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authorMartin Müller <>2019-01-18 17:36:34 +0100
committerSzczepan Zalega <>2019-01-26 21:13:12 +0100
commit1e45aacdd9df8ca9322a8c68be488d92fa628cf8 (patch)
parent908ae6af21e472e19110e0a17371a0c867d56cec (diff)
Stress test for firmware export feature on macOS
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/unittest/ b/unittest/
index 472e2cf..b4b21ea 100644
--- a/unittest/
+++ b/unittest/
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ def test_export_firmware_extended_fedora29(C):
import pexpect
from time import sleep
import os
- exist = os.path.exists
+ from os.path import exists as exist
device = '/dev/sde1' # FIXME autodetect the block device with udev
firmware_abs_path = '/run/media/sz/Nitrokey/firmware.bin' # FIXME use the actual user name in mount path
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ def test_export_firmware_extended_fedora29(C):
def skip_if_not_fedora(message:str) -> None:
import os
- exist = os.path.exists
+ from os.path import exists as exist
def skip():
@@ -462,3 +462,93 @@ def skip_if_not_fedora(message:str) -> None:
os_release_lines = f.readlines()
if 'Fedora' not in os_release_lines[0]:
+def test_export_firmware_extended_macos(C):
+ """
+ Check, whether the firmware file is exported correctly, and in correct size.
+ Apparently, the auto-remounting side effect of the v0.46 change, is disturbing the export process.
+ Unmounting the UV just before the export gives the device 20/20 success rate.
+ Test case for issue
+ """
+ skip_if_device_version_lower_than({'S': 43})
+ skip_if_not_macos('macOS specific test, due to the mount path and command.')
+ import pexpect
+ from time import sleep
+ import os
+ from os.path import exists as exist
+ import plistlib
+ usb_devices ='system_profiler -xml SPUSBDataType')
+ usb_devices_parsed = plistlib.loads(usb_devices)
+ assert isinstance(usb_devices_parsed, list), 'usb_devices_parsed has unexpected type'
+ # Try to get all USB devices
+ try:
+ devices = usb_devices_parsed[0]['_items'][0]['_items']
+ except KeyError:
+ devices = None
+ assert devices is not None, 'could not list USB devices'
+ device_item = None
+ for item in devices:
+ if 'manufacturer' in item and item['manufacturer'] == 'Nitrokey':
+ device_item = item
+ # Try to get first volume of USB device
+ try:
+ volume = device_item['Media'][0]['volumes'][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ volume = None
+ assert volume is not None, 'could not determine volume'
+ assert 'bsd_name' in volume, 'could not get BSD style device name'
+ device = '/dev/' + volume['bsd_name']
+'diskutil mount {device}')
+ sleep(3)
+ assert 'mount_point' in volume, 'could not get mount point'
+ firmware_abs_path = volume['mount_point'] + '/firmware.bin'
+ checks = 0
+ checks_add = 0
+ if exist(firmware_abs_path):
+ os.remove(firmware_abs_path)
+ assert not exist(firmware_abs_path)
+ for i in range(ATTEMPTS):
+ # if umount is disabled, success rate is 3/10, enabled: 10/10
+'diskutil unmount {device}')
+ assert C.NK_export_firmware(DefaultPasswords.ADMIN) == DeviceErrorCode.STATUS_OK
+'diskutil mount {device}')
+ sleep(1)
+ firmware_file_exist = exist(firmware_abs_path)
+ if firmware_file_exist:
+ checks += 1
+ getsize = os.path.getsize(firmware_abs_path)
+ print('Firmware file exist, size: {}'.format(getsize))
+ checks_add += 1 if getsize >= 100 * 1024 else 0
+ # checks_add += 1 if os.path.getsize(firmware_abs_path) == 256*1024 else 0
+ os.remove(firmware_abs_path)
+ assert not exist(firmware_abs_path)
+ print('CHECK {} ; CHECK ADDITIONAL {}'.format(checks, checks_add))
+ assert checks == ATTEMPTS
+ assert checks_add == checks
+def skip_if_not_macos(message:str) -> None:
+ import platform
+ if platform.system() != 'Darwin':
+ pytest.skip(message)