import pytest import cffi ffi = cffi.FFI() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def C(request): fp = '../NK_C_API.h' declarations = [] with open(fp, 'r') as f: declarations = f.readlines() for declaration in declarations: # extern int NK_write_totp_slot(int slot_number, char* secret, int time_window); if 'extern' in declaration and not '"C"' in declaration: declaration = declaration.replace('extern', '').strip() print(declaration) ffi.cdef(declaration) C = ffi.dlopen("../build/") C.NK_login('12345678', '123123123') C.NK_set_debug(True) def fin(): C.NK_logout() request.addfinalizer(fin) return C def test_HOTP_RFC(C): # C.NK_write_hotp_slot(1, 'python_test', '12345678901234567890', 0, '123123123') test_data = [ 755224, 287082, 359152, 969429, 338314, 254676, 287922, 162583, 399871, 520489, ] for code in test_data: r = C.NK_get_hotp_code(1) assert code == r def test_TOTP_RFC(C): # test according to C.NK_write_totp_slot(1, 'python_test', '12345678901234567890', 30, True, '123123123') test_data = [ (59, 1, 94287082), (1111111109, 0x00000000023523EC, 7081804), (1111111111, 0x00000000023523ED, 14050471), (1234567890, 0x000000000273EF07, 89005924), ] for t, T, code in test_data: C.NK_totp_set_time(t) r = C.NK_get_totp_code(1, T, 0, 30) # FIXME T is not changing the outcome assert code == r def test_get_slot_names(C): s = [] for i in range(16): s.append(ffi.string(C.NK_get_totp_slot_name(i))) for i in range(3): s.append(ffi.string(C.NK_get_hotp_slot_name(i))) print(repr(s)) print(s) def test_get_OTP_codes(C): s = [] for i in range(16): s.append(C.NK_get_totp_code(i, 0, 0, 0)) for i in range(3): s.append(C.NK_get_hotp_code(i)) print(repr(s)) print(s)