path: root/python_bindings_example.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'python_bindings_example.py')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python_bindings_example.py b/python_bindings_example.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37b70b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_bindings_example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import cffi
+from enum import Enum
+This example will print 10 HOTP codes from just written HOTP#2 slot.
+For more examples of use please refer to unittest/test_*.py files.
+ffi = cffi.FFI()
+get_string = ffi.string
+class DeviceErrorCode(Enum):
+def get_library():
+ fp = 'NK_C_API.h' # path to C API header
+ declarations = []
+ with open(fp, 'r') as f:
+ declarations = f.readlines()
+ a = iter(declarations)
+ for declaration in a:
+ if declaration.startswith('NK_C_API'):
+ declaration = declaration.replace('NK_C_API', '').strip()
+ while not ';' in declaration:
+ declaration += (next(a)).strip()
+ #print(declaration)
+ ffi.cdef(declaration, override=True)
+ C = None
+ import os, sys
+ path_build = os.path.join(".", "build")
+ paths = [ os.path.join(path_build,"libnitrokey-log.so"),
+ os.path.join(path_build,"libnitrokey.so")]
+ for p in paths:
+ print p
+ if os.path.exists(p):
+ C = ffi.dlopen(p)
+ break
+ else:
+ print("File does not exist: " + p)
+ print("Trying another")
+ if not C:
+ print("No library file found")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return C
+def get_hotp_code(lib, i):
+ return lib.NK_get_hotp_code(i)
+def to_hex(ss):
+ return ''.join([ format(ord(s),'02x') for s in ss ])
+print('This example will change your configuration on inserted stick and overwrite your HOTP#2 slot.')
+print('Please write "continue" to continue or any other string to quit')
+a = raw_input()
+if not a == 'continue':
+ exit()
+ADMIN = raw_input('Please enter your admin PIN (empty string uses 12345678)')
+ADMIN = ADMIN or '12345678' # use default if empty string
+show_log = raw_input('Should log messages be shown (please write "yes" to enable)?') == 'yes'
+libnitrokey = get_library()
+libnitrokey.NK_set_debug(show_log) # do not show debug messages
+ADMIN_TEMP = '123123123'
+RFC_SECRET = to_hex('12345678901234567890')
+# libnitrokey.NK_login('S') # connect only to Nitrokey Storage device
+# libnitrokey.NK_login('P') # connect only to Nitrokey Pro device
+device_connected = libnitrokey.NK_login_auto() # connect to any Nitrokey Stick
+if device_connected:
+ print('Connected to Nitrokey device!')
+ print('Could not connect to Nitrokey device!')
+ exit()
+use_8_digits = True
+pin_correct = libnitrokey.NK_first_authenticate(ADMIN, ADMIN_TEMP) == DeviceErrorCode.STATUS_OK
+if pin_correct:
+ print('Your PIN is correct!')
+ print('Your PIN is not correct! Please try again. Please be careful to not lock your stick!')
+ retry_count_left = libnitrokey.NK_get_admin_retry_count()
+ print('Retry count left: %d' % retry_count_left )
+ exit()
+# For function parameters documentation please check NK_C_API.h
+assert libnitrokey.NK_write_config(255, 255, 255, False, True, ADMIN_TEMP) == DeviceErrorCode.STATUS_OK
+libnitrokey.NK_first_authenticate(ADMIN, ADMIN_TEMP)
+libnitrokey.NK_write_hotp_slot(1, 'python_test', RFC_SECRET, 0, use_8_digits, False, False, "",
+# RFC test according to: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4226#page-32
+test_data = [
+ 1284755224, 1094287082, 137359152, 1726969429, 1640338314, 868254676, 1918287922, 82162583, 673399871,
+ 645520489,
+print('Getting HOTP code from Nitrokey Pro (RFC test, 8 digits): ')
+for i in range(10):
+ hotp_slot_1_code = get_hotp_code(libnitrokey, 1)
+ print('%d: %d, should be %s' % (i, hotp_slot_1_code, str(test_data[i])[-8:] ))
+libnitrokey.NK_logout() # disconnect device