// commands.rs

// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 The Nitrocli Developers
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

use std::convert::TryFrom as _;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::thread;
use std::time;
use std::u8;

use anyhow::Context as _;

use libc::sync;

use nitrokey::ConfigureOtp;
use nitrokey::Device;
use nitrokey::GenerateOtp;
use nitrokey::GetPasswordSafe;

use crate::args;
use crate::pinentry;
use crate::Context;

/// Set `libnitrokey`'s log level based on the execution context's verbosity.
fn set_log_level(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) {
  let log_lvl = match ctx.config.verbosity {
    // The error log level is what libnitrokey uses by default. As such,
    // there is no harm in us setting that as well when the user did not
    // ask for higher verbosity.
    0 => nitrokey::LogLevel::Error,
    1 => nitrokey::LogLevel::Warning,
    2 => nitrokey::LogLevel::Info,
    3 => nitrokey::LogLevel::DebugL1,
    4 => nitrokey::LogLevel::Debug,
    _ => nitrokey::LogLevel::DebugL2,

/// Connect to any Nitrokey device and do something with it.
fn with_device<F>(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, op: F) -> anyhow::Result<()>
  F: FnOnce(&mut Context<'_>, nitrokey::DeviceWrapper<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
  let mut manager =
    nitrokey::take().context("Failed to acquire access to Nitrokey device manager")?;


  let device = match ctx.config.model {
    Some(model) => manager.connect_model(model.into()).with_context(|| {
      anyhow::anyhow!("Nitrokey {} device not found", model.as_user_facing_str())
    None => manager.connect().context("Nitrokey device not found")?,

  op(ctx, device)

/// Connect to a Nitrokey Storage device and do something with it.
fn with_storage_device<F>(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, op: F) -> anyhow::Result<()>
  F: FnOnce(&mut Context<'_>, nitrokey::Storage<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
  let mut manager =
    nitrokey::take().context("Failed to acquire access to Nitrokey device manager")?;


  if let Some(model) = ctx.config.model {
    if model != args::DeviceModel::Storage {
      anyhow::bail!("This command is only available on the Nitrokey Storage");

  let device = manager
    .context("Nitrokey Storage device not found")?;
  op(ctx, device)

/// Connect to any Nitrokey device, retrieve a password safe handle, and
/// do something with it.
fn with_password_safe<F>(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, mut op: F) -> anyhow::Result<()>
  F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>, nitrokey::PasswordSafe<'_, '_>) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::User, &device)?;
    try_with_pin_and_data(ctx, &pin_entry, (), move |ctx, _, pin| {
      let pws = device.get_password_safe(pin).or_else(|err| {
          .context("Could not access the password safe")
          .map_err(|err| ((), err))

      op(ctx, pws).map_err(|err| ((), err))

/// Authenticate the given device using the given PIN type and operation.
fn authenticate<'mgr, D, A, F>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  device: D,
  pin_type: args::PinType,
  op: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<A>
  D: Device<'mgr>,
  F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>, D, &str) -> Result<A, (D, anyhow::Error)>,
  let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(pin_type, &device)?;

  try_with_pin_and_data(ctx, &pin_entry, device, op)

/// Authenticate the given device with the user PIN.
fn authenticate_user<'mgr, T>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  device: T,
) -> anyhow::Result<nitrokey::User<'mgr, T>>
  T: Device<'mgr>,
  authenticate(ctx, device, args::PinType::User, |_ctx, device, pin| {
    device.authenticate_user(pin).or_else(|(x, err)| {
        .context("Failed to authenticate as user")
        .map_err(|err| (x, err))

/// Authenticate the given device with the admin PIN.
fn authenticate_admin<'mgr, T>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  device: T,
) -> anyhow::Result<nitrokey::Admin<'mgr, T>>
  T: Device<'mgr>,
  authenticate(ctx, device, args::PinType::Admin, |_ctx, device, pin| {
    device.authenticate_admin(pin).or_else(|(x, err)| {
        .context("Failed to authenticate as admin")
        .map_err(|err| (x, err))

/// Return a string representation of the given volume status.
fn get_volume_status(status: &nitrokey::VolumeStatus) -> &'static str {
  if status.active {
    if status.read_only {
    } else {
  } else {

/// Try to execute the given function with a pin queried using pinentry.
/// This function will query the pin of the given type from the user
/// using pinentry.  It will then execute the given function.  If this
/// function returns a result, the result will be passed on.  If it
/// returns a `CommandError::WrongPassword`, the user will be asked
/// again to enter the pin.  Otherwise, this function returns an error
/// containing the given error message.  The user will have at most
/// three tries to get the pin right.
/// The data argument can be used to pass on data between the tries.  At
/// the first try, this function will call `op` with `data`.  At the
/// second or third try, it will call `op` with the data returned by the
/// previous call to `op`.
fn try_with_pin_and_data_with_pinentry<D, F, R>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  pin_entry: &pinentry::PinEntry,
  data: D,
  mut op: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<R>
  F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>, D, &str) -> Result<R, (D, anyhow::Error)>,
  let mut data = data;
  let mut retry = 3;
  let mut error_msg = None;
  loop {
    let pin = pinentry::inquire(ctx, pin_entry, pinentry::Mode::Query, error_msg)?;
    match op(ctx, data, &pin) {
      Ok(result) => return Ok(result),
      Err((new_data, err)) => match err.downcast::<nitrokey::Error>() {
        Ok(err) => match err {
          nitrokey::Error::CommandError(nitrokey::CommandError::WrongPassword) => {
            pinentry::clear(pin_entry).context("Failed to clear cached secret")?;
            retry -= 1;

            if retry > 0 {
              error_msg = Some("Wrong password, please reenter");
              data = new_data;
          err => anyhow::bail!(err),
        Err(err) => anyhow::bail!(err),

/// Try to execute the given function with a PIN.
fn try_with_pin_and_data<D, F, R>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  pin_entry: &pinentry::PinEntry,
  data: D,
  mut op: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<R>
  F: FnMut(&mut Context<'_>, D, &str) -> Result<R, (D, anyhow::Error)>,
  let pin = match pin_entry.pin_type() {
    // Ideally we would not clone here, but that would require us to
    // restrict op to work with an immutable Context, which is not
    // possible given that some clients print data.
    args::PinType::Admin => ctx.admin_pin.clone(),
    args::PinType::User => ctx.user_pin.clone(),

  if let Some(pin) = pin {
    let pin = pin
      .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read PIN: Invalid Unicode data found"))?;
    op(ctx, data, &pin).map_err(|(_, err)| err)
  } else {
    try_with_pin_and_data_with_pinentry(ctx, pin_entry, data, op)

/// Try to execute the given function with a pin queried using pinentry.
/// This function behaves exactly as `try_with_pin_and_data`, but
/// it refrains from passing any data to it.
fn try_with_pin<F>(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  pin_entry: &pinentry::PinEntry,
  mut op: F,
) -> anyhow::Result<()>
  F: FnMut(&str) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
  try_with_pin_and_data(ctx, pin_entry, (), |_ctx, data, pin| {
    op(pin).map_err(|err| (data, err))

/// Pretty print the status of a Nitrokey Storage.
fn print_storage_status(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  status: &nitrokey::StorageStatus,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    r#"  Storage:
    SD card ID:        {id:#x}
    firmware:          {fw}
    storage keys:      {sk}
      unencrypted:     {vu}
      encrypted:       {ve}
      hidden:          {vh}"#,
    id = status.serial_number_sd_card,
    fw = if status.firmware_locked {
    } else {
    sk = if status.stick_initialized {
    } else {
      "not created"
    vu = get_volume_status(&status.unencrypted_volume),
    ve = get_volume_status(&status.encrypted_volume),
    vh = get_volume_status(&status.hidden_volume),

/// Query and pretty print the status that is common to all Nitrokey devices.
fn print_status(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  model: &'static str,
  device: &nitrokey::DeviceWrapper<'_>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let serial_number = device
    .context("Could not query the serial number")?;

  model:             {model}
  serial number:     {id}
  firmware version:  {fwv}
  user retry count:  {urc}
  admin retry count: {arc}"#,
    model = model,
    id = serial_number,
    fwv = device
      .context("Failed to retrieve firmware version")?,
    urc = device
      .context("Failed to retrieve user retry count")?,
    arc = device
      .context("Failed to retrieve admin retry count")?,

  if let nitrokey::DeviceWrapper::Storage(device) = device {
    let status = device
      .context("Failed to retrieve storage status")?;

    print_storage_status(ctx, &status)
  } else {

/// Inquire the status of the nitrokey.
pub fn status(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    let model = match device {
      nitrokey::DeviceWrapper::Pro(_) => "Pro",
      nitrokey::DeviceWrapper::Storage(_) => "Storage",
    print_status(ctx, model, &device)

/// List the attached Nitrokey devices.
pub fn list(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, no_connect: bool) -> anyhow::Result<()> {

  let device_infos =
    nitrokey::list_devices().context("Failed to list connected Nitrokey devices")?;
  if device_infos.is_empty() {
    println!(ctx, "No Nitrokey device connected")?;
  } else {
    println!(ctx, "device path\tmodel\tserial number")?;
    let mut manager =
      nitrokey::take().context("Failed to acquire access to Nitrokey device manager")?;

    for device_info in device_infos {
      let model = device_info
        .map(|m| m.to_string())
        .unwrap_or_else(|| "unknown".into());
      let serial_number = match device_info.serial_number {
        Some(serial_number) => serial_number.to_string(),
        None => {
          // Storage devices do not have the serial number present in
          // the device information. We have to connect to them to
          // retrieve the information.
          if no_connect {
          } else {
            let device = manager
              .context("Failed to connect to Nitrokey")?;
              .context("Failed to retrieve device serial number")?

      println!(ctx, "{}\t{}\t{}", device_info.path, model, serial_number)?;


/// Perform a factory reset.
pub fn reset(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::Admin, &device)?;

    // To force the user to enter the admin PIN before performing a
    // factory reset, we clear the pinentry cache for the admin PIN.
    pinentry::clear(&pin_entry).context("Failed to clear cached secret")?;

    try_with_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, |pin| {
        .context("Failed to reset to factory settings")?;
      // Work around for a timing issue between factory_reset and
      // build_aes_key, see
      // https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-storage-firmware/issues/80
      // Another work around for spurious WrongPassword returns of
      // build_aes_key after a factory reset on Pro devices.
      // https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-pro-firmware/issues/57
      let _ = device.get_user_retry_count();
        .context("Failed to rebuild AES key")

/// Change the configuration of the unencrypted volume.
pub fn unencrypted_set(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  mode: args::UnencryptedVolumeMode,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::Admin, &device)?;
    let mode = match mode {
      args::UnencryptedVolumeMode::ReadWrite => nitrokey::VolumeMode::ReadWrite,
      args::UnencryptedVolumeMode::ReadOnly => nitrokey::VolumeMode::ReadOnly,

    // The unencrypted volume may reconnect, so be sure to flush caches to
    // disk.
    unsafe { sync() };

    try_with_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, |pin| {
        .set_unencrypted_volume_mode(&pin, mode)
        .context("Failed to change unencrypted volume mode")

/// Open the encrypted volume on the Nitrokey.
pub fn encrypted_open(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::User, &device)?;

    // We may forcefully close a hidden volume, if active, so be sure to
    // flush caches to disk.
    unsafe { sync() };

    try_with_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, |pin| {
        .context("Failed to open encrypted volume")

/// Close the previously opened encrypted volume.
pub fn encrypted_close(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |_ctx, mut device| {
    // Flush all filesystem caches to disk. We are mostly interested in
    // making sure that the encrypted volume on the Nitrokey we are
    // about to close is not closed while not all data was written to
    // it.
    unsafe { sync() };

      .context("Failed to close encrypted volume")

/// Create a hidden volume.
pub fn hidden_create(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, slot: u8, start: u8, end: u8) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pwd_entry = pinentry::PwdEntry::from(&device)?;
    let pwd = if let Some(pwd) = &ctx.password {
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read password: invalid unicode data found"))
    } else {
      pinentry::choose(ctx, &pwd_entry).context("Failed to select new PIN")

      .create_hidden_volume(slot, start, end, &pwd)
      .context("Failed to create hidden volume")

/// Open a hidden volume.
pub fn hidden_open(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pwd_entry = pinentry::PwdEntry::from(&device)?;
    let pwd = if let Some(pwd) = &ctx.password {
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read password: Invalid Unicode data found"))
    } else {
      pinentry::inquire(ctx, &pwd_entry, pinentry::Mode::Query, None)
        .context("Failed to inquire PIN")

    // We may forcefully close an encrypted volume, if active, so be sure
    // to flush caches to disk.
    unsafe { sync() };

      .context("Failed to open hidden volume")

/// Close a previously opened hidden volume.
pub fn hidden_close(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_storage_device(ctx, |_ctx, mut device| {
    unsafe { sync() };

      .context("Failed to close hidden volume")

/// Return a String representation of the given Option.
fn format_option<T: fmt::Display>(option: Option<T>) -> String {
  match option {
    Some(value) => format!("{}", value),
    None => "not set".to_string(),

/// Read the Nitrokey configuration.
pub fn config_get(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    let config = device.get_config().context("Failed to get configuration")?;
  numlock binding:          {nl}
  capslock binding:         {cl}
  scrollock binding:        {sl}
  require user PIN for OTP: {otp}"#,
      nl = format_option(config.numlock),
      cl = format_option(config.capslock),
      sl = format_option(config.scrollock),
      otp = config.user_password,

/// Write the Nitrokey configuration.
pub fn config_set(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, args: args::ConfigSetArgs) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let numlock = args::ConfigOption::try_from(args.no_numlock, args.numlock, "numlock")
    .context("Failed to apply numlock configuration")?;
  let capslock = args::ConfigOption::try_from(args.no_capslock, args.capslock, "capslock")
    .context("Failed to apply capslock configuration")?;
  let scrollock = args::ConfigOption::try_from(args.no_scrollock, args.scrollock, "scrollock")
    .context("Failed to apply scrollock configuration")?;
  let otp_pin = if args.otp_pin {
  } else if args.no_otp_pin {
  } else {

  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    let mut device = authenticate_admin(ctx, device)?;
    let config = device
      .context("Failed to get current configuration")?;
    let config = nitrokey::Config {
      numlock: numlock.or(config.numlock),
      capslock: capslock.or(config.capslock),
      scrollock: scrollock.or(config.scrollock),
      user_password: otp_pin.unwrap_or(config.user_password),
      .context("Failed to set new configuration")

/// Lock the Nitrokey device.
pub fn lock(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |_ctx, mut device| {
    device.lock().context("Failed to lock the device")

fn get_otp<T>(slot: u8, algorithm: args::OtpAlgorithm, device: &mut T) -> anyhow::Result<String>
  T: GenerateOtp,
  match algorithm {
    args::OtpAlgorithm::Hotp => device.get_hotp_code(slot),
    args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp => device.get_totp_code(slot),
  .context("Failed to generate OTP")

fn get_unix_timestamp() -> anyhow::Result<u64> {
    .context("Current system time is before the Unix epoch")
    .map(|duration| duration.as_secs())

/// Generate a one-time password on the Nitrokey device.
pub fn otp_get(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  slot: u8,
  algorithm: args::OtpAlgorithm,
  time: Option<u64>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    if algorithm == args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp {
          match time {
            Some(time) => time,
            None => get_unix_timestamp().context("Failed to retrieve current time")?,
        .context("Failed to set new time")?;
    let config = device
      .context("Failed to get get current device configuration")?;
    let otp = if config.user_password {
      let mut user = authenticate_user(ctx, device)?;
      get_otp(slot, algorithm, &mut user)
    } else {
      get_otp(slot, algorithm, &mut device)
    println!(ctx, "{}", otp)?;

/// Format a byte vector as a hex string.
fn format_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
    .map(|c| format!("{:02x}", c))

/// Prepare an ASCII secret string for libnitrokey.
/// libnitrokey expects secrets as hexadecimal strings.  This function transforms an ASCII string
/// into a hexadecimal string or returns an error if the given string contains non-ASCII
/// characters.
fn prepare_ascii_secret(secret: &str) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
  if secret.is_ascii() {
  } else {
    anyhow::bail!("The given secret is not an ASCII string as expected")

/// Prepare a base32 secret string for libnitrokey.
fn prepare_base32_secret(secret: &str) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
  base32::decode(base32::Alphabet::RFC4648 { padding: false }, secret)
    .map(|vec| format_bytes(&vec))
    .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse base32 secret"))

/// Configure a one-time password slot on the Nitrokey device.
pub fn otp_set(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, mut args: args::OtpSetArgs) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let mut data = nitrokey::OtpSlotData {
    number: args.slot,
    name: mem::take(&mut args.name),
    secret: mem::take(&mut args.secret),
    mode: args.digits.into(),
    use_enter: false,
    token_id: None,

  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    let secret = match args.format {
      args::OtpSecretFormat::Ascii => prepare_ascii_secret(&data.secret)?,
      args::OtpSecretFormat::Base32 => prepare_base32_secret(&data.secret)?,
      args::OtpSecretFormat::Hex => {
        // We need to ensure to provide a string with an even number of
        // characters in it, just because that's what libnitrokey
        // expects. So prepend a '0' if that is not the case.
        // TODO: This code can be removed once upstream issue #164
        //       (https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey/issues/164) is
        //       addressed.
        if data.secret.len() % 2 != 0 {
          data.secret.insert(0, '0')
    let data = nitrokey::OtpSlotData { secret, ..data };
    let mut device = authenticate_admin(ctx, device)?;
    match args.algorithm {
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Hotp => device.write_hotp_slot(data, args.counter),
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp => device.write_totp_slot(data, args.time_window),
    .context("Failed to write OTP slot")?;

/// Clear an OTP slot.
pub fn otp_clear(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  slot: u8,
  algorithm: args::OtpAlgorithm,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    let mut device = authenticate_admin(ctx, device)?;
    match algorithm {
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Hotp => device.erase_hotp_slot(slot),
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp => device.erase_totp_slot(slot),
    .context("Failed to clear OTP slot")?;

fn print_otp_status(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  algorithm: args::OtpAlgorithm,
  device: &nitrokey::DeviceWrapper<'_>,
  all: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let mut slot: u8 = 0;
  loop {
    let result = match algorithm {
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Hotp => device.get_hotp_slot_name(slot),
      args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp => device.get_totp_slot_name(slot),
    slot = slot
      .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Encountered integer overflow when iterating OTP slots"))?;
    let name = match result {
      Ok(name) => name,
      Err(nitrokey::Error::LibraryError(nitrokey::LibraryError::InvalidSlot)) => return Ok(()),
      Err(nitrokey::Error::CommandError(nitrokey::CommandError::SlotNotProgrammed)) => {
        if all {
          "[not programmed]".to_string()
        } else {
      Err(err) => return Err(err).context("Failed to check OTP slot"),
    println!(ctx, "{}\t{}\t{}", algorithm, slot - 1, name)?;

/// Print the status of the OTP slots.
pub fn otp_status(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, all: bool) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, device| {
    println!(ctx, "alg\tslot\tname")?;
    print_otp_status(ctx, args::OtpAlgorithm::Hotp, &device, all)?;
    print_otp_status(ctx, args::OtpAlgorithm::Totp, &device, all)?;

/// Clear the PIN stored by various operations.
pub fn pin_clear(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |_ctx, device| {
    pinentry::clear(&pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::Admin, &device)?)
      .context("Failed to clear admin PIN")?;
    pinentry::clear(&pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::User, &device)?)
      .context("Failed to clear user PIN")?;

/// Choose a PIN of the given type.
/// If the user has set the respective environment variable for the
/// given PIN type, it will be used.
fn choose_pin(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  pin_entry: &pinentry::PinEntry,
  new: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
  let new_pin = match pin_entry.pin_type() {
    args::PinType::Admin => {
      if new {
      } else {
    args::PinType::User => {
      if new {
      } else {

  if let Some(new_pin) = new_pin {
      .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read PIN: Invalid Unicode data found"))
  } else {
    pinentry::choose(ctx, pin_entry).context("Failed to select PIN")

/// Change a PIN.
pub fn pin_set(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, pin_type: args::PinType) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(pin_type, &device)?;
    let new_pin = choose_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, true)?;

    try_with_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, |current_pin| match pin_type {
      args::PinType::Admin => device
        .change_admin_pin(&current_pin, &new_pin)
        .context("Failed to change admin PIN"),
      args::PinType::User => device
        .change_user_pin(&current_pin, &new_pin)
        .context("Failed to change user PIN"),

    // We just changed the PIN but confirmed the action with the old PIN,
    // which may have caused it to be cached. Since it no longer applies,
    // make sure to evict the corresponding entry from the cache.

/// Unblock and reset the user PIN.
pub fn pin_unblock(ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_device(ctx, |ctx, mut device| {
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::User, &device)?;
    let user_pin = choose_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, false)?;
    let pin_entry = pinentry::PinEntry::from(args::PinType::Admin, &device)?;

    try_with_pin(ctx, &pin_entry, |admin_pin| {
        .unlock_user_pin(&admin_pin, &user_pin)
        .context("Failed to unblock user PIN")

fn print_pws_data(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  description: &'static str,
  result: Result<String, nitrokey::Error>,
  quiet: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let value = result.context("Failed to access PWS slot")?;
  if quiet {
    println!(ctx, "{}", value)?;
  } else {
    println!(ctx, "{} {}", description, value)?;

fn check_slot(pws: &nitrokey::PasswordSafe<'_, '_>, slot: u8) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  if slot >= nitrokey::SLOT_COUNT {
    anyhow::bail!("Slot {} is not valid", slot);
  let status = pws
    .context("Failed to read PWS slot status")?;
  if status[slot as usize] {
  } else {
    anyhow::bail!("Slot {} is not programmed", slot)

/// Read a PWS slot.
pub fn pws_get(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  slot: u8,
  show_name: bool,
  show_login: bool,
  show_password: bool,
  quiet: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_password_safe(ctx, |ctx, pws| {
    check_slot(&pws, slot).context("Failed to access PWS slot")?;

    let show_all = !show_name && !show_login && !show_password;
    if show_all || show_name {
      print_pws_data(ctx, "name:    ", pws.get_slot_name(slot), quiet)?;
    if show_all || show_login {
      print_pws_data(ctx, "login:   ", pws.get_slot_login(slot), quiet)?;
    if show_all || show_password {
      print_pws_data(ctx, "password:", pws.get_slot_password(slot), quiet)?;

/// Write a PWS slot.
pub fn pws_set(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  slot: u8,
  name: &str,
  login: &str,
  password: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_password_safe(ctx, |_ctx, mut pws| {
      .write_slot(slot, name, login, password)
      .context("Failed to write PWS slot")

/// Clear a PWS slot.
pub fn pws_clear(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, slot: u8) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_password_safe(ctx, |_ctx, mut pws| {
    pws.erase_slot(slot).context("Failed to clear PWS slot")

fn print_pws_slot(
  ctx: &mut Context<'_>,
  pws: &nitrokey::PasswordSafe<'_, '_>,
  slot: usize,
  programmed: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  let slot = u8::try_from(slot).map_err(|_| anyhow::anyhow!("Invalid PWS slot number"))?;
  let name = if programmed {
      .context("Failed to read PWS slot name")?
  } else {
    "[not programmed]".to_string()
  println!(ctx, "{}\t{}", slot, name)?;

/// Print the status of all PWS slots.
pub fn pws_status(ctx: &mut Context<'_>, all: bool) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  with_password_safe(ctx, |ctx, pws| {
    let slots = pws
      .context("Failed to read PWS slot status")?;
    println!(ctx, "slot\tname")?;
    for (i, &value) in slots.iter().enumerate().filter(|(_, &value)| all || value) {
      print_pws_slot(ctx, &pws, i, value)?;

mod tests {
  use super::*;

  fn prepare_secret_ascii() {
    let result = prepare_ascii_secret("12345678901234567890");

  fn prepare_secret_non_ascii() {
    let result = prepare_ascii_secret("Österreich");

  fn hex_string() {
    assert_eq!(format_bytes(&[b' ']), "20");
    assert_eq!(format_bytes(&[b' ', b' ']), "2020");
    assert_eq!(format_bytes(&[b'\n', b'\n']), "0a0a");