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2 files changed, 14 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
index 26050f0..672be3c 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ local MediaWikiUtils = require 'MediaWikiUtils'
local MediaWikiExportServiceProvider = {}
MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext, exportContext)
- -- configure progess display
+ -- configure progress display
local exportSession = exportContext.exportSession
local photoCount = exportSession:countRenditions()
@@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext,
local subText = LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/MessageByMediaWiki=Message by MediaWiki for Lightroom')
if gps and gps.latitude and gps.longitude then
local location = '{{Location|' .. gps.latitude .. '|' .. gps.longitude
- -- If LR field "Direction" (German: "Richtung") is set, add "heading" parameter to Commons template "Location"
- -- The LR version is checked, because Adobe introduced the parameter "gpsImgDirection" to the
- -- call of photo:getRawMetadata with LR SDK 6.0.
+ -- In addition: If the LR field "Direction" (German: "Richtung") is set, add "heading" parameter to
+ -- Commons template "Location"
+ -- Primary, the LR version needs to be checked, because Adobe introduced the parameter "gpsImgDirection"
+ -- to the call of photo:getRawMetadata with LR SDK 6.0.
-- Without LR version check, the usage of this plug-in shows
-- a warning message at export, if using LR version < 6 (e.g. 5):
-- English: Warning – Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Unknown key: "gpsImgDirection"
@@ -134,6 +134,13 @@ MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext,
local heading = photo:getRawMetadata('gpsImgDirection')
-- The call of "getRawMetadata" with parameter "gpsImgDirection" is supported since LR 6.0
if heading then
+ -- Test cases:
+ -- (1) heading has a value, e.g. 359.9876 => {{Location|50.9|8.5|heading:359.9876}}
+ -- (2) direction field is empty, heading should be '' => {{Location|50.9|8.5}}
+ -- (3) gps and direction are empty => no Location template
+ -- (4) direction is '0' (== North) => {{Location|50.9|8.5|heading:0}}^M
+ -- All test cases should be done (a) one photo is marked, (b) multiple photos are marked
-- At users with a LR version >= 6:
-- LR can store a direction value with up to 4 digits beyond a decimal point,
-- but shows at user interface a rounded value without decimal places (by mouse over the direction field).
@@ -151,10 +158,6 @@ MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext,
local hintMessage = hintLine1 .. '\n' .. hintLine2 .. '\n' .. hintLine3 .. '\n' .. hintLine4
local messageTable = {message = hintMessage, info = subText, actionPrefKey = 'Show hint message of used LR version'}
- else
- -- This shouldn't happen, because LR has a good direction field check, accepting only valid values.
- -- It might be impossible, to test this case. However, shit happens.
- LrDialogs.message(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InvalidDirectionValue=“Direction” has an invalid value.', subText, 'critical')
else -- LrMajorVersion < 6
if LrMajorVersion == 5 then
@@ -168,8 +171,8 @@ MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext,
- location = location .. '}}\n' -- close Location template
- templates = location .. templates
+ location = location .. '}}' -- close Location template
+ templates = location .. '\n' .. templates
local fileDescription = MediaWikiInterface.buildFileDescription(description, source, timestamp, author, license, templates, other, categories, additionalCategories, permission)
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
index bd83674..7847c33 100755
--- a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL3=Dieses Feature erfordert eine Lightroom-Version 6/CC oder höher."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/HintHeadingTrueL4=Diese Lightroom-Version ist ^1, daher funktioniert das Feature."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/Internal/NotLoggedIn=Interner Fehler: vor dem Upload nicht angemeldet."
-"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InvalidDirectionValue=„Richtung“ hat einen ungültigen Wert."
"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse/Details=Es gibt bereits eine Datei mit dem Namen ^1. Überschreiben? (Die Dateibeschreibung wird nicht verändert.)"