
An Online vCard Generator written in Rust.
## 📚 About A WebAssebmly VCard Generator sporting the [yew frontend framework](https://yew.rs). Supports generating vCards (.vcf), print-ready PDF business cards and QR Codes. There is no server side code, everything is executed client-side. ## 🎮 Features * Supported properties as of yet: name, address, telephone, birthday, anniversary * Output and Download as vCard (.vcf) * Output and Download as QR Code * Generates a dummy PDF ## 🗺 Roadmap * Add more properties * Put generation and download both in download button * Generate PDF with print-ready business cards * Probably a lot of refactoring - this thing is a mess! ## 🚲 Usage ### 🛠️ Needed tools * [Standard rust toolchain](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) * [wasm-pack](https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/) * cargo-make: `cargo install cargo-make` ### 📦 Build Debug: ``` cargo make build ``` Release: ``` cargo make build_release ``` ### 🍲 Serve ``` cargo make serve ``` ### 🔍 Linting ``` cargo make clippy ``` ### 📏 Format ``` cargo make fmt ```