// Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use structopt::StructOpt; use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr, OsString}; use std::num::ParseIntError; use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct PathOpt { #[structopt(short, long, parse(from_os_str))] path: PathBuf, #[structopt(short, default_value = "../", parse(from_os_str))] default_path: PathBuf, #[structopt(short, parse(from_os_str))] vector_path: Vec, #[structopt(short, parse(from_os_str))] option_path_1: Option, #[structopt(short = "q", parse(from_os_str))] option_path_2: Option, } #[test] fn test_path_opt_simple() { assert_eq!( PathOpt { path: PathBuf::from("/usr/bin"), default_path: PathBuf::from("../"), vector_path: vec![ PathBuf::from("/a/b/c"), PathBuf::from("/d/e/f"), PathBuf::from("/g/h/i"), ], option_path_1: None, option_path_2: Some(PathBuf::from("j.zip")), }, PathOpt::from_clap(&PathOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&[ "test", "-p", "/usr/bin", "-v", "/a/b/c", "-v", "/d/e/f", "-v", "/g/h/i", "-q", "j.zip", ])) ); } fn parse_hex(input: &str) -> Result { u64::from_str_radix(input, 16) } #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct HexOpt { #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str = parse_hex))] number: u64, } #[test] #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] fn test_parse_hex() { assert_eq!( HexOpt { number: 5 }, HexOpt::from_clap(&HexOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-n", "5"])) ); assert_eq!( HexOpt { number: 0xabcdef }, HexOpt::from_clap(&HexOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-n", "abcdef"])) ); let err = HexOpt::clap() .get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-n", "gg"]) .unwrap_err(); assert!(err.message.contains("invalid digit found in string"), err); } fn custom_parser_1(_: &str) -> &'static str { "A" } fn custom_parser_2(_: &str) -> Result<&'static str, u32> { Ok("B") } fn custom_parser_3(_: &OsStr) -> &'static str { "C" } fn custom_parser_4(_: &OsStr) -> Result<&'static str, OsString> { Ok("D") } #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct NoOpOpt { #[structopt(short, parse(from_str = custom_parser_1))] a: &'static str, #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str = custom_parser_2))] b: &'static str, #[structopt(short, parse(from_os_str = custom_parser_3))] c: &'static str, #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_os_str = custom_parser_4))] d: &'static str, } #[test] fn test_every_custom_parser() { assert_eq!( NoOpOpt { a: "A", b: "B", c: "C", d: "D" }, NoOpOpt::from_clap( &NoOpOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&["test", "-a=?", "-b=?", "-c=?", "-d=?"]) ) ); } // Note: can't use `Vec` directly, as structopt would instead look for // conversion function from `&str` to `u8`. type Bytes = Vec; #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct DefaultedOpt { #[structopt(short, parse(from_str))] bytes: Bytes, #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str))] integer: u64, #[structopt(short, parse(from_os_str))] path: PathBuf, } #[test] fn test_parser_with_default_value() { assert_eq!( DefaultedOpt { bytes: b"E\xc2\xb2=p\xc2\xb2c\xc2\xb2+m\xc2\xb2c\xe2\x81\xb4".to_vec(), integer: 9000, path: PathBuf::from("src/lib.rs"), }, DefaultedOpt::from_clap(&DefaultedOpt::clap().get_matches_from(&[ "test", "-b", "E²=p²c²+m²c⁴", "-i", "9000", "-p", "src/lib.rs", ])) ); } #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)] struct Foo(u8); fn foo(value: u64) -> Foo { Foo(value as u8) } #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Occurrences { #[structopt(short, long, parse(from_occurrences))] signed: i32, #[structopt(short, parse(from_occurrences))] little_signed: i8, #[structopt(short, parse(from_occurrences))] unsigned: usize, #[structopt(short = "r", parse(from_occurrences))] little_unsigned: u8, #[structopt(short, long, parse(from_occurrences = foo))] custom: Foo, } #[test] fn test_parser_occurrences() { assert_eq!( Occurrences { signed: 3, little_signed: 1, unsigned: 0, little_unsigned: 4, custom: Foo(5), }, Occurrences::from_clap(&Occurrences::clap().get_matches_from(&[ "test", "-s", "--signed", "--signed", "-l", "-rrrr", "-cccc", "--custom", ])) ); } #[test] fn test_custom_bool() { fn parse_bool(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "true" => Ok(true), "false" => Ok(false), _ => Err(format!("invalid bool {}", s)), } } #[derive(StructOpt, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Opt { #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str = parse_bool))] debug: bool, #[structopt( short, default_value = "false", parse(try_from_str = parse_bool) )] verbose: bool, #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str = parse_bool))] tribool: Option, #[structopt(short, parse(try_from_str = parse_bool))] bitset: Vec, } assert!(Opt::clap().get_matches_from_safe(&["test"]).is_err()); assert!(Opt::clap().get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-d"]).is_err()); assert!(Opt::clap() .get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "-dfoo"]) .is_err()); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: false, verbose: false, tribool: None, bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dfalse"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: false, tribool: None, bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: false, tribool: None, bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue", "-vfalse"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: true, tribool: None, bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue", "-vtrue"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: false, tribool: Some(false), bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue", "-tfalse"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: false, tribool: Some(true), bitset: vec![], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue", "-ttrue"]) ); assert_eq!( Opt { debug: true, verbose: false, tribool: None, bitset: vec![false, true, false, false], }, Opt::from_iter(&["test", "-dtrue", "-bfalse", "-btrue", "-bfalse", "-bfalse"]) ); } #[test] fn test_cstring() { #[derive(StructOpt)] struct Opt { #[structopt(parse(try_from_str = CString::new))] c_string: CString, } assert!(Opt::clap().get_matches_from_safe(&["test"]).is_err()); assert_eq!(Opt::from_iter(&["test", "bla"]).c_string.to_bytes(), b"bla"); assert!(Opt::clap() .get_matches_from_safe(&["test", "bla\0bla"]) .is_err()); }