path: root/src
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Fix dead links in Device documentationRobin Krahl2020-09-07
* Fix link in User doc commentRobin Krahl2020-09-06
* Make *Error, Model, DeviceWrapper non-exhaustiveRobin Krahl2020-09-06
| | | | | | | | | Previously, all enums defined by the nitrokey crate were exhaustive. This means that adding new variants to these enums is a breaking change. To make it possible to add new features to nitrokey-rs without breaking compatibility, this patch marks the Error, CommandError, CommunicationError, LibraryError, Model and DeviceWrapper enums as non-exhaustive.
* Export the FirmwareVersion structRobin Krahl2020-09-05
| | | | | | | This patch adds the FirmwareVersion struct to the re-exports in lib.rs. Previosuly, nitrokey users where able to access FirmwareVersion values as part of the Status struct and the Device::get_firmware_version method but could not see its definition.
* Use map_err(|_| x) instead of or_else(|_| Err(x))Robin Krahl2020-08-30
* Remove custom source implementation for ErrorRobin Krahl2020-08-30
| | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch removes the custom implementation of the source method of the std::error::Error trait for the error::Error type. This means that the default implementation is used that always returns None. The reason for this change is that we already print the error message of the source error in the Display implementation. This leads to a duplicated error message if both Display and source are checked, for example with anyhow’s error formatting. See this thread for more information: https://lists.sr.ht/~ireas/nitrokey-rs-dev/%3C6e0b4dc8-9059-a113-e98e-b49e52818c75%40posteo.net%3E
* Ensure Error trait implementationsRobin Krahl2020-07-08
| | | | | | The anyhow crate requires that error types are error::Error, Send, Sync and 'static. This patch implements a simple static assertion that our Error type implements these traits.
* Remove Error::RandError variantRobin Krahl2020-07-08
| | | | | | | | | | Since we update rand_os to version 0.2 in commit 6c138eaa850c745b97b7e48a201db0cbaad8e1e0, the random number generation can no longer fail. Therefore the Error::RandError variant is no longer needed. As we did not want to break the public API, we still kept the RandError variant. This patch removes the RandError variant for good.
* Remove sync::PoisonError from Error::PoisonErrorRobin Krahl2020-07-08
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, the Error::PoisonError contained the sync::PoisonError that caused the error. This is problematic as sync::PoisonError does not implement Send, making it impossible to use the Error enum with the anyhow crate. At the same time, storing the sync::PoisonError is not very useful. If a user wants to access the poisoned lock, they can call the force_take function. Therefore we remove the sync::PoisonError value from the Error:: PoisonError variant. This also allows us to simplify the From<sync::PoisonError<…>> and From<sync::TryLockError<…>> implementations as we no longer need to know the type of the mutex that caused the error. For more information, see this thread: https://lists.sr.ht/~ireas/nitrokey-rs-dev/%3C68ed0f3f-d98f-63bc-04d2-81b6d6cde560%40posteo.net%3E
* Use find(…) instead of skip_while(…).next()Robin Krahl2020-07-08
| | | | | This patch replaces calls to skip_while(…).next() for an iter::Iterator with a call to find(…), as suggested by clippy.
* Remove unused importsRobin Krahl2020-07-08
* Refactor string handling in utilRobin Krahl2020-02-03
| | | | | | | | | | | | | The util module provides helper methods to deal with the C strings returned by libnitrokey. The current implementation has to problems: - It causes unnecessary allocations if we only want to look at the string, for example in get_serial_number. - If the conversion from a CStr to a String fails, the string pointer is not freed. Therefore this patch introduces the run_with_str function that executes a function with the string returned by libnitrokey and then makes sure that the pointer is freed correctly.
* Represent serial numbers using SerialNumber structRobin Krahl2020-02-03
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In a previous commit, we changed the serial number representation from a string to an integer. This made it easier to compare serial numbers, but also introduced new problems: - Serial numbers should be formatted consistently, for example as "{:#010x}". It is hard to ensure this for an integer value. - The format of the serial number may be subject to change. Users should not rely too much on the u32 representation. Therefore we introduce a new SerialNumber struct that represents a serial number. Currently it only stores a u32 value. The following traits and functions can be used to access its value: - FromStr for string parsing - ToString/Display for string formatting - as_u32 to access the underlying integer value
* Use NK_get_status to implement Device::get_configRobin Krahl2020-02-03
| | | | | | | | | | | | libnitrokey’s NK_read_config function returns a pointer to an array that has been allocated using new[]. We would have to delete this pointer using delete[], but we only have access to free. Therefore this patch modifies the Device::get_config function to call NK_get_status instead of NK_read_config. This also makes the code more safe as we get the data as a struct instead of an array. It does not add much overhead as NK_read_config also executes the GET_STATUS command on the Nitrokey device.
* Implement From<&NK_status> for RawConfigRobin Krahl2020-02-03
| | | | | | This makes it easier to parse only the config part of the NK_status struct and avoids code duplication in the upcoming get_config refactoring.
* Merge branch 'hotfix-0.5.2' into nextRobin Krahl2020-01-28
| * Regenerate temporary passwords with null bytesRobin Krahl2020-01-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, we silently cut off temporary passwords that contained a null byte. With the change to CString, we returned a LibraryError instead. With this patch, we change to generate_password function to continue generating passwords until we have a password without a null byte. The chance of generating a password with a null byte is ca. 10 % for our temporary password with 25 characters. Therefore the chance of having to re-generate the password multiple times is low enough that we don’t bother with re-generating only the null bytes of the password for the time being. This should be improved in the future.
| * Remove AuthenticatedDevice::temp_password_ptrRobin Krahl2020-01-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | We introduced the AuthenticatedDevice::temp_password_ptr function to reduce the number of casts needed in our code base. Since we switched from Vec<u8> to CString, we no longer have to cast the return value of as_ptr. Therefore we can remove the temp_password_ptr function to reduce code complexity.
| * Use CString to store temporary passwordsRobin Krahl2020-01-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch changes the generate_password function and the User and Admin structs to use a CString instead of a Vec<u8> when storing temporary passwords. This makes sure that the strings that are passed to the C API are properly null-terminated.
* | Always store serial numbers as integersRobin Krahl2020-01-28
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch consistently uses u32 integers to store and return the serial number of a Nitrokey device. This makes it easier to convert and compare the serial number, as it is a unique representation and as formatting an integer cannot fail. For more details, see this RFC: https://lists.sr.ht/~ireas/nitrokey-rs-dev/%3C20200126074816.GA1314%40ireas.org%3E
* | Add String value to the Error::UnexpectedError variantRobin Krahl2020-01-28
|/ | | | | | To make debugging of unexpected errors easier, this patch adds an associated String value with a description of the unexpected behavior to the UnexpectedError variant of the Error enum.
* Fix serial number for older Nitrokey Pro in list_devicesRobin Krahl2020-01-15
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously, we assumed that the serial number returned by hidapi contains the Nitrokey serial number as the least significant bytes. As disussed here [0], this is not true for Nitrokey Pro devices with firmware version 0.8 or older: They write the serial number to the most significant bytes instead. This patch update the get_hidapi_serial_number function so that list_devices now returns the correctly formatted and truncated serial number for all Nitrokey Pro devices. It also makes sure that the serial number is lowercase to be consistent with libnitrokey’s formatting.
* Document background operationsRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | This patch adds a new section about background operations to the crate documentation.
* Add the fill_sd_card function to StorageRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | | This patch adds support for libnitrokey’s NK_fill_SD_card_with_random_data function. It is executed by the fill_sd_card function of the Storage struct. We also add a new test case that is set to ignore because it takes between 30 and 60 minutes to run.
* Add the get_operation_status function to the Storage structRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | | This patch adds support for the NK_get_progress_bar_value function: It adds the OperationStatus enum that stores the return value of this command and adds the get_operation_status function to the Storage struct that executes the command.
* Derive Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq for StatusRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | Somehow I forgot to derive the common traits for the new Status struct. This patch adds the missing derive attribute for Clone, Copy, Debug and PartialEq.
* Add the get_sd_card_usage function to the Storage structRobin Krahl2020-01-14
| | | | | | This patch adds support for the NK_get_SD_usage_data function. It returns a range of the SD card that has not been accessed during this power cycle.
* Rename Status::get_status to get_storage_statusRobin Krahl2020-01-11
| | | | | | | In the last patch, we added the get_status function to the Device trait. This patch renames the Storage::get_status function to get_storage_status to resolve the name clash – though allowed by the compiler, it is rather confusing for the end user.
* Add support for the GET_STATUS commandRobin Krahl2020-01-11
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch adds support for the GET_STATUS command that returns the status information common to all Nitrokey devices. It can be accessed using the Device::get_status function and is stored in a Status struct. Due to a bug in the Storage firmware [0], the GET_STATUS command returns wrong firmware versions and serial numbers. Until this is fixed in libnitrokey [1], we have to manually execute the GET_DEVICE_STATUS command to fix these values for the Nitrokey Storage. Also, this leads to a name clash with the existing Storage::get_status function, which will be renamed in an upcoming patch. [0] https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-storage-firmware/issues/96 [1] https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey/issues/166
* Add the connect_path function to the Manager structRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | This patch adds the connect_path function to the Manager struct that uses NK_connect_with_path to connect to a Nitrokey device at a given USB path.
* Add list_devices functionRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | | This patch adds support for libnitrokey’s NK_list_devices function by introducing the top-level list_devices function. It returns a vector of DeviceInfo structs with information about all connected Nitrokey devices.
* Add the DeviceInfo structRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | | | In the next patch, we will add support for the NK_list_devices functions that returns a list of NK_device_info structs with information about the connected devices. This patch introduces the DeviceInfo struct that holds the information returned by NK_list_devices and that can be created from a NK_device_info struct.
* Implement conversion traits for Model and NK_device_modelRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | A nitrokey_sys::NK_device_model (= u32) value may correspond to a nitrokey::Model, and vice versa. This patch adds the appropriate From and TryFrom implementations.
* Add the Error::UnsupportedModelError variantRobin Krahl2020-01-07
| | | | | | This patch adds the UnsupportedModelError variant to the Error enum: When parsing the model returned by libnitrokey, we should provide a meaningful error message for unknown values.
* Simplify doc tests with resultsRobin Krahl2019-12-27
| | | | | | Since Rust 1.34.0, we no longer need a `fn main` comment in doc tests that return results. It is sufficient to have an `Ok` return value with type annotations.
* Implement std::convert::TryFrom<Config> for RawConfigRobin Krahl2019-12-27
| | | | | | Previously, the RawConfig struct had a try_from function. As the TryFrom trait has been stabilized with Rust 1.34.0, we can use it instead.
* Replace rand_os::OsRng with rand_core::OsRngRobin Krahl2019-12-27
| | | | | rand_os::OsRng has been deprecated. Instead we can use rand_core with the getrandom feature.
* Refactor the device module into submodulesRobin Krahl2019-07-16
| | | | | | This patch splits the rather large device module into the submodules pro, storage and wrapper. This only changes the internal code structure and does not affect the public API.
* Update rand_{core,os} dependenciesRobin Krahl2019-07-16
| | | | | | | This patch updates the rand_core dependency to version 0.5 and the rand_os dependency to version 0.2. This causes a change in util.rs: Instead of constructing an OsRng instance using OsRng::new(), we can directly instantiate the (now empty) struct.
* Add force_take function to ignore poisoned cacheRobin Krahl2019-07-09
| | | | | | | | | The take and take_blocking functions return a PoisonError if the cache is poisoned, i. e. if a thread panicked while holding the manager. This is a sensible default behaviour, but for example during testing, one might want to ignore the poisoned cache. This patch adds the force_take function that unwraps the PoisonError and returns the cached Manager even if the cache was poisoned.
* Remove allow(deprecated) attribute for in lib.rsRobin Krahl2019-07-09
| | | | | | During the connection manager refactoring, we temporarily used deprecated methods. This is no longer the case, so we can remove the allow(deprecated) attribute.
* Update documentation for Manager refactoringRobin Krahl2019-07-09
| | | | | | This patch updates the documentation to reflect the latest changes to connection handling. It also updates the doc tests to prefer the new methods over the old ones.
* Introduce into_manager for DeviceRobin Krahl2019-07-09
| | | | | | | | To enable applications like nitrokey-test to go back to a manager instance from a Device instance, we add the into_manager function to the Device trait. To do that, we have to keep track of the Manager’s lifetime by adding a lifetime to Device (and then to some other traits that use Device).
* Store mutable reference to Manager in DeviceRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | | | | | | | In the last patches, we ensured that devices can only be obtained using the Manager struct. But we did not ensure that there is only one device at a time. This patch adds a mutable reference to the Manager instance to the Device implementations. The borrow checker makes sure that there is only one mutable reference at a time. In this patch, we have to remove the old connect, Pro::connect and Storage::connect functions as they do no longer compile. (They discard the MutexGuard which invalidates the reference to the Manager.) Therefore the tests do no longer compile.
* Move {Pro, Storage}::connect into ManagerRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | As part of the connection refactoring, this patch moves the connect methods of the Pro and Storage structs into the Manager struct. To maintain compatibility with nitrokey-test, the old methods are not removed but marked as deprecated.
* Move the connect_model function into ManagerRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | As part of the connection refactoring, this patch moves the connect_model function to the Manager struct. As the connect_model function is not used by nitrokey-test, it is removed.
* Move the connect function into ManagerRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | As part of the connection refactoring, we replace the connect function with the Manager::connect method. To maintain compatibility with nitrokey-test, the connect function is not removed but marked as deprecated.
* Add Manager struct to manage Nitrokey connectionsRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | | | | | | | As part of the connection refactoring, we introduce the Manager struct that deals with connection management. To make sure there can be only once instance of the manager, we add a global static Mutex that holds the single Manager instance. We use the struct to ensure that the user can only connect to one device at a time. This also changes the Error::PoisonError variant to store the sync::PoisonError. This allows the user to call into_inner on the PoisonError to retrieve the MutexGuard and to ignore the error (for example useful during testing).
* Add ConcurrentAccessError and PoisonError variantsRobin Krahl2019-07-08
| | | | | | | | | This patch prepares the refactoring of the connection methods by introducing the Error variants ConcurrentAccessError and PoisonError. ConcurrentAccessError indicates that the user tried to connect to obtain a token that is currently locked, and PoisonError indicates that a lock has been poisoned, i. e. a thread panicked while accessing using a token.
* Fix formatting error in device.rsRobin Krahl2019-07-07