**Help us help you.**

If you are reporting a bug, include:

* a Minimum Working Example without any dependencies (except libc) that shows
  the issue and ideally reproduces in the Rust playground
* the target triple - libc supports many targets and many APIs
* instructions to reproduce, logs (e.g. build logs, links to Travis-CI logs,
  uploads to github gists, etc.).

If you are requesting a new API, include:

* the target triple
* link to the documentation of the API showing the type signatures, how to use
  it, etc.

In general, just please consider that the people who can help you are all very
busy, they will be helping you in their free time, there are a lot of people in
need of help so they need to prioritize to which issues they devote their free
time, etc. So try to give most of the information upfront, be concise, show
small self-contained examples (nobody has time to create a new cargo project,
set up dependencies,...), etc. Help us help you.