// Std use std::io::Write; #[allow(deprecated, unused_imports)] use std::ascii::AsciiExt; // Internal use app::App; use app::parser::Parser; use args::{AnyArg, ArgSettings}; use completions; use INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG; pub struct ZshGen<'a, 'b> where 'a: 'b, { p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>, } impl<'a, 'b> ZshGen<'a, 'b> { pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { debugln!("ZshGen::new;"); ZshGen { p: p } } pub fn generate_to(&self, buf: &mut W) { debugln!("ZshGen::generate_to;"); w!( buf, format!( "\ #compdef {name} autoload -U is-at-least _{name}() {{ typeset -A opt_args typeset -a _arguments_options local ret=1 if is-at-least 5.2; then _arguments_options=(-s -S -C) else _arguments_options=(-s -C) fi local context curcontext=\"$curcontext\" state line {initial_args} {subcommands} }} {subcommand_details} _{name} \"$@\"", name = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap(), initial_args = get_args_of(self.p), subcommands = get_subcommands_of(self.p), subcommand_details = subcommand_details(self.p) ).as_bytes() ); } } // Displays the commands of a subcommand // (( $+functions[_[bin_name_underscore]_commands] )) || // _[bin_name_underscore]_commands() { // local commands; commands=( // '[arg_name]:[arg_help]' // ) // _describe -t commands '[bin_name] commands' commands "$@" // // Where the following variables are present: // [bin_name_underscore]: The full space delineated bin_name, where spaces have been replaced by // underscore characters // [arg_name]: The name of the subcommand // [arg_help]: The help message of the subcommand // [bin_name]: The full space delineated bin_name // // Here's a snippet from rustup: // // (( $+functions[_rustup_commands] )) || // _rustup_commands() { // local commands; commands=( // 'show:Show the active and installed toolchains' // 'update:Update Rust toolchains' // # ... snip for brevity // 'help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)' // ) // _describe -t commands 'rustup commands' commands "$@" // fn subcommand_details(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("ZshGen::subcommand_details;"); // First we do ourself let mut ret = vec![ format!( "\ (( $+functions[_{bin_name_underscore}_commands] )) || _{bin_name_underscore}_commands() {{ local commands; commands=( {subcommands_and_args} ) _describe -t commands '{bin_name} commands' commands \"$@\" }}", bin_name_underscore = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "__"), bin_name = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap(), subcommands_and_args = subcommands_of(p) ), ]; // Next we start looping through all the children, grandchildren, etc. let mut all_subcommands = completions::all_subcommands(p); all_subcommands.sort(); all_subcommands.dedup(); for &(_, ref bin_name) in &all_subcommands { debugln!("ZshGen::subcommand_details:iter: bin_name={}", bin_name); ret.push(format!( "\ (( $+functions[_{bin_name_underscore}_commands] )) || _{bin_name_underscore}_commands() {{ local commands; commands=( {subcommands_and_args} ) _describe -t commands '{bin_name} commands' commands \"$@\" }}", bin_name_underscore = bin_name.replace(" ", "__"), bin_name = bin_name, subcommands_and_args = subcommands_of(parser_of(p, bin_name)) )); } ret.join("\n") } // Generates subcommand completions in form of // // '[arg_name]:[arg_help]' // // Where: // [arg_name]: the subcommand's name // [arg_help]: the help message of the subcommand // // A snippet from rustup: // 'show:Show the active and installed toolchains' // 'update:Update Rust toolchains' fn subcommands_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("ZshGen::subcommands_of;"); let mut ret = vec![]; fn add_sc(sc: &App, n: &str, ret: &mut Vec) { debugln!("ZshGen::add_sc;"); let s = format!( "\"{name}:{help}\" \\", name = n, help = sc.p .meta .about .unwrap_or("") .replace("[", "\\[") .replace("]", "\\]") ); if !s.is_empty() { ret.push(s); } } // The subcommands for sc in p.subcommands() { debugln!( "ZshGen::subcommands_of:iter: subcommand={}", sc.p.meta.name ); add_sc(sc, &sc.p.meta.name, &mut ret); if let Some(ref v) = sc.p.meta.aliases { for alias in v.iter().filter(|&&(_, vis)| vis).map(|&(n, _)| n) { add_sc(sc, alias, &mut ret); } } } ret.join("\n") } // Get's the subcommand section of a completion file // This looks roughly like: // // case $state in // ([bin_name]_args) // curcontext=\"${curcontext%:*:*}:[name_hyphen]-command-$words[1]:\" // case $line[1] in // // ([name]) // _arguments -C -s -S \ // [subcommand_args] // && ret=0 // // [RECURSIVE_CALLS] // // ;;", // // [repeat] // // esac // ;; // esac", // // Where the following variables are present: // [name] = The subcommand name in the form of "install" for "rustup toolchain install" // [bin_name] = The full space delineated bin_name such as "rustup toolchain install" // [name_hyphen] = The full space delineated bin_name, but replace spaces with hyphens // [repeat] = From the same recursive calls, but for all subcommands // [subcommand_args] = The same as zsh::get_args_of fn get_subcommands_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("get_subcommands_of;"); debugln!( "get_subcommands_of: Has subcommands...{:?}", p.has_subcommands() ); if !p.has_subcommands() { return String::new(); } let sc_names = completions::subcommands_of(p); let mut subcmds = vec![]; for &(ref name, ref bin_name) in &sc_names { let mut v = vec![format!("({})", name)]; let subcommand_args = get_args_of(parser_of(p, &*bin_name)); if !subcommand_args.is_empty() { v.push(subcommand_args); } let subcommands = get_subcommands_of(parser_of(p, &*bin_name)); if !subcommands.is_empty() { v.push(subcommands); } v.push(String::from(";;")); subcmds.push(v.join("\n")); } format!( "case $state in ({name}) words=($line[{pos}] \"${{words[@]}}\") (( CURRENT += 1 )) curcontext=\"${{curcontext%:*:*}}:{name_hyphen}-command-$line[{pos}]:\" case $line[{pos}] in {subcommands} esac ;; esac", name = p.meta.name, name_hyphen = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "-"), subcommands = subcmds.join("\n"), pos = p.positionals().len() + 1 ) } fn parser_of<'a, 'b>(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>, sc: &str) -> &'b Parser<'a, 'b> { debugln!("parser_of: sc={}", sc); if sc == p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()) { return p; } &p.find_subcommand(sc).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG).p } // Writes out the args section, which ends up being the flags, opts and postionals, and a jump to // another ZSH function if there are subcommands. // The structer works like this: // ([conflicting_args]) [multiple] arg [takes_value] [[help]] [: :(possible_values)] // ^-- list '-v -h' ^--'*' ^--'+' ^-- list 'one two three' // // An example from the rustup command: // // _arguments -C -s -S \ // '(-h --help --verbose)-v[Enable verbose output]' \ // '(-V -v --version --verbose --help)-h[Prints help information]' \ // # ... snip for brevity // ':: :_rustup_commands' \ # <-- displays subcommands // '*::: :->rustup' \ # <-- displays subcommand args and child subcommands // && ret=0 // // The args used for _arguments are as follows: // -C: modify the $context internal variable // -s: Allow stacking of short args (i.e. -a -b -c => -abc) // -S: Do not complete anything after '--' and treat those as argument values fn get_args_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("get_args_of;"); let mut ret = vec![String::from("_arguments \"${_arguments_options[@]}\" \\")]; let opts = write_opts_of(p); let flags = write_flags_of(p); let positionals = write_positionals_of(p); let sc_or_a = if p.has_subcommands() { format!( "\":: :_{name}_commands\" \\", name = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "__") ) } else { String::new() }; let sc = if p.has_subcommands() { format!("\"*::: :->{name}\" \\", name = p.meta.name) } else { String::new() }; if !opts.is_empty() { ret.push(opts); } if !flags.is_empty() { ret.push(flags); } if !positionals.is_empty() { ret.push(positionals); } if !sc_or_a.is_empty() { ret.push(sc_or_a); } if !sc.is_empty() { ret.push(sc); } ret.push(String::from("&& ret=0")); ret.join("\n") } // Escape help string inside single quotes and brackets fn escape_help(string: &str) -> String { string .replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace("'", "'\\''") .replace("[", "\\[") .replace("]", "\\]") } // Escape value string inside single quotes and parentheses fn escape_value(string: &str) -> String { string .replace("\\", "\\\\") .replace("'", "'\\''") .replace("(", "\\(") .replace(")", "\\)") .replace(" ", "\\ ") } fn write_opts_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("write_opts_of;"); let mut ret = vec![]; for o in p.opts() { debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: o={}", o.name()); let help = o.help().map_or(String::new(), escape_help); let mut conflicts = get_zsh_arg_conflicts!(p, o, INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); conflicts = if conflicts.is_empty() { String::new() } else { format!("({})", conflicts) }; let multiple = if o.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) { "*" } else { "" }; let pv = if let Some(pv_vec) = o.possible_vals() { format!(": :({})", pv_vec.iter().map( |v| escape_value(*v)).collect::>().join(" ")) } else { String::new() }; if let Some(short) = o.short() { let s = format!( "'{conflicts}{multiple}-{arg}+[{help}]{possible_values}' \\", conflicts = conflicts, multiple = multiple, arg = short, possible_values = pv, help = help ); debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*s); ret.push(s); } if let Some(long) = o.long() { let l = format!( "'{conflicts}{multiple}--{arg}=[{help}]{possible_values}' \\", conflicts = conflicts, multiple = multiple, arg = long, possible_values = pv, help = help ); debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*l); ret.push(l); } } ret.join("\n") } fn write_flags_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("write_flags_of;"); let mut ret = vec![]; for f in p.flags() { debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: f={}", f.name()); let help = f.help().map_or(String::new(), escape_help); let mut conflicts = get_zsh_arg_conflicts!(p, f, INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG); conflicts = if conflicts.is_empty() { String::new() } else { format!("({})", conflicts) }; let multiple = if f.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) { "*" } else { "" }; if let Some(short) = f.short() { let s = format!( "'{conflicts}{multiple}-{arg}[{help}]' \\", multiple = multiple, conflicts = conflicts, arg = short, help = help ); debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*s); ret.push(s); } if let Some(long) = f.long() { let l = format!( "'{conflicts}{multiple}--{arg}[{help}]' \\", conflicts = conflicts, multiple = multiple, arg = long, help = help ); debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*l); ret.push(l); } } ret.join("\n") } fn write_positionals_of(p: &Parser) -> String { debugln!("write_positionals_of;"); let mut ret = vec![]; for arg in p.positionals() { debugln!("write_positionals_of:iter: arg={}", arg.b.name); let a = format!( "'{optional}:{name}{help}:{action}' \\", optional = if !arg.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) { ":" } else { "" }, name = arg.b.name, help = arg.b .help .map_or("".to_owned(), |v| " -- ".to_owned() + v) .replace("[", "\\[") .replace("]", "\\]"), action = arg.possible_vals().map_or("_files".to_owned(), |values| { format!("({})", values.iter().map(|v| escape_value(*v)).collect::>().join(" ")) }) ); debugln!("write_positionals_of:iter: Wrote...{}", a); ret.push(a); } ret.join("\n") }