#![warn(missing_docs, rust_2018_compatibility, rust_2018_idioms, unused)] //! Reads OTP configuration from a QR code and writes it to an OTP slot on a Nitrokey device. use std::borrow; use std::fmt; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::path; use std::process; use std::str; #[derive(Debug)] enum Error { IoError(io::Error), Error(String), UrlParseError(url::ParseError), Utf8Error(str::Utf8Error), } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match *self { Error::IoError(ref err) => write!(f, "IO error: {}", err), Error::Error(ref string) => write!(f, "Error: {}", string), Error::UrlParseError(ref err) => write!(f, "URL parse error: {}", err), Error::Utf8Error(ref err) => write!(f, "UTF-8 error: {}", err), } } } impl From<&str> for Error { fn from(string: &str) -> Error { Error::Error(string.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: io::Error) -> Error { Error::IoError(error) } } impl From<(&str, process::ExitStatus)> for Error { fn from(data: (&str, process::ExitStatus)) -> Error { let (command, status) = data; let msg = match status.code() { Some(code) => format!("{} failed with error code {}", command, code), None => format!("{} was terminated by a signal", command), }; Error::Error(msg) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: url::ParseError) -> Error { Error::UrlParseError(error) } } impl From for Error { fn from(error: str::Utf8Error) -> Error { Error::Utf8Error(error) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct UrlData { otp_type: String, label: String, secret: String, issuer: Option, digits: Option, counter: Option, period: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Options { slot: u8, file: Option, name: Option, } fn parse_options() -> Result { let mut options = Options { slot: 0, file: None, name: None, }; let mut parser = argparse::ArgumentParser::new(); parser.set_description( "Reads OTP configuration from a QR code and writes it to an OTP slot on a Nitrokey device.", ); parser.refer(&mut options.slot).required().add_argument( "slot", argparse::Store, "The slot to write the OTP data to", ); parser.refer(&mut options.file).add_argument( "file", argparse::StoreOption, "The file to read the QR code from", ); parser.refer(&mut options.name).add_option( &["-n", "--name"], argparse::StoreOption, "The name to store in the OTP slot", ); parser.parse_args()?; drop(parser); Ok(options) } fn import_qr_code() -> Result { let mut temp = mktemp::Temp::new_file()?; let path = temp.to_path_buf(); let status = process::Command::new("import").arg(&path).status()?; if status.success() { temp.release(); Ok(path) } else { Err(Error::from(("import", status))) } } fn decode_qr_code(path: &path::Path) -> Result { let output = process::Command::new("zbarimg") .arg("--quiet") .arg("--raw") .arg(path) .output()?; if output.status.success() { let output = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).map_err(|err| err.utf8_error())?; let urls = output .split("\n") .filter(|url| url.starts_with("otpauth://")) .collect::>(); if urls.is_empty() { Err(Error::from("Could not find an otpauth QR code")) } else { if urls.len() > 1 { println!("Found more than otpauth QR code, using the first one."); } Ok(urls[0].to_string()) } } else { Err(Error::from(("zbarimg", output.status))) } } fn strip_issuer_prefix(label: String, issuer: &str) -> String { let prefix = format!("{}:", issuer); if label.starts_with(&prefix) { let label = label.trim_left_matches(&prefix); let label = label.trim_left_matches(" "); label.to_string() } else { label } } fn parse_url(url: &str) -> Result { let url = url::Url::parse(url)?; let scheme = url.scheme(); if scheme != "otpauth" { return Err(Error::Error(format!("Unexpected URL scheme: {}", scheme))); } let otp_type = match url.host_str() { Some(host) => host.to_string(), None => return Err(Error::from("otpauth URL does not contain type")), }; let label = url.path(); let label = percent_encoding::percent_decode(label.as_bytes()).decode_utf8()?; let label = label.trim_start_matches("/").to_string(); let mut secret: Option = None; let mut issuer: Option = None; let mut digits: Option = None; let mut counter: Option = None; let mut period: Option = None; for (key, value) in url.query_pairs() { let field = match key { borrow::Cow::Borrowed("secret") => Some(&mut secret), borrow::Cow::Borrowed("issuer") => Some(&mut issuer), borrow::Cow::Borrowed("digits") => Some(&mut digits), borrow::Cow::Borrowed("counter") => Some(&mut counter), borrow::Cow::Borrowed("period") => Some(&mut period), _ => None, }; if let Some(field) = field { *field = Some(value.into_owned()); } } let label = match issuer { Some(ref issuer) => strip_issuer_prefix(label, issuer), None => label, }; match secret { Some(secret) => Ok(UrlData { otp_type, label, secret, issuer, digits, counter, period, }), None => Err(Error::from("otpauth URL did not contain a secret")), } } fn run(options: Options) -> Result<(), Error> { let path = match options.file { Some(ref file) => path::PathBuf::from(file), None => import_qr_code()?, }; let url = decode_qr_code(&path)?; let url_data = parse_url(&url)?; println!("{:?}", url_data); if options.file.is_none() { fs::remove_file(&path)?; } Ok(()) } fn main() { let status = match parse_options() { Ok(options) => match run(options) { Ok(()) => 0, Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); 1 } }, Err(err) => err, }; process::exit(status); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { #[test] fn parse_url() -> Result<(), super::Error> { let result = super::parse_url( "otpauth://totp/Example:alice@google.com?secret=JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP&issuer=Example", )?; let expected = super::UrlData { otp_type: "totp".to_string(), label: "alice@google.com".to_string(), secret: "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP".to_string(), issuer: Some("Example".to_string()), digits: None, counter: None, period: None, }; assert_eq!(result, expected); let result = super::parse_url("otpauth://totp/ACME%20Co:john.doe@email.com?secret=HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ&issuer=ACME%20Co&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30")?; let expected = super::UrlData { otp_type: "totp".to_string(), label: "john.doe@email.com".to_string(), secret: "HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ".to_string(), issuer: Some("ACME Co".to_string()), digits: Some("6".to_string()), counter: None, period: Some("30".to_string()), }; assert_eq!(result, expected); assert!(super::parse_url("otpauth://totp/test?secret=blubb").is_ok()); assert!(super::parse_url("otauth://totp/test?secret=blubb").is_err()); assert!(super::parse_url("otpauth://totp/test").is_err()); Ok(()) } }