#ifndef DEVICE_H #define DEVICE_H #include <chrono> #include <hidapi/hidapi.h> #include <cstdint> #include <string> #define HID_REPORT_SIZE 65 #include <atomic> namespace nitrokey { namespace device { using namespace std::chrono_literals; using std::chrono::milliseconds; struct EnumClassHash { template <typename T> std::size_t operator()(T t) const { return static_cast<std::size_t>(t); } }; enum class DeviceModel{ PRO, STORAGE }; class Device { public: struct ErrorCounters{ int wrong_CRC; int CRC_other_than_awaited; int busy; int total_retries; int sending_error; int receiving_error; int total_comm_runs; int storage_commands; int successful; std::string get_as_string(); } m_counters = {}; Device(const uint16_t vid, const uint16_t pid, const DeviceModel model, const milliseconds send_receive_delay, const int retry_receiving_count, const milliseconds retry_timeout); virtual ~Device(){show_stats(); disconnect();} // lack of device is not actually an error, // so it doesn't throw virtual bool connect(); virtual bool disconnect(); /* * Sends packet of HID_REPORT_SIZE. */ virtual int send(const void *packet); /* * Gets packet of HID_REPORT_SIZE. * Can sleep. See below. */ virtual int recv(void *packet); bool is_connected(); void show_stats(); ErrorCounters get_stats(){ return m_counters; } int get_retry_receiving_count() const { return m_retry_receiving_count; }; int get_retry_sending_count() const { return m_retry_sending_count; }; std::chrono::milliseconds get_retry_timeout() const { return m_retry_timeout; }; std::chrono::milliseconds get_send_receive_delay() const {return m_send_receive_delay;} int get_last_command_status() {int a = std::atomic_exchange(&last_command_status, static_cast<uint8_t>(0)); return a;}; void set_last_command_status(uint8_t _err) { last_command_status = _err;} ; bool last_command_sucessfull() const {return last_command_status == 0;}; DeviceModel get_device_model() const {return m_model;} private: std::atomic<uint8_t> last_command_status; protected: const uint16_t m_vid; const uint16_t m_pid; const DeviceModel m_model; /* * While the project uses Signal11 portable HIDAPI * library, there's no way of doing it asynchronously, * hence polling. */ const int m_retry_sending_count; const int m_retry_receiving_count; const std::chrono::milliseconds m_retry_timeout; const std::chrono::milliseconds m_send_receive_delay; std::atomic<hid_device *>mp_devhandle; }; class Stick10 : public Device { public: Stick10(); }; class Stick20 : public Device { public: Stick20(); }; } } #endif