diff options
authorRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2014-08-21 14:07:24 +0200
committerRobin Krahl <me@robin-krahl.de>2014-08-21 14:07:24 +0200
commit58f0037becb372dff3dfde6f770f84af1d67eda3 (patch)
Initial commit.v0.1
8 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CREDITS.txt b/CREDITS.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..98888ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CREDITS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Robin Krahl <robin.krahl@wikipedia.de>
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..de4af60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Copyright (c) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+project root directory or [0])
+[0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+The X11 License
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b793b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# LrMediaWiki
+**LrMediaWiki** is a plugin for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom that allows users
+to upload images to Wikimedia Commons or any other MediaWiki installation
+directly from Lightroom.
+## Usage information
+Usage information can be found on the page [Commons:LrMediaWiki][comlrmw] on
+Wikimedia Commons.
+## Developer information
+LrMediaWiki is developed in Lua using the [Lightroom SDK][lrsdk]. It is
+released under the MIT/X11 license. LrMediaWiki should work with all
+Lightroom 5 installations both on Windows and on Mac OS.
+### Code structure
+The plugin code is located in the `mediawiki.lrdevplugin` directory.
+`Info.lua` defines the plugin metadata to be read by Lightroom.
+`MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua` defines the user interfaces and passes
+all necessary information to `MediaWikiInterface.lua`. This file evaluates
+the user input and prepares the file description and the file itself for the
+MediaWiki upload. The upload is done in `MediaWikiApi.lua`.
+### Create release
+To create a new release,
+ - copy the `mediawiki.lrdevplugin` folder and rename it to
+ `mediawiki.lrplugin`,
+ - copy the `CREDITS.txt`, `LICENSE.txt` and `README.md` files in the new
+ folder,
+ - update the version information in `Info.lua` (if necessary) and finally
+ - create an archive of the `mediawiki.lrplugin` folder.
+This archive may now be released.
+[comlrmw]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki
+[lrsdk]: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/photoshoplightroom.html
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5636a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/Info.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms
+-- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or
+-- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki.
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+-- project root directory or [2])
+-- [0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/LICENSE.txt>
+-- [1] <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki>
+-- [2] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+return {
+ LrSdkVersion = 5.0,
+ LrToolkitIdentifier = 'org.ireas.lightroom.mediawiki',
+ LrPluginName = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/PluginName=MediaWiki for Lightroom',
+ LrExportServiceProvider = {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/MediaWiki=MediaWiki',
+ file = 'MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua',
+ },
+ major = 0,
+ minor = 1,
+ revision = 0,
+ },
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..420ab9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiApi.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms
+-- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or
+-- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki.
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+-- project root directory or [2])
+-- [0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/LICENSE.txt>
+-- [1] <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki>
+-- [2] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+-- Code status:
+-- doc: partly
+-- i18n: complete
+local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors'
+local LrHttp = import 'LrHttp'
+local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils'
+local LrXml = import 'LrXml'
+local Info = require 'Info'
+local MediaWikiApi = {
+ userAgent = string.format('LrMediaWiki %d.%d', Info.VERSION.major, Info.VERSION.minor),
+ apiPath = nil,
+--- URL-encode a string according to RFC 3986.
+-- Based on http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes
+-- @param str the string to encode
+-- @return the URL-encoded string
+function MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(str)
+ if str then
+ str = string.gsub(str, '\n', '\r\n')
+ str = string.gsub (str, '([^%w %-%_%.%~])',
+ function(c) return string.format('%%%02X', string.byte(c)) end)
+ str = string.gsub(str, ' ', '+')
+ end
+ return str
+--- Convert HTTP arguments to a URL-encoded request body.
+-- @param arguments (table) the arguments to convert
+-- @return (string) a request body created from the URL-encoded arguments
+function MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments)
+ local body = nil
+ for key, value in pairs(arguments) do
+ if body then
+ body = body .. '&'
+ else
+ body = ''
+ end
+ body = body .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(key) .. '=' .. MediaWikiApi.urlEncode(value)
+ end
+ return body
+function MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(xmlDomInstance)
+ local value = nil
+ if xmlDomInstance:type() == 'element' then
+ value = {}
+ for key, attribute in pairs(xmlDomInstance:attributes()) do
+ value[key] = attribute.value
+ end
+ for i = 1, xmlDomInstance:childCount() do
+ local child = xmlDomInstance:childAtIndex(i)
+ local childName, childNamespace = child:name()
+ value[childName] = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(child)
+ end
+ elseif xmlDomInstance:type() == 'text' then
+ value = xmlDomInstance:text()
+ end
+ return value
+function MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
+ arguments.format = 'xml'
+ local requestBody = MediaWikiApi.createRequestBody(arguments)
+ local requestHeaders = {
+ {
+ field = 'User-Agent',
+ value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent,
+ },
+ {
+ field = 'Content-Type',
+ value = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ },
+ }
+ local resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.post(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, requestBody, requestHeaders)
+ if resultHeaders.status ~= 200 then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=Received HTTP status ^1.', resultHeaders.status))
+ end
+ local resultXml = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(LrXml.parseXml(resultBody))
+ if resultXml.error then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=The MediaWiki error ^1 occured: ^2', resultXml.error.code, resultXml.error.info))
+ end
+ return resultXml
+function MediaWikiApi.login(username, password, token)
+ local arguments = {
+ action = 'login',
+ lgname = username,
+ lgpassword = password,
+ }
+ if token then
+ arguments.lgtoken = token
+ end
+ local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
+ local loginResult = xml.login.result
+ if loginResult == 'Success' then
+ return true
+ elseif not token and loginResult == 'NeedToken' then
+ return MediaWikiApi.login(username, password, xml.login.token)
+ end
+ return loginResult
+function MediaWikiApi.getEditToken()
+ local arguments = {
+ action = 'tokens',
+ }
+ local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
+ return xml.tokens.edittoken
+function MediaWikiApi.existsFile(fileName)
+ local arguments = {
+ action = 'query',
+ titles = 'File:' .. fileName,
+ }
+ local xml = MediaWikiApi.performRequest(arguments)
+ return xml.query and xml.query.pages and xml.query.pages.page and not xml.query.pages.page.missing
+function MediaWikiApi.upload(fileName, sourceFilePath, text, comment, ignoreWarnings)
+ local sourceFileName = LrPathUtils.leafName(sourceFilePath)
+ local arguments = {
+ action = 'upload',
+ filename = fileName,
+ text = text,
+ comment = comment,
+ token = MediaWikiApi.getEditToken(),
+ format = 'xml',
+ }
+ if ignoreWarnings then
+ arguments.ignorewarnings = 'true'
+ end
+ local requestHeaders = {
+ {
+ field = 'User-Agent',
+ value = MediaWikiApi.userAgent,
+ },
+ }
+ local requestBody = {}
+ for key, value in pairs(arguments) do
+ requestBody[#requestBody + 1] = {
+ name = key,
+ value = value,
+ }
+ end
+ requestBody[#requestBody + 1] = {
+ name = 'file',
+ fileName = sourceFileName,
+ filePath = sourceFilePath,
+ contentType = 'application/octet-stream',
+ }
+ local resultBody, resultHeaders = LrHttp.postMultipart(MediaWikiApi.apiPath, requestBody, requestHeaders)
+ if resultHeaders.status ~= 200 then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=Received HTTP status ^1.', resultHeaders.status))
+ end
+ local resultXml = MediaWikiApi.parseXmlDom(LrXml.parseXml(resultBody))
+ if resultXml.error then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=The MediaWiki error ^1 occured: ^2', resultXml.error.code, resultXml.error.info))
+ end
+ local uploadResult = resultXml.upload.result
+ if uploadResult == 'Success' then
+ return true
+ else
+ return uploadResult
+ end
+return MediaWikiApi
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb39619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms
+-- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or
+-- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki.
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+-- project root directory or [2])
+-- [0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/LICENSE.txt>
+-- [1] <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki>
+-- [2] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+-- Code status:
+-- doc: missing
+-- i18n: complete
+local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
+local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors'
+local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFileUtils'
+local LrView = import 'LrView'
+local bind = LrView.bind
+local MediaWikiInterface = require 'MediaWikiInterface'
+local MediaWikiExportServiceProvider = {}
+local isStringEmpty = function(str)
+ return str == nil or string.match(str, '^%s*$') ~= nil
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos = function(functionContext, exportContext)
+ -- configure progess display
+ local exportSession = exportContext.exportSession
+ local photoCount = exportSession:countRenditions()
+ local progressScope = exportContext:configureProgress{
+ title = photoCount > 1 and LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress=Exporting ^1 photos to a MediaWiki', photoCount) or LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress/One=Exporting one photo to a MediaWiki',
+ }
+ local exportSettings = assert(exportContext.propertyTable)
+ -- require username, password, apipath, license, author, source
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.username) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoUsername=No username given!')
+ end
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.password) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoPassword=No password given!')
+ end
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.api_path) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoApiPath=No API path given!')
+ end
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_license) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoLicense=No license given!')
+ end
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_author) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoAuthor=No author given!')
+ end
+ if isStringEmpty(exportSettings.info_source) then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoSource=No source given!')
+ end
+ MediaWikiInterface.prepareUpload(exportSettings.username, exportSettings.password, exportSettings.api_path)
+ -- iterate over photos
+ for i, rendition in exportContext:renditions() do
+ -- render photo
+ local success, pathOrMessage = rendition:waitForRender()
+ if success then
+ -- do upload to MediaWiki
+ local photo = rendition.photo
+ local fallbackDescription = exportSettings.fallback_description
+ local description = photo:getFormattedMetadata('caption')
+ if isStringEmpty(description) then
+ if fallbackDescription then
+ description = fallbackDescription
+ else
+ rendition:uploadFailed(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoDescription=No description given for this file!')
+ end
+ end
+ local source = exportSettings.info_source
+ local timestampSeconds = photo:getRawMetadata('dateTimeOriginal')
+ local timestamp = ''
+ if timestampSeconds then
+ timestamp = os.date("!%Y-%m-%d", timestampSeconds + 978307200)
+ end
+ local author = exportSettings.info_author
+ local license = exportSettings.info_license
+ local other = exportSettings.info_other
+ local categories = exportSettings.info_categories
+ local fileDescription = MediaWikiInterface.buildFileDescription(description, source, timestamp, author, license, other, categories)
+ MediaWikiInterface.uploadFile(pathOrMessage, fileDescription)
+ LrFileUtils.delete(pathOrMessage)
+ else
+ -- rendering failed --> report failure
+ rendition:uploadFailed(pathOrMessage)
+ end
+ end
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog = function(viewFactory, propertyTable)
+ return {
+ {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Title=Login Information',
+ synopsis = bind 'username',
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Username=Username',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'username',
+ immediate = true,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/Password=Password',
+ },
+ viewFactory:password_field {
+ value = bind 'password',
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/ApiPath=API path',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'api_path',
+ immediate = true,
+ width_in_chars = 30,
+ },
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/ApiPath/Details=Path to the api.php file',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title = LOC "$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Title=Upload Information",
+ synopsis = bind 'info_license',
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/DefaultDescription=Default description',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'fallback_description',
+ immediate = true,
+ width_in_chars = 30,
+ height_in_lines = 3,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Source=Source',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'info_source',
+ immediate = true,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Author=Author',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'info_author',
+ immediate = true,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/License=License',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'info_license',
+ immediate = true,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Other=Other fields',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'info_other',
+ immediate = true,
+ },
+ },
+ viewFactory:row {
+ spacing = viewFactory:control_spacing(),
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories=Categories',
+ },
+ viewFactory:edit_field {
+ value = bind 'info_categories',
+ immediate = true,
+ width_in_chars = 30,
+ height_in_lines = 3,
+ },
+ viewFactory:static_text {
+ title = LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories/Details=separate with ;',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.hidePrintResolution = true
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.showSections = {'fileNaming', 'metadata'}
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.allowFileFormats = {'JPEG', 'TIFF'}
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.allowColorSpaces = {'sRGB'}
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.canExportVideo = false
+MediaWikiExportServiceProvider.exportPresetFields = {
+ { key = 'username', default = '' },
+ { key = 'password', default = '' },
+ { key = 'api_path', default = 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php' },
+ { key = 'fallback_description', default = '' },
+ { key = 'info_source', default = '{{own}}' },
+ { key = 'info_author', default = '' },
+ { key = 'info_license', default = '{{Cc-by-sa-4.0}}' },
+ { key = 'info_other', default = '' },
+ { key = 'info_categories', default = '' },
+return MediaWikiExportServiceProvider \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInterface.lua b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInterface.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14ef24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/MediaWikiInterface.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+-- This file is part of the LrMediaWiki project and distributed under the terms
+-- of the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt file in the project root directory or
+-- [0]). See [1] for more information about LrMediaWiki.
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 by the LrMediaWiki team (see CREDITS.txt file in the
+-- project root directory or [2])
+-- [0] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/LICENSE.txt>
+-- [1] <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:LrMediaWiki>
+-- [2] <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LrMediaWiki/LrMediaWiki/master/CREDITS.txt>
+-- Code status:
+-- doc: missing
+-- i18n: complete
+local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'
+local LrErrors = import 'LrErrors'
+local LrPathUtils = import 'LrPathUtils'
+local MediaWikiApi = require 'MediaWikiApi'
+local MediaWikiInterface = {
+ username = nil,
+ password = nil,
+ loggedIn = false,
+ fileDescriptionPattern = [=[== {{int:filedesc}} ==
+== {{int:license-header}} ==
+%s[[Category:Uploaded with LrMediaWiki]]]=],
+MediaWikiInterface.prepareUpload = function(username, password, apiPath)
+ if username and password then
+ MediaWikiInterface.username = username
+ MediaWikiInterface.password = password
+ MediaWikiApi.apiPath = apiPath
+ local loginResult = MediaWikiApi.login(username, password)
+ if loginResult ~= true then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/LoginFailed=Login failed: ^1.', loginResult))
+ end
+ MediaWikiInterface.loggedIn = true
+ else
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/UsernameOrPasswordMissing=Username or password missing')
+ end
+MediaWikiInterface.uploadFile = function(filePath, description)
+ if not MediaWikiInterface.loggedIn then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/Internal/NotLoggedIn=Internal error: not logged in before upload.')
+ end
+ local targetFileName = LrPathUtils.leafName(filePath)
+ local ignorewarnings = false
+ if MediaWikiApi.existsFile(targetFileName) then
+ local continue = LrDialogs.confirm(LOC '$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse=File name already in use', LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse/Details=There already is a file with the name ^1. Overwrite? (File description won\'t be changed.)', targetFileName))
+ if continue == 'ok' then
+ ignorewarnings = true
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ local uploadResult = MediaWikiApi.upload(targetFileName, filePath, description, 'Uploaded with LrMediaWiki', ignorewarnings)
+ if uploadResult ~= true then
+ LrErrors.throwUserError(LOC('$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/UploadFailed=Upload failed: ^1', uploadResult))
+ end
+MediaWikiInterface.buildFileDescription = function(description, source, timestamp, author, license, other, categories)
+ local categoriesString = ''
+ for category in string.gmatch(categories, '[^;]+') do
+ categoriesString = categoriesString .. string.format('[[Category:%s]]\n', category)
+ end
+ return string.format(MediaWikiInterface.fileDescriptionPattern, description, source, timestamp, author, other, license, categoriesString)
+return MediaWikiInterface \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5ffbb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediawiki.lrdevplugin/TranslatedStrings_de.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/PluginName=MediaWiki für Lightroom"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress=Exportiere ^1 Bilder in ein MediaWiki"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/Progress/One=Exportiere ein Bild in ein MediaWiki"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoUsername=Kein Benutzername angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoPassword=Keine Passwort angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoApiPath=Kein API-Pfad angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoLicense=Keine Lizenz angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoAuthor=Kein Urheber angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoSource=Keine Quelle angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Export/NoDescription=Für diese Datei ist keine Beschreibung angegeben!"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/User/ApiPath/Details=Pfad zur api.php-Datei"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Other=Andere Felder"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Section/Licensing/Categories/Details=mit ; trennen"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/HttpError=HTTP-Status ^1 erhalten."
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Api/MediaWikiError=Der MediaWiki-Fehler ^1 ist aufgetreten: ^2"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/LoginFailed=Login fehlgeschlagen: ^1."
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/UsernameOrPasswordMissing=Nutzername oder Password nicht angegeben
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/Internal/NotLoggedIn=Interner Fehler: vor dem Upload nicht angemeldet."
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse=Dateiname schon verwendet"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/InUse/Details=Es gibt bereits eine Datei mit dem Namen ^1. Überschreiben? (Die Dateibeschreibung wird nicht verändert.)"
+"$$$/LrMediaWiki/Interface/UploadFailed=Upload fehlgeschlagen: ^1" \ No newline at end of file