Credits ======= Most of the content - especially sprites and map textures - is taken from the FLARE game. "All of Flare's art and data files are released under CC-BY-SA 3.0. Later versions are permitted." The maps were created with the Tiled Map Editor . Special thanks to Sabrina for pulling an all nighter and creating the large map for the main mission. Further content: ---------------- * Castle sprite from Feudal Wars (CC0) * Animated particle effects #1 and #2 by para (CC0) * Explosion animation and sound by WrathGames Studio (CC-BY 3.0) * The Fleischklops / Meatball sprite is licenced under CC BY 3.0. It was created using Clint Bellanger's Zombie (CC BY 3.0) Title screen: ------------- * "The Triumph of Death" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525 - 1569) Music: ------ * Title screen music by Kosta T / Konstantin Trokay (CC BY-NC 4.0) * Game screen music Sounds: ------- * Wet squish, slurp impacts by (CC0): * High Quality Explosions by Michel Baradari (CC-BY 3.0): * The Skeleton Horse sound * The Knight sound * The Meatball sound * The walking sound of the remaining creatures