path: root/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
index b940cc8..26050f0 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors'
local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFileUtils'
local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils'
local LrView = import 'LrView'
+local LrApplication = import 'LrApplication'
local bind = LrView.bind
local Info = require 'Info'
@@ -105,8 +105,70 @@ MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext,
local additionalCategories = photo:getPropertyForPlugin(Info.LrToolkitIdentifier, 'categories') or ''
local gps = photo:getRawMetadata('gps')
+ local LrMajorVersion = LrApplication.versionTable().major -- number type
+ local LrVersionString = LrApplication.versionString() -- string with major, minor and revison numbers
+ local subText = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/MessageByMediaWiki=Message by MediaWiki for Lightroom')
if gps and gps.latitude and gps.longitude then
- local location = '{{Location|' .. gps.latitude .. '|' .. gps.longitude .. '}}\n'
+ local location = '{{Location|' .. gps.latitude .. '|' .. gps.longitude
+ -- If LR field "Direction" (German: "Richtung") is set, add "heading" parameter to Commons template "Location"
+ -- The LR version is checked, because Adobe introduced the parameter "gpsImgDirection" to the
+ -- call of photo:getRawMetadata with LR SDK 6.0.
+ -- Without LR version check, the usage of this plug-in shows
+ -- a warning message at export, if using LR version < 6 (e.g. 5):
+ -- English: Warning – Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Unknown key: "gpsImgDirection"
+ -- German: Warnung – Export nicht möglich: Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten: Unknown key: "gpsImgDirection"
+ -- Even it's a warning, the export is cancelled.
+ -- To avoid this warning message, the version check is needed – substituted by a hint message.
+ -- The version check differs between two cases of major LR versions: (a) >= 6 and (b) < 6
+ -- At both cases a hint message box is shown – with different messages, depending on the LR version:
+ -- * (a) Users of LR 6 or higher get informed about this feature, if the user has set the "Direction" field.
+ -- * (b) Users of LR 5 or LR 4 get informed, the feature is not available, due to the insufficient LR version.
+ -- At both cases the hint message box includes a "Don't show again" (German: "Nicht erneut anzeigen") checkbox.
+ -- If the user decides, to set this option and decides to revert this decision later, a reset of warning dialogs at LR is needed:
+ -- English: Edit -> Preferences... -> General -> Prompts -> Reset all warning dialogs
+ -- German: Bearbeiten -> Voreinstellungen -> Allgemein -> Eingabeaufforderungen -> Alle Warndialogfelder zurücksetzen
+ if LrMajorVersion >= 6 then
+ local heading = photo:getRawMetadata('gpsImgDirection')
+ -- The call of "getRawMetadata" with parameter "gpsImgDirection" is supported since LR 6.0
+ if heading then
+ -- At users with a LR version >= 6:
+ -- LR can store a direction value with up to 4 digits beyond a decimal point,
+ -- but shows at user interface a rounded value without decimal places (by mouse over the direction field).
+ -- Showing a rounded value is done by the two LrMediaWiki hint messages too, to avoid confusion of the user seeing different values.
+ -- The Location template parameter "heading" is filled by the storage value of LR.
+ -- Sample: A LR direction input of 359.987654321 is stored by LR as 359.9876, shown by LR and by the hint messages
+ -- as 360°, at Location template the LR stored value of 359.9876 is set.
+ location = location .. '|heading:' .. heading -- append heading at location
+ local headingRounded = string.format("%.0f", heading) -- rounding, e.g. 359.9876 -> 360
+ -- There are problems inserting newlines (\n) in JASON strings. Workaround, splitting the message in 4 parts:
+ local hintLine1 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL1=Hint: The Lightroom field “Direction” has a value of ^1°.', headingRounded)
+ local hintLine2 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL2=This value has been used to set the “heading” parameter at {{Location}} template.')
+ local hintLine3 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL3=This feature requires a Lightroom version 6/CC or higher.')
+ local hintLine4 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL4=This Lightroom version is ^1, therefore this feature works.', LrVersionString )
+ local hintMessage = hintLine1 .. '\n' .. hintLine2 .. '\n' .. hintLine3 .. '\n' .. hintLine4
+ local messageTable = {message = hintMessage, info = subText, actionPrefKey = 'Show hint message of used LR version'}
+ LrDialogs.messageWithDoNotShow(messageTable)
+ else
+ -- This shouldn't happen, because LR has a good direction field check, accepting only valid values.
+ -- It might be impossible, to test this case. However, shit happens.
+ LrDialogs.message(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InvalidDirectionValue=“Direction” has an invalid value.', subText, 'critical')
+ end
+ else -- LrMajorVersion < 6
+ if LrMajorVersion == 5 then
+ -- LR versions < 5 don't have a "Direction" field
+ -- There are problems inserting newlines (\n) in JASON strings. Workaround, splitting the message in 3 parts:
+ local hintLine1 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingFalseL1=Hint: If the Lightroom field “Direction” has a value, this can not be used to set a “heading” parameter at {{Location}} template.')
+ local hintLine2 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingFalseL2=This feature requires a Lightroom version 6/CC or higher.')
+ local hintLine3 = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingFalseL3=This Lightroom version is ^1, therefore this feature works not.', LrVersionString )
+ local hintMessage = hintLine1 .. '\n' .. hintLine2 .. '\n' .. hintLine3
+ local table = {message = hintMessage, info = subText, actionPrefKey = 'Show hint message of used LR version'}
+ LrDialogs.messageWithDoNotShow(table)
+ end
+ end
+ location = location .. '}}\n' -- close Location template
templates = location .. templates