/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Nitrokey UG * * This file is part of libnitrokey. * * libnitrokey is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * libnitrokey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libnitrokey. If not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 */ #ifndef LIBNITROKEY_NITROKEYMANAGER_H #define LIBNITROKEY_NITROKEYMANAGER_H #include "device.h" #include "log.h" #include "device_proto.h" #include "stick10_commands.h" #include "stick10_commands_0.8.h" #include "stick20_commands.h" #include #include #include namespace nitrokey { using namespace nitrokey::device; using namespace std; using namespace nitrokey::proto::stick10; using namespace nitrokey::proto::stick20; using namespace nitrokey::proto; using namespace nitrokey::log; #ifdef __WIN32 char * strndup(const char* str, size_t maxlen); #endif class NitrokeyManager { public: static shared_ptr instance(); bool first_authenticate(const char *pin, const char *temporary_password); bool write_HOTP_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *secret, uint64_t hotp_counter, bool use_8_digits, bool use_enter, bool use_tokenID, const char *token_ID, const char *temporary_password); bool write_TOTP_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *secret, uint16_t time_window, bool use_8_digits, bool use_enter, bool use_tokenID, const char *token_ID, const char *temporary_password); string get_HOTP_code(uint8_t slot_number, const char *user_temporary_password); string get_TOTP_code(uint8_t slot_number, uint64_t challenge, uint64_t last_totp_time, uint8_t last_interval, const char *user_temporary_password); string get_TOTP_code(uint8_t slot_number, const char *user_temporary_password); stick10::ReadSlot::ResponsePayload get_TOTP_slot_data(const uint8_t slot_number); stick10::ReadSlot::ResponsePayload get_HOTP_slot_data(const uint8_t slot_number); bool set_time(uint64_t time); /** * Set the device time used for TOTP to the given time. Contrary to * {@code set_time(uint64_t)}, this command fails if {@code old_time} * > {@code time} or if {@code old_time} is zero (where {@code * old_time} is the current time on the device). * * @param time new device time as Unix timestamp (seconds since * 1970-01-01) */ void set_time_soft(uint64_t time); [[deprecated("get_time is deprecated -- use set_time_soft instead")]] bool get_time(uint64_t time = 0); bool erase_totp_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *temporary_password); bool erase_hotp_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *temporary_password); std::vector list_devices(); std::vector list_devices_by_cpuID(); /** * Connect to the device using unique smartcard:datacard id. * Needs list_device_by_cpuID() run first * @param id Current ID of the target device * @return true on success, false on failure */ bool connect_with_ID(const std::string id); bool connect_with_path (std::string path); bool connect(const char *device_model); bool connect(device::DeviceModel device_model); bool connect(); bool disconnect(); bool is_connected() throw() ; bool could_current_device_be_enumerated(); bool set_default_commands_delay(int delay); DeviceModel get_connected_device_model() const; void set_debug(bool state); stick10::GetStatus::ResponsePayload get_status(); string get_status_as_string(); string get_serial_number(); char * get_totp_slot_name(uint8_t slot_number); char * get_hotp_slot_name(uint8_t slot_number); void change_user_PIN(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN); void change_admin_PIN(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN); void enable_password_safe(const char *user_pin); vector get_password_safe_slot_status(); uint8_t get_admin_retry_count(); uint8_t get_user_retry_count(); void lock_device(); char * get_password_safe_slot_name(uint8_t slot_number); char * get_password_safe_slot_password(uint8_t slot_number); char * get_password_safe_slot_login(uint8_t slot_number); void write_password_safe_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *slot_login, const char *slot_password); void erase_password_safe_slot(uint8_t slot_number); void user_authenticate(const char *user_password, const char *temporary_password); void factory_reset(const char *admin_password); void build_aes_key(const char *admin_password); void unlock_user_password(const char *admin_password, const char *new_user_password); void write_config(uint8_t numlock, uint8_t capslock, uint8_t scrolllock, bool enable_user_password, bool delete_user_password, const char *admin_temporary_password); vector read_config(); bool is_AES_supported(const char *user_password); void unlock_encrypted_volume(const char *user_password); void lock_encrypted_volume(); void unlock_hidden_volume(const char *hidden_volume_password); void lock_hidden_volume(); /** * Sets unencrypted volume read-only. * Works until v0.48 (incl. v0.50), where User PIN was sufficient * Does nothing otherwise. * @param user_pin User PIN */ void set_unencrypted_read_only(const char *user_pin); /** * Sets unencrypted volume read-only. * Works from v0.49 (except v0.50) accepts Admin PIN * Does nothing otherwise. * @param admin_pin Admin PIN */ void set_unencrypted_read_only_admin(const char *admin_pin); /** * Sets unencrypted volume read-write. * Works until v0.48 (incl. v0.50), where User PIN was sufficient * Does nothing otherwise. * @param user_pin User PIN */ void set_unencrypted_read_write(const char *user_pin); /** * Sets unencrypted volume read-write. * Works from v0.49 (except v0.50) accepts Admin PIN * Does nothing otherwise. * @param admin_pin Admin PIN */ void set_unencrypted_read_write_admin(const char *admin_pin); void export_firmware(const char *admin_pin); void enable_firmware_update(const char *firmware_pin); void clear_new_sd_card_warning(const char *admin_pin); void fill_SD_card_with_random_data(const char *admin_pin); uint8_t get_SD_card_size(); void change_update_password(const char *current_update_password, const char *new_update_password); void create_hidden_volume(uint8_t slot_nr, uint8_t start_percent, uint8_t end_percent, const char *hidden_volume_password); void send_startup(uint64_t seconds_from_epoch); char * get_status_storage_as_string(); stick20::DeviceConfigurationResponsePacket::ResponsePayload get_status_storage(); char * get_SD_usage_data_as_string(); std::pair get_SD_usage_data(); int get_progress_bar_value(); ~NitrokeyManager(); bool is_authorization_command_supported(); bool is_320_OTP_secret_supported(); template void authorize_packet(T &package, const char *admin_temporary_password, shared_ptr device); int get_minor_firmware_version(); explicit NitrokeyManager(); void set_log_function(std::function log_function); private: static shared_ptr _instance; std::shared_ptr device; std::string current_device_id; public: const string get_current_device_id() const; private: std::unordered_map > connected_devices; std::unordered_map > connected_devices_byID; stick10::ReadSlot::ResponsePayload get_OTP_slot_data(const uint8_t slot_number); bool is_valid_hotp_slot_number(uint8_t slot_number) const; bool is_valid_totp_slot_number(uint8_t slot_number) const; bool is_valid_password_safe_slot_number(uint8_t slot_number) const; uint8_t get_internal_slot_number_for_hotp(uint8_t slot_number) const; uint8_t get_internal_slot_number_for_totp(uint8_t slot_number) const; bool erase_slot(uint8_t slot_number, const char *temporary_password); char * get_slot_name(uint8_t slot_number); template void change_PIN_general(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN); void write_HOTP_slot_authorize(uint8_t slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *secret, uint64_t hotp_counter, bool use_8_digits, bool use_enter, bool use_tokenID, const char *token_ID, const char *temporary_password); void write_TOTP_slot_authorize(uint8_t slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *secret, uint16_t time_window, bool use_8_digits, bool use_enter, bool use_tokenID, const char *token_ID, const char *temporary_password); void write_OTP_slot_no_authorize(uint8_t internal_slot_number, const char *slot_name, const char *secret, uint64_t counter_or_interval, bool use_8_digits, bool use_enter, bool use_tokenID, const char *token_ID, const char *temporary_password) const; bool _disconnect_no_lock(); public: bool set_current_device_speed(int retry_delay, int send_receive_delay); void set_loglevel(Loglevel loglevel); void set_loglevel(int loglevel); /** * Sets encrypted volume read-only. * Supported from future versions of Storage. * @param admin_pin Admin PIN */ void set_encrypted_volume_read_only(const char *admin_pin); /** * Sets encrypted volume read-write. * Supported from future versions of Storage. * @param admin_pin Admin PIN */ void set_encrypted_volume_read_write(const char *admin_pin); int get_major_firmware_version(); bool is_smartcard_in_use(); /** * Function to determine unencrypted volume PIN type * @param minor_firmware_version * @return Returns true, if set unencrypted volume ro/rw pin type is User, false otherwise. */ bool set_unencrypted_volume_rorw_pin_type_user(); /** * Blink red and green LED alternatively and infinitely (until device is reconnected). */ void wink(); stick20::ProductionTest::ResponsePayload production_info(); }; } #endif //LIBNITROKEY_NITROKEYMANAGER_H