// run.rs // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 The Nitrocli Developers // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later use std::collections; use std::ops; use std::path; use super::*; #[test] fn no_command_or_option() { let (rc, out, err) = Nitrocli::new().run(&[]); assert_ne!(rc, 0); assert_eq!(out, b""); let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&err).into_owned(); assert!(s.starts_with("nitrocli"), s); assert!(s.contains("USAGE:\n"), s); } #[test] fn help_options() { fn test_run(args: &[&str], help: &str) { let mut all = args.to_vec(); all.push(help); let (rc, out, err) = Nitrocli::new().run(&all); assert_eq!(rc, 0); assert_eq!(err, b""); let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out).into_owned(); let mut args = args.to_vec(); args.insert(0, "nitrocli"); assert!(s.starts_with(&args.join("-")), s); assert!(s.contains("USAGE:\n"), s); } fn test(args: &[&str]) { test_run(args, "--help"); test_run(args, "-h"); } test(&[]); test(&["config"]); test(&["config", "get"]); test(&["config", "set"]); test(&["encrypted"]); test(&["encrypted", "open"]); test(&["encrypted", "close"]); test(&["hidden"]); test(&["hidden", "close"]); test(&["hidden", "create"]); test(&["hidden", "open"]); test(&["lock"]); test(&["otp"]); test(&["otp", "clear"]); test(&["otp", "get"]); test(&["otp", "set"]); test(&["otp", "status"]); test(&["pin"]); test(&["pin", "clear"]); test(&["pin", "set"]); test(&["pin", "unblock"]); test(&["pws"]); test(&["pws", "clear"]); test(&["pws", "get"]); test(&["pws", "set"]); test(&["pws", "status"]); test(&["reset"]); test(&["status"]); test(&["unencrypted"]); test(&["unencrypted", "set"]); } #[test] #[ignore] fn version_option() { // clap sends the version output directly to stdout: https://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/1390 // Therefore we ignore this test for the time being. fn test(re: ®ex::Regex, opt: &'static str) { let (rc, out, err) = Nitrocli::new().run(&[opt]); assert_eq!(rc, 0); assert_eq!(err, b""); let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out).into_owned(); let _ = re; assert!(re.is_match(&s), out); } let re = regex::Regex::new(r"^nitrocli \d+.\d+.\d+(-[^-]+)*\n$").unwrap(); test(&re, "--version"); test(&re, "-V"); } #[test] fn config_file() { let config = crate::config::read_config_file(&path::Path::new("doc/config.example.toml")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(Some(crate::args::DeviceModel::Pro), config.model); assert_eq!(true, config.no_cache); assert_eq!(2, config.verbosity); } #[test_device] fn connect_multiple(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let devices = nitrokey::list_devices()?; if devices.len() > 1 { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status"]); let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert_eq!( err, "Multiple Nitrokey devices found. Use the --model, --serial-number, and --usb-path options to select one" ); } Ok(()) } #[test_device] fn connect_serial_number(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let devices = nitrokey::list_devices()?; for serial_number in devices.iter().filter_map(|d| d.serial_number) { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status", &format!("--serial-number={}", serial_number)])?; assert!(res.contains(&format!("serial number: {}\n", serial_number))); } Ok(()) } #[test_device] fn connect_wrong_serial_number(_model: nitrokey::Model) { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status", "--serial-number=0xdeadbeef"]); let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert_eq!( err, "Nitrokey device not found (filter: serial number in [0xdeadbeef])" ); } #[test_device] fn connect_usb_path(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for device in nitrokey::list_devices()? { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status", &format!("--usb-path={}", device.path)]); assert!(res.is_ok()); let res = res?; if let Some(model) = device.model { assert!(res.contains(&format!("model: {}\n", model))); } if let Some(sn) = device.serial_number { assert!(res.contains(&format!("serial number: {}\n", sn))); } } Ok(()) } #[test_device] fn connect_wrong_usb_path(_model: nitrokey::Model) { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status", "--usb-path=not-a-path"]); let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert_eq!( err, "Nitrokey device not found (filter: usb path=not-a-path)" ); } #[test_device] fn connect_model(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let devices = nitrokey::list_devices()?; let mut model_counts = collections::BTreeMap::new(); let _ = model_counts.insert(nitrokey::Model::Pro.to_string(), 0); let _ = model_counts.insert(nitrokey::Model::Storage.to_string(), 0); for model in devices.iter().filter_map(|d| d.model) { *model_counts.entry(model.to_string()).or_default() += 1; } for (model, count) in model_counts { let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&["status", &format!("--model={}", model.to_lowercase())]); if count == 0 { let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert_eq!( err, format!( "Nitrokey device not found (filter: model={})", model.to_lowercase() ) ); } else if count == 1 { assert!(res?.contains(&format!("model: {}\n", model))); } else { let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); assert_eq!( err, format!( "Multiple Nitrokey devices found (filter: model={}). ", model.to_lowercase() ) + "Use the --model, --serial-number, and --usb-path options to select one" ); } } Ok(()) } #[test_device] fn connect_usb_path_model_serial(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let devices = nitrokey::list_devices()?; for device in devices { let mut args = Vec::new(); args.push("status".to_owned()); args.push(format!("--usb-path={}", device.path)); if let Some(model) = device.model { args.push(format!("--model={}", model.to_string().to_lowercase())); } if let Some(sn) = device.serial_number { args.push(format!("--serial-number={}", sn)); } let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&args.iter().map(ops::Deref::deref).collect::<Vec<_>>())?; if let Some(model) = device.model { assert!(res.contains(&format!("model: {}\n", model))); } if let Some(sn) = device.serial_number { assert!(res.contains(&format!("serial number: {}\n", sn))); } } Ok(()) } #[test_device] fn connect_usb_path_model_wrong_serial(_model: nitrokey::Model) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let devices = nitrokey::list_devices()?; for device in devices { let mut args = Vec::new(); args.push("status".to_owned()); args.push(format!("--usb-path={}", device.path)); if let Some(model) = device.model { args.push(format!("--model={}", model.to_string().to_lowercase())); } args.push("--serial-number=0xdeadbeef".to_owned()); let res = Nitrocli::new().handle(&args.iter().map(ops::Deref::deref).collect::<Vec<_>>()); let err = res.unwrap_err().to_string(); if let Some(model) = device.model { assert_eq!( err, format!( "Nitrokey device not found (filter: model={}, serial number in [0xdeadbeef], usb path={})", model.to_string().to_lowercase(), device.path ) ); } else { assert_eq!( err, format!( "Nitrokey device not found (filter: serial number in [0xdeadbeef], usb path={})", device.path ) ); } } Ok(()) }