/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Nitrokey UG * * This file is part of libnitrokey. * * libnitrokey is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * libnitrokey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libnitrokey. If not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0 */ #include "libnitrokey/NitrokeyManager.h" #include "NitrokeyManager.h" #include "NitrokeyManagerOTP.h" #include "NitrokeyManagerPWS.h" #include "libnitrokey/LibraryException.h" #include "libnitrokey/cxx_semantics.h" #include "libnitrokey/misc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include std::mutex nitrokey::proto::send_receive_mtx; namespace nitrokey{ std::mutex mex_dev_com_manager; using nitrokey::misc::strcpyT; shared_ptr NitrokeyManager::_instance = nullptr; NitrokeyManager::NitrokeyManager() : device(nullptr) { set_debug(false); } NitrokeyManager::~NitrokeyManager() { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); for (auto d : connected_devices){ if (d.second == nullptr) continue; d.second->disconnect(); connected_devices[d.first] = nullptr; } } bool NitrokeyManager::set_current_device_speed(int retry_delay, int send_receive_delay){ if (retry_delay < 20 || send_receive_delay < 20){ LOG("Delay set too low: " + to_string(retry_delay) +" "+ to_string(send_receive_delay), Loglevel::WARNING); return false; } std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); if(device == nullptr) { return false; } device->set_receiving_delay(std::chrono::duration(send_receive_delay)); device->set_retry_delay(std::chrono::duration(retry_delay)); return true; } std::vector NitrokeyManager::list_devices(){ std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); return Device::enumerate(); } std::vector NitrokeyManager::list_devices_by_cpuID(){ using misc::toHex; //disconnect default device disconnect(); std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); LOGD1("Disconnecting registered devices"); for (auto & kv : connected_devices_byID){ if (kv.second != nullptr) kv.second->disconnect(); } connected_devices_byID.clear(); LOGD1("Enumerating devices"); std::vector res; const auto v = Device::enumerate(); LOGD1("Discovering IDs"); for (auto & i: v){ if (i.m_deviceModel != DeviceModel::STORAGE) continue; auto p = i.m_path; auto d = make_shared(); LOGD1( std::string("Found: ") + p ); d->set_path(p); try{ if (d->connect()){ device = d; std::string id; try { const auto status = get_status_storage(); const auto sc_id = toHex(status.ActiveSmartCardID_u32); const auto sd_id = toHex(status.ActiveSD_CardID_u32); id += sc_id + ":" + sd_id; id += "_p_" + p; } catch (const LongOperationInProgressException &e) { LOGD1(std::string("Long operation in progress, setting ID to: ") + p); id = p; } connected_devices_byID[id] = d; res.push_back(id); LOGD1( std::string("Found: ") + p + " => " + id); } else{ LOGD1( std::string("Could not connect to: ") + p); } } catch (const DeviceCommunicationException &e){ LOGD1( std::string("Exception encountered: ") + p); } } return res; } bool NitrokeyManager::connect_with_ID(const std::string id) { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); auto position = connected_devices_byID.find(id); if (position == connected_devices_byID.end()) { LOGD1(std::string("Could not find device ")+id + ". Refresh devices list with list_devices_by_cpuID()."); return false; } auto d = connected_devices_byID[id]; device = d; current_device_id = id; //validate connection try{ get_status(); } catch (const LongOperationInProgressException &){ //ignore } catch (const DeviceCommunicationException &){ d->disconnect(); current_device_id = ""; connected_devices_byID[id] = nullptr; connected_devices_byID.erase(position); return false; } nitrokey::log::Log::setPrefix(id); LOGD1("Device successfully changed"); return true; } /** * Connects device to path. * Assumes devices are not being disconnected and caches connections (param cache_connections). * @param path os-dependent device path * @return false, when could not connect, true otherwise */ bool NitrokeyManager::connect_with_path(std::string path) { const bool cache_connections = false; std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); if (cache_connections){ if(connected_devices.find(path) != connected_devices.end() && connected_devices[path] != nullptr) { device = connected_devices[path]; return true; } } auto vendor_id = NITROKEY_VID; auto info_ptr = hid_enumerate(vendor_id, 0); if (!info_ptr) { vendor_id = PURISM_VID; info_ptr = hid_enumerate(vendor_id, 0); } auto first_info_ptr = info_ptr; if (!info_ptr) return false; misc::Option model; while (info_ptr && !model.has_value()) { if (path == std::string(info_ptr->path)) { model = product_id_to_model(info_ptr->vendor_id, info_ptr->product_id); } info_ptr = info_ptr->next; } hid_free_enumeration(first_info_ptr); if (!model.has_value()) return false; auto p = Device::create(model.value()); if (!p) return false; p->set_path(path); if(!p->connect()) return false; if(cache_connections){ connected_devices [path] = p; } device = p; //previous device will be disconnected automatically current_device_id = path; nitrokey::log::Log::setPrefix(path); LOGD1("Device successfully changed"); return true; } bool NitrokeyManager::connect() { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); vector< shared_ptr > devices = { make_shared(), make_shared(), make_shared() }; bool connected = false; for( auto & d : devices ){ if (d->connect()){ device = std::shared_ptr(d); connected = true; } } return connected; } void NitrokeyManager::set_log_function(std::function log_function){ static nitrokey::log::FunctionalLogHandler handler(log_function); nitrokey::log::Log::instance().set_handler(&handler); } bool NitrokeyManager::set_default_commands_delay(int delay){ if (delay < 20){ LOG("Delay set too low: " + to_string(delay), Loglevel::WARNING); return false; } Device::set_default_device_speed(delay); return true; } bool NitrokeyManager::connect(const char *device_model) { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); LOG(__FUNCTION__, nitrokey::log::Loglevel::DEBUG_L2); switch (device_model[0]){ case 'P': device = make_shared(); break; case 'S': device = make_shared(); break; case 'L': device = make_shared(); break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown model"); } return device->connect(); } bool NitrokeyManager::connect(device::DeviceModel device_model) { const char *model_string; switch (device_model) { case device::DeviceModel::PRO: model_string = "P"; break; case device::DeviceModel::STORAGE: model_string = "S"; break; case device::DeviceModel::LIBREM: model_string = "L"; break; default: throw std::runtime_error("Unknown model"); } return connect(model_string); } shared_ptr NitrokeyManager::instance() { static std::mutex mutex; std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (_instance == nullptr){ _instance = make_shared(); } return _instance; } bool NitrokeyManager::disconnect() { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); return _disconnect_no_lock(); } bool NitrokeyManager::_disconnect_no_lock() { //do not use directly without locked mutex, //used by could_be_enumerated, disconnect if (device == nullptr){ return false; } const auto res = device->disconnect(); device = nullptr; return res; } bool NitrokeyManager::is_connected() throw(){ std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); if(device != nullptr){ auto connected = device->could_be_enumerated(); if(connected){ return true; } else { _disconnect_no_lock(); return false; } } return false; } bool NitrokeyManager::could_current_device_be_enumerated() { std::lock_guard lock(mex_dev_com_manager); if (device != nullptr) { return device->could_be_enumerated(); } return false; } void NitrokeyManager::set_loglevel(int loglevel) { loglevel = max(loglevel, static_cast(Loglevel::ERROR)); loglevel = min(loglevel, static_cast(Loglevel::DEBUG_L2)); Log::instance().set_loglevel(static_cast(loglevel)); } void NitrokeyManager::set_loglevel(Loglevel loglevel) { Log::instance().set_loglevel(loglevel); } void NitrokeyManager::set_debug(bool state) { if (state){ Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::DEBUG); } else { Log::instance().set_loglevel(Loglevel::ERROR); } } string NitrokeyManager::get_serial_number() { try { auto serial_number = this->get_serial_number_as_u32(); if (serial_number == 0) { return "NA"; } else { return nitrokey::misc::toHex(serial_number); } } catch (DeviceNotConnected& e) { return ""; } } uint32_t NitrokeyManager::get_serial_number_as_u32() { if (device == nullptr) { throw DeviceNotConnected("device not connected"); } switch (device->get_device_model()) { case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO: { auto response = GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data().card_serial_u32; } break; case DeviceModel::STORAGE: { auto response = stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data().ActiveSmartCardID_u32; } break; } return 0; } stick10::GetStatus::ResponsePayload NitrokeyManager::get_status(){ try{ auto response = GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data(); } catch (DeviceSendingFailure &e){ // disconnect(); throw; } } string NitrokeyManager::get_status_as_string() { auto response = GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data().dissect(); } // 15 bool NitrokeyManager::first_authenticate(const char *pin, const char *temporary_password) { auto authreq = get_payload(); strcpyT(authreq.card_password, pin); strcpyT(authreq.temporary_password, temporary_password); FirstAuthenticate::CommandTransaction::run(device, authreq); return true; } void NitrokeyManager::change_user_PIN(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN) { change_PIN_general(current_PIN, new_PIN); } void NitrokeyManager::change_admin_PIN(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN) { change_PIN_general(current_PIN, new_PIN); } template void NitrokeyManager::change_PIN_general(const char *current_PIN, const char *new_PIN) { switch (device->get_device_model()){ case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO: { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.old_pin, current_PIN); strcpyT(p.new_pin, new_PIN); ProCommand::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); } break; //in Storage change admin/user pin is divided to two commands with 20 chars field len case DeviceModel::STORAGE: { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.password, current_PIN); p.set_kind(StoKind); auto p2 = get_payload(); strcpyT(p2.password, new_PIN); p2.set_kind(StoKind); ChangeAdminUserPin20Current::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); ChangeAdminUserPin20New::CommandTransaction::run(device, p2); } break; } } uint8_t NitrokeyManager::get_user_retry_count() { if(device->get_device_model() == DeviceModel::STORAGE){ stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); } auto response = GetUserPasswordRetryCount::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data().password_retry_count; } uint8_t NitrokeyManager::get_admin_retry_count() { if(device->get_device_model() == DeviceModel::STORAGE){ stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); } auto response = GetPasswordRetryCount::CommandTransaction::run(device); return response.data().password_retry_count; } void NitrokeyManager::lock_device() { LockDevice::CommandTransaction::run(device); } void NitrokeyManager::user_authenticate(const char *user_password, const char *temporary_password) { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.card_password, user_password); strcpyT(p.temporary_password, temporary_password); UserAuthenticate::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); } void NitrokeyManager::build_aes_key(const char *admin_password) { switch (device->get_device_model()) { case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO: { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.admin_password, admin_password); BuildAESKey::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); break; } case DeviceModel::STORAGE : { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.password, admin_password); p.set_defaults(); stick20::CreateNewKeys::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); break; } } } void NitrokeyManager::factory_reset(const char *admin_password) { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.admin_password, admin_password); FactoryReset::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); } void NitrokeyManager::unlock_user_password(const char *admin_password, const char *new_user_password) { switch (device->get_device_model()){ case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO: { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.admin_password, admin_password); strcpyT(p.user_new_password, new_user_password); stick10::UnlockUserPassword::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); break; } case DeviceModel::STORAGE : { auto p2 = get_payload(); p2.set_defaults(); strcpyT(p2.password, admin_password); ChangeAdminUserPin20Current::CommandTransaction::run(device, p2); auto p3 = get_payload(); p3.set_defaults(); strcpyT(p3.password, new_user_password); stick20::UnlockUserPin::CommandTransaction::run(device, p3); break; } } } bool NitrokeyManager::is_authorization_command_supported(){ //authorization command is supported for versions equal or below: auto m = std::unordered_map({ {DeviceModel::PRO, 7}, {DeviceModel::LIBREM, 7}, {DeviceModel::STORAGE, 53}, }); return get_minor_firmware_version() <= m[device->get_device_model()]; } DeviceModel NitrokeyManager::get_connected_device_model() const{ if (device == nullptr){ throw DeviceNotConnected("device not connected"); } return device->get_device_model(); } bool NitrokeyManager::is_smartcard_in_use(){ try{ stick20::CheckSmartcardUsage::CommandTransaction::run(device); } catch(const CommandFailedException & e){ return e.reason_smartcard_busy(); } return false; } uint8_t NitrokeyManager::get_minor_firmware_version(){ switch(device->get_device_model()){ case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO:{ auto status_p = GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return status_p.data().firmware_version_st.minor; //7 or 8 } case DeviceModel::STORAGE:{ auto status = stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); auto test_firmware = status.data().versionInfo.build_iteration != 0; if (test_firmware) LOG("Development firmware detected. Increasing minor version number.", nitrokey::log::Loglevel::WARNING); return status.data().versionInfo.minor + (test_firmware? 1 : 0); } } return 0; } uint8_t NitrokeyManager::get_major_firmware_version(){ switch(device->get_device_model()){ case DeviceModel::LIBREM: case DeviceModel::PRO:{ auto status_p = GetStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return status_p.data().firmware_version_st.major; //0 } case DeviceModel::STORAGE:{ auto status = stick20::GetDeviceStatus::CommandTransaction::run(device); return status.data().versionInfo.major; } } return 0; } bool NitrokeyManager::is_AES_supported(const char *user_password) { auto a = get_payload(); strcpyT(a.user_password, user_password); IsAESSupported::CommandTransaction::run(device, a); return true; } const string NitrokeyManager::get_current_device_id() const { return current_device_id; } void NitrokeyManager::enable_firmware_update_pro(const char *firmware_pin) { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.firmware_password, firmware_pin); FirmwareUpdate::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); } void NitrokeyManager::change_firmware_update_password_pro(const char *firmware_pin_current, const char *firmware_pin_new) { auto p = get_payload(); strcpyT(p.firmware_password_current, firmware_pin_current); strcpyT(p.firmware_password_new, firmware_pin_new); FirmwarePasswordChange::CommandTransaction::run(device, p); } }