path: root/cc/src/com.rs
diff options
authorDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-04-04 14:39:19 -0700
committerDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-04-04 14:39:19 -0700
commitd0d9683df8398696147e7ee1fcffb2e4e957008c (patch)
tree4baa76712a76f4d072ee3936c07956580b230820 /cc/src/com.rs
parent203e691f46d591a2cc8acdfd850fa9f5b0fb8a98 (diff)
Remove vendored dependencies
While it appears that by now we actually can get successful builds without Cargo insisting on Internet access by virtue of using the --frozen flag, maintaining vendored dependencies is somewhat of a pain point. This state will also get worse with upcoming changes that replace argparse in favor of structopt and pull in a slew of new dependencies by doing so. Then there is also the repository structure aspect, which is non-standard due to the way we vendor dependencies and a potential source of confusion. In order to fix these problems, this change removes all the vendored dependencies we have. Delete subrepo argparse/:argparse Delete subrepo base32/:base32 Delete subrepo cc/:cc Delete subrepo cfg-if/:cfg-if Delete subrepo getrandom/:getrandom Delete subrepo lazy-static/:lazy-static Delete subrepo libc/:libc Delete subrepo nitrokey-sys/:nitrokey-sys Delete subrepo nitrokey/:nitrokey Delete subrepo rand/:rand
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/src/com.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/cc/src/com.rs b/cc/src/com.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f2afe..0000000
--- a/cc/src/com.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright © 2017 winapi-rs developers
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
-// All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-use crate::winapi::CoInitializeEx;
-use crate::winapi::IUnknown;
-use crate::winapi::Interface;
-use crate::winapi::BSTR;
-use crate::winapi::COINIT_MULTITHREADED;
-use crate::winapi::{SysFreeString, SysStringLen};
-use crate::winapi::{HRESULT, S_FALSE, S_OK};
-use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
-use std::mem::forget;
-use std::ops::Deref;
-use std::os::windows::ffi::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
-use std::ptr::null_mut;
-use std::slice::from_raw_parts;
-pub fn initialize() -> Result<(), HRESULT> {
- let err = unsafe { CoInitializeEx(null_mut(), COINIT_MULTITHREADED) };
- if err != S_OK && err != S_FALSE {
- // S_FALSE just means COM is already initialized
- return Err(err);
- }
- Ok(())
-pub struct ComPtr<T>(*mut T)
- T: Interface;
-impl<T> ComPtr<T>
- T: Interface,
- /// Creates a `ComPtr` to wrap a raw pointer.
- /// It takes ownership over the pointer which means it does __not__ call `AddRef`.
- /// `T` __must__ be a COM interface that inherits from `IUnknown`.
- pub unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *mut T) -> ComPtr<T> {
- assert!(!ptr.is_null());
- ComPtr(ptr)
- }
- /// Casts up the inheritance chain
- pub fn up<U>(self) -> ComPtr<U>
- where
- T: Deref<Target = U>,
- U: Interface,
- {
- ComPtr(self.into_raw() as *mut U)
- }
- /// Extracts the raw pointer.
- /// You are now responsible for releasing it yourself.
- pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut T {
- let p = self.0;
- forget(self);
- p
- }
- /// For internal use only.
- fn as_unknown(&self) -> &IUnknown {
- unsafe { &*(self.0 as *mut IUnknown) }
- }
- /// Performs QueryInterface fun.
- pub fn cast<U>(&self) -> Result<ComPtr<U>, i32>
- where
- U: Interface,
- {
- let mut obj = null_mut();
- let err = unsafe { self.as_unknown().QueryInterface(&U::uuidof(), &mut obj) };
- if err < 0 {
- return Err(err);
- }
- Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(obj as *mut U) })
- }
-impl<T> Deref for ComPtr<T>
- T: Interface,
- type Target = T;
- fn deref(&self) -> &T {
- unsafe { &*self.0 }
- }
-impl<T> Clone for ComPtr<T>
- T: Interface,
- fn clone(&self) -> Self {
- unsafe {
- self.as_unknown().AddRef();
- ComPtr::from_raw(self.0)
- }
- }
-impl<T> Drop for ComPtr<T>
- T: Interface,
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- unsafe {
- self.as_unknown().Release();
- }
- }
-pub struct BStr(BSTR);
-impl BStr {
- pub unsafe fn from_raw(s: BSTR) -> BStr {
- BStr(s)
- }
- pub fn to_osstring(&self) -> OsString {
- let len = unsafe { SysStringLen(self.0) };
- let slice = unsafe { from_raw_parts(self.0, len as usize) };
- OsStringExt::from_wide(slice)
- }
-impl Drop for BStr {
- fn drop(&mut self) {
- unsafe { SysFreeString(self.0) };
- }
-pub trait ToWide {
- fn to_wide(&self) -> Vec<u16>;
- fn to_wide_null(&self) -> Vec<u16>;
-impl<T> ToWide for T
- T: AsRef<OsStr>,
- fn to_wide(&self) -> Vec<u16> {
- self.as_ref().encode_wide().collect()
- }
- fn to_wide_null(&self) -> Vec<u16> {
- self.as_ref().encode_wide().chain(Some(0)).collect()
- }
-pub trait FromWide
- Self: Sized,
- fn from_wide(wide: &[u16]) -> Self;
- fn from_wide_null(wide: &[u16]) -> Self {
- let len = wide.iter().take_while(|&&c| c != 0).count();
- Self::from_wide(&wide[..len])
- }
-impl FromWide for OsString {
- fn from_wide(wide: &[u16]) -> OsString {
- OsStringExt::from_wide(wide)
- }