/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Nitrokey UG * * This file is part of libnitrokey. * * libnitrokey is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * libnitrokey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libnitrokey. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 */ #include <chrono> #include <codecvt> #include <iostream> #include <locale> #include <thread> #include <cstddef> #include <stdexcept> #include "hidapi/hidapi.h" #include "libnitrokey/misc.h" #include "libnitrokey/device.h" #include "libnitrokey/log.h" #include <mutex> #include "DeviceCommunicationExceptions.h" #include "device.h" std::mutex mex_dev_com; using namespace nitrokey::device; using namespace nitrokey::log; using namespace nitrokey::misc; using namespace std::chrono; const uint16_t nitrokey::device::NITROKEY_VID = 0x20a0; const uint16_t nitrokey::device::NITROKEY_PRO_PID = 0x4108; const uint16_t nitrokey::device::NITROKEY_STORAGE_PID = 0x4109; Option<DeviceModel> nitrokey::device::product_id_to_model(uint16_t product_id) { switch (product_id) { case NITROKEY_PRO_PID: return DeviceModel::PRO; case NITROKEY_STORAGE_PID: return DeviceModel::STORAGE; default: return {}; } } std::atomic_int Device::instances_count{0}; std::chrono::milliseconds Device::default_delay {0} ; std::ostream& nitrokey::device::operator<<(std::ostream& stream, DeviceModel model) { switch (model) { case DeviceModel::PRO: stream << "Pro"; break; case DeviceModel::STORAGE: stream << "Storage"; break; default: stream << "Unknown"; break; } return stream; } Device::Device(const uint16_t vid, const uint16_t pid, const DeviceModel model, const milliseconds send_receive_delay, const int retry_receiving_count, const milliseconds retry_timeout) : last_command_status(0), m_vid(vid), m_pid(pid), m_model(model), m_retry_sending_count(1), m_retry_receiving_count(retry_receiving_count), m_retry_timeout(retry_timeout), m_send_receive_delay(send_receive_delay), mp_devhandle(nullptr) { instances_count++; } bool Device::disconnect() { //called in object's destructor LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); return _disconnect(); } bool Device::_disconnect() { LOG(std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(m_model == DeviceModel::PRO ? "PRO" : "STORAGE"), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); LOG(std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(" *IN* "), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); if(mp_devhandle == nullptr) { LOG(std::string("Disconnection: handle already freed: ") + std::to_string(mp_devhandle == nullptr) + " ("+m_path+")", Loglevel::DEBUG_L1); return false; } hid_close(mp_devhandle); mp_devhandle = nullptr; #ifndef __APPLE__ if (instances_count == 1){ LOG(std::string("Calling hid_exit"), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); hid_exit(); } #endif return true; } bool Device::connect() { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); return _connect(); } bool Device::_connect() { LOG(std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(" *IN* "), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); // hid_init(); // done automatically on hid_open if (m_path.empty()){ mp_devhandle = hid_open(m_vid, m_pid, nullptr); } else { mp_devhandle = hid_open_path(m_path.c_str()); } const bool success = mp_devhandle != nullptr; LOG(std::string("Connection success: ") + std::to_string(success) + " ("+m_path+")", Loglevel::DEBUG_L1); return success; } void Device::set_path(const std::string path){ m_path = path; } int Device::send(const void *packet) { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); LOG(std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(" *IN* "), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); int send_feature_report = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 3 && send_feature_report < 0; ++i) { if (mp_devhandle == nullptr) { LOG(std::string("Connection fail") , Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); throw DeviceNotConnected("Attempted HID send on an invalid descriptor."); } send_feature_report = hid_send_feature_report( mp_devhandle, (const unsigned char *)(packet), HID_REPORT_SIZE); if (send_feature_report < 0) _reconnect(); //add thread sleep? LOG(std::string("Sending attempt: ")+std::to_string(i+1) + " / 3" , Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); } return send_feature_report; } int Device::recv(void *packet) { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); LOG(std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(" *IN* "), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); int status; int retry_count = 0; for (;;) { if (mp_devhandle == nullptr){ LOG(std::string("Connection fail") , Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); throw DeviceNotConnected("Attempted HID receive on an invalid descriptor."); } status = (hid_get_feature_report(mp_devhandle, (unsigned char *)(packet), HID_REPORT_SIZE)); auto pwherr = hid_error(mp_devhandle); std::wstring wherr = (pwherr != nullptr) ? pwherr : L"No error message"; std::string herr(wherr.begin(), wherr.end()); LOG(std::string("libhid error message: ") + herr, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); if (status > 0) break; // success if (retry_count++ >= m_retry_receiving_count) { LOG( "Maximum retry count reached: " + std::to_string(retry_count), Loglevel::WARNING); LOG( std::string("Counter stats: ") + m_counters.get_as_string(), Loglevel::DEBUG); break; } _reconnect(); LOG("Retrying... " + std::to_string(retry_count), Loglevel::DEBUG); std::this_thread::sleep_for(m_retry_timeout); } return status; } std::vector<DeviceInfo> Device::enumerate(){ auto pInfo = hid_enumerate(NITROKEY_VID, 0); auto pInfo_ = pInfo; std::vector<DeviceInfo> res; while (pInfo != nullptr){ auto deviceModel = product_id_to_model(pInfo->product_id); if (deviceModel.has_value()) { std::string path(pInfo->path); std::wstring serialNumberW(pInfo->serial_number); std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>> converter; std::string serialNumber = converter.to_bytes(serialNumberW); DeviceInfo info = { deviceModel.value(), path, serialNumber }; res.push_back(info); } pInfo = pInfo->next; } if (pInfo_ != nullptr){ hid_free_enumeration(pInfo_); } return res; } std::shared_ptr<Device> Device::create(DeviceModel model) { switch (model) { case DeviceModel::PRO: return std::make_shared<Stick10>(); case DeviceModel::STORAGE: return std::make_shared<Stick20>(); default: return {}; } } bool Device::could_be_enumerated() { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); if (mp_devhandle==nullptr){ return false; } #ifndef __APPLE__ auto pInfo = hid_enumerate(m_vid, m_pid); if (pInfo != nullptr){ hid_free_enumeration(pInfo); return true; } return false; #else // alternative for OSX unsigned char buf[1]; return hid_read_timeout(mp_devhandle, buf, sizeof(buf), 20) != -1; #endif } void Device::show_stats() { auto s = m_counters.get_as_string(); LOG(s, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); } void Device::_reconnect() { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); ++m_counters.low_level_reconnect; _disconnect(); _connect(); } Device::~Device() { show_stats(); disconnect(); instances_count--; } void Device::set_default_device_speed(int delay) { default_delay = std::chrono::duration<int, std::milli>(delay); } void Device::set_receiving_delay(const std::chrono::milliseconds delay){ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); m_send_receive_delay = delay; } void Device::set_retry_delay(const std::chrono::milliseconds delay){ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mex_dev_com); m_retry_timeout = delay; } Stick10::Stick10(): Device(NITROKEY_VID, NITROKEY_PRO_PID, DeviceModel::PRO, 100ms, 5, 100ms) { setDefaultDelay(); } Stick20::Stick20(): Device(NITROKEY_VID, NITROKEY_STORAGE_PID, DeviceModel::STORAGE, 40ms, 55, 40ms) { setDefaultDelay(); } #include <sstream> #define p(x) ss << #x << " " << x << ", "; std::string Device::ErrorCounters::get_as_string() { std::stringstream ss; p(total_comm_runs); p(communication_successful); ss << "("; p(command_successful_recv); p(command_result_not_equal_0_recv); ss << "), "; p(sends_executed); p(recv_executed); p(successful_storage_commands); p(total_retries); ss << "("; p(busy); p(busy_progressbar); p(CRC_other_than_awaited); p(wrong_CRC); ss << "), "; p(low_level_reconnect); p(sending_error); p(receiving_error); return ss.str(); } void Device::setDefaultDelay() { LOG(__FUNCTION__, Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); auto count = default_delay.count(); if (count != 0){ LOG("Setting default delay to " + std::to_string(count), Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); m_retry_timeout = default_delay; m_send_receive_delay = default_delay; } } #undef p