[package] name = "clap" version = "2.33.0" authors = ["Kevin K. "] exclude = ["examples/*", "clap-test/*", "tests/*", "benches/*", "*.png", "clap-perf/*", "*.dot"] repository = "https://github.com/clap-rs/clap" documentation = "https://docs.rs/clap/" homepage = "https://clap.rs/" readme = "README.md" license = "MIT" keywords = ["argument", "cli", "arg", "parser", "parse"] categories = ["command-line-interface"] description = """ A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser """ [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "clap-rs/clap" } appveyor = { repository = "clap-rs/clap" } coveralls = { repository = "clap-rs/clap", branch = "master" } is-it-maintained-issue-resolution = { repository = "clap-rs/clap" } is-it-maintained-open-issues = { repository = "clap-rs/clap" } maintenance = {status = "actively-developed"} [dependencies] bitflags = "1.0" unicode-width = "0.1.4" textwrap = "0.11.0" strsim = { version = "0.8", optional = true } yaml-rust = { version = "0.3.5", optional = true } clippy = { version = "~0.0.166", optional = true } atty = { version = "0.2.2", optional = true } vec_map = { version = "0.8", optional = true } term_size = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true } [target.'cfg(not(windows))'.dependencies] ansi_term = { version = "0.11", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] regex = "1" lazy_static = "1.3" version-sync = "0.8" [features] default = ["suggestions", "color", "vec_map"] suggestions = ["strsim"] color = ["ansi_term", "atty"] wrap_help = ["term_size", "textwrap/term_size"] yaml = ["yaml-rust"] unstable = [] # for building with unstable clap features (doesn't require nightly Rust) (currently none) nightly = [] # for building with unstable Rust features (currently none) lints = ["clippy"] # Requires nightly Rust debug = [] # Enables debug messages no_cargo = [] # Enable if you're not using Cargo, disables Cargo-env-var-dependent macros doc = ["yaml"] # All the features which add to documentation [profile.release] opt-level = 3 debug = false rpath = false lto = true debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 1 [profile.dev] opt-level = 0 debug = true rpath = false lto = false debug-assertions = true codegen-units = 4 [profile.test] opt-level = 1 debug = true rpath = false lto = false debug-assertions = true codegen-units = 4 [profile.bench] opt-level = 3 debug = false rpath = false lto = true debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 1 [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = ["doc"]