// Copyright (C) 2014--2015 Robin Krahl // MIT license -- http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT #include "sqlitepp/sqlitepp.h" #include #include #include #include namespace sqlitepp { Openable::Openable(const bool open, const std::string& name) : m_open(open), m_name(name) { } bool Openable::isOpen() const { return m_open; } void Openable::requireOpen() const { if (!m_open) { throw std::logic_error(m_name + " is not open."); } } void Openable::setOpen(const bool open) { m_open = open; } std::string DatabaseError::getErrorMessage(const int errorCode, const std::string& errorMessage) { std::ostringstream stringStream; stringStream << "Caught SQLite3 error " << errorCode << " meaning: " << errorMessage; return stringStream.str(); } DatabaseError::DatabaseError(const int errorCode) : DatabaseError(errorCode, sqlite3_errstr(errorCode)) { } DatabaseError::DatabaseError(const int errorCode, const std::string& errorMessage) : std::runtime_error(getErrorMessage(errorCode, errorMessage)), m_errorCode(errorCode) { } int DatabaseError::errorCode() const { return m_errorCode; } Statement::Statement(sqlite3_stmt* handle) : Openable(true, "Statement"), m_canRead(false), m_handle(handle) { } Statement::~Statement() { if (isOpen()) { // errors that could occur during finalizing are ignored as they have // already been handled! sqlite3_finalize(m_handle); setOpen(false); } } void Statement::bind(const int index, const double value) { requireOpen(); handleBindResult(index, sqlite3_bind_double(m_handle, index, value)); } void Statement::bind(const std::string& name, const double value) { bind(getParameterIndex(name), value); } void Statement::bind(const int index, const int value) { requireOpen(); handleBindResult(index, sqlite3_bind_int(m_handle, index, value)); } void Statement::bind(const std::string& name, const int value) { bind(getParameterIndex(name), value); } void Statement::bind(const int index, const std::string& value) { requireOpen(); handleBindResult(index, sqlite3_bind_text(m_handle, index, value.c_str(), value.size(), NULL)); } void Statement::bind(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { bind(getParameterIndex(name), value); } ResultSet Statement::execute() { step(); return ResultSet(m_instancePointer.lock()); } void Statement::requireCanRead() const { if (!m_canRead) { throw std::logic_error("Trying to read from statement without data"); } } void Statement::setInstancePointer( const std::weak_ptr& instancePointer) { m_instancePointer = instancePointer; } bool Statement::step() { requireOpen(); int result = sqlite3_step(m_handle); if (result == SQLITE_ROW) { m_canRead = true; } else if (result == SQLITE_DONE) { m_canRead = false; } else { throw DatabaseError(result); } return m_canRead; } void Statement::close() { if (isOpen()) { // errors that could occur during finalizing are ignored as they have // already been handled! sqlite3_finalize(m_handle); setOpen(false); } } bool Statement::reset() { requireOpen(); return sqlite3_reset(m_handle) == SQLITE_OK; } int Statement::getParameterIndex(const std::string& name) const { requireOpen(); int index = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(m_handle, name.c_str()); if (index == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("No such parameter: " + name); } return index; } void Statement::handleBindResult(const int index, const int result) const { switch (result) { case SQLITE_OK: break; case SQLITE_RANGE: throw std::out_of_range("Bind index out of range: " + index); case SQLITE_NOMEM: throw std::runtime_error("No memory to bind parameter"); default: throw DatabaseError(result); } } Database::Database() : Openable(false, "Database") { } Database::Database(const std::string & file) : Database() { open(file); } Database::~Database() { if (isOpen()) { sqlite3_close(m_handle); setOpen(false); } // m_handle is deleted by sqlite3_close } void Database::close() { if (isOpen()) { int result = sqlite3_close(m_handle); if (result == SQLITE_OK) { setOpen(false); } else { throw sqlitepp::DatabaseError(result); } } } void Database::execute(const std::string& sql) { requireOpen(); std::shared_ptr statement = prepare(sql); statement->step(); } void Database::open(const std::string& file) { if (isOpen()) { throw std::logic_error("sqlitepp::Database::open(std::string&): " "Database already open"); } int result = sqlite3_open(file.c_str(), &m_handle); if (m_handle == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("sqlitepp::Database::open(std::string&): " "Can't allocate memory"); } if (result == SQLITE_OK) { setOpen(true); } else { std::string errorMessage = sqlite3_errmsg(m_handle); sqlite3_close(m_handle); throw sqlitepp::DatabaseError(result, errorMessage); } } std::shared_ptr Database::prepare(const std::string& sql) { requireOpen(); sqlite3_stmt* statementHandle; int result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(m_handle, sql.c_str(), sql.size(), &statementHandle, NULL); if (result != SQLITE_OK) { throw DatabaseError(result, sqlite3_errmsg(m_handle)); } if (statementHandle == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("Statement handle is NULL"); } auto statement = std::shared_ptr(new Statement(statementHandle)); statement->setInstancePointer(std::weak_ptr(statement)); return statement; } ResultSet::ResultSet(const std::shared_ptr statement) : m_statement(statement) { } bool ResultSet::canRead() const { return m_statement->m_canRead; } int ResultSet::columnCount() const { m_statement->requireOpen(); m_statement->requireCanRead(); return sqlite3_column_count(m_statement->m_handle); } double ResultSet::readDouble(const int column) const { m_statement->requireOpen(); m_statement->requireCanRead(); return sqlite3_column_double(m_statement->m_handle, column); } int ResultSet::readInt(const int column) const { m_statement->requireOpen(); m_statement->requireCanRead(); return sqlite3_column_int(m_statement->m_handle, column); } std::string ResultSet::readString(const int column) const { m_statement->requireOpen(); m_statement->requireCanRead(); return std::string((const char*) sqlite3_column_text(m_statement->m_handle, column)); } bool ResultSet::next() { return m_statement->step(); } } // namespace sqlitepp