// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
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//! A helper module to probe the Windows Registry when looking for
//! windows-specific tools.

use std::process::Command;

use Tool;

macro_rules! otry {
    ($expr:expr) => (match $expr {
        Some(val) => val,
        None => return None,

/// Attempts to find a tool within an MSVC installation using the Windows
/// registry as a point to search from.
/// The `target` argument is the target that the tool should work for (e.g.
/// compile or link for) and the `tool` argument is the tool to find (e.g.
/// `cl.exe` or `link.exe`).
/// This function will return `None` if the tool could not be found, or it will
/// return `Some(cmd)` which represents a command that's ready to execute the
/// tool with the appropriate environment variables set.
/// Note that this function always returns `None` for non-MSVC targets.
pub fn find(target: &str, tool: &str) -> Option<Command> {
    find_tool(target, tool).map(|c| c.to_command())

/// Similar to the `find` function above, this function will attempt the same
/// operation (finding a MSVC tool in a local install) but instead returns a
/// `Tool` which may be introspected.
pub fn find_tool(_target: &str, _tool: &str) -> Option<Tool> {

/// Documented above.
pub fn find_tool(target: &str, tool: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
    use std::env;

    // This logic is all tailored for MSVC, if we're not that then bail out
    // early.
    if !target.contains("msvc") {
        return None;

    // Looks like msbuild isn't located in the same location as other tools like
    // cl.exe and lib.exe. To handle this we probe for it manually with
    // dedicated registry keys.
    if tool.contains("msbuild") {
        return impl_::find_msbuild(target);

    // If VCINSTALLDIR is set, then someone's probably already run vcvars and we
    // should just find whatever that indicates.
    if env::var_os("VCINSTALLDIR").is_some() {
        return env::var_os("PATH")
            .and_then(|path| env::split_paths(&path).map(|p| p.join(tool)).find(|p| p.exists()))
            .map(|path| Tool::new(path.into()));

    // Ok, if we're here, now comes the fun part of the probing. Default shells
    // or shells like MSYS aren't really configured to execute `cl.exe` and the
    // various compiler tools shipped as part of Visual Studio. Here we try to
    // first find the relevant tool, then we also have to be sure to fill in
    // environment variables like `LIB`, `INCLUDE`, and `PATH` to ensure that
    // the tool is actually usable.

    return impl_::find_msvc_15(tool, target)
        .or_else(|| impl_::find_msvc_14(tool, target))
        .or_else(|| impl_::find_msvc_12(tool, target))
        .or_else(|| impl_::find_msvc_11(tool, target));

/// A version of Visual Studio
pub enum VsVers {
    /// Visual Studio 12 (2013)
    /// Visual Studio 14 (2015)
    /// Visual Studio 15 (2017)

    /// Hidden variant that should not be matched on. Callers that want to
    /// handle an enumeration of `VsVers` instances should always have a default
    /// case meaning that it's a VS version they don't understand.

/// Find the most recent installed version of Visual Studio
/// This is used by the cmake crate to figure out the correct
/// generator.
pub fn find_vs_version() -> Result<VsVers, String> {
    Err(format!("not windows"))

/// Documented above
pub fn find_vs_version() -> Result<VsVers, String> {
    use std::env;

    match env::var("VisualStudioVersion") {
        Ok(version) => {
            match &version[..] {
                "15.0" => Ok(VsVers::Vs15),
                "14.0" => Ok(VsVers::Vs14),
                "12.0" => Ok(VsVers::Vs12),
                vers => Err(format!("\n\n\
                                     unsupported or unknown VisualStudio version: {}\n\
                                     if another version is installed consider running \
                                     the appropriate vcvars script before building this \
                                     ", vers)),
        _ => {
            // Check for the presense of a specific registry key
            // that indicates visual studio is installed.
            if impl_::has_msbuild_version("15.0") {
            } else if impl_::has_msbuild_version("14.0") {
            } else if impl_::has_msbuild_version("12.0") {
            } else {
                             couldn't determine visual studio generator\n\
                             if VisualStudio is installed, however, consider \
                             running the appropriate vcvars script before building \
                             this crate\n\

mod impl_ {
    use std::env;
    use std::ffi::OsString;
    use std::mem;
    use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::Read;
    use registry::{RegistryKey, LOCAL_MACHINE};
    use com;
    use setup_config::{SetupConfiguration, SetupInstance};

    use Tool;

    struct MsvcTool {
        tool: PathBuf,
        libs: Vec<PathBuf>,
        path: Vec<PathBuf>,
        include: Vec<PathBuf>,

    impl MsvcTool {
        fn new(tool: PathBuf) -> MsvcTool {
            MsvcTool {
                tool: tool,
                libs: Vec::new(),
                path: Vec::new(),
                include: Vec::new(),

        fn into_tool(self) -> Tool {
            let MsvcTool { tool, libs, path, include } = self;
            let mut tool = Tool::new(tool.into());
            add_env(&mut tool, "LIB", libs);
            add_env(&mut tool, "PATH", path);
            add_env(&mut tool, "INCLUDE", include);

    // In MSVC 15 (2017) MS once again changed the scheme for locating
    // the tooling.  Now we must go through some COM interfaces, which
    // is super fun for Rust.
    pub fn find_msvc_15(tool: &str, target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {

        let config = otry!(SetupConfiguration::new().ok());
        let iter = otry!(config.enum_all_instances().ok());
        for instance in iter {
            let instance = otry!(instance.ok());
            let tool = tool_from_vs15_instance(tool, target, &instance);
            if tool.is_some() {
                return tool;


    fn tool_from_vs15_instance(tool: &str, target: &str,
                               instance: &SetupInstance) -> Option<Tool> {
        let (bin_path, lib_path, include_path) = otry!(vs15_vc_paths(target, instance));
        let tool_path = bin_path.join(tool);
        if !tool_path.exists() { return None };

        let mut tool = MsvcTool::new(tool_path);

        if let Some((atl_lib_path, atl_include_path)) = atl_paths(target, &bin_path) {

        otry!(add_sdks(&mut tool, target));


    fn vs15_vc_paths(target: &str, instance: &SetupInstance) -> Option<(PathBuf, PathBuf, PathBuf)> {
        let instance_path: PathBuf = otry!(instance.installation_path().ok()).into();
        let version_path = instance_path.join(r"VC\Auxiliary\Build\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.default.txt");
        let mut version_file = otry!(File::open(version_path).ok());
        let mut version = String::new();
        otry!(version_file.read_to_string(&mut version).ok());
        let version = version.trim();
        let host = match host_arch() {
            X86 => "X86",
            X86_64 => "X64",
            _ => return None,
        let target = otry!(lib_subdir(target));
        let path = instance_path.join(r"VC\Tools\MSVC").join(version);
        let bin_path = path.join("bin").join(&format!("Host{}", host)).join(&target);
        let lib_path = path.join("lib").join(&target);
        let include_path = path.join("include");
        Some((bin_path, lib_path, include_path))

    fn atl_paths(target: &str, path: &Path) -> Option<(PathBuf, PathBuf)> {
        let atl_path = path.join("atlfmc");
        let sub = otry!(lib_subdir(target));
        if atl_path.exists() {
            Some((atl_path.join("lib").join(sub), atl_path.join("include")))
        } else {

    // For MSVC 14 we need to find the Universal CRT as well as either
    // the Windows 10 SDK or Windows 8.1 SDK.
    pub fn find_msvc_14(tool: &str, target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        let vcdir = otry!(get_vc_dir("14.0"));
        let mut tool = otry!(get_tool(tool, &vcdir, target));
        otry!(add_sdks(&mut tool, target));

    fn add_sdks(tool: &mut MsvcTool, target: &str) -> Option<()> {
        let sub = otry!(lib_subdir(target));
        let (ucrt, ucrt_version) = otry!(get_ucrt_dir());


        let ucrt_include = ucrt.join("include").join(&ucrt_version);

        let ucrt_lib = ucrt.join("lib").join(&ucrt_version);

        if let Some((sdk, version)) = get_sdk10_dir() {
            let sdk_lib = sdk.join("lib").join(&version);
            let sdk_include = sdk.join("include").join(&version);
        } else if let Some(sdk) = get_sdk81_dir() {
            let sdk_lib = sdk.join("lib").join("winv6.3");
            let sdk_include = sdk.join("include");


    // For MSVC 12 we need to find the Windows 8.1 SDK.
    pub fn find_msvc_12(tool: &str, target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        let vcdir = otry!(get_vc_dir("12.0"));
        let mut tool = otry!(get_tool(tool, &vcdir, target));
        let sub = otry!(lib_subdir(target));
        let sdk81 = otry!(get_sdk81_dir());
        let sdk_lib = sdk81.join("lib").join("winv6.3");
        let sdk_include = sdk81.join("include");

    // For MSVC 11 we need to find the Windows 8 SDK.
    pub fn find_msvc_11(tool: &str, target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        let vcdir = otry!(get_vc_dir("11.0"));
        let mut tool = otry!(get_tool(tool, &vcdir, target));
        let sub = otry!(lib_subdir(target));
        let sdk8 = otry!(get_sdk8_dir());
        let sdk_lib = sdk8.join("lib").join("win8");
        let sdk_include = sdk8.join("include");

    fn add_env(tool: &mut Tool, env: &str, paths: Vec<PathBuf>) {
        let prev = env::var_os(env).unwrap_or(OsString::new());
        let prev = env::split_paths(&prev);
        let new = paths.into_iter().chain(prev);
        tool.env.push((env.to_string().into(), env::join_paths(new).unwrap()));

    // Given a possible MSVC installation directory, we look for the linker and
    // then add the MSVC library path.
    fn get_tool(tool: &str, path: &Path, target: &str) -> Option<MsvcTool> {
            .map(|(sub, host)| (path.join("bin").join(sub).join(tool), path.join("bin").join(host)))
            .filter(|&(ref path, _)| path.is_file())
            .map(|(path, host)| {
                let mut tool = MsvcTool::new(path);
            .filter_map(|mut tool| {
                let sub = otry!(vc_lib_subdir(target));
                let atlmfc_path = path.join("atlmfc");
                if atlmfc_path.exists() {

    // To find MSVC we look in a specific registry key for the version we are
    // trying to find.
    fn get_vc_dir(ver: &str) -> Option<PathBuf> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7";
        let key = otry!(LOCAL_MACHINE.open(key.as_ref()).ok());
        let path = otry!(key.query_str(ver).ok());

    // To find the Universal CRT we look in a specific registry key for where
    // all the Universal CRTs are located and then sort them asciibetically to
    // find the newest version. While this sort of sorting isn't ideal,  it is
    // what vcvars does so that's good enough for us.
    // Returns a pair of (root, version) for the ucrt dir if found
    fn get_ucrt_dir() -> Option<(PathBuf, String)> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Kits\Installed Roots";
        let key = otry!(LOCAL_MACHINE.open(key.as_ref()).ok());
        let root = otry!(key.query_str("KitsRoot10").ok());
        let readdir = otry!(Path::new(&root).join("lib").read_dir().ok());
        let max_libdir = otry!(readdir.filter_map(|dir| dir.ok())
            .map(|dir| dir.path())
            .filter(|dir| {
                    .and_then(|c| c.as_os_str().to_str())
                    .map(|c| c.starts_with("10.") && dir.join("ucrt").is_dir())
        let version = max_libdir.components().last().unwrap();
        let version = version.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
        Some((root.into(), version))

    // Vcvars finds the correct version of the Windows 10 SDK by looking
    // for the include `um\Windows.h` because sometimes a given version will
    // only have UCRT bits without the rest of the SDK. Since we only care about
    // libraries and not includes, we instead look for `um\x64\kernel32.lib`.
    // Since the 32-bit and 64-bit libraries are always installed together we
    // only need to bother checking x64, making this code a tiny bit simpler.
    // Like we do for the Universal CRT, we sort the possibilities
    // asciibetically to find the newest one as that is what vcvars does.
    fn get_sdk10_dir() -> Option<(PathBuf, String)> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0";
        let key = otry!(LOCAL_MACHINE.open(key.as_ref()).ok());
        let root = otry!(key.query_str("InstallationFolder").ok());
        let readdir = otry!(Path::new(&root).join("lib").read_dir().ok());
        let mut dirs = readdir.filter_map(|dir| dir.ok())
            .map(|dir| dir.path())
        let dir = otry!(dirs.into_iter()
            .filter(|dir| dir.join("um").join("x64").join("kernel32.lib").is_file())
        let version = dir.components().last().unwrap();
        let version = version.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
        Some((root.into(), version))

    // Interestingly there are several subdirectories, `win7` `win8` and
    // `winv6.3`. Vcvars seems to only care about `winv6.3` though, so the same
    // applies to us. Note that if we were targetting kernel mode drivers
    // instead of user mode applications, we would care.
    fn get_sdk81_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1";
        let key = otry!(LOCAL_MACHINE.open(key.as_ref()).ok());
        let root = otry!(key.query_str("InstallationFolder").ok());

    fn get_sdk8_dir() -> Option<PathBuf> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0";
        let key = otry!(LOCAL_MACHINE.open(key.as_ref()).ok());
        let root = otry!(key.query_str("InstallationFolder").ok());

    const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: u16 = 9;
    const X86_64: u16 = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64;

    // When choosing the tool to use, we have to choose the one which matches
    // the target architecture. Otherwise we end up in situations where someone
    // on 32-bit Windows is trying to cross compile to 64-bit and it tries to
    // invoke the native 64-bit compiler which won't work.
    // For the return value of this function, the first member of the tuple is
    // the folder of the tool we will be invoking, while the second member is
    // the folder of the host toolchain for that tool which is essential when
    // using a cross linker. We return a Vec since on x64 there are often two
    // linkers that can target the architecture we desire. The 64-bit host
    // linker is preferred, and hence first, due to 64-bit allowing it more
    // address space to work with and potentially being faster.
    fn bin_subdir(target: &str) -> Vec<(&'static str, &'static str)> {
        let arch = target.split('-').next().unwrap();
        match (arch, host_arch()) {
            ("i586", X86) | ("i686", X86) => vec![("", "")],
            ("i586", X86_64) | ("i686", X86_64) => vec![("amd64_x86", "amd64"), ("", "")],
            ("x86_64", X86) => vec![("x86_amd64", "")],
            ("x86_64", X86_64) => vec![("amd64", "amd64"), ("x86_amd64", "")],
            ("arm", X86) => vec![("x86_arm", "")],
            ("arm", X86_64) => vec![("amd64_arm", "amd64"), ("x86_arm", "")],
            _ => vec![],

    fn lib_subdir(target: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
        let arch = target.split('-').next().unwrap();
        match arch {
            "i586" | "i686" => Some("x86"),
            "x86_64" => Some("x64"),
            "arm" => Some("arm"),
            _ => None,

    // MSVC's x86 libraries are not in a subfolder
    fn vc_lib_subdir(target: &str) -> Option<&'static str> {
        let arch = target.split('-').next().unwrap();
        match arch {
            "i586" | "i686" => Some(""),
            "x86_64" => Some("amd64"),
            "arm" => Some("arm"),
            _ => None,

    fn host_arch() -> u16 {
        type DWORD = u32;
        type WORD = u16;
        type LPVOID = *mut u8;
        type DWORD_PTR = usize;

        struct SYSTEM_INFO {
            wProcessorArchitecture: WORD,
            _wReserved: WORD,
            _dwPageSize: DWORD,
            _lpMinimumApplicationAddress: LPVOID,
            _lpMaximumApplicationAddress: LPVOID,
            _dwActiveProcessorMask: DWORD_PTR,
            _dwNumberOfProcessors: DWORD,
            _dwProcessorType: DWORD,
            _dwAllocationGranularity: DWORD,
            _wProcessorLevel: WORD,
            _wProcessorRevision: WORD,

        extern "system" {
            fn GetNativeSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo: *mut SYSTEM_INFO);

        unsafe {
            let mut info = mem::zeroed();
            GetNativeSystemInfo(&mut info);

    // Given a registry key, look at all the sub keys and find the one which has
    // the maximal numeric value.
    // Returns the name of the maximal key as well as the opened maximal key.
    fn max_version(key: &RegistryKey) -> Option<(OsString, RegistryKey)> {
        let mut max_vers = 0;
        let mut max_key = None;
        for subkey in key.iter().filter_map(|k| k.ok()) {
            let val = subkey.to_str()
                .and_then(|s| s.trim_left_matches("v").replace(".", "").parse().ok());
            let val = match val {
                Some(s) => s,
                None => continue,
            if val > max_vers {
                if let Ok(k) = key.open(&subkey) {
                    max_vers = val;
                    max_key = Some((subkey, k));

    pub fn has_msbuild_version(version: &str) -> bool {
        match version {
            "15.0" => {
                find_msbuild_vs15("x86_64-pc-windows-msvc").is_some() ||
            "12.0" | "14.0" => {
            _ => false

    // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/328017/path-to-msbuild
    pub fn find_msbuild(target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        // VS 15 (2017) changed how to locate msbuild
        if let Some(r) = find_msbuild_vs15(target) {
            return Some(r);
        } else {

    fn find_msbuild_vs15(target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        // Seems like this could also go through SetupConfiguration,
        // or that find_msvc_15 could just use this registry key
        // instead of the COM interface.
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7";
            .and_then(|key| {
            .map(|path| {
                let path = PathBuf::from(path).join(r"MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe");
                let mut tool = Tool::new(path);
                if target.contains("x86_64") {
                    tool.env.push(("Platform".into(), "X64".into()));

    fn find_old_msbuild(target: &str) -> Option<Tool> {
        let key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions";
            .and_then(|key| {
                max_version(&key).and_then(|(_vers, key)| key.query_str("MSBuildToolsPath").ok())
            .map(|path| {
                let mut path = PathBuf::from(path);
                let mut tool = Tool::new(path);
                if target.contains("x86_64") {
                    tool.env.push(("Platform".into(), "X64".into()));