// config.rs // Copyright (C) 2020 The Nitrocli Developers // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later use std::fs; use std::path; use std::str::FromStr as _; use serde::de::Error as _; use serde::Deserialize as _; use crate::args; use anyhow::Context as _; /// The name of nitrocli's configuration file relative to the /// application configuration directory. /// /// The application configuration directory is determined using the /// `directories` crate. For Unix, it is `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nitrocli` /// (defaults to `$HOME/.config/nitrocli`). const CONFIG_FILE: &str = "config.toml"; /// The configuration for nitrocli, usually read from configuration /// files and environment variables. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, merge::Merge, serde::Deserialize)] pub struct Config { /// The model to connect to. pub model: Option, /// The serial numbers of the device to connect to. #[merge(strategy = merge::vec::overwrite_empty)] #[serde(default, deserialize_with = "deserialize_serial_number_vec")] pub serial_numbers: Vec, /// The USB path of the device to connect to. pub usb_path: Option, /// Whether to bypass the cache for all secrets or not. #[merge(strategy = merge::bool::overwrite_false)] #[serde(default)] pub no_cache: bool, /// The log level. #[merge(strategy = merge::num::overwrite_zero)] #[serde(default)] pub verbosity: u8, } fn deserialize_serial_number_vec<'de, D>(d: D) -> Result, D::Error> where D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, { let strings = Vec::::deserialize(d).map_err(D::Error::custom)?; let result = strings .iter() .map(|s| nitrokey::SerialNumber::from_str(s)) .collect::>(); result.map_err(D::Error::custom) } impl Config { pub fn load() -> anyhow::Result { use merge::Merge as _; let mut config = Config::default(); if let Some(user_config) = load_user_config()? { config.merge(user_config); } config.merge(load_env_config()?); Ok(config) } pub fn update(&mut self, args: &args::Args) { if args.model.is_some() { self.model = args.model; } if !args.serial_numbers.is_empty() { self.serial_numbers = args.serial_numbers.clone(); } if args.usb_path.is_some() { self.usb_path = args.usb_path.clone(); } if args.no_cache { self.no_cache = true; } if args.verbose > 0 { self.verbosity = args.verbose; } } } fn load_user_config() -> anyhow::Result> { let project_dirs = directories::ProjectDirs::from("", "", "nitrocli") .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not determine the nitrocli application directory"))?; let path = project_dirs.config_dir().join(CONFIG_FILE); if path.is_file() { read_config_file(&path).map(Some) } else { Ok(None) } } fn load_env_config() -> anyhow::Result { envy::prefixed("NITROCLI_") .from_env() .context("Failed to parse environment variables") } pub fn read_config_file(path: &path::Path) -> anyhow::Result { let s = fs::read_to_string(path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to read configuration file '{}'", path.display()))?; toml::from_str(&s) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse configuration file '{}'", path.display())) }