use version::Identifier; use recognize::{Recognize, Alt, OneOrMore, Inclusive, OneByte}; use std::str::from_utf8; // by the time we get here, we know that it's all valid characters, so this doesn't need to return // a result or anything fn parse_meta(s: &str) -> Vec<Identifier> { // Originally, I wanted to implement this method via calling parse, but parse is tolerant of // leading zeroes, and we want anything with leading zeroes to be considered alphanumeric, not // numeric. So the strategy is to check with a recognizer first, and then call parse once // we've determined that it's a number without a leading zero. s.split(".") .map(|part| { // another wrinkle: we made sure that any number starts with a // non-zero. But there's a problem: an actual zero is a number, yet // gets left out by this heuristic. So let's also check for the // single, lone zero. if is_alpha_numeric(part) { Identifier::AlphaNumeric(part.to_string()) } else { // we can unwrap here because we know it is only digits due to the regex Identifier::Numeric(part.parse().unwrap()) } }).collect() } // parse optional metadata (preceded by the prefix character) pub fn parse_optional_meta(s: &[u8], prefix_char: u8)-> Result<(Vec<Identifier>, usize), String> { if let Some(len) = prefix_char.p(s) { let start = len; if let Some(len) = letters_numbers_dash_dot(&s[start..]) { let end = start + len; Ok((parse_meta(from_utf8(&s[start..end]).unwrap()), end)) } else { Err("Error parsing prerelease".to_string()) } } else { Ok((Vec::new(), 0)) } } pub fn is_alpha_numeric(s: &str) -> bool { if let Some((_val, len)) = numeric_identifier(s.as_bytes()) { // Return true for number with leading zero // Note: doing it this way also handily makes overflow fail over. len != s.len() } else { true } } // Note: could plumb overflow error up to return value as Result pub fn numeric_identifier(s: &[u8]) -> Option<(u64, usize)> { if let Some(len) = Alt(b'0', OneOrMore(Inclusive(b'0'..b'9'))).p(s) { from_utf8(&s[0..len]).unwrap().parse().ok().map(|val| (val, len)) } else { None } } pub fn letters_numbers_dash_dot(s: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> { OneOrMore(OneByte(|c| c == b'-' || c == b'.' || (b'0' <= c && c <= b'9') || (b'a' <= c && c <= b'z') || (b'A' <= c && c <= b'Z'))).p(s) }