.TH NITROCLI 1 2018-12-30 .SH NAME nitrocli \- access Nitrokey devices .SH SYNOPSIS .B nitrocli \fIcommand\fR [\fIarguments\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBnitrocli\fR provides access to Nitrokey devices. It supports the Nitrokey Pro and the Nitrokey Storage. It can be used to access the encrypted volume and the one-time password generator. .SH COMMANDS .SS General .TP .B nitrocli status Print the status of the connected Nitrokey device, including the stick serial number, the firmware version, and the PIN retry count. .TP .B nitrocli clear Clear the passphrases cached by the other commands. .SS Storage .TP \fBnitrocli storage open Open the encrypted volume on the Nitrokey Storage. The user PIN that is required to open the volume is queried using \fBpinentry\fR(1) and cached by \fBgpg\-agent\fR(1). .TP \fBnitrocli storage close Close the encrypted volume on the Nitrokey Storage. .TP \fBnitrocli storage status Print the status of the connected Nitrokey Storage device's storage. The printed information includes the SD card serial number, the encryption status, and the status of the volumes. .SS One-time passwords The Nitrokey Pro and the Nitrokey Store support the generation of one-time passwords using the HOTP algorithm according to RFC 4226 or the TOTP algorithm according to RFC 6238. The required data \(en a name and the secret \(en is stored in slots. Currently, the Nitrokey devices provide three HOTP slots and 15 TOTP slots. The slots are numbered per algorithm starting at zero. .P The TOTP algorithm is a modified version of the HOTP algorithm that also uses the current time. Therefore, the Nitrokey clock must be synchronized with the clock of the application that requests the one-time password. .TP \fBnitrocli otp get \fIslot \fR[\fB\-a\fR|\fB\-\-algorithm \fIalgorithm\fR] \ \fB[\-t\fR|\fB\-\-time \fItime\fR] Generate a one-time password. \fIslot\fR is the number of the slot to generate the password from. \fIalgorithm\fR is the OTP algorithm to use. Possible values are \fBhotp\fR for the HOTP algorithm according to RFC 4226 and \fBtotp\fR for the TOTP algorithm according to RFC 6238 (default). Per default, this commands sets the Nitrokey's time to the system time if the TOTP algorithm is selected. If \fB\-\-time\fR is set, it is set to \fItime\fR instead, which must be a Unix timestamp (i.e., the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). This command might require the user PIN (see the Configuration section). .TP \fBnitrocli otp set \fIslot name secret \ \fR[\fB\-a\fR|\fB\-\-algorithm \fIalgorithm\fR] \ [\fB\-d\fR|\fB\-\-digits \fI digits\fR] [\fB\-c\fR|\fB\-\-counter \fIcounter\fR] \ [\fB\-t\fR|\fB\-\-time-window \fItime window\fR] [\fB\-\-ascii\fR] Configure a one-time password slot. \fIslot\fR is the number of the slot to configure. \fIname\fR is the name of the slot (may not be empty). \fIsecret\fR is the secret value to store in that slot. If \fB\-\-ascii\fR is set, each character of the given secret is interpreted as the ASCII code of one byte. Otherwise, every two characters are interpreted as the hexadecimal value of one byte. \fIalgorithm\fR is the OTP algorithm to use. Possible values are \fBhotp\fR for the HOTP algorithm according to RFC 4226 and \fBtotp\fR for the TOTP algorithm according to RFC 6238 (default). \fIdigits\fR is the number of digits the one-time password should have. Allowed values are 6 and 8 (default: 6). \fIcounter\fR is the initial counter if the HOTP algorithm is used (default: 0). \fItime window\fR is the time window used with TOTP in seconds (default: 30). .TP \fBnitrocli otp clear \fIslot \fR[\fB\-a\fR|\fB\-\-algorithm \fIalgorithm\fR] Delete the name and the secret stored in a one-time password slot. \fIslot\fR is the number of the slot to clear. \fIalgorithm\fR is the OTP algorithm to use. Possible values are \fBhotp\fR for the HOTP algorithm according to RFC 4226 and \fBtotp\fR for the TOTP algorithm according to RFC 6238 (default). .TP \fBnitrocli otp status \fR[\fB\-a\fR|\fB\-\-all\fR] List all OTP slots. If \fB\-\-all\fR is not set, empty slots are ignored. .SS Configuration Nitrokey devices have four configuration settings: the numlock, capslock and scrollock keys can be mapped to an HOTP slot, and OTP generation can be set to require the user PIN. .TP \fBnitrocli config get\fR Print the current configuration. .TP \fBnitrocli config set \fR\ [[\fB\-n\fR|\fB\-\-numlock \fIslot\fR] | [\fB\-N\fR|\fB\-\-no\-numlock\fR]] \ [[\fB\-c\fR|\fB\-\-capslock \fIslot\fR] | [\fB\-C\fR|\fB\-\-no\-capslock\fR]] \ [[\fB\-s\fR|\fB\-\-scrollock \fIslot\fR] | [\fB\-S\fR|\fB\-\-no\-scrollock\fR]] \ [[\fB\-o\fR|\fB\-\-otp\-pin\fR] | [\fB\-O\fR|\fB\-\-no\-otp\-pin\fR]] Update the Nitrokey configuration. This command requires the admin PIN. With the \fB\-\-numlock\fR, \fB\-\-capslock\fR and \fB\-\-scrollock\fR options, the respective bindings can be set. \fIslot\fR is the number of the HOTP slot to bind the key to. If \fB\-\-no\-numlock\fR, \fB\-\-no\-capslock\fR or \fB\-\-no\-scrollock\fR is set, the respective binding is disabled. The two corresponding options are mutually exclusive. If \fB\-\-otp\-pin\fR is set, the user PIN will be required to generate one-time passwords using the \fBotp get\fR command. If \fB\-\-no\-otp\-pin\fR is set, OTP generation can be performed without PIN. These two options are mutually exclusive. .SH EXAMPLES .SS One-time passwords Configure a one-time password slot with a hexadecimal secret representation: $ \fBnitrocli otp set 0 test\-rfc4226 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 \-\-algorithm hotp\fR $ \fBnitrocli otp set 1 test\-foobar 666F6F626172 \-\-algorithm hotp\fR $ \fBnitrocli otp set 0 test\-rfc6238 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 \-\-algorithm totp \-\-digits 8\fR .P Configure a one-time password slot with an ASCII secret representation: $ \fBnitrocli otp set 0 test\-rfc4226 12345678901234567890 \-\-ascii \-\-algorithm hotp\fR $ \fBnitrocli otp set 1 test\-foobar foobar \-\-ascii \-\-algorithm hotp\fR $ \fBnitrocli otp set 0 test\-rfc6238 12345678901234567890 \-\-ascii \-\-algorithm totp \-\-digits 8\fR .P Generate a one-time password: $ \fBnitrocli otp get 0 \-\-algorithm hotp\fR 755224 $ \fBnitrocli otp get 0 \-\-algorithm totp \-\-time 1234567890\fR 89005924 .P Clear a one-time password slot: $ \fBnitrocli otp clear 0 \-\-algorithm hotp\fR .SS Configuration Query the configuration: $ \fBnitrocli config get\fR Config: numlock binding: not set capslock binding: not set scrollock binding: not set require user PIN for OTP: true .P Change the configuration: $ \fBnitrocli config set \-\-otp\-pin\fR