path: root/V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs
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authorThomas Leyh <leyh.thomas@web.de>2016-07-24 08:14:18 +0200
committerThomas Leyh <leyh.thomas@web.de>2016-07-24 08:14:18 +0200
commitced3d03bdb3ce866d832e03fb212865140905a9a (patch)
tree2a16c2063a46d3c354ce1585029dda3124f6ad93 /V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs
parent0394dccaf06e1009e591a6ff4d645895574724c1 (diff)
Add project files.v1.0release
Diffstat (limited to 'V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs b/V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..123ba8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/V3/Screens/HudScreen.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+using System;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
+using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
+using Ninject;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using V3.Data;
+using V3.Camera;
+using V3.Input;
+using V3.Map;
+using V3.Objects;
+using V3.Widgets;
+namespace V3.Screens
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Creates a new HUD screen.
+ /// </summary>
+ // ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
+ public sealed class HudScreen : AbstractScreen, IInitializable
+ {
+ private readonly MenuActions mMenuActions;
+ private readonly GraphicsDeviceManager mGraphicsDeviceManager;
+ private readonly ContentManager mContentManager;
+ private readonly WidgetFactory mWidgetFactory;
+ private readonly IOptionsManager mOptionsManager;
+ private readonly CameraManager mCameraManager;
+ private readonly IMapManager mMapManager;
+ private readonly IObjectsManager mObjectsManager;
+ private AchievementsAndStatistics mAchievementsAndStatistics;
+ private KeyboardState mCurrentState;
+ private KeyboardState mPreviousState;
+ private SpriteFont mFont;
+ private List<Button> mButtons = new List<Button>();
+ private Button mPauseButton;
+ private Button mCameraButton;
+ private Button mButton1;
+ private Button mButton2;
+ private Button mButton3;
+ private Button mButton4;
+ private Button mButton5;
+ private Rectangle mLifeBarRectangle;
+ private Rectangle mBackgroundRectangle;
+ private Rectangle mUnitRectangle;
+ private Rectangle mUnitInformationRectangle;
+ private Rectangle mMiniMapRectangle;
+ private Rectangle mMiniMapCamera;
+ private Texture2D mRectangle;
+ private Point mRectanglePos;
+ private Point mRectangleSize;
+ private int mCurrentHealth;
+ private int mMaxHealth;
+ private int mCounter;
+ private Vector2 mCreatureNamePosition;
+ private readonly Selection mSelection;
+ private int mScaleFactorX;
+ private int mScaleFactorY;
+ public HudScreen(ContentManager contentManager, GraphicsDeviceManager graphicsDeviceManager,
+ IOptionsManager optionsManager, MenuActions menuActions,
+ WidgetFactory widgetFactory, Selection selection, CameraManager cameraManager,
+ IMapManager mapManager, IObjectsManager objectsManager,
+ AchievementsAndStatistics achievementsAndStatistics): base(true, true)
+ {
+ mGraphicsDeviceManager = graphicsDeviceManager;
+ mContentManager = contentManager;
+ mOptionsManager = optionsManager;
+ mMenuActions = menuActions;
+ mWidgetFactory = widgetFactory;
+ mSelection = selection;
+ mCameraManager = cameraManager;
+ mMapManager = mapManager;
+ mObjectsManager = objectsManager;
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics = achievementsAndStatistics;
+ }
+ public void Initialize()
+ {
+ mRectangle = mContentManager.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/WhiteRectangle");
+ mFont = mContentManager.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/UnitFont");
+ mPauseButton = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-06",
+ "Pause",
+ "Pausiert das Spiel und \n" +
+ "öffnet das Pausemenü.");
+ mCameraButton = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-07",
+ "Kamera",
+ "Ändert die Kameraeinstellung zu \n" +
+ "zentrierter oder schiebender Kamera. ");
+ mButton1 = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-01",
+ "Explosion",
+ "Lasst den Fleischklops explodieren \n" +
+ "und fügt im Umkreis Schaden zu.");
+ mButton2 = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-02",
+ "Zombie beschwören",
+ "Wiederbelebt alle toten Gegner im Umkreis \n" +
+ "und lasst sie für euch kämpfen.");
+ mButton3 = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-03",
+ "Zombies verwandeln",
+ "Verschmelzt 5 ausgewählte Zombies \n" +
+ "zu einem Fleischklops.");
+ mButton4 = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-04",
+ "Skelett erschaffen",
+ "Verwandelt einen Zombie zu einem \n" +
+ "Skelett.");
+ mButton5 = CreateButton("Buttons/Button-05",
+ "Totenpferd beschwören",
+ "Vereinigt 3 Skelette zu einem \n" +
+ "Totenpferd.");
+ if (mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter != null)
+ {
+ mCurrentHealth = mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter.Life;
+ mMaxHealth = mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter.MaxLife;
+ }
+ }
+ public override bool HandleMouseEvent(IMouseEvent mouseEvent)
+ {
+ mButtons.ForEach(b => b.HandleMouseEvent(mouseEvent));
+ if (mMiniMapRectangle.Contains(mouseEvent.PositionPressed))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ foreach (var button in mButtons)
+ {
+ if (button.Rectangle.Contains(mouseEvent.PositionPressed))
+ return true;
+ if (mouseEvent.PositionReleased.HasValue && button.Rectangle.Contains(mouseEvent.PositionReleased.Value))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
+ {
+ var viewport = mGraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
+ mRectanglePos = new Point(viewport.Width / 2 - viewport.Width / 8, viewport.Height - viewport.Height / 20 - 2);
+ mRectangleSize = new Point(viewport.Width / 4, viewport.Height / 20);
+ mCurrentHealth = mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter.Life;
+ mLifeBarRectangle = new Rectangle(mRectanglePos.X, mRectanglePos.Y, mRectangleSize.X * mCurrentHealth / mMaxHealth, mRectangleSize.Y);
+ mBackgroundRectangle = new Rectangle(mRectanglePos - new Point(2, 2), mRectangleSize + new Point(4, 4));
+ mUnitInformationRectangle = new Rectangle(viewport.Width * 2/3, viewport.Height * 7/8, viewport.Width / 3, viewport.Height / 8);
+ mUnitRectangle = new Rectangle(mUnitInformationRectangle.X + mUnitInformationRectangle.Width * 2 / 3, mUnitInformationRectangle.Y + 5, mUnitInformationRectangle.Width / 3 - 15, mUnitInformationRectangle.Height - 10);
+ mCreatureNamePosition = new Vector2(mUnitInformationRectangle.X + mUnitInformationRectangle.Width / 20, mUnitInformationRectangle.Y + mUnitInformationRectangle.Height / 20);
+ // Logic for camera toggle
+ mPreviousState = mCurrentState;
+ mCurrentState = Keyboard.GetState();
+ if (mCameraButton.IsClicked || (mCurrentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.C) && mPreviousState.IsKeyUp(Keys.C)))
+ {
+ if (mOptionsManager.Options.CameraType == CameraType.Centered)
+ {
+ mOptionsManager.Options.CameraType = CameraType.Scrolling;
+ }
+ else if (mOptionsManager.Options.CameraType == CameraType.Scrolling)
+ {
+ mOptionsManager.Options.CameraType = CameraType.Centered;
+ }
+ mMenuActions.SaveOptions();
+ mMenuActions.ApplyOptions();
+ }
+ // Logic for opening the death screen if the player's life reaches 0 or the victory screen if the boss is defeated.
+ if (mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter.IsDead)
+ {
+ mCounter++;
+ if (mCounter == 120)
+ {
+ mMenuActions.OpenDeathScreen();
+ mCounter = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mObjectsManager.Boss != null && mObjectsManager.Boss.IsDead)
+ {
+ mCounter++;
+ if (mCounter == 120)
+ {
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mUsedTime -= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
+ if (gameTime.TotalGameTime <= TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5))
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mHellsNotWaiting = true;
+ mMenuActions.OpenVictoryScreen();
+ mCounter = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Define the Minimap into the upper right corner and the scale factors needed.
+ mMiniMapRectangle = new Rectangle(viewport.Width * 3 / 4, 0, viewport.Width * 1 / 4, viewport.Height * 1 / 4);
+ mScaleFactorX = mCameraManager.GetCamera().MapPixelWidth / mMiniMapRectangle.Width;
+ mScaleFactorY = mCameraManager.GetCamera().MapPixelHeight / 2 / mMiniMapRectangle.Height;
+ mMiniMapCamera = new Rectangle(mMiniMapRectangle.X + (int)mCameraManager.GetCamera().Location.X / mScaleFactorX,
+ mMiniMapRectangle.Y + (int)mCameraManager.GetCamera().Location.Y / mScaleFactorY,
+ viewport.Width / mScaleFactorX, viewport.Height / mScaleFactorY);
+ if (mMiniMapRectangle.Contains(Mouse.GetState().Position))
+ {
+ if (Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
+ {
+ float newCameraLocationX = MathHelper.Clamp(((float) Mouse.GetState().Position.X - mMiniMapRectangle.X) * mScaleFactorX -
+ mMiniMapCamera.Width / 2f * mScaleFactorX, 0, mCameraManager.GetCamera().MapPixelWidth - viewport.Width);
+ float newCameraLocationY = MathHelper.Clamp(((float) Mouse.GetState().Position.Y - mMiniMapRectangle.Y) * mScaleFactorY -
+ mMiniMapCamera.Height / 2f * mScaleFactorY, 0, mCameraManager.GetCamera().MapPixelHeight / 2f - viewport.Height);
+ mCameraManager.GetCamera().Location = new Vector2(newCameraLocationX, newCameraLocationY);
+ }
+ }
+ // Call for transformations
+ if (mButton1.IsClicked)
+ mSelection.Specialattack();
+ if (mButton2.IsClicked)
+ mSelection.TransformZombie();
+ if (mButton3.IsClicked)
+ mSelection.TransformMeatball();
+ if (mButton4.IsClicked)
+ mSelection.TransformSkeleton();
+ if (mButton5.IsClicked)
+ mSelection.TransformSkeletonHorse();
+ UpdateButtons();
+ foreach (var unit in mSelection.SelectedCreatures)
+ {
+ if (unit is Meatball)
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mMeatballCompany += 1;
+ else if (unit is SkeletonHorse)
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mSkeletonHorseCavalry += 1;
+ }
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mWalkedDistance += ((Necromancer)mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter).WalkedPixels / 64;
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mMarathonRunner += ((Necromancer)mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter).WalkedPixels / 64;
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mIronMan += ((Necromancer)mObjectsManager.PlayerCharacter).WalkedPixels / 64;
+ mAchievementsAndStatistics.mUsedTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
+ }
+ public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.Begin();
+ mButtons.ForEach(b => b.Draw(spriteBatch));
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, mBackgroundRectangle, Color.Black * 0.7f);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, mLifeBarRectangle, Color.Firebrick);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, mUnitInformationRectangle, Color.Chocolate * 0.7f);
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, mUnitRectangle, Color.Gainsboro * 0.6f);
+ // Draw the minimap.
+ mMapManager.DrawMinimap(spriteBatch, mMiniMapRectangle);
+ // Draw a rectangle on the part of the MiniMap that is shown by the camera.
+ // Upper line
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, new Rectangle(mMiniMapCamera.X, mMiniMapCamera.Y, mMiniMapCamera.Width, 1), Color.White);
+ // Left line
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, new Rectangle(mMiniMapCamera.X, mMiniMapCamera.Y, 1, mMiniMapCamera.Height), Color.White);
+ // Right line
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, new Rectangle(mMiniMapCamera.X + mMiniMapCamera.Width, mMiniMapCamera.Y, 1, mMiniMapCamera.Height), Color.White);
+ // Bottom line
+ spriteBatch.Draw(mRectangle, new Rectangle(mMiniMapCamera.X, mMiniMapCamera.Y + mMiniMapCamera.Height, mMiniMapCamera.Width, 1), Color.White);
+ foreach (var creature in mSelection.SelectedCreatures)
+ {
+ if (creature.IsSelected && mSelection.SelectedCreatures.Count == 1)
+ {
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont, creature.Name, mCreatureNamePosition, Color.Black);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont,
+ "Leben: " + creature.Life,
+ mCreatureNamePosition + new Vector2(0, 20),
+ Color.Black);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont,
+ "Kraft: " + creature.Attack,
+ mCreatureNamePosition + new Vector2(0, 40),
+ Color.Black);
+ creature.DrawStatic(spriteBatch,
+ new Point(mUnitRectangle.X + mUnitRectangle.Width / 2, mUnitRectangle.Y + mUnitRectangle.Height * 3/4));
+ }
+ else if (mSelection.SelectedCreatures.Count > 1)
+ {
+ var showedCreature = mSelection.SelectedCreatures[0];
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont, showedCreature.Name, mCreatureNamePosition, Color.Black);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont,
+ "Leben: " + showedCreature.Life,
+ mCreatureNamePosition + new Vector2(0, 20),
+ Color.Black);
+ spriteBatch.DrawString(mFont,
+ "Kraft: " + showedCreature.Attack,
+ mCreatureNamePosition + new Vector2(0, 40),
+ Color.Black);
+ showedCreature.DrawStatic(spriteBatch,
+ new Point(mUnitRectangle.X + mUnitRectangle.Width / 2, mUnitRectangle.Y + mUnitRectangle.Height * 3 / 4));
+ }
+ }
+ spriteBatch.End();
+ }
+ private void UpdateButtons()
+ {
+ var viewport = mGraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;
+ // Button Size
+ var buttonLength = viewport.Height / 12;
+ var buttonSize = new Vector2(buttonLength, buttonLength);
+ mButtons.ForEach(b => b.Size = buttonSize);
+ // Rectangles for the buttons
+ var buttonXVector = new Vector2(buttonLength + 2, 0);
+ mPauseButton.Position = new Vector2(5, 5);
+ mCameraButton.Position = new Vector2(mPauseButton.Position.X + mPauseButton.Size.X + 5, 5);
+ mButton1.Position = new Vector2(2, viewport.Height - buttonLength);
+ mButton2.Position = mButton1.Position + buttonXVector;
+ mButton3.Position = mButton2.Position + buttonXVector;
+ mButton4.Position = mButton3.Position + buttonXVector;
+ mButton5.Position = mButton4.Position + buttonXVector;
+ if (mPauseButton.IsClicked)
+ mMenuActions.OpenPauseScreen();
+ var mousePosition = Mouse.GetState().Position;
+ mButtons.ForEach(b => b.IsSelected = b.CheckSelected(mousePosition));
+ mButtons.ForEach(b => b.IsClicked = false);
+ }
+ private Button CreateButton(string textureName, string tooltipTitle, string tooltip)
+ {
+ return CreateButton(mContentManager.Load<Texture2D>(textureName), tooltipTitle, tooltip);
+ }
+ private Button CreateButton(Texture2D texture, string tooltipTitle, string tooltip)
+ {
+ var button = mWidgetFactory.CreateButton("");
+ button.Position = Vector2.Zero;
+ button.PaddingX = 15;
+ button.PaddingY = 5;
+ button.Size = button.GetMinimumSize();
+ button.Image = texture;
+ button.Tooltip = tooltip;
+ button.TooltipTitle = tooltipTitle;
+ mButtons.Add(button);
+ return button;
+ }
+ }