/* -Course- DAT300: Data-driven support for cyber-physical systems -Project- Intrusion Detection for Industrial Control Networks -Group 8- Hassan Ghalayini - hassang@student.chalmers.se Malama Kasanda - malama@student.chalmers.se Vaios Taxiarchis - vaios@student.chalmers.se Modified by Robin Krahl , Group 3: - Write sensor readings and distance to text files - Take the arguments N, L, r from argc (TODO) - Formatting */ #include #include #include #include "midbro.h" int main() { clock_t begin; int N=1000,L=500,r=18,l=0; double t=30; FILE *file_sensor = fopen("sensor.dat", "w"); FILE *file_distance = fopen("distance.dat", "w"); /* Arrays and variables */ int sL=86336; double s[sL]; double U[L][r]; double X[L]; double product_Xt_P_X; double product_Xt_X; int i=0,j=0,c=0,d=0,k=0; double sum=0.0,dist=0.0; start_data_capture(); /* File Descriptor to read projection matrix from U.txt */ FILE *file; char ch='a'; int flag=0; file=fopen("U.txt", "r"); printf(" >Reading U[%dx%d] matrix from .txt file...",L,r); /* Read all values to an array */ for(i=0;i