#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "Starts Bro with the given arguments in the background and, when" echo "it’s ready, starts Midbro." echo echo "Usage: $0 INTERFACE SCRIPT" echo "Example: $0 lo modbus.bro" exit fi INTERFACE=$1 SCRIPT=$(realpath $2) BRODIR=$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")/../..") BROLOG=$(realpath bro.log) MIDBRO=${BRODIR}/bin/midbro MIDBROLOG=$(realpath midbro.log) TMPDIR=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir midbro.XXXX) echo "* Starting Bro in background ..." cd "${TMPDIR}" && sudo bro -i "${INTERFACE}" "${SCRIPT}" > ${BROLOG} 2>&1 & BROPID=$! echo "* Waiting for Bro to listen ..." sleep 1 tail -f ${BROLOG} | while read LOGLINE do [[ "${LOGLINE}" == "listening on "* ]] && pkill -P $$ tail done echo "* Starting Midbro ..." ${MIDBRO} kill $BROPID rm -r "${TMPDIR}"