+impl<T: AsRef<str>> AsRef<str> for Sp<T> {
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
+ self.val.as_ref()
+ }
+impl<T: ToTokens> ToTokens for Sp<T> {
+ fn to_tokens(&self, stream: &mut TokenStream) {
+ // this is the simplest way out of correct ones to change span on
+ // arbitrary token tree I can come up with
+ let tt = self.val.to_token_stream().into_iter().map(|mut tt| {
+ tt.set_span(self.span.clone());
+ tt
+ });
+ stream.extend(tt);
+ }
diff --git a/structopt/structopt-derive/src/ty.rs b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/ty.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06eb3ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/structopt/structopt-derive/src/ty.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+//! Special types handling
+use crate::spanned::Sp;
+use syn::{
+ spanned::Spanned, GenericArgument, Path, PathArguments, PathArguments::AngleBracketed,
+ PathSegment, Type, TypePath,
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
+pub enum Ty {
+ Bool,
+ Vec,
+ Option,
+ OptionOption,
+ OptionVec,
+ Other,
+impl Ty {
+ pub fn from_syn_ty(ty: &syn::Type) -> Sp<Self> {
+ use Ty::*;
+ let t = |kind| Sp::new(kind, ty.span());
+ if is_simple_ty(ty, "bool") {
+ t(Bool)
+ } else if is_generic_ty(ty, "Vec") {
+ t(Vec)
+ } else if let Some(subty) = subty_if_name(ty, "Option") {
+ if is_generic_ty(subty, "Option") {
+ t(OptionOption)
+ } else if is_generic_ty(subty, "Vec") {
+ t(OptionVec)
+ } else {
+ t(Option)
+ }
+ } else {
+ t(Other)
+ }
+ }
+pub fn sub_type(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<&syn::Type> {
+ subty_if(ty, |_| true)
+fn only_last_segment(ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<&PathSegment> {
+ match ty {
+ Type::Path(TypePath {
+ qself: None,
+ path:
+ Path {
+ leading_colon: None,
+ segments,
+ },
+ }) => only_one(segments.iter()),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+fn subty_if<F>(ty: &syn::Type, f: F) -> Option<&syn::Type>
+ F: FnOnce(&PathSegment) -> bool,
+ only_last_segment(ty)
+ .filter(|segment| f(segment))
+ .and_then(|segment| {
+ if let AngleBracketed(args) = &segment.arguments {
+ only_one(args.args.iter()).and_then(|genneric| {
+ if let GenericArgument::Type(ty) = genneric {
+ Some(ty)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+fn subty_if_name<'a>(ty: &'a syn::Type, name: &str) -> Option<&'a syn::Type> {
+ subty_if(ty, |seg| seg.ident == name)
+fn is_simple_ty(ty: &syn::Type, name: &str) -> bool {
+ only_last_segment(ty)
+ .map(|segment| {
+ if let PathArguments::None = segment.arguments {
+ segment.ident == name
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+fn is_generic_ty(ty: &syn::Type, name: &str) -> bool {
+ subty_if_name(ty, name).is_some()
+fn only_one<I, T>(mut iter: I) -> Option<T>
+ I: Iterator<Item = T>,
+ iter.next().filter(|_| iter.next().is_none())