path: root/src/device.rs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/device.rs')
1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/device.rs b/src/device.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1a957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/device.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+use config::{Config, RawConfig};
+use libc;
+use nitrokey_sys;
+use std::ffi::CString;
+use std::os::raw::c_int;
+use otp::{ConfigureOtp, GenerateOtp, OtpMode, OtpSlotData, RawOtpSlotData};
+use util::{generate_password, get_last_error, result_from_string, CommandError, CommandStatus};
+static TEMPORARY_PASSWORD_LENGTH: usize = 25;
+/// Available Nitrokey models.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Model {
+ /// The Nitrokey Storage.
+ Storage,
+ /// The Nitrokey Pro.
+ Pro,
+/// A Nitrokey device without user or admin authentication.
+/// Use [`connect`][] or [`connect_model`][] to obtain an instance. If you
+/// want to execute a command that requires user or admin authentication,
+/// use [`authenticate_admin`][] or [`authenticate_user`][].
+/// # Examples
+/// Authentication with error handling:
+/// ```no_run
+/// use nitrokey::{UnauthenticatedDevice, UserAuthenticatedDevice};
+/// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+/// fn perform_user_task(device: &UserAuthenticatedDevice) {}
+/// fn perform_other_task(device: &UnauthenticatedDevice) {}
+/// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+/// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+/// let device = match device.authenticate_user("123456") {
+/// Ok(user) => {
+/// perform_user_task(&user);
+/// user.device()
+/// },
+/// Err((device, err)) => {
+/// println!("Could not authenticate as user: {:?}", err);
+/// device
+/// },
+/// };
+/// perform_other_task(&device);
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`authenticate_admin`]: #method.authenticate_admin
+/// [`authenticate_user`]: #method.authenticate_user
+/// [`connect`]: fn.connect.html
+/// [`connect_model`]: fn.connect_model.html
+pub struct UnauthenticatedDevice {}
+/// A Nitrokey device with user authentication.
+/// To obtain an instance of this struct, use the [`authenticate_user`][]
+/// method on an [`UnauthenticatedDevice`][]. To get back to an
+/// unauthenticated device, use the [`device`][] method.
+/// [`authenticate_admin`]: struct.UnauthenticatedDevice#method.authenticate_admin
+/// [`device`]: #method.device
+/// [`UnauthenticatedDevice`]: struct.UnauthenticatedDevice.html
+pub struct UserAuthenticatedDevice {
+ device: UnauthenticatedDevice,
+ temp_password: Vec<u8>,
+/// A Nitrokey device with admin authentication.
+/// To obtain an instance of this struct, use the [`authenticate_admin`][]
+/// method on an [`UnauthenticatedDevice`][]. To get back to an
+/// unauthenticated device, use the [`device`][] method.
+/// [`authenticate_admin`]: struct.UnauthenticatedDevice#method.authenticate_admin
+/// [`device`]: #method.device
+/// [`UnauthenticatedDevice`]: struct.UnauthenticatedDevice.html
+pub struct AdminAuthenticatedDevice {
+ device: UnauthenticatedDevice,
+ temp_password: Vec<u8>,
+/// A Nitrokey device.
+/// This trait provides the commands that can be executed without
+/// authentication.
+pub trait Device {
+ /// Sets the time on the Nitrokey. This command may set the time to
+ /// arbitrary values. `time` is the number of seconds since January 1st,
+ /// 1970 (Unix timestamp).
+ ///
+ /// The time is used for TOTP generation (see [`get_totp_code`][]).
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`Timestamp`][] if the time could not be set
+ ///
+ /// [`get_totp_code`]: trait.ProvideOtp.html#method.get_totp_code
+ /// [`Timestamp`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.Timestamp
+ // TODO: example
+ fn set_time(&self, time: u64) -> CommandStatus {
+ unsafe { CommandStatus::from(nitrokey_sys::NK_totp_set_time(time)) }
+ }
+ /// Returns the serial number of the Nitrokey device. The serial number
+ /// is the string representation of a hex number.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// match device.get_serial_number() {
+ /// Ok(number) => println!("serial no: {:?}", number),
+ /// Err(err) => println!("Could not get serial number: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ fn get_serial_number(&self) -> Result<String, CommandError> {
+ unsafe { result_from_string(nitrokey_sys::NK_device_serial_number()) }
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of remaining authentication attempts for the user. The
+ /// total number of available attempts is three.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let count = device.get_user_retry_count();
+ /// println!("{} remaining authentication attempts (user)", count);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ fn get_user_retry_count(&self) -> u8 {
+ unsafe { nitrokey_sys::NK_get_user_retry_count() }
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of remaining authentication attempts for the admin. The
+ /// total number of available attempts is three.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let count = device.get_admin_retry_count();
+ /// println!("{} remaining authentication attempts (admin)", count);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ fn get_admin_retry_count(&self) -> u8 {
+ unsafe { nitrokey_sys::NK_get_admin_retry_count() }
+ }
+ /// Returns the major part of the firmware version (should be zero).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// println!(
+ /// "Firmware version: {}.{}",
+ /// device.get_major_firmware_version(),
+ /// device.get_minor_firmware_version(),
+ /// );
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ fn get_major_firmware_version(&self) -> i32 {
+ unsafe { nitrokey_sys::NK_get_major_firmware_version() }
+ }
+ /// Returns the minor part of the firmware version (for example 8 for
+ /// version 0.8).
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// println!(
+ /// "Firmware version: {}.{}",
+ /// device.get_major_firmware_version(),
+ /// device.get_minor_firmware_version(),
+ /// );
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ fn get_minor_firmware_version(&self) -> i32 {
+ unsafe { nitrokey_sys::NK_get_minor_firmware_version() }
+ }
+ /// Returns the current configuration of the Nitrokey device.
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Device;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let config = device.get_config()?;
+ /// println!("numlock binding: {:?}", config.numlock);
+ /// println!("capslock binding: {:?}", config.capslock);
+ /// println!("scrollock binding: {:?}", config.scrollock);
+ /// println!("require password for OTP: {:?}", config.user_password);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ fn get_config(&self) -> Result<Config, CommandError> {
+ unsafe {
+ let config_ptr = nitrokey_sys::NK_read_config();
+ if config_ptr.is_null() {
+ return Err(get_last_error());
+ }
+ let config_array_ptr = config_ptr as *const [u8; 5];
+ let raw_config = RawConfig::from(*config_array_ptr);
+ libc::free(config_ptr as *mut libc::c_void);
+ return Ok(raw_config.into());
+ }
+ }
+ /// Changes the administrator PIN.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`InvalidString`][] if one of the provided passwords contains a null byte
+ /// - [`WrongPassword`][] if the current admin password is wrong
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{CommandStatus, Device};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// match device.change_admin_pin("12345678", "12345679") {
+ /// CommandStatus::Success => println!("Updated admin PIN."),
+ /// CommandStatus::Error(err) => println!("Failed to update admin PIN: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`InvalidString`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.InvalidString
+ /// [`WrongPassword`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongPassword
+ fn change_admin_pin(&self, current: &str, new: &str) -> CommandStatus {
+ let current_string = CString::new(current);
+ let new_string = CString::new(new);
+ if current_string.is_err() || new_string.is_err() {
+ return CommandStatus::Error(CommandError::InvalidString);
+ }
+ let current_string = current_string.unwrap();
+ let new_string = new_string.unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ CommandStatus::from(nitrokey_sys::NK_change_admin_PIN(
+ current_string.as_ptr(),
+ new_string.as_ptr(),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Changes the user PIN.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`InvalidString`][] if one of the provided passwords contains a null byte
+ /// - [`WrongPassword`][] if the current user password is wrong
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{CommandStatus, Device};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// match device.change_user_pin("123456", "123457") {
+ /// CommandStatus::Success => println!("Updated admin PIN."),
+ /// CommandStatus::Error(err) => println!("Failed to update admin PIN: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`InvalidString`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.InvalidString
+ /// [`WrongPassword`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongPassword
+ fn change_user_pin(&self, current: &str, new: &str) -> CommandStatus {
+ let current_string = CString::new(current);
+ let new_string = CString::new(new);
+ if current_string.is_err() || new_string.is_err() {
+ return CommandStatus::Error(CommandError::InvalidString);
+ }
+ let current_string = current_string.unwrap();
+ let new_string = new_string.unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ CommandStatus::from(nitrokey_sys::NK_change_user_PIN(
+ current_string.as_ptr(),
+ new_string.as_ptr(),
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+trait AuthenticatedDevice {
+ fn new(device: UnauthenticatedDevice, temp_password: Vec<u8>) -> Self;
+impl UnauthenticatedDevice {
+ fn authenticate<D, T>(
+ self,
+ password: &str,
+ callback: T,
+ ) -> Result<D, (UnauthenticatedDevice, CommandError)>
+ where
+ D: AuthenticatedDevice,
+ T: Fn(*const i8, *const i8) -> c_int,
+ {
+ let temp_password = match generate_password(TEMPORARY_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
+ Ok(pw) => pw,
+ Err(_) => return Err((self, CommandError::RngError)),
+ };
+ let password = CString::new(password);
+ if password.is_err() {
+ return Err((self, CommandError::InvalidString));
+ }
+ let pw = password.unwrap();
+ let password_ptr = pw.as_ptr();
+ let temp_password_ptr = temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ return match callback(password_ptr, temp_password_ptr) {
+ 0 => Ok(D::new(self, temp_password)),
+ rv => Err((self, CommandError::from(rv))),
+ };
+ }
+ /// Performs user authentication. This method consumes the device. If
+ /// successful, an authenticated device is returned. Otherwise, the
+ /// current unauthenticated device and the error are returned.
+ ///
+ /// This method generates a random temporary password that is used for all
+ /// operations that require user access.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`InvalidString`][] if the provided user password contains a null byte
+ /// - [`RngError`][] if the generation of the temporary password failed
+ /// - [`WrongPassword`][] if the provided user password is wrong
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{UnauthenticatedDevice, UserAuthenticatedDevice};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// fn perform_user_task(device: &UserAuthenticatedDevice) {}
+ /// fn perform_other_task(device: &UnauthenticatedDevice) {}
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let device = match device.authenticate_user("123456") {
+ /// Ok(user) => {
+ /// perform_user_task(&user);
+ /// user.device()
+ /// },
+ /// Err((device, err)) => {
+ /// println!("Could not authenticate as user: {:?}", err);
+ /// device
+ /// },
+ /// };
+ /// perform_other_task(&device);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`InvalidString`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.InvalidString
+ /// [`RngError`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.RngError
+ /// [`WrongPassword`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongPassword
+ pub fn authenticate_user(
+ self,
+ password: &str,
+ ) -> Result<UserAuthenticatedDevice, (UnauthenticatedDevice, CommandError)> {
+ return self.authenticate(password, |password_ptr, temp_password_ptr| unsafe {
+ nitrokey_sys::NK_user_authenticate(password_ptr, temp_password_ptr)
+ });
+ }
+ /// Performs admin authentication. This method consumes the device. If
+ /// successful, an authenticated device is returned. Otherwise, the
+ /// current unauthenticated device and the error are returned.
+ ///
+ /// This method generates a random temporary password that is used for all
+ /// operations that require admin access.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`InvalidString`][] if the provided admin password contains a null byte
+ /// - [`RngError`][] if the generation of the temporary password failed
+ /// - [`WrongPassword`][] if the provided admin password is wrong
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{AdminAuthenticatedDevice, UnauthenticatedDevice};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// fn perform_admin_task(device: &AdminAuthenticatedDevice) {}
+ /// fn perform_other_task(device: &UnauthenticatedDevice) {}
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let device = match device.authenticate_admin("123456") {
+ /// Ok(admin) => {
+ /// perform_admin_task(&admin);
+ /// admin.device()
+ /// },
+ /// Err((device, err)) => {
+ /// println!("Could not authenticate as admin: {:?}", err);
+ /// device
+ /// },
+ /// };
+ /// perform_other_task(&device);
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`InvalidString`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.InvalidString
+ /// [`RngError`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.RngError
+ /// [`WrongPassword`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongPassword
+ pub fn authenticate_admin(
+ self,
+ password: &str,
+ ) -> Result<AdminAuthenticatedDevice, (UnauthenticatedDevice, CommandError)> {
+ return self.authenticate(password, |password_ptr, temp_password_ptr| unsafe {
+ nitrokey_sys::NK_first_authenticate(password_ptr, temp_password_ptr)
+ });
+ }
+impl Drop for UnauthenticatedDevice {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ nitrokey_sys::NK_logout();
+ }
+ }
+impl Device for UnauthenticatedDevice {}
+impl GenerateOtp for UnauthenticatedDevice {}
+impl UserAuthenticatedDevice {
+ /// Forgets the user authentication and returns an unauthenticated
+ /// device. This method consumes the authenticated device. It does not
+ /// perform any actual commands on the Nitrokey.
+ pub fn device(self) -> UnauthenticatedDevice {
+ self.device
+ }
+impl Device for UserAuthenticatedDevice {}
+impl GenerateOtp for UserAuthenticatedDevice {
+ /// Generates an HOTP code on the given slot. This operation may not
+ /// require user authorization, depending on the device configuration (see
+ /// [`get_config`][]).
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`SlotNotProgrammed`][] if the given slot is not configured
+ /// - [`WrongSlot`][] if there is no slot with the given number
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{Device, GenerateOtp};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// match device.authenticate_user("123456") {
+ /// Ok(user) => {
+ /// let code = user.get_hotp_code(1)?;
+ /// println!("Generated HOTP code on slot 1: {:?}", code);
+ /// },
+ /// Err(err) => println!("Could not authenticate: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`get_config`]: #method.get_config
+ /// [`SlotNotProgrammed`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.SlotNotProgrammed
+ /// [`WrongSlot`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongSlot
+ fn get_hotp_code(&self, slot: u8) -> Result<String, CommandError> {
+ unsafe {
+ let temp_password_ptr = self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ return result_from_string(nitrokey_sys::NK_get_hotp_code_PIN(slot, temp_password_ptr));
+ }
+ }
+ /// Generates a TOTP code on the given slot. This operation may not
+ /// require user authorization, depending on the device configuration (see
+ /// [`get_config`][]).
+ ///
+ /// To make sure that the Nitrokey’s time is in sync, consider calling
+ /// [`set_time`][] before calling this method.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`SlotNotProgrammed`][] if the given slot is not configured
+ /// - [`WrongSlot`][] if there is no slot with the given number
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::{Device, GenerateOtp};
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// match device.authenticate_user("123456") {
+ /// Ok(user) => {
+ /// let code = user.get_totp_code(1)?;
+ /// println!("Generated TOTP code on slot 1: {:?}", code);
+ /// },
+ /// Err(err) => println!("Could not authenticate: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`get_config`]: #method.get_config
+ /// [`set_time`]: trait.Device.html#method.set_time
+ /// [`SlotNotProgrammed`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.SlotNotProgrammed
+ /// [`WrongSlot`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.WrongSlot
+ fn get_totp_code(&self, slot: u8) -> Result<String, CommandError> {
+ unsafe {
+ let temp_password_ptr = self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ return result_from_string(nitrokey_sys::NK_get_totp_code_PIN(
+ slot,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ temp_password_ptr,
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+impl AuthenticatedDevice for UserAuthenticatedDevice {
+ fn new(device: UnauthenticatedDevice, temp_password: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
+ UserAuthenticatedDevice {
+ device,
+ temp_password,
+ }
+ }
+impl AdminAuthenticatedDevice {
+ /// Forgets the user authentication and returns an unauthenticated
+ /// device. This method consumes the authenticated device. It does not
+ /// perform any actual commands on the Nitrokey.
+ pub fn device(self) -> UnauthenticatedDevice {
+ self.device
+ }
+ /// Writes the given configuration to the Nitrokey device.
+ ///
+ /// # Errors
+ ///
+ /// - [`InvalidSlot`][] if the provided numlock, capslock or scrolllock
+ /// slot is larger than two
+ ///
+ /// # Example
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// use nitrokey::Config;
+ /// # use nitrokey::CommandError;
+ ///
+ /// # fn try_main() -> Result<(), CommandError> {
+ /// let device = nitrokey::connect()?;
+ /// let config = Config::new(None, None, None, false);
+ /// match device.authenticate_admin("12345678") {
+ /// Ok(admin) => {
+ /// admin.write_config(config);
+ /// ()
+ /// },
+ /// Err((_, err)) => println!("Could not authenticate as admin: {:?}", err),
+ /// };
+ /// # Ok(())
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`InvalidSlot`]: enum.CommandError.html#variant.InvalidSlot
+ pub fn write_config(&self, config: Config) -> CommandStatus {
+ let raw_config = match RawConfig::try_from(config) {
+ Ok(raw_config) => raw_config,
+ Err(err) => return CommandStatus::Error(err),
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ let rv = nitrokey_sys::NK_write_config(
+ raw_config.numlock,
+ raw_config.capslock,
+ raw_config.scrollock,
+ raw_config.user_password,
+ false,
+ self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8,
+ );
+ return CommandStatus::from(rv);
+ }
+ }
+ fn write_otp_slot<T>(&self, data: OtpSlotData, callback: T) -> CommandStatus
+ where
+ T: Fn(RawOtpSlotData, *const i8) -> c_int,
+ {
+ let raw_data = match RawOtpSlotData::new(data) {
+ Ok(raw_data) => raw_data,
+ Err(err) => return CommandStatus::Error(err),
+ };
+ let temp_password_ptr = self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ let rv = callback(raw_data, temp_password_ptr);
+ return CommandStatus::from(rv);
+ }
+impl Device for AdminAuthenticatedDevice {}
+impl ConfigureOtp for AdminAuthenticatedDevice {
+ fn write_hotp_slot(&self, data: OtpSlotData, counter: u64) -> CommandStatus {
+ return self.write_otp_slot(data, |raw_data: RawOtpSlotData, temp_password_ptr| unsafe {
+ nitrokey_sys::NK_write_hotp_slot(
+ raw_data.number,
+ raw_data.name.as_ptr(),
+ raw_data.secret.as_ptr(),
+ counter,
+ raw_data.mode == OtpMode::EightDigits,
+ raw_data.use_enter,
+ raw_data.use_token_id,
+ raw_data.token_id.as_ptr(),
+ temp_password_ptr,
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ fn write_totp_slot(&self, data: OtpSlotData, time_window: u16) -> CommandStatus {
+ return self.write_otp_slot(data, |raw_data: RawOtpSlotData, temp_password_ptr| unsafe {
+ nitrokey_sys::NK_write_totp_slot(
+ raw_data.number,
+ raw_data.name.as_ptr(),
+ raw_data.secret.as_ptr(),
+ time_window,
+ raw_data.mode == OtpMode::EightDigits,
+ raw_data.use_enter,
+ raw_data.use_token_id,
+ raw_data.token_id.as_ptr(),
+ temp_password_ptr,
+ )
+ });
+ }
+ fn erase_hotp_slot(&self, slot: u8) -> CommandStatus {
+ let temp_password_ptr = self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ unsafe { CommandStatus::from(nitrokey_sys::NK_erase_hotp_slot(slot, temp_password_ptr)) }
+ }
+ fn erase_totp_slot(&self, slot: u8) -> CommandStatus {
+ let temp_password_ptr = self.temp_password.as_ptr() as *const i8;
+ unsafe { CommandStatus::from(nitrokey_sys::NK_erase_totp_slot(slot, temp_password_ptr)) }
+ }
+impl GenerateOtp for AdminAuthenticatedDevice {}
+impl AuthenticatedDevice for AdminAuthenticatedDevice {
+ fn new(device: UnauthenticatedDevice, temp_password: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
+ AdminAuthenticatedDevice {
+ device,
+ temp_password,
+ }
+ }