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authorRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2019-01-14 20:52:25 +0100
committerRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2019-01-14 20:52:25 +0100
commit46a94679152da263e3e805ec2073359ae60ce6ab (patch)
parent1f3da5c76acb20b2183ac52373ed3b0b63e1151e (diff)
Add NK_get_SD_usage_data function to C API
The NK_get_SD_usage_data function returns the minimum and maximum write level for the SD card. This function cannot be tested due to the missing struct support in the Python tests.
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NK_C_API.cc b/NK_C_API.cc
index 7d0a10e..5e95303 100644
--- a/NK_C_API.cc
+++ b/NK_C_API.cc
@@ -687,6 +687,23 @@ extern "C" {
return 0;
+ NK_C_API int NK_get_SD_usage_data(struct NK_SD_usage_data* out) {
+ if (out == nullptr)
+ return -1;
+ auto m = NitrokeyManager::instance();
+ auto result = get_with_status([&]() {
+ return m->get_SD_usage_data();
+ }, std::make_pair<uint8_t, uint8_t>(0, 0));
+ auto error_code = std::get<0>(result);
+ if (error_code != 0)
+ return error_code;
+ auto data = std::get<1>(result);
+ out->write_level_min = std::get<0>(data);
+ out->write_level_max = std::get<1>(data);
+ return 0;
+ }
NK_C_API char* NK_get_SD_usage_data_as_string() {
auto m = NitrokeyManager::instance();
diff --git a/NK_C_API.h b/NK_C_API.h
index b1bdf1e..2d05a15 100644
--- a/NK_C_API.h
+++ b/NK_C_API.h
@@ -128,6 +128,23 @@ extern "C" {
bool stick_initialized;
+ /**
+ * Data about the usage of the SD card.
+ */
+ struct NK_SD_usage_data {
+ /**
+ * The minimum write level, as a percentage of the total card
+ * size.
+ */
+ uint8_t write_level_min;
+ /**
+ * The maximum write level, as a percentage of the total card
+ * size.
+ */
+ uint8_t write_level_max;
+ };
struct NK_storage_ProductionTest{
uint8_t FirmwareVersion_au8[2];
uint8_t FirmwareVersionInternal_u8;
@@ -737,6 +754,17 @@ extern "C" {
NK_C_API int NK_get_status_storage(struct NK_storage_status* out);
+ * Get SD card usage attributes. Usable during hidden volumes creation.
+ * If the command was successful (return value 0), the usage data is
+ * written to the output pointer’s target. The output pointer must
+ * not be null.
+ * Storage only
+ * @param out the output pointer for the usage data
+ * @return command processing error code
+ */
+ NK_C_API int NK_get_SD_usage_data(struct NK_SD_usage_data* out);
+ /**
* Get SD card usage attributes as string.
* Usable during hidden volumes creation.
* Storage only