language: rust rust: 'nightly' sudo: false script: - cargo build --verbose --features bench - cargo test --verbose --features bench - cargo bench --verbose --features bench - cargo clean - cargo build --verbose - cargo test --verbose # next line is an ugly hack to fix an annoying bug where rustdoc tries to use the rustc_private unicode_width crate # (there is probably a better fix than this) - rm $(find /home/travis/.rustup -type f -name 'libunicode_width*') - rustdoc --test -L target/debug -L target/debug/deps - cargo doc after_success: | [ $TRAVIS_BRANCH = master ] && [ $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST = false ] && echo '' > target/doc/index.html && pip install ghp-import --user $USER && $HOME/.local/bin/ghp-import -n target/doc && git push -qf https://${TOKEN}${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}.git gh-pages env: global: secure: vHL3zrN8AF+H79jrB8OfzuPqsUHevo6ECzwqXPj2dMSqcSXEeCY/ENAfiyFg+oW8yEVP8X2BS1a/C9yvVQRLqLbm1HbZ/5vUpoggT9S0IhKqZMyAcLYXfIEUDMDQuaSdFndDaHvq8275ScgX1LRv1kcPjQoZHuaXWMH8y/Suvyo= notifications: email: on_success: never