// Copyright 2018 Guillaume Pinot (@TeXitoi) // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use crate::doc_comments::process_doc_comment; use crate::{parse::*, spanned::Sp, ty::Ty}; use std::env; use heck::{CamelCase, KebabCase, MixedCase, ShoutySnakeCase, SnakeCase}; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream}; use proc_macro_error::abort; use quote::{quote, quote_spanned, ToTokens}; use syn::{self, ext::IdentExt, spanned::Spanned, Attribute, Expr, Ident, LitStr, MetaNameValue}; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Kind { Arg(Sp), Subcommand(Sp), FlattenStruct, Skip(Option), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Method { name: Ident, args: TokenStream, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Parser { pub kind: Sp, pub func: TokenStream, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)] pub enum ParserKind { FromStr, TryFromStr, FromOsStr, TryFromOsStr, FromOccurrences, FromFlag, } /// Defines the casing for the attributes long representation. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum CasingStyle { /// Indicate word boundaries with uppercase letter, excluding the first word. Camel, /// Keep all letters lowercase and indicate word boundaries with hyphens. Kebab, /// Indicate word boundaries with uppercase letter, including the first word. Pascal, /// Keep all letters uppercase and indicate word boundaries with underscores. ScreamingSnake, /// Keep all letters lowercase and indicate word boundaries with underscores. Snake, /// Use the original attribute name defined in the code. Verbatim, } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Name { Derived(Ident), Assigned(LitStr), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Attrs { name: Name, casing: Sp, env_casing: Sp, doc_comment: Vec, methods: Vec, parser: Sp, author: Option, about: Option, version: Option, no_version: Option, verbatim_doc_comment: Option, has_custom_parser: bool, kind: Sp, } impl Method { pub fn new(name: Ident, args: TokenStream) -> Self { Method { name, args } } fn from_lit_or_env(ident: Ident, lit: Option, env_var: &str) -> Option { let mut lit = match lit { Some(lit) => lit, None => match env::var(env_var) { Ok(val) => LitStr::new(&val, ident.span()), Err(_) => { abort!(ident.span(), "cannot derive `{}` from Cargo.toml", ident; note = "`{}` environment variable is not set", env_var; help = "use `{} = \"...\"` to set {} manually", ident, ident; ); } }, }; if ident == "author" { let edited = process_author_str(&lit.value()); lit = LitStr::new(&edited, lit.span()); } Some(Method::new(ident, quote!(#lit))) } } impl ToTokens for Method { fn to_tokens(&self, ts: &mut TokenStream) { let Method { ref name, ref args } = self; quote!(.#name(#args)).to_tokens(ts); } } impl Parser { fn default_spanned(span: Span) -> Sp { let kind = Sp::new(ParserKind::TryFromStr, span); let func = quote_spanned!(span=> ::std::str::FromStr::from_str); Sp::new(Parser { kind, func }, span) } fn from_spec(parse_ident: Ident, spec: ParserSpec) -> Sp { use ParserKind::*; let kind = match &*spec.kind.to_string() { "from_str" => FromStr, "try_from_str" => TryFromStr, "from_os_str" => FromOsStr, "try_from_os_str" => TryFromOsStr, "from_occurrences" => FromOccurrences, "from_flag" => FromFlag, s => abort!(spec.kind.span(), "unsupported parser `{}`", s), }; let func = match spec.parse_func { None => match kind { FromStr | FromOsStr => { quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::convert::From::from) } TryFromStr => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::str::FromStr::from_str), TryFromOsStr => abort!( spec.kind.span(), "you must set parser for `try_from_os_str` explicitly" ), FromOccurrences => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> { |v| v as _ }), FromFlag => quote_spanned!(spec.kind.span()=> ::std::convert::From::from), }, Some(func) => match func { syn::Expr::Path(_) => quote!(#func), _ => abort!(func.span(), "`parse` argument must be a function path"), }, }; let kind = Sp::new(kind, spec.kind.span()); let parser = Parser { kind, func }; Sp::new(parser, parse_ident.span()) } } impl CasingStyle { fn from_lit(name: LitStr) -> Sp { use CasingStyle::*; let normalized = name.value().to_camel_case().to_lowercase(); let cs = |kind| Sp::new(kind, name.span()); match normalized.as_ref() { "camel" | "camelcase" => cs(Camel), "kebab" | "kebabcase" => cs(Kebab), "pascal" | "pascalcase" => cs(Pascal), "screamingsnake" | "screamingsnakecase" => cs(ScreamingSnake), "snake" | "snakecase" => cs(Snake), "verbatim" | "verbatimcase" => cs(Verbatim), s => abort!(name.span(), "unsupported casing: `{}`", s), } } } impl Name { pub fn translate(self, style: CasingStyle) -> LitStr { use CasingStyle::*; match self { Name::Assigned(lit) => lit, Name::Derived(ident) => { let s = ident.unraw().to_string(); let s = match style { Pascal => s.to_camel_case(), Kebab => s.to_kebab_case(), Camel => s.to_mixed_case(), ScreamingSnake => s.to_shouty_snake_case(), Snake => s.to_snake_case(), Verbatim => s, }; LitStr::new(&s, ident.span()) } } } } impl Attrs { fn new( default_span: Span, name: Name, casing: Sp, env_casing: Sp, ) -> Self { Self { name, casing, env_casing, doc_comment: vec![], methods: vec![], parser: Parser::default_spanned(default_span), about: None, author: None, version: None, no_version: None, verbatim_doc_comment: None, has_custom_parser: false, kind: Sp::new(Kind::Arg(Sp::new(Ty::Other, default_span)), default_span), } } /// push `.method("str literal")` fn push_str_method(&mut self, name: Sp, arg: Sp) { if *name == "name" { self.name = Name::Assigned(arg.as_lit()); } else { self.methods .push(Method::new(name.as_ident(), quote!(#arg))) } } fn push_attrs(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute]) { use crate::parse::StructOptAttr::*; for attr in parse_structopt_attributes(attrs) { match attr { Short(ident) | Long(ident) => { self.push_str_method( ident.into(), self.name.clone().translate(*self.casing).into(), ); } Env(ident) => { self.push_str_method( ident.into(), self.name.clone().translate(*self.env_casing).into(), ); } Subcommand(ident) => { let ty = Sp::call_site(Ty::Other); let kind = Sp::new(Kind::Subcommand(ty), ident.span()); self.set_kind(kind); } Flatten(ident) => { let kind = Sp::new(Kind::FlattenStruct, ident.span()); self.set_kind(kind); } Skip(ident, expr) => { let kind = Sp::new(Kind::Skip(expr), ident.span()); self.set_kind(kind); } NoVersion(ident) => self.no_version = Some(ident), VerbatimDocComment(ident) => self.verbatim_doc_comment = Some(ident), About(ident, about) => { self.about = Method::from_lit_or_env(ident, about, "CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"); } Author(ident, author) => { self.author = Method::from_lit_or_env(ident, author, "CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"); } Version(ident, version) => { self.version = Some(Method::new(ident, quote!(#version))) } NameLitStr(name, lit) => { self.push_str_method(name.into(), lit.into()); } NameExpr(name, expr) => self.methods.push(Method::new(name, quote!(#expr))), MethodCall(name, args) => self.methods.push(Method::new(name, quote!(#(#args),*))), RenameAll(_, casing_lit) => { self.casing = CasingStyle::from_lit(casing_lit); } RenameAllEnv(_, casing_lit) => { self.env_casing = CasingStyle::from_lit(casing_lit); } Parse(ident, spec) => { self.has_custom_parser = true; self.parser = Parser::from_spec(ident, spec); } } } } fn push_doc_comment(&mut self, attrs: &[Attribute], name: &str) { use crate::Lit::*; use crate::Meta::*; let comment_parts: Vec<_> = attrs .iter() .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("doc")) .filter_map(|attr| { if let Ok(NameValue(MetaNameValue { lit: Str(s), .. })) = attr.parse_meta() { Some(s.value()) } else { // non #[doc = "..."] attributes are not our concern // we leave them for rustc to handle None } }) .collect(); self.doc_comment = process_doc_comment(comment_parts, name, self.verbatim_doc_comment.is_none()); } pub fn from_struct( span: Span, attrs: &[Attribute], name: Name, argument_casing: Sp, env_casing: Sp, ) -> Self { let mut res = Self::new(span, name, argument_casing, env_casing); res.push_attrs(attrs); res.push_doc_comment(attrs, "about"); if res.has_custom_parser { abort!( res.parser.span(), "`parse` attribute is only allowed on fields" ); } match &*res.kind { Kind::Subcommand(_) => abort!(res.kind.span(), "subcommand is only allowed on fields"), Kind::FlattenStruct => abort!(res.kind.span(), "flatten is only allowed on fields"), Kind::Skip(_) => abort!(res.kind.span(), "skip is only allowed on fields"), Kind::Arg(_) => res, } } pub fn from_field( field: &syn::Field, struct_casing: Sp, env_casing: Sp, ) -> Self { let name = field.ident.clone().unwrap(); let mut res = Self::new( field.span(), Name::Derived(name.clone()), struct_casing, env_casing, ); res.push_doc_comment(&field.attrs, "help"); res.push_attrs(&field.attrs); match &*res.kind { Kind::FlattenStruct => { if res.has_custom_parser { abort!( res.parser.span(), "parse attribute is not allowed for flattened entry" ); } if res.has_explicit_methods() || res.has_doc_methods() { abort!( res.kind.span(), "methods and doc comments are not allowed for flattened entry" ); } } Kind::Subcommand(_) => { if res.has_custom_parser { abort!( res.parser.span(), "parse attribute is not allowed for subcommand" ); } if res.has_explicit_methods() { abort!( res.kind.span(), "methods in attributes are not allowed for subcommand" ); } let ty = Ty::from_syn_ty(&field.ty); match *ty { Ty::OptionOption => { abort!( ty.span(), "Option> type is not allowed for subcommand" ); } Ty::OptionVec => { abort!( ty.span(), "Option> type is not allowed for subcommand" ); } _ => (), } res.kind = Sp::new(Kind::Subcommand(ty), res.kind.span()); } Kind::Skip(_) => { if res.has_explicit_methods() { abort!( res.kind.span(), "methods are not allowed for skipped fields" ); } } Kind::Arg(orig_ty) => { let mut ty = Ty::from_syn_ty(&field.ty); if res.has_custom_parser { match *ty { Ty::Option | Ty::Vec | Ty::OptionVec => (), _ => ty = Sp::new(Ty::Other, ty.span()), } } match *ty { Ty::Bool => { if res.is_positional() && !res.has_custom_parser { abort!(ty.span(), "`bool` cannot be used as positional parameter with default parser"; help = "if you want to create a flag add `long` or `short`"; help = "If you really want a boolean parameter \ add an explicit parser, for example `parse(try_from_str)`"; note = "see also https://github.com/TeXitoi/structopt/tree/master/examples/true_or_false.rs"; ) } if let Some(m) = res.find_method("default_value") { abort!(m.name.span(), "default_value is meaningless for bool") } if let Some(m) = res.find_method("required") { abort!(m.name.span(), "required is meaningless for bool") } } Ty::Option => { if let Some(m) = res.find_method("default_value") { abort!(m.name.span(), "default_value is meaningless for Option") } if let Some(m) = res.find_method("required") { abort!(m.name.span(), "required is meaningless for Option") } } Ty::OptionOption => { if res.is_positional() { abort!( ty.span(), "Option> type is meaningless for positional argument" ) } } Ty::OptionVec => { if res.is_positional() { abort!( ty.span(), "Option> type is meaningless for positional argument" ) } } _ => (), } res.kind = Sp::new(Kind::Arg(ty), orig_ty.span()); } } res } fn set_kind(&mut self, kind: Sp) { if let Kind::Arg(_) = *self.kind { self.kind = kind; } else { abort!( kind.span(), "subcommand, flatten and skip cannot be used together" ); } } pub fn has_method(&self, name: &str) -> bool { self.find_method(name).is_some() } pub fn find_method(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Method> { self.methods.iter().find(|m| m.name == name) } /// generate methods from attributes on top of struct or enum pub fn top_level_methods(&self) -> TokenStream { let version = match (&self.no_version, &self.version) { (Some(no_version), Some(_)) => abort!( no_version.span(), "`no_version` and `version = \"version\"` can't be used together" ), (None, Some(m)) => m.to_token_stream(), (None, None) => std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") .map(|version| quote!( .version(#version) )) .unwrap_or_default(), (Some(_), None) => quote!(), }; let author = &self.author; let about = &self.about; let methods = &self.methods; let doc_comment = &self.doc_comment; quote!( #(#doc_comment)* #author #version #about #(#methods)* ) } /// generate methods on top of a field pub fn field_methods(&self) -> TokenStream { let methods = &self.methods; let doc_comment = &self.doc_comment; quote!( #(#doc_comment)* #(#methods)* ) } pub fn cased_name(&self) -> LitStr { self.name.clone().translate(*self.casing) } pub fn parser(&self) -> &Sp { &self.parser } pub fn kind(&self) -> Sp { self.kind.clone() } pub fn casing(&self) -> Sp { self.casing.clone() } pub fn env_casing(&self) -> Sp { self.env_casing.clone() } pub fn is_positional(&self) -> bool { self.methods .iter() .all(|m| m.name != "long" && m.name != "short") } pub fn has_explicit_methods(&self) -> bool { self.methods .iter() .any(|m| m.name != "help" && m.name != "long_help") } pub fn has_doc_methods(&self) -> bool { !self.doc_comment.is_empty() || self.methods.iter().any(|m| { m.name == "help" || m.name == "long_help" || m.name == "about" || m.name == "long_about" }) } } /// replace all `:` with `, ` when not inside the `<>` /// /// `"author1:author2:author3" => "author1, author2, author3"` /// `"author1 :author2" => "author1 , author2" fn process_author_str(author: &str) -> String { let mut res = String::with_capacity(author.len()); let mut inside_angle_braces = 0usize; for ch in author.chars() { if inside_angle_braces > 0 && ch == '>' { inside_angle_braces -= 1; res.push(ch); } else if ch == '<' { inside_angle_braces += 1; res.push(ch); } else if inside_angle_braces == 0 && ch == ':' { res.push_str(", "); } else { res.push(ch); } } res }