path: root/rand/benches/distributions.rs
diff options
authorDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-01-02 08:32:06 -0800
committerDaniel Mueller <deso@posteo.net>2020-01-02 08:32:06 -0800
commitfd091b04316db9dc5fafadbd6bdbe60b127408a9 (patch)
treef202270f7ae5cedc513be03833a26148d9b5e219 /rand/benches/distributions.rs
parent8161cdb26f98e65b39c603ddf7a614cc87c77a1c (diff)
Update nitrokey crate to 0.4.0
This change finally updates the version of the nitrokey crate that we consume to 0.4.0. Along with that we update rand_core, one of its dependencies, to 0.5.1. Further more we add cfg-if in version 0.1.10 and getrandom in version 0.1.13, both of which are now new (non-development) dependencies. Import subrepo nitrokey/:nitrokey at e81057037e9b4f370b64c0a030a725bc6bdfb870 Import subrepo cfg-if/:cfg-if at 4484a6faf816ff8058088ad857b0c6bb2f4b02b2 Import subrepo getrandom/:getrandom at d661aa7e1b8cc80b47dabe3d2135b3b47d2858af Import subrepo rand/:rand at d877ed528248b52d947e0484364a4e1ae59ca502
Diffstat (limited to 'rand/benches/distributions.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/rand/benches/distributions.rs b/rand/benches/distributions.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 069a828..0000000
--- a/rand/benches/distributions.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 Developers of the Rand project.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-extern crate test;
-extern crate rand;
-const RAND_BENCH_N: u64 = 1000;
-use std::mem::size_of;
-use test::Bencher;
-use std::time::Duration;
-use rand::{Rng, FromEntropy};
-use rand::rngs::SmallRng;
-use rand::distributions::*;
-macro_rules! distr_int {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = $distr;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = 0 as $ty;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(x);
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-macro_rules! distr_float {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = $distr;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = 0.0;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
- accum += x;
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-macro_rules! distr_duration {
- ($fnn:ident, $distr:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = $distr;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = Duration::new(0, 0);
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- let x: Duration = distr.sample(&mut rng);
- accum = accum.checked_add(x).unwrap_or(Duration::new(u64::max_value(), 999_999_999));
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<Duration>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-macro_rules! distr {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = $distr;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = 0u32;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(x as u32);
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-macro_rules! distr_arr {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ty, $distr:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = $distr;
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = 0u32;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- let x: $ty = distr.sample(&mut rng);
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(x[0] as u32);
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-// uniform
-distr_int!(distr_uniform_i8, i8, Uniform::new(20i8, 100));
-distr_int!(distr_uniform_i16, i16, Uniform::new(-500i16, 2000));
-distr_int!(distr_uniform_i32, i32, Uniform::new(-200_000_000i32, 800_000_000));
-distr_int!(distr_uniform_i64, i64, Uniform::new(3i64, 123_456_789_123));
-distr_int!(distr_uniform_i128, i128, Uniform::new(-123_456_789_123i128, 123_456_789_123_456_789));
-distr_float!(distr_uniform_f32, f32, Uniform::new(2.26f32, 2.319));
-distr_float!(distr_uniform_f64, f64, Uniform::new(2.26f64, 2.319));
-const LARGE_SEC: u64 = u64::max_value() / 1000;
- Uniform::new_inclusive(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(u64::max_value(), 999_999_999))
- Uniform::new(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(LARGE_SEC, 1_000_000_000 / 2))
- Uniform::new(Duration::new(0, 0), Duration::new(1, 0))
- Uniform::new(Duration::new(10000, 423423), Duration::new(200000, 6969954))
- Uniform::new_inclusive(Duration::new(LARGE_SEC, 999_999_999), Duration::new(LARGE_SEC + 1, 1))
-// standard
-distr_int!(distr_standard_i8, i8, Standard);
-distr_int!(distr_standard_i16, i16, Standard);
-distr_int!(distr_standard_i32, i32, Standard);
-distr_int!(distr_standard_i64, i64, Standard);
-distr_int!(distr_standard_i128, i128, Standard);
-distr!(distr_standard_bool, bool, Standard);
-distr!(distr_standard_alphanumeric, char, Alphanumeric);
-distr!(distr_standard_codepoint, char, Standard);
-distr_float!(distr_standard_f32, f32, Standard);
-distr_float!(distr_standard_f64, f64, Standard);
-distr_float!(distr_open01_f32, f32, Open01);
-distr_float!(distr_open01_f64, f64, Open01);
-distr_float!(distr_openclosed01_f32, f32, OpenClosed01);
-distr_float!(distr_openclosed01_f64, f64, OpenClosed01);
-// distributions
-distr_float!(distr_exp, f64, Exp::new(1.23 * 4.56));
-distr_float!(distr_normal, f64, Normal::new(-1.23, 4.56));
-distr_float!(distr_log_normal, f64, LogNormal::new(-1.23, 4.56));
-distr_float!(distr_gamma_large_shape, f64, Gamma::new(10., 1.0));
-distr_float!(distr_gamma_small_shape, f64, Gamma::new(0.1, 1.0));
-distr_float!(distr_cauchy, f64, Cauchy::new(4.2, 6.9));
-distr_int!(distr_binomial, u64, Binomial::new(20, 0.7));
-distr_int!(distr_poisson, u64, Poisson::new(4.0));
-distr!(distr_bernoulli, bool, Bernoulli::new(0.18));
-distr_arr!(distr_circle, [f64; 2], UnitCircle::new());
-distr_arr!(distr_sphere_surface, [f64; 3], UnitSphereSurface::new());
-// Weighted
-distr_int!(distr_weighted_i8, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1i8, 2, 3, 4, 12, 0, 2, 1]).unwrap());
-distr_int!(distr_weighted_u32, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1u32, 2, 3, 4, 12, 0, 2, 1]).unwrap());
-distr_int!(distr_weighted_f64, usize, WeightedIndex::new(&[1.0f64, 0.001, 1.0/3.0, 4.01, 0.0, 3.3, 22.0, 0.001]).unwrap());
-distr_int!(distr_weighted_large_set, usize, WeightedIndex::new((0..10000).rev().chain(1..10001)).unwrap());
-// construct and sample from a range
-macro_rules! gen_range_int {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ident, $low:expr, $high:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut high = $high;
- let mut accum: $ty = 0;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- accum = accum.wrapping_add(rng.gen_range($low, high));
- // force recalculation of range each time
- high = high.wrapping_add(1) & std::$ty::MAX;
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-gen_range_int!(gen_range_i8, i8, -20i8, 100);
-gen_range_int!(gen_range_i16, i16, -500i16, 2000);
-gen_range_int!(gen_range_i32, i32, -200_000_000i32, 800_000_000);
-gen_range_int!(gen_range_i64, i64, 3i64, 123_456_789_123);
-gen_range_int!(gen_range_i128, i128, -12345678901234i128, 123_456_789_123_456_789);
-// construct and sample from a floating-point range
-macro_rules! gen_range_float {
- ($fnn:ident, $ty:ident, $low:expr, $high:expr) => {
- #[bench]
- fn $fnn(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut high = $high;
- let mut low = $low;
- let mut accum: $ty = 0.0;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- accum += rng.gen_range(low, high);
- // force recalculation of range each time
- low += 0.9;
- high += 1.1;
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<$ty>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;
- }
- }
-gen_range_float!(gen_range_f32, f32, -20000.0f32, 100000.0);
-gen_range_float!(gen_range_f64, f64, 123.456f64, 7890.12);
-fn dist_iter(b: &mut Bencher) {
- let mut rng = SmallRng::from_entropy();
- let distr = Normal::new(-2.71828, 3.14159);
- let mut iter = distr.sample_iter(&mut rng);
- b.iter(|| {
- let mut accum = 0.0;
- for _ in 0..::RAND_BENCH_N {
- accum += iter.next().unwrap();
- }
- accum
- });
- b.bytes = size_of::<f64>() as u64 * ::RAND_BENCH_N;