#include #include #include #include #include "types.h" #include "fifoqueue.h" Fifo_q * init_queue(int size) { Fifo_q * q = (Fifo_q *) malloc(sizeof(Fifo_q)); q->head = NULL; q->tail = NULL; q->maxSize = size; q->currentSize = 0; /*Queue empty from the beginning (block)*/ sem_init(&q->bufferEmptyBlock, 0, 0); sem_init(&q->lock, 0, 1); return q; } boolean is_full(Fifo_q * q) { if(q->currentSize < q->maxSize) return false; else return true; } boolean is_empty(Fifo_q * q) { if(q->head==NULL) return true; else return false; } int add_to_queue(Fifo_q * q, Sensor_t * sensor) { if(q == NULL){ printf("Error: Queue not initialized\n"); return -1; } else if(is_full(q)){ /* Drop Least Recently or Drop Most Recently */ #ifdef DLR pop_from_queue(q); #endif return 0; } sem_wait(&q->lock); Queue_t * new_elem = (Queue_t *) malloc(sizeof(Queue_t)); new_elem->next = NULL; new_elem->sensor = sensor; if(is_empty(q)){ q->head = new_elem; sem_post(&q->bufferEmptyBlock); }else q->tail->next = new_elem; q->tail = new_elem; q->currentSize++; sem_post(&q->lock); return 1; } Sensor_t * pop_from_queue(Fifo_q * q) { int semStat; if(is_empty(q)){ #ifdef DEBUG printf("Waiting for sensor data\n"); #endif sem_wait(&q->bufferEmptyBlock); } sem_wait(&q->lock); Queue_t * head = q->head; Sensor_t * sensor = head->sensor; /* If dequeue the last element */ if(q->currentSize == 1){ q->head = NULL; q->tail = NULL; /* Read current semaphore value */ sem_getvalue(&q->bufferEmptyBlock, &semStat); if(semStat == 1) /* Mark buffer as empty if last elem */ sem_wait(&q->bufferEmptyBlock); }else{ q->head = head->next; } free(head); q->currentSize--; sem_post(&q->lock); return sensor; } Sensor_t * create_sensor_object(int value, int uid) { Sensor_t * sensor = (Sensor_t *) malloc(sizeof(Sensor_t)); sensor->value = value; sensor->uid = uid; return sensor; } void print_queue(Fifo_q * q) { sem_wait(&q->lock); Queue_t * current = q->head; printf("\nContent of the queue with size=%d\n",q->currentSize); if(current == NULL){ printf("The queue is empty!\n"); sem_post(&q->lock); return; } while(current != NULL){ printf("sensor value=%d, sensor uid=%d\n", current->sensor->value, current->sensor->uid); current = current->next; } sem_post(&q->lock); }