# Unreleased - Remove the `test-pro` and `test-storage` features. - Implement `Display` for `Version`. - Introduce `DEFAULT_ADMIN_PIN` and `DEFAULT_USER_PIN` constants. - Refactor the error handling code: - Implement `std::error::Error` for `CommandError`. - Add the `Error` enum. - Add the `LibraryError` enum and move the library error variants from `CommandError` to `LibraryError`. - Add the `CommunicationError` enum and move the communication error variants from `CommandError` to `CommunicationError`. - Return `Error` instead of `CommandError` in all public functions. - Move the `CommandError::RngError` variant to `Error::RandError` and the `CommandError::Unknown` variant to `Error::Unknown`. - Return `CommunicationError::NotConnected` instead of `CommandError::Undefined` from the connect functions. - Remove the `CommandError::Undefined` variant. - Add a private `PhantomData` field to `Pro` and `Storage` to make direct instantiation impossible. - Refactor and clean up internal code: - Prefer using the `Into` trait over numeric casting. - Add `Pro::new` and `Storage::new` functions. - Implement `From` and `From` for `DeviceWrapper`. - Add `Error::Utf8Error` variant. - Return `Result` instead of `Version` from `get_library_version`. - Return `Error::Utf8Error` if libnitrokey returns an invalid UTF-8 string. - Implement `From<(T: Device, Error)>` for `Error`. - Fix timing issues with the `totp_no_pin` and `totp_pin` test cases. # v0.3.4 (2019-01-20) - Fix authentication methods that assumed that `char` is signed. # v0.3.3 (2019-01-16) - Add the `get_production_info` and `clear_new_sd_card_warning` methods to the `Storage` struct. - Use `rand_os` instead of `rand` for random data creation. - (Re-)add `CommandError::RngError` variant. - Account for the possibility that an empty string returned by libnitrokey can not only indicate an error but also be a valid return value. - Make test cases more robust and avoid side effects on other test cases. # v0.3.2 (2019-01-12) - Make three additional error codes known: `CommandError::StringTooLong`, `CommandError::InvalidHexString` and `CommandError::TargetBufferTooSmall`. - Add the `get_library_version` function to query the libnitrokey version. - Add the `wink` method to the `Storage` struct. - Add the `set_unencrypted_volume_mode` to set the access mode of the unencrypted volume. - Add the `export_firmware` method to the `Storage` struct. # v0.3.1 (2019-01-07) - Use `nitrokey-test` to select and execute the unit tests. - Add support for the hidden volumes on a Nitrokey Storage (`enable_hidden_volume`, `disable_hidden_volume` and `create_hidden_volume` methods for the `Storage` struct). - Add the `connect_model` function to connect to a specific model using an enum variant. # v0.3.0 (2019-01-04) - Add a `force` argument to `ConfigureOtp::set_time`. - Remove the obsolete `CommandError::RngError`. - Add `CommandError::Undefined` to represent errors without further information (e. g. a method returned `NULL` unexpectedly). - Add error code to `CommandError::Unknown`. - Add the `Storage::change_update_pin` method that changes the firmware update PIN. - Add the `Device::factory_reset` method that performs a factory reset. - Add the `Device::build_aes_key` method that builds a new AES key on the Nitrokey. - Add the `Storage::enable_firmware_update` method that puts the Nitrokey Storage in update mode so that the firmware can be updated. # v0.2.3 (2018-12-31) - Dummy release to fix an issue with the crates.io tarball. # v0.2.2 (2018-12-30) - Update to Rust edition 2018. - Remove the `test-no-device` feature. - Update the rand dependency to version 0.6. - Add function `Device::get_model` that returns the connected model. - Derive the `Copy` and `Clone` traits for the enums `CommandError`, `LogLevel` and `OtpMode` # v0.2.1 (2018-12-10) - Re-export `device::{StorageStatus, VolumeStatus}` in `lib.rs`. # v0.2.0 (2018-12-10) - Update to libnitrokey v3.4.1. - Major refactoring of the existing code structure. - Add support for most of the Nitrokey Pro features and some of the Nitrokey Storage features. See the `TODO.md` file for more details about the missing functionality. # v0.1.1 (2018-05-21) - Update the `nitrokey-sys` dependency to version 3.3.0. Now `libnitrokey` is built from source and `bindgen` is no longer a build dependency. - Add `get_minor_firmware_version` to `Device`. - Use `NK_login_enum` instead of `NK_login` in `Device::connect`. # v0.1.0 (2018-05-19) - Initial release